Gets introduced

>gets introduced
>immediately becomes the most popular character in the franchise

How did this happen?

Attached: 1519061432878.jpg (1920x1080, 289K)

Other urls found in this thread:

She had a different body type. Everyone had big tiddies.

Japanese have shit taste.

she killed the millions of people that didn't like her. making her the most popular by default

she's the best

Attached: marie4r3.png (1080x1920, 2.08M)

>every girl has tits except one
>breast fans have many favorite characters but all flatfags converge on that one
That's how.

Being the most erotic character seen in videogames until 2B was invented helped a lot.

Attached: marie pole.webm (1066x720, 2.63M)

The japanese are mostly pedos

It’s fucking obvious, but none of you pedophiles will admit it.

because they created perfection

Whoever keeps posting these DOA threads, thank you.

>tfw playing VV on lowest settings and resolution so you an most efficiently farm the event

Attached: 9EBD5938-93A2-473D-A048-EA674F871D18.png (2000x2360, 2.62M)

How did they manage to create such a deadly killer?


Nah. Marie looks like an 18 year old girl. It’s like you guys don’t even remember what an 18 year old looks like. They’re still teenagers, there’s plenty of 18 year olds that look like Marie. It’s the rest of the DOAs that don’t look the right age, they look like they’re in their 30s yet apparently they’re in their early 20s

Her body is what the peak performance female looks like

Where's that user who does Marie ERP?

Dumbasses will scream pedo at anything, if you haven't noticed.

..there's one?

Attached: marie2.jpg (675x1200, 123K)

Dead. I never got my email.

Japan has god tier taste.

Attached: 1535811413763.jpg (1080x1920, 153K)

I do but I don't think I'm whoever you're talking about.

>Pedos this delusional

>old hag (doa1)
>core value american
>liked most in europe

Explain me this fags?

Attached: 1475258891441.png (1920x1088, 1.73M)

>femscum this mad

Attached: marie45.jpg (1934x1088, 165K)

because everything about her is "just right"

Attached: IazJWlU.jpg (500x500, 23K)

Who gave you pictures of my wife?

thank Sweden

Attached: 1504690952278.jpg (1080x1920, 517K)

Oh Yeah

Attached: 2ac16c00.jpg (1280x720, 141K)

i mean, not him but i'll take it


Attached: image.jpg (1920x1080, 175K)

Because she is the best

Breasts stop growing at like 17 dude

>most popular character has smol core values

Bring on the marie erp
The threads are too few for you to miss one

Attached: 1550837880756.png (1146x1528, 1.98M)

just think of the 5000 trillion


This is the real question.

Doesn't look american to me

Attached: 1550607745344.jpg (500x478, 42K)

Nah I saw some cp the other day and didnt even like it
lupchan, if the admin didnt respond to my report yet

She's a killer

Attached: DyZlp0tVAAAEPb8.jpg (499x712, 91K)

This. She's unique so everyone who likes something other than 'Titty Monster' either has to go with her or no one. They've never gone all the way back to that well either, though they're putting more modest chested girls in now with NiCO and Nagisa.

Attached: 2 - DtmTfC4.png (1920x1080, 2.54M)

>small tits
>fat ass
>all the other girls look like they're in their late 20s
>she and Honkers were the only ones with unique bodies
That should cover most of it

Attached: 1526744630685.jpg (3840x2160, 2.58M)

what happens if the thread is canned then, can't have them be cut short
unless it continues in trash that is

Go to the /fgsg/ thread on /trash/ and I'll be your Marie Rose there.

Attached: Marie 03.jpg (1920x1080, 279K)


be honest if full immersion virtual reality comes out in our lifetime and you get to fuck marie would you care about real girls anymore?

Is this you doing the rp-ing?

She’s disgusting I don’t see the appeal

You prefer America's version of a woman?

Attached: caitlyn-jenner_gettyimages-524690236jpg.jpg (300x300, 14K)

>be honest if full immersion virtual reality comes out in our lifetime and you get to fuck marie would you care about real girls anymore?
Of course not, real girls are dramatically overrated. I just want my nut without getting manipulated or drained of resources.

>full immersion
>can focus on myself fully

Pretty much- in a game where there's no real emphasis on anything about the characters other than their bodies and most of the girls are "conventionally attractive" with similarly-sized proportions/bouncy tits and one of them significantly deviates from that mold she's the one who will get the most attention. If they made a girl who was notably thiccer than the rest of the cast she'd be one of the most popular girls too.

Compare this to Senran Kagura, where while it's a similarly fanservice-focused series where most of the girls have giant water balloon tits there's still enough attention given to other parts of their designs/personalities that there's a more normal distribution of favorite girls among the fanbase.

>caring about real girls now

Americans' ability to recognise ages is destroyed by their massive number of hollywood and porn films containing 30 year old smokers pretending to be 18.

oh god no noo i dont need this

I don't care for them already.

>If they made a girl who was notably thiccer than the rest of the cast she'd be one of the most popular girls too.
Honoka is the second-most popular, yes.

Tina is best girl. Best looking, has a sexy accent, blonde and rejects Zack. Shes got it all.

