Your Favorite Class in an RPG?

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kill jestah

Game over

That's a cute picture. Image search doesn't get me anything, who is it by?



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Thanks, man. That's some trove.

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>flat chested

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is the chest size really relevant?

how are you supposed to draw a bow, even with a modest chest like this?

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You draw a bow across your chest. Big bust gets in the way

Take any chance I can Get to combine both to Enter Crazy Diamond Mode

I remember a thing about huntresses cutting off their right breast to make room for their bow.

To add onto this, back in the day, there used to be a myth surrounding Amazon Warrior Archers, being that they'd cut out one of their boobs to shoot with a bow easier
Just something relevant I thought was neat

Bards are great if done right. Being a cute rat is optional.

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I'm already jester

I couldn't remember exactly what the myth was, thanks user!

Lancer, Dragoon any class that uses a lance/spear essentially. Lacking a lance/spear class I go for Monk because it's manly and hot blooded as fuck

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More like


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Barbarian, no magic at all just kill the demon/dragon/god by going apeshit on his face

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Thief or whatever is specialised in stealth. Sneaking is strangely fun.

The light on her leg looked like a cock.
Such disappointment

I hate that face being made.
I hate these poses.
And I hate everyone that allows it infiltrate.

Berserker, specially if dual wielding swords or axes.

nympho healer


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in a competition no, in a battlefield however yes.

based berserker

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