How can anyone watch this guy or any other similar people? Same shit over and over for 10 minutes to milk money. Don't waste your time. Remember to sage.
Dude I'm really starting to think you are actually posting these yourself. Quit trying. Yea Forums isn't the neckbeards we use to be. It's now where the normie go to say they aren't normie.
>hue 10 minute video where i talk about unrelated shit
>don't forget to buy my cringey 20 dollar t-shirts
fuck off already
Yeah I mean he's literally Yea Forums as a youtuber.
Nope. Proud neckbeard and loli artist here. Get the fuck out my neighborhood normalfag.
Don't you know this guy triggers the tranny discord mafia?
GET THIS OFF Yea Forums!
He triggers the tranny
so he’s a discord tranny?
Yeah and I'm trying to think of 5 things that isn't Jackie Chan. Don't lie bro.
I was watching a couple of his vids to understand the hype but he came off really cringe.
Then I discovered that he not only owns a cat, he owns multiple cats.
Man card instantly voided. Cant be listening to a sissy cat owner. Fake man.
this is the cringiest thread to ever grace this board
Hes supportive of a literal rapist and swats those who disagree
i watch his movies from time to time, but i never really enjoy them.
Why does this guy piss so many people off on Yea Forums?
Hes basically a caricature of your typical polturd
>generic anti-SJW who gets outraged at everything
Don't we have enough of those on Yea Forums already
Jeremy, shave your beard to prove you browse Yea Forums.
Because these threads are spammed every few hours.
Even if it's ironic shitposting it's still eceleb cancer.
>our guy
pick one faggot
Isnt this the guy that got his ass beat by a transexual?
Isnt he a manlet too? Apparently he owns cats, hes also fat, and is balding.
Literally why would ANYBODY listen to a guy with those traits?
>lives in his mom's basement
>looks like hes never held a girls hand before
It checks out.
I miss the time when it was only SJWs that got outraged at everything.
>100% of the day complaining about video games
>sucks at videogames
>faps to lolis
Honestly. Where did you expect to find him around?
Most e-celebs who get posted here are just the person shilling, OP. You should know this.
Kaceytron only became a thing to begin with because she and her then-bf spent months shilling her Twitch on Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
Guys, post yfw THE GAME
this is /polv/'s hero?
yikes, a literal impotent neckbeard. probably could only raise 20$ for charity.
Meanwhile a real Yea Forumstuber. night and day
>that'll be $10 plus tip
>donate to my paypal
>be sure to check my amazing merch!
I agree with most of what he says but he's so insufferable about it its difficult to watch
Of course you do, Quarterinigger, if you didn't then you couldn't spam your fat fucking faggot nigger face all over the board all the time.
sjws really hate this guy for some reason.
he's basically right wing kotaku. incessant bitching about politics. same with that angry gamer site that gets posted constantly.
I laughed at his WOKE BRANDS video.
>Screaming at Gillette doesn't feed the tribe, you LOW T BETA
Uncharismatic, overweight, unkempt. Not to mention he got beat up by and ran away from a tranny at some convention. If you subscribe to this guy or any of these soft, pudgy anti-SJW "individualists" you should strongly consider suicide.
not videogames
This is fucking pathetic. The entire anti-SJW proto-fascist Trump-loving subsection of the internet is so cringe.
>got beaten up by a tranny
Story please
If what hes saying is true that's kinda bullshit. I get the feeling he rustles the jimmies of trannies that lurk here
>Unironically watching Quarterpounder
Put a bullet in yourself my dude
>owns cats
Automatic beta male.
No questions needed
No. This guy is a complete faggot. Leddit in human form. He's clearly incredibly insecure about being a faggot, and he tries to look cool and masculine by being "anti SJW." He's definitely a "le kekistan XD" kind of faggot.
Simply because he's getting popular and they can't deal with the fact that he's a normie or he displays some trait that triggers some mentally unstable retard on Yea Forums. It honestly doesn't take a lot for some of the psychotic people from here to despise a person. Looks/mannerisms not the way they want it to be, clothes slightly different/awkward/messy he's a poltard, he's a leftie ect. there's no end to the autism here. There's no room for error or difference for them.
no wonder, he's milquetoast as fuck.
Yea Forums's hyperbole, absurdism and desire to be a snowflake while being anti-snowflake given neckbeard form. It's all the same thing.
>he's a normie
>he thinks that's normal
fucking. lel.
Woah there slow down on the buzzwords.
He's here advertising himself dumbass.
>there are people who still think Yea Forums is some super secret club
nigger this site has been mainstream for a long ass fucking time now, i can guarantee that a large percentage of your virtual video friends on youtube browse this shithole
Yea Forums is full of retardera scum. Theres a similar clique of three sjw on /tg/ that are camping the board and spam hate posts about this guy and anyone that triggers them (everyone)
No, that's Reddit. On Yea Forums we coach Discord trannies into suicide.
shave that disgusting beard.
I wish this faggot would off himself
>eceleb thread
Cool. I like his work. It gets the retards here worked up.
He likes video games
He's the worst leftuber, I don't get why he gets so many more fans than say Three Arrows.
There's only room for one Milwaukee YT channel
Nah he gets beat up by trannies
>owns cats
he's a huge faggot and mostly wrong
>t. Snowflake
Pretty sure that Gamestop freakshow could kick everyone on this boards ass.
Maybe because they screech loud enough to change shit they were never going to bother with in the first place.
See: Catherine Full Body
>game sells poorly
Gamers Put Their Foot Down On SJWs | Get Woke Go Broke
>game sells well
How Game Did Inclusion Right
Same old outrage-Youtuber schtick as all of the channels that he's copying. Just review everything as per your audience's expectations, and pretend that every game turned out exactly the way that you always predicted it would so that your gullible viewers think that you're some kind of clairvoyant genius.
Do I need to post the video of antifags cheering to a Hitler speech?
Global Rule 11: Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
You bastard
but there are gacha advertising threads on here all the time.