Pedo is like under 12 years old. The reason people call men attracted to teenage girls pedo is because old women hate that men prefer young women to them. These same women then buy revealing clothing for their daughters.

Don't talk to me ever again. I prefer Mila, you fag.

>liking meme girl 1.0

At least post some REAL DOAs

Attached: best girls.jpg (5120x1440, 3.37M)

Because she looks like a young virgin, and females role in life is to bring children, and there's nothing better than eggs that doesn't have short expiration dates and hasn't been defiled by other peoples semen.

>Go to load up VV
>Five year long DMM client update

America has shit women so please don't post them again. I just ate.

This is an 18 year old girl. Notice how she looks youthful like Marie rose and not like a fully developed woman like the rest of the DOAs

Attached: 712905F9-A10D-4CC9-8A93-F7F3B2936E09.jpg (811x811, 95K)

That face is closer to the others than it is to Marie though. This girl is finished developing.

Misaki's older, flatter sister

Attached: 1545146935165.jpg (3840x2160, 1.29M)

Not everyone is an oppaifag.

Koko's mom when?

They just keep making more and more of these literal whos.

i wish i was marie rose

I want to RAPE Marie Rose.

>Short hair

Attached: 1442713115755.png (802x1197, 57K)

Why would you like such an old hag

Attached: A99C4C41-C3BC-455B-8327-7D66D4CE4954.jpg (494x669, 397K)

Don't cross her. Anything is better than the non-character that is Luna

Attached: 1545122632765.webm (400x225, 542K)

She was a nice breath of fresh ass.

Because she's hot as fuck

Attached: Incredibly Sweaty Man.jpg (426x341, 34K)

I prefer Ayane

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Online Beta Test_20190223114119.png (1920x1080, 2.2M)

Japs love raping underaged white girls

Misaki > Fiona > Luna > the one with green hair > Nagisa

I bet she’d look better with a less ugly haircut. Koko Ayane and tomi suffer from the same shit hairstyle problem

Attached: A8E92C27-F264-4294-AE85-1ECF44F9FD8A.jpg (1920x1080, 312K)

The proof it's not pedobait is Honoka. Honoka is literally a body swap of Marie Rose with fat ass and cow tits, and she's as popular and more popular in some polls.
It's the face, she's got the prettiest face of all the girls with the new engine. I would say Marie Rose, Honoka and Momiji in terms of face, then there's a gigantic power gap, then Tina and Lei Fang and then a bunch of old DoA girls at the bottom (mainly Helena, Kasumi, Ayane and Hitomi, much to Yea Forums's dismay they benefit the least from the new engine).

Attached: HONOKA.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

>retard face Luna higher than Tamaki

Attached: 13030952-A3BF-4042-A0DC-3DE30352AE95.jpg (1920x1080, 311K)

I keep fucking forgetting
Are these pics/webms of a porngame ripping off the models of DoA characters or a DoA game itself

Would rape.

This, the face is so good they've reused it for basically every new girl since.
Still, I think it looks best on Marie, she's so cute.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.02M)

Delete this

>Honoka and Marie Rose are the same height

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round_20150819204626.jpg (1920x1080, 349K)

It’s from the game

The Japanese are shameless

Attached: 5CF2C4FD-087E-43E8-82CE-7160688DEE46.jpg (1920x1080, 312K)

Her pussy and ass must be the perfect shade of light pink you've ever seen. God I wish i could taste this literal perfection of female...even her taint would taste and smell divine...she is absolutely perfect in every way...

This was peak hitomi. She was peak doll and they could never replicate it with realism. Sure, they all look hot, but they lost the edge.

Attached: Moe_Hitomi_Bikini.jpg (1250x1000, 189K)

>tfw we will never get a new throwback DOA with this art style or a remaster of DOA2U.

Attached: 1500593466921.jpg (351x351, 22K)

I upgraded your Marie for you. Be thankful!

Attached: 1543422639521.jpg (1920x1080, 338K)

Attached: marie4t.jpg (1920x1080, 299K)

Flat as pankakes
Why are japs afraid of ass

Marie and Honkers are the new hotness
old hags can go to street fighter

Attached: 5EC1DC4B-EFAA-41BB-9B65-5600772EF352.jpg (1920x1080, 290K)

because pedos

Those are both from DOAX3: Fortune (Only version currently with VR/Pole Dancing/Fortune 'swimsuit')

Attached: 20 - wibt5Ce.png (1080x1920, 2.49M)

Attached: 0D92FEB5-2332-4D90-A144-59961B876824.jpg (1920x1080, 297K)

Nah homie

Attached: A3527411-8B19-475F-8C0A-D9BB4D273BF4.jpg (1920x1080, 252K)

Damn, DOA6 looks like THAT?!

Attached: 1544793254531.jpg (1920x1080, 309K)

I want Kaede to be the mother of my children.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190101_105338.jpg (3840x2160, 1.08M)

What the fuck is that? Looks like an ambush.

Attached: (450).jpg (2495x1663, 265K)

Have you seen a womans ass irl even?
I mean this doesnt look like its from the game and still looks retarded

For me it's Marie

Honoka the biggest DOA ass is the japs second favorite

>Event is almost over
Shit, I should've figured there would be one for Valentine's.
Another Nyo gacha and still no fucking Nyo.

