There will never be a console with a fraction of the past present and ongoing exclusives continually being made for the...

There will never be a console with a fraction of the past present and ongoing exclusives continually being made for the Windows PC.

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look at all that garbage nobody wants to play

This is how consolepoors cope with not having a plethora of legendary classics to play.

Put Magic Arena on there. And Dwarf Fortress.

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love how the biggest title there is zoo tycoon of all logos

>league of legends
>the sims
>zoo tycoon
>dota 2
>legendary classics

pc cope tb.h

someone make an edit of a some wojak poking steam's muscles with a needle and watching them deflate.

Put RuneScape on there.

Baldurs Gate isn't PC exclusive

Zoo Tycoon and The Sims are classics, consolenigger. Sorry to burst your bubble. :)

Not to mention Roller Coaster Tycoon.


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>Look at all of these out of date relics that I don't even play, I bet you're so jealous

Mobile game.

>tfw played amorous on steam a while ago
>people still ask me about it when they see it on my history

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Came here to post this. What a pathetic image.

>steam wojack
>no mention of valve games whatsoever
This kinda pisses me off.

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>a 68 on metacritic
>a 70 on metacritic

Look at this dude.

this user is underage


I heard you were talking shit about

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>I respect gaming journalists now
Look at this faggot.

RuneScape 3 then.

>mad cuz his games are trash


Crazy Monkey Games is the fucking SHIT.

>newfag so fucking new that he thinks he replies to post like you would people on Twitter
Please, take this from one of the veterans who've been browsing for over three years, lurk more.

>i enjoy playing decades old game
streamfags have been dead for a long time.

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Which of these games do you even need your 1080ti for? Couldn't you have settled for a cheaper card user?

Good thread

every last one of those ps4 games are playable on PC emulators. Cope more.

half life fuckin sucks, steam is a distribution platform

>steam is a distribution platform
imagine unironically believing this

>ywn go back to playing miniclip games at school

show me your God of War, Horizon,, and Spiderman emulation user

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Not a single one is lmao, you can’t even run last gen games properly yet

>look at all those GOOD GAMES that have been dead franchise wise for almost 2 decades or have been revived by shit tier versions of their COMPANY that exist in 2019

fuck you
PC had those games, you can put them on lists, but a shit load of them can't run on Win10 and with older Windows. shit just WERKED even if it was from fucking 1990 installed from floppies.

PC isn't fucked, its all the companies and OS that are ruining it with bad fucking ideas and plans that put you, the PC OWNER, last place.

and yes, inb4 consolepoor
i fucking own all the 8th gen consoles and a fucking PC. assholes.

wouldn't play that casual zoomer crap even if they paid me


The old games that don't work well usually just need some tweaking, stop being a consolepoor.

Ah, I see now. Someone talking out of their ass for (you)'s, well user, don't you worry, I won't be feeding your addiction any more

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PC has no good exclusives anymore. Not a single one. Dead platform.

1 good game on the PS4
bet league has more weekly players that all those games combined

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the first thing it was for was bringing together players of half life + its mods and making it easier for everyone to keep their games updated because that shit was a pain back then, begone zoomer

>bragging about triple a garbage cinematic experiences
Yea Forums really is filled with mentally retarded zoomers huh?

>the first thing it was for was bringing together players of half life + its mods and making it easier for everyone to keep their games updated because that shit was a pain back then, begone zoomer
Nice deflection. Piss off libtard.

okay, and?

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PC can play all of their current, future, and past exclusives that were released 20+ years ago. Not to mention every past generation console game thanks to emulator and roms.

Consolecucks will never know this feel.

>he doesn't want to play zoo tycoon

you have utmost maximum shit taste

but the pc can't run switch games properly or ps4 games at all. If it could do that it would win so it has to settle for generations old games everyone has played to hell and back.

No TF2? The EA servers for console are officially closed.

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>The cope of consolecuck who can't even play games made for previous gen because you have no backwards compatibility

League is moba trash tho.

Point being that even with all the Nvidia 1080s in the world, no developer is making games for PC exclusively to push your hardware. Pretty much all the exclusives you get are either MOBAs or indie games (that will more than likely be ported to console) that can run on a Windows XP toaster. Whether you hate on the games because Yea Forums said you aren't supposed to like them or what have you, they're at least pushing the hardware with visuals that only multiplats tend to/do better do on PC.

Old bad
New good
absolute state of snoyggers

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I've unironically spent way more hours on Kongregate FOR FREE than all those one-and-done Sony movie games combined.

Yeah no, sold my PC cause there's nothing to play on it that I can't play on my laptop, glad I did.

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>memecritic scores

I don't get it. Why are the first four PC exclusives superior to everything on the left combined?

you left one out OP

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nostalgia blinders and autism

>no spore

This, nobody ever talks about those shit games in that image. Unironically Half-Life 2, Undertale & Portal are the most discussed PC games and they aren't even on there

Why do so(n)yboys like imagining about taking Nintendofags anally so much?

Better than all the PS4 movies
expect BB, but it wasn't popular among normies so it won't get a sequel.

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>he didnt want to give him a (you) retard

> He needs someone else to tell him what he thinks of a game

>better than anything

good joke

>no rimworld
Fuck you!

Almost certain that OP is just baiting here, with just a few solid titles like STALKER to make it credible. There are so many actually great "exclusives" and most what is in the OP is nostalgiabait shit that doesn't stand up unless you played it back when it was released.

more like

>confirms what I already thought about the game

The only reason for me to buy PS4 would be buying entire yakuza series, but I can just wait until they all release on PC with uncapped framerate and bigger resolution, so I will pass with cinematic experiences

literally the same game with different skins

Jesus. 90% of the games listed are from the bygone era when I could fuck.

Hell, a lot of them aren't even exclusives.

fpbp /thread

I'm a pc main myself, and this is still accurate

Don't forget Citra. 3DS games look a lot better on PC than on a 3DS. It's a night and day difference.

>pic related of me wanting to respond in full to your bait

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>no ppsspp listed
>no dolphin listed
Shit image.

>not listing the best mmo

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Why are PC fags so delusional? I don't get it.