This slut's GHB drops in a few hours. Are you building her or killing her?
This slut's GHB drops in a few hours. Are you building her or killing her?
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Building and going all in, she was my first marriage in Awakening when I played blind and she got a significant art upgrade in FEH
Nutting to her
Still not sure on how, though
>Heavy Blade with 47 attack
You'd need like at least 60 to even justify Heavy Blade, put Darting Blow 3 on her or some other player-phase skill
>+2 atk from transforming
>+6 atk from tactics
>+3 atk from weapon effect
>+4 atk from -4 penalty to foe
Like I said, I don't know yet.
Harvesting feathers then killing. Sorry, but chill speed is too rare for me to commit to building.
Yeah but you forget that the enemy can also get buffs/goads etc just like you can.
My +Atk Velouria+2 has 57 base attack with Fury 3, there's no way Panne can compete with that for example they were to both get their respective buffs, it's too situational. And this is coming from someone who genuinely is going to use Panne and keep her as a core part of their beast team, I want to even +10 her. Not to mention that every Lunatic content and the new armours/dragons that are being released all have like 55+ base attack.
You can stick to heavy blade but I'd advise against it.
I don't even have him built yet, but I'm thinking of killing one off for Def Smoke to go with the standard DC Vantage Ares build.
>phone has no more room to hold multi gig games (rooting hardly removes any bloat)
>can't use nintendo games if you root and need to bypass; too lazy to do so
>apparently need to jump through hoops to emulate
>not released on Switch like how Square Enix released their mobile games on PC
It's a damn shame, but no.
Who knows, kind of want to pair her with a dancer, too.
Have few units left on my reserve to work well with a beast unit, so I'm hoping I roll Myrrh, but knowing my luck I'll get Azura ( who is +1 and teamed already)
Why is she a GHB? She's pretty insignificant in Awakening to begin with and the least memorable gen 1 too.
>Why is she a GHB?
Because IS wants her to be, I guess. If you're looking for a real reason there isn't one, she's more suited as a Tempest reward.
They just had to shove her in somehow.
Current banner were all beasts from Fates, so they figured they might as well add another popular requested beast unit too.
Like M Kana having no business being GHB too. She would have fit better as TT reward, but GHB at least it's an extra free copy.
Feh is the only game you need Summoner.
She has no good fodder and works in Cav teams, Im gonna give her a bit of attention but probably not going to invest any grails
the theme is beast units and she's the only beast unit in awakening
>but yarne
I find her Heroes art really cute and I was planning on promoting her, but considering I rolled for Nailah and promoted Naesala and I rarely use them, I don't think I'd need yet another blue beast in my barracks.
I'd rather keep trying for Velouria even if she could be demoted after the banner ends.
>just wasted like a hundred orbs on Velouria not to be summoned
Thank God Panne is free
FEH has a lite data mode, with a reduced filesize. It goes from 1.5GB to just over 300MB.
Shame it looks and sounds like ass. I also am about to run out of phone space but luckily I'll be buying a new phone soon, because FEH is slowly reaching the 2GB mark.
I'll build the 3* copy for max SP yield and manual the 2 4* copies like I do every other GHB
>pubes bikini
nah im good man, i lack the TASTE level for this
Neat. Hit 500 orbs for the first time. Too bad it's all gonna disappear in April.
I finally dropped this game after the anniversary "celebration" ended. Thank goodness my husbando is an honest to god literally who never ever so I won't ever be tempted to come back to this game.
Hm... Horace?
But if you drop the game, how will you get your free legendary lyn?
>clearly best girl in her game
>hardly anyone cares about her
She deserves better. Also:
>browsing serra images
>suddenly gameplayfags in the comments
I hate you people. Quit being autistic over optimizing an easy game.
>only 100 orbs
>significant art upgrade in FEH
That noseless trash is a significant art upgrade from Yusuke Kozaki? No wonder you never hear from Panne fans too often, they're fucking retarded.
Of course the enemy can get buffed and shit but they aren’t being controlled by something that knows how to play. I regularly have my paper thin soren facetank shit just because of how bulky I make him through passive and field buffs. Enemy buffs are almost irrelevant.
Wolf is not a literal who
Yes, Kozaki Awakening art is fucking garbage and that new Panne looks better
Both are the fucking Sistine Chapel compared to Three Houses
Imagine dying in battle to a 13-year-old who can't even read.
Why? What's in april? LLyn banner?
Spring seasonals. Going for a +10 Catria.
I hate her art
How good is Velouria?
I really want to roll for her.
Also post your builds.
>he still doesn't own Kellam
What's your excuse?
The only true reason I stay in the living realm
Def Smoke fodder. Still waiting for the Binding Blade banner. Roy ain't going to be on it since they screwed up and shown him to be the legendary this month, so its already shaping up to be good like the more recent main banners.
I'm really considering giving Sheena Special Fighter and stacking goad armor buffs, is it worth?
why the fuck do they keep shilling the unlikable Fates kids and not the Awakening or genealogy ones?
Lucky. I spent 400 orbs for Selkie and got Linde instead.
People want more Fates.
I wish I was Roy.
>L!Roy is coming
Easy skip.
Fuck Arena Quests.
Reminder that if you think your life sucks, it could be worse since you could be a fag that cares about a fucking gacha game
Wow, I feel so hurt right now.
>one of your favorite units gets a refinement
>they're still shit
Got 2nd Fem Morgan on the banner when trying to nab a 2nd Ophelia and she's +Atk-Res.
Does she have any useful abilities to inherit for someone else or do I just got for a +1 merger?
give account
Dead thread. Dead game.
Not on my watch
Dead everything
Got any good Lene?
Is that a furry skirt, or do her pubes grow fully around her waist?
Anyone else getting impatient waiting for the March update? Would be nice to be able to give my Serra all of Loki's skills with 2 copies instead of 3.
staying on the bench
Katarina is cute
PRF weapon for Klein when
After Linde gets another one that isn't shit.
how greedy
Just emulate with memu and download the APK. I do it to set up macros.
I say no. Special fighter is more reserved for Amelia, the Burger King, L!Tiki, and V!Ike. Speedy Shanna just isn't fast enough to consistently double.
It's also good on Myrrh because of her weapon effect
No him but I tried this a few months ago and failed. Couldn't get FEH to boot up. Mind posting your method here? I'd love to do some feather farms
Just download memu through the site.
Then download the APK from one of many APK sites. Make sure to get the latest one.
Then use memu's side bar to apply the APK to Memu.
Try and play it, and it will naturally avoid anything that has to do with the google play store.
Thing is you have to manually find each new APK with each update and manually update it.
I wish I was a boy.
I build all GHB units but I've got a massive backlog and no feathers so she's going on the backburner for a while.
If its that simple I might as well try it again. I have some ravens and Nowi's id Like to merge for arena. Maybe even a raven. Thank you.
>people still play this shit
Thank me after it works. Also check out this guy if it does.
She is decent for a cav unit. I will probably keep her since I don't have any builds that need chill speed or def smoke.
>Anna goes into your room and steals your orb stash
What the fuck is wrong with this woman
Fuck, I was hoping she would be TT reward because I new some orbs, guess it was to soon for another one.