>Literally ripping off CG and doing a terrible job at it

What do you mean it’s almost over there’s like 4 days left

Why is Honoka so thicc?

They just realized that having huge tits and no ass looks retarded, give them some time

Attached: 1525839386477.jpg (1080x1920, 197K)

Attached: 5025C763-5569-4637-ABAC-90DD44C1E13B.jpg (1920x1080, 239K)

I don't use burd but she has the most SSRs among my girls.

Attached: fsdahgf;daj.png (616x643, 486K)

I hate her voice. I hate her fighting style. I hate most of her costumes. But she's good for DOAX3 faps.

Attached: 924B6653-BC97-4B09-BBDA-C566B6902081.jpg (2560x1440, 572K)

She won't stop eating.

Attached: uhhthiccer.webm (960x530, 2.91M)

That's just fat, user

I want to see a fat Marie.

American Honoka


Tits is good but I like small breasts/flat chest too. Tits is way too common and sometimes loses appeal. Call me a pedo or whatever.

Attached: marie_rose_floor_007.png (910x830, 1.18M)

Devs noticed they needed to appeal to low-test Japanese men. Which would include 95% of their population.

is this a raw screenshot from youre console? gayme is looking really rough

Made to be mating pressed violently

She needs a pillow to bite into

Why do Raidou's daughters eat so much?

Attached: a_fighter_s_beauty__b__by_ajyrah-dc9us0o.jpg (1080x1920, 158K)

funny how I dont need to see the rest to get rock hard, guess less is more.

Brought in all the pedos and they're only there for her, so there's a large concentration of people focused on one character while normal people are spread out over the rest of the roster.

I'm getting really tired of these 10 year old girls being sexy as af.

This man understands the appeal of non-nude games like Xtreme that porn-addicted shits who can't get off to anything but puckered assholes will never understand.

Attached: marie_rose___plumber.png (484x827, 520K)

Marie's body is made for reverse cowgirl hard fucking

Pic related, what Americans really think a woman is.

Attached: 1538323235637.jpg (768x1024, 184K)

Attached: EA3EE9C8-B124-4E06-B850-4A91FF73616B.jpg (1080x1920, 150K)

You loli niggas are going to end up in jail.

Attached: chris-hansen-36341-1680x1050.jpg (1680x1050, 542K)

Gives them energy for their powers

au contraire

Attached: Screenshot_20190219-231628.jpg (1370x1428, 442K)

She's proven what every female imageboard already thinks: all men are pedophiles.

>i'm supposed to care what barren, pink-haired 39 yr old "cat moms" think

Good one.

CHECKMATE, HANSEN! How hard is Tyrone's cock, btw?

Attached: 1514131117169.jpg (1289x813, 253K)

>Marie rose
Yea Forums Don't Even know What is loli anymore.

Attached: 1546473546819.jpg (4000x3687, 3.3M)

shes better in honey select though

Yeah, it does look a little rough. Some stages have better lighting, and the dirt still looks kind of bad. You don't notice it much when you're playing though

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Online Beta Test_20190223174358.png (1920x1080, 2.67M)

>How did this happen?
She's a loli in the midst of titty beasts and muscle goons. Of course she'd stand out and get a fan following.

Cute and funny

Whos this little cunny bunny

If they had kinda pulled back on the loli thing I'd have more respect for Marie. I'm okay with small chests but they went too hard on the jailbait shit for my taste.

Attached: aeb819fefd5edf2e0e7d868c51b8e332.jpg (673x1188, 87K)

my wife.

I forgot about this lmao

everything is so lowres and cheap looking, im glad theres someone posting direct feed screenshots
on one side they desrve everything they are getting right now, but on the other im sad because im gonna see dead or alive become dead on arrival for real this time

cool story bro

Attached: don't even care.gif (251x164, 433K)

Is Mila the most disgusting DOA "girl"?


Japanese people want to fuck children. Marie looks like a child.

tfw not cumming inside Marie every second of my life

Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate is the best in the series.

Prove me incorrect.

ephebepedopfiles fuckin pedos
>implying any 18 yo looks like this

Sex is no because shes pure. Seriously, why do people want pure girls to turn into sluts? I prefer purityfags over these cucks

>t.ive never seen a 18yo girl before

Every time I see Marie, I think I would want to impress her with my artistry of rape.

>t. sheltered pedo

guess you've never been outside north america where people people don't age like Solid Snake

Do people not know what petite women look like?

Attached: Cup.png (1086x1080, 193K)

The Same reason that this Legal Teen girl is so Popular in Porn.

Attached: 5F3.gif (425x225, 1.39M)

Leifang is pretty hot still

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Online Beta Test_20190223180135.png (1920x1080, 2.68M)

Peak MILF looks right here. I wanna give Kokoro a little sister

Attached: i_19_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ganesagi_ba871cc82f5255fc1a78abb417fc43be.png (500x450, 180K)

not like children (i.e. marie)

there is only 1 DOA character thats worthy of my love. She has great core values.

Attached: 04_doa5u_female_tengu.jpg (640x200, 27K)

Luna's cute tho

Attached: DOAXVenusVacation_181020_163325.jpg (1080x1920, 416K)

DOA5 was unpopular and no one was playing it except the eternal incels. Introduce a pedobait character and incel minipecker gets hard as a rock.

Seriously though no one cares.

I should look for her shit again

Anyone else find NiCO out of place?

I don't like her.

Like, the core of Dead or Alive as a fighting game is realistic fighting styles. This isn't Soul Calibur where people are using magic or weapons, Dead or Alive has always been pure fistfights and kicks.

With NiCO though, she's using some stupid gimmicky "elemental" lightning powers and not an actual fighting style. She feels like she belongs in Soul Calibur, not Dead or Alive.

We have ninjas on the roster

Tanned Marie destroys my dick

Attached: DOAXVenusVacation_181019_013033.jpg (1080x1920, 279K)

>Kasumi/Phase 4 with her teleports
>Hayabusa's Izuna Drop

You are dumb as a rock.

who cares. she's cute. that's all that matters

I haven't really seen in her in action yet since I cant play the demo.
Honestly, I couldnt care less at this point about shit like that.
Doa5 is like a franchise reboot, it has a completely different feel to everything before it and doa6 is continuing with the doa5 feel.


Otaku's what?

I love my wife Nyotengu.

youre retarded
shes a kof character
also what everyone else replied to (you)

Otaku's are the reason why these characters become popular.
They are also the reason why shitty anime stays alive, and why good anime like gangsta dies.

Nyotengu is my wife and goddess and I love her more than anything

Attached: DOAX3 VR15.webm (1067x600, 2.92M)

Was that VV "leak" disproven yet? I don't want to gacha.

What leak?

Attached: 6081A1C0-C906-4D6D-A827-E5A7C8C3C07F.jpg (1920x1080, 218K)

But why are you using "otaku's?"

There are all her olds videos in some place but i dont have it.

Attached: FC5.jpg (604x340, 29K)


Whos got the hsu cards/scenes

The one that implies they're adding more of the girls from the past games.

>ESL trying to sound smart

Attached: oh boy here we go.jpg (637x358, 27K)

Oh I’ve no clue I heard the next girl might be Christie though

Attached: 3D87F602-3465-4451-83AB-C437D58B10F3.jpg (1280x1707, 121K)

She ruined herself with fake tits. It's like she somehow missed the fact that her whole appeal was looking like a little girl.

post moar doa6 lei fang please

Attached: Leifang.png (250x300, 117K)

user, you got the source on her stuff?


>fake tits

Attached: Suicide Squad.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

Too bad she moves her arms around like a retard. Her fighting style looks like a bad glitch

a literal child

Im going to literally make children with Marie after marriage.

I know who's best and I dont even know what series this is.

This is my ideal life with Marie Rose

Attached: 1550673420117.png (774x527, 465K)

Finally got to D+ with Honkers

Attached: Honoka Breasts Jiggle.webm (404x716, 2.44M)

Same but Tina


>tfw you’ll never meet a girl whose into DOA lewds

I’ve dated girls into SFM and hentai but never DOA specifically. It’s somehow too niche for femoids.

Attached: C28BF8BD-AE20-4547-964A-D100B9C56A7C.jpg (1920x1080, 397K)

>tfw friend hates marie with a passion and has a meltdown whenever he gets cooked online by one

Nyotengu is the love of my life. Real women cannot compete.

Attached: 48BD54C2-BCF9-4594-B4DB-0E163392F4EC.jpg (1920x1080, 265K)

It's hard to get good screenshots right now

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Online Beta Test_20190223180553.png (1920x1080, 2.57M)

The definition of perfection. I don't know how they got literally ebrtythibgabout her so right.

>the discord tranny that posts in doa threads from its fucking phone is a normalfag
not even surprised

whatabout other outfit?

Because pedobait

>Marie looks like an 18 year old girl.
>Baby face
>Pig tails
>Dresses in little girl dresses

Attached: Chris_Hansen.png (198x380, 75K)

I can't. I just can't not see think of this every time I see a DOA6 navel. It's so fucked, how could they possibly leave it like that?

Attached: karolina-kurkova-is-doa6's-body-model.jpg (750x870, 122K)

> little girl
>Is the Same height that all others girls.

Attached: 1441416522798.jpg (507x601, 205K)

Probably had an identity crisis and needed to feel like an adult

Attached: C55Pjx2WMAAYDPc[1].jpg (900x1200, 234K)

Magical powers were previously confined to the ninjas, and in the earlier games were restricted to intro/outro teleports and some minor defensive maneuvers. I recall an old interview with Itagaki where he said he wanted to stay away from fireballs and shit like SF and MK used. nuTN seems to want to branch out and steal gimmicks from other series, which isn't surprising, given their penchant for copy-pasting stuff from other games

That's the only outfit I have screenshots of, take a lewd Christie instead. Christie has a long hair option that actually looks pretty good

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Online Beta Test_20190223175731.png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

It’s an iPad :)

Attached: EDCA2FF9-6001-4000-BEC1-FE2AB4CF96A8.png (1920x1080, 2.21M)

This. She's a trash character but in a game where the same body has been copy pasted 20 times with a slightly different haircut and color, its refreshing just to have ONE body that is different from the rest.

Cause she has a different body type than the rest of the titty monsters.
Thank you whoever keeps making DoA threads

Attached: 1527348117018.jpg (1440x810, 99K)

Attached: Disapproving lolis.png (1280x720, 1.82M)

I respect my wife and goddess very much though

Attached: valentine_s_day_2019___doax_venus_vacation_by_n7_rose_dczq6qg.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

Absolutely disgusting

because weeabos and yellow shits have shit taste that's why, there's no reason why this toddler should be more popular than literal goddesses like honoka, fuck you riceniggers

It's the same hair she had in some of her costumes in 5 and yet it looks better now.

Attached: 1550800653414.jpg (266x512, 34K)

I want to marry and impregnate

Not a Marie fag personally but otherwise yes.


She's like a half foot shorter and is wearing giant platform heels

Attached: DyZtIXjWkAE8vVm.jpg (652x652, 46K)

She's a petite blonde hafu teen, any warm blooded male would wreck that except for basedboys.

She fills a pretty important niche DOA had ignored until her debut (gothic lolita)

ribbit ribbit

Attached: 1548884555173.jpg (3840x2160, 1.43M)


Did some testing. It looks like they took out the close-up punch only for Marie and NiCO. Probably to appease SJW/complainers ahead of time. You can do it on every character except Marie Rose and NiCO


Attached: 543106-doa6stream.jpg');.jpg (1920x1080, 562K)

due to being the only character who has a flat chest she's very attractive to the niche that enjoys that
thank goodness they introduced Nico

how do you even do this move?


Full meter SSSS or Forward S

flat is justice

Attached: bone.jpg (521x489, 115K)

Various characters have different punches. This one is exclusive to Zack. Do either:
or -> S to activate the special which will end with Zach doing a windup close-up cinematic punch

Bass for example does a running clothesline close-up

Yep. It still plays the animation but instead of the close-up shot like that picture it's far away and doesn't show the close-up

shit sucks.

I love Mila so much.

Attached: niudan_hero_1020000.png (512x716, 475K)

>even WANTING to see Marie bloody and bruised
Sick fucks

>therefore pedo
my mom is nearing her 50's and is literally the same size, you are a complete retard

I love my perfect Spanish tomboy wife!

Attached: 0F8FD1A1-EE64-4515-A185-3BF6AABF0B90.jpg (1080x1920, 263K)

I love Ayane so much and have since the beginning. That "peak performance" meme unironically applies to her because her perfect design has not fundamentally changed at all.

>No trigger discipline

Id fire my semen into her womb

>Introduce a girl with the face and height of a high schooler and a less busty (dat ass though) fertile body
>Wonder why she became most popular after fulfilling the high school fantasy of every man in existence

Attached: 1548887598299.jpg (765x897, 68K)

Attached: CCAFD3F9-8C21-4E64-B47E-3139C4D65FD3.jpg (1920x1080, 364K)

I want to make consensual lavender-haired children with her after marriage.

She has the average height of someone starting middle school. That's not uncommon among older women but she has a young face on top of that.

Attached: 1501993901461.jpg (1400x787, 127K)

She has a beautiful face.

Sorry, forgot to write: (excluding white mutts and GMO corrupted women)

A cute face to see laughing and shrieking from all the tickling!


A beautiful face to kiss while cumming deep inside of her while holding hands and being leglocked.

>haters get cucked out of punching my wife
based team ninja

I thought they removed it for Honoka as well?

Attached: 8205ED15-7AD8-40A2-862B-CFA716C2B973.jpg (1282x1080, 95K)

Well normally women in the first years of high school look like that in stature. I'm not going to acknowledge over-tested, mixed mutts into the equation

Reminder that Marie has a penis.

Attached: 311730_20180605202010_1.jpg (2560x1440, 1.34M)

I hate how attractive I find this stupid bird.

>no doujins
>no art
fotm that most have forgotten.

You're talking like a crazy person, these are Japan standards. You should keep some of that stuff to yourself if you don't want to get bullied in school.

Attached: 1540181265634.jpg (555x1000, 225K)

Attached: jwong.jpg (441x178, 10K)

You have my pity for being a mentally disabled mutt that will never know the pleasures of being around normal women. Glad I at least grew up in an upper class white suburb a decade ago.


Attached: 1504626687373.jpg (1080x1920, 159K)

I love how beautiful my goddess is

You don't really need them for DOA

She has great doujins actually.

Attached: 1532481016493.jpg (706x1000, 115K)

Attached: 0E0D573F-4AB9-405A-89CF-F2F379EA43CC.jpg (1920x1080, 330K)

I really wish she was my wife and the mother of my children.

She just looks weird, Marie's face doesn't look right at all with that hair.


The eyes give the game away.

You are gay if you like this boring character with a bland personality, "I want to speak to the manager" haircut and shit outfits. Thank god she's fucking low on the popularity charts.

Attached: 1504763765878.png (720x1280, 1.08M)

she reminds me of this bitch

Attached: Feminista_loca.jpg (560x330, 25K)

Exactly. She's two seconds from blaming the patriarchy. I don't even know what the fuck they were going for with her. She's a tomboy but she has less personality than Hitomi, which is a fucking feat to behold.

She needs a better hairstyle, like I didn't think Pai was hot until I saw her with short hair

i bet she'd give a mean blowjob

The hair is fine. The color is shit.

Attached: dead_or_alive_mila_by_danielomega458-d5lpus9.jpg (540x960, 183K)

Is DAO6 out yet?

>her face when she sees the dick that's going insider her

She looks hot when she gets fucked by werewolves tho.

Attached: [FOW-012]Mila_Red_Riding_Hood-[12.41.542-12.59.667].webm (1280x720, 2.41M)

I think brunette would look better.

Someone please post pics of my new wife NiCO in her leotard.

Christie is the true patrician's waifu.

Maybe one part of her hair should cover her eye but I guess that's too emo

can someone please post tanned ayane with the pink shirt

wow that's so much better

Pink shirt?

Attached: EF152BE8-CA35-4856-92C2-C342B66AD2FC.jpg (1920x1080, 211K)

What pink shirt?

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune__222.jpg (1920x1080, 476K)

Me behind her making her a mother

that's the one, although the picture I'm thinking of is set indoors

Honoka's chest is fucking crazy in this game.

I'm fucking crazy for Honoka.

that pic reminded of this one

Attached: WhiteTrash-14.jpg (7952x5304, 3.57M)

The gave us a good character.

Attached: MarieRoseDanceSchoolgirl.webm (700x392, 2.8M)

By the way, has there ever been a game that has jiggle physics that had independent jiggle for each boob? I hate how synchronized the jiggle are for boobs most of the time, it's like the two are magnetized or something.

Because it turns out all grown men secretly desire children

I want to impregnate this trashy lassy


Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round_20150225215828.webm (1280x720, 1.06M)

I'm admittedly fonder of her after this demo.

Post images of Honoka and Marie together

Because she's an 8yo white girl with 18yo tits. What's difficult to understand?

Attached: 1512558530058.jpg (265x299, 36K)

Mila looks so ugly.

Team ninja simply does not know how sexy a navel can be

Why are Marie and Honkers so sexy

Attached: 1515678284276.gif (480x270, 675K)

I've been fond of her since she was first added to 5, honestly. I really love shortstacks and she is adorable.

I like her more for her sheepish voice. She sounds so fluffy.

I'd say that's a waste of beer, but PBR is garbage so I guess nothing of value was lost.

That certainly helps, too.

Because semen demons

Attached: 1546396443479.jpg (1092x647, 150K)

Attached: 73 - 9rA1xm8.png (1080x1920, 1.26M)

are people really saying that 5 looks better than 6?
i just play some matches of 5 and its incredible how old it looks. 6 looks a fuck ton better.

jwong /ourguy/ as always.

by the dancing pole I think

I love her so much it hurts.

Depends. Character models look better in 5, especially in screens. Some stages in 5 look better too. But in motion I think 6 looks better most of the time. But not by much.

It's just the lighting. The models themselves look only a bit improved since 5. However, of course I think this is an issue with the art style DOA has going for. If Team Ninja adds more detail than necessary, it could end up in the uncanny valley point where characters have stylized anime faces but have realistic skin textures and what not and we can't have that. At best, the only thing you could do is improve the rest like the actual combat, the stages and animations.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190224_012542.jpg (1080x1920, 276K)

The grind is kinda shitty but it's really fun to take pictures of Marie's naked body.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190224_012957.jpg (1080x1920, 299K)

I want to grind with Marie until she's pregnant.

>laying in bed with my girlfriend
>she's wrapped around me warm n soft
>I'm looking over her to my phone and nursing a throbbing hard cock for Marie

Just be real already

>not having your gf cosplay Marie
look at this pleb

Attached: 1524193496537.jpg (400x600, 102K)

She's the only one with a nice body. She's also the only cute one. Not saying others aren't pretty to a point, but cute is more beautiful than beautiful, and more sexy than sexy.

Do you think she gets Honoka to help her with it

Are you blind? She looks like the avrege 15 year old just admit you are atracted to young looking women already.

If she was real she would be with a 6ft chad, not any of us

Attached: honoka_and_marie_rose_002.png (1448x919, 2.58M)

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Online Beta Test_20190223013000.png (1920x1080, 1.79M)

She's got loli bod but she's brown. Not pure aryan waifu marie rose.

Honoka is so perfect

thank you Honkers and Marie posters

Attached: 1528759702879.gif (442x454, 836K)

japs don't have ass IRL

it's a cultural thing

>6ft chad

6'0'' is borderline manlet-tier

t. 6'0''

Attached: Marie reads up on Honoka taking 8 knots at once.png (1600x900, 761K)

Attached: her_healing_touch_by_n7_rose_dczwcsg.png (2560x1440, 2M)

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As long as hes handsome, its fine

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How the fuck I Nico?
Shes so slow.

I never played DoA when she was in.
I played Launch DoA 5 and stopped shortly after.
This game has made me like her beyond her and dogs
But honestly Hitomi might be queen again.

Attached: Marie-Honoka Kiss.webm (1280x720, 2.36M)

How do I activate the slide on lost Paradise?

>you will never taste Marie's saliva
Fuck this gay Earth

I want to know what it's like to have Honoka as my wife

You'd probably have 3 dogs as pets.


Why even live

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Muh dick

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I don't know what I'd do without my goddess Nyo in my life.

Attached: ZOL8xPD.jpg (1920x1080, 877K)

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181028_233610.jpg (1920x1080, 372K)

>Thought they were BFFs
>The preview of the story has Helena make Marie search for Honkers
>Also Honkers is the prime target of NiCO
DOA has changed

Attached: DoAX3-First-Footage_10-14-15_Boxes.jpg (1436x800, 219K)


Attached: DqT5xwdU0AAqkrZ.jpg (1024x766, 100K)

What's she doing?

Attached: f869a6f893db2f5e09d08b4b8f10c2b5.jpg (1920x1080, 141K)

I need to breed

Attached: 7778443.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

so perfect

>You think I don't already crossplay? Not Marie, but maybe in the future.
Fuck, this made me harder than the actual ERP. It's an off to the side comment but so lewd all the same

Attached: uhyaaaaa.png (376x249, 75K)

I'd suck her dick.

my fucking dick fucking fuck I want inside that cunny

I want to blow my load inside of her until her petite body is pregnant with my children.

For real I'm trying to learn Honoka a bit. Post lewds, but do so while giving me some tips.

I can understand that her outfit would be shiny but why is her hair shiny? it just looks weird

wtf I love fighting games now

For real, I love Honoka very much.

if i want to jack off to marie what game do i start with


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download Venus Vacation

*unzips dick*

>For real, I love Honoka very much.
Alright so how do I get good with her then.

Chill with the marie threads. Its every day

go away gay

I still like Mila better.

>Cute name
>lithe build
>Blond hair in twin tails
>Blue eyes
Literally near perfect.

i love that outfit

Attached: 1540844588104.jpg (3840x2160, 759K)

>lithe build

she's built like a kid man

Attached: 1477248657296.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

god honoka makes me want to JO so bad.

No, she is not.
Petite does not equal childlike.

Ready to be plowed and inseminated

she's built for breeding

Baits incels, anyone that actually buys games that are only fanservice typically are. Just take a look at the thread, these games only exist to beat off and people will actually deny this.

If I recall the new game isnt coming to the west due to bad sales, so atleast we got some good

Everybody wants to fuck a loli but they can't admit it

it's common consensus that asians look younger than they appear until they hit 40-50. being that she is made from asians so yeah it warrants it. so stfu.

no, its just that lolifags only have 1 loli so they choose her

thats a stereotype that is only based on conjecture

Why didn't the series become full on porn yet? I know I'd buy it.

Attached: 1515208690099.jpg (595x775, 50K)

Shes not a loli

This. DOAX 1 and 2 had much better face designs. They fucked it up with "muh realism".

She's more loli than some of the lolis she got costumes for.

well you white people age like shit.

stop basing your understanding of the world off facebook memes

How punchable do you guys think Marie's tummy is?


Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181028_233422.jpg (1920x1080, 409K)

Literally the most beautiful woman in the world. I would do anything for her.

they're not. they're based on experience. in the military you white people age faster than milk

Attached: 2010-11-08-Strip_79_All_That_Salt_web.gif (700x355, 77K)

Bad checks, on what? Does the author mean "Cheque"?

Check is American spelling.

>posts a comic strip

I refuse to believe that you actually believe this. But given what kind of retards we've been getting recently and you write just like them, maybe you are sincerely an idiot.

Why does DoA still look like a PS2 game?
Is it because they pour all their budget into advanced ass-jiggle physics engines?

White people DO age like shit, are you autistic or delusional? lmfao

Attached: 0661936C-0E9A-4314-8FEC-9B21AE20D542.jpg (1920x1080, 201K)

Marie Rose is for childbearing!

There's plenty that age fine, and then also plenty people of other races that also age like crap.
Though, it's true that stressful work shows on you very fast. Just fucking compare Obama at start of his presidency, to how he was at the end of it.

Attached: before-and-after-term-us-presidents-fb.jpg (919x482, 240K)

Tanned birds look absolutely delicious

Attached: DOAXVenusVacation_190211_033336_1.jpg (1080x1920, 249K)

What, she's pretty much the same as everyone else but with small tits

Pedos disgust me.

More like fucking invasion.

It is. We'll get a new girl instead of og girl in three weeks.

user you are an enlighten man

My wife Nyo looks delicious with any level of tan.

>She had a different body type.
This is great news! Can't wait for when they introduce something like picrelated!

Attached: 513513.gif (500x281, 1.11M)

I just want NICO to show up in the next DOA Extreme game, so she can show up in all those SFMs as well.

Attached: DoA6_2018_11-18-18_001.png (1009x2000, 1.24M)

I just want to kiss Nico

Please post her in her leotard

Attached: 1527734762719.jpg (942x1278, 717K)

It's NiCO!

I don't have that.

kinda gross ngl

I want to kiss NiCO

>somewhere out there now exists a loli version of the other doa babes

you must be gay, my friend

You might want to see what direction the gacha has gone. Marie clones

Recommend good, non-shit porn of her.

loli crap sells


Attached: 20190121_mr_2_80cycles__by_xuniana_dcxqpj9.jpg (1920x1080, 363K)

Double buns is such a good fucking hairstyle for her. Wish more VVposters used this instead of her default.

Why is this allowed?

Fuck I'd lick every single inch of her skin

Same but I'd also kiss her stomach after putting a baby in it

>thinking about buying dead or alive xtreme 3 scarlet on Switch

Attached: 1520839960677.jpg (842x699, 50K)

>expecting someone to not show any aging after
8 years in their late 40's

okay retard.


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Imagine having a steamy and sweaty sex with her haha

Imagine groping her in her sleep, as a joke, haha

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I'd rather imagine cuddling after successfully impregnating her


Attached: hCpSUqv.png (1920x1080, 1.69M)

I need to breed the Swede

thank Marie posters

Attached: 1469352813856.jpg (382x359, 80K)

the only right answer in this thread
japs are fucking degenerates

Attached: 154869787705.jpg (3840x2160, 984K)

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_180316_003647.jpg (1080x1920, 320K)

Wait a minute...

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Why do goblins like Ayane


Attached: 2gfDYrq.png (1920x1080, 2.46M)

Okay! This game is sold for me!


How long until we send lolicucks to jail? The effort put into this character coule have been put into a fertile goddess

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181021_134237.jpg (1080x1920, 275K)

wow, they could have made another cowtits sameface. How original. What a shame.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181021_134732.jpg (1080x1920, 314K)


Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181021_135012.jpg (1920x1080, 224K)

Marie's still a sameface, she just doesn't have the cowtits now.

That automatically makes her more unique than every other character.

Will we ever get a mod to skip the grind or do we just have to hope for Holden to do everything on DOA6?

Redpill me on DOAX3. I like the fighters but never played the volleyball spinoffs. Are the minigames at least decent? I've also caught wind of an item that increases bounciness? That's not DLC, is it?

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181021_135944.jpg (1920x1080, 336K)

In the sense that they stopped short of a usual character and called it a day, I guess.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181021_140729.jpg (1080x1920, 318K)

Holy shit who is this? This is easily the hottest girl in the game. Every one else has too generic of a face.

Volleyball is ok everything else is really primitive. It's a game for making screenshots or fap not for actually playing it. You skip a grind with save edit and never bother with those minigames.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181021_141150.jpg (1080x1920, 321K)

The Volleyball is serviceable at best, the other minigames aren't good, the girls are hot and most of the good shit is either DLC or requires grinding.

Is it true you can't get a slow-mo close-up face punch on marie?

Kokoro's mom.

The whole thing is meant to download nude mods and jerk off to.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181023_202455.jpg (1080x1920, 328K)

I'm playing the DoA6 demo now, it's kind of hard. It feels good when you're kicking ass but at the same time blocking feels really difficult, so both I and the other scrub I'm playing just mash as hard as we can until someone wins. One thing that throws me off for instance is how holding backwards is essentially a still block, and you have to backdash to actually move back at all.

Still, fun game.

How about some Lei Fang

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181115_010301.jpg (1920x1080, 229K)

They ruined Kokoro

Fuck them

Fuck Team Ninja

I rather buy Kokoro on the Switch

Attached: DOAX_VV 2018-11-10 14-31-25-69.webm (502x516, 1.45M)

there are 3 girls in the series with her exact same height my dude
also, do short girls not exist in your country? I know at least two women with her bodytype at 25

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181115_010416.jpg (1920x1080, 296K)

What the fuck is wrong with you pedophiles?

She's 18 and looks like an 18 year old, retard.

none of the smallest characters have break blows, it's probably an animation problem that they couldn't be bothered to fix.
this isn't Australia, you don't go to jail for having A-cups.

Attached: 1459668230702.png (700x990, 489K)

Marie, Honoka and Nico are immune to them but all the other girls and Eliot are not so it's probably just them trying to avoid the inevitable weirdness that would come from Diego's fist not fully connecting with their face during the closeup, cause their models are tiny.

>caring about """age""" of fictional character
This is the most retarded thing you can do. She's not real and literally has no age. Devs can say she's 13, 18 or 3000 yo semen demon and it'll change literally nothing.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181020_170037.jpg (1920x1080, 302K)

hahha good one fellow redditor

Maybe they shouldn't have made the youngest looking girls the sexiest

Attached: 1526455016111.png (1920x1080, 964K)

im gonna need sauce in her.

>Seduce richest married man in the world
>Get knocked up by his European seed
>Blackmail him with his illegitimate daughter
>Take the money and a position in his company
>Laugh when he's assassinated
>Regularly fuck the alpha male who masterminded his death
>Gain pity points for raising a mentally challenged daughter
>Work in secret to sabotage her dead lover's prized daughter to turn the family company against her
>No one suspects you when the secret lab blows up and the scientists die and the experiment blows up

Is Miyako the most successful business woman in Japan?

Attached: tumblr_mg2knrY07y1rpqefgo1_1280.jpg (700x700, 32K)

And that is a good thing.

kys newfag

She is a good girl.

Attached: 1547630798201.jpg (1920x1080, 208K)

why Marie and Honker look so natural together?

Because one is thick and the other thin
It's like yin and yang

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