Reminder that Sylvanas will be the last Warchief

The next World of Warcraft expansion will pretty much for all intents and purposes dissolve the factions. It'll immediately balance the factions and stop the story from having to force some Horde-Alliance bullshit and just tell a story. BFA is a faction war expansion since this is their last chance to tell it. Factions will only matter for warmode and BGs next expansion. Otherwise you'll be able to talk with, group with, guild with, trade with, raid with and what not with the other faction.

>Alex Afrasiabi: We feel the Alliance-Horde divide is foundational and fundamental to World of Warcraft as a franchise and as a story, but we danced around it for a very long time. We've had run-ins, we've had close calls, but we've never been able to finish it—to have that resolution. We're coming out of this expansion, Legion, and the world is not in a great place—the players and the factions themselves are not in a great place because there is all of this old animosity that hasn't been resolved. It's time to resolve it.

Enjoy your factions while they last.

Attached: horde_black.jpg (791x1024, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:'Thalas

>playing WoW

Worst state it's been in. Still better than the anime shit or 4-button smash Elder Scrolls MMO.

its okay

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Factions were always a stupid limiting factor of WOW, no other that has been remotely successful has strict faction systems because it limits players, no one wants to play a game, meet a friend IRL only to find out they can't play together because of some abitrary shit like faction.

On top of this, they can't do factions right, horde and alliance were multiple races that banded together against the other, but it devolved into orcs vs humans by the time BC hit and each race's identities were pushed aside for the human based alliance theme and the orcish horde theme, which is stupid as fuck because more then 50% of the horde playerbase are elves.

Dissolving the factions is a good thing, maybe we can start having semi-balanced opt in PVP where you join a PVP faction and have penalties for joining the overpopulated faction, as well you can play the race you want to while still remaining competitive, rather then being stuck horde only for 90% of the expansions.

This is why Baine is being bullied - so that he'll take over the Horde and dissolve it alongside his best friend Anduin. Baine is the only reasonable option for a next warchief, who won't become warchief since he'll dissolve the title and faction.

Blood elves will get blue eyed options, which is why void elves were added to the Alliance instead even though Blizzard proved with Lightforged they can just slap on new hair styles and an eye color and call it a race.

If it does happen, good.

add high elves or the shitty game will stay dead

Fuck off blizzdrone, Blizzard wouldn't even fix their dying population properly by merging servers and instead came up with some half-assed CRZ bandaid bullshit that turned everyone into what may as well be an NPC, you expect me to believe you'll do away with one of the few things that generate buzz for game online by getting rid of factionposting?

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does anyone care that much about the factions anymore? i mean, this isn't 2005 when dudes were rocking the horde/alliance shirts all the time, plus there's not any charismatic faction leaders left like Thrall (idk about the alliance, they never had any really popular faction leaders aside from Malfurion, I guess).

i mean, what's the point of keeping this artificial faction war going? they were never able to make a convincing narrative for why it exists anyway, it's just a convenience to justify having PvP and battlegrounds.

Varian was kind of cool.

But BFA is clearly a desperate last attempt to milk the faction stuff one last time since it'll be ended next expansion. There's a reason the story is so fucking forced and stupid and why they're obviously trying to tell a story they don't have the fucking balls to tell.

but if we get rid of factions who will buy our faction merchandise???

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The same people who always did.

If you remove faction restrictions, you can have more factions, and sell more merch.

Varian would have been great if they let his character grow organically instead of shilling the fuck out of him. They had the right idea, but fucked up the execution.

factionshit has been a staple of the warcraft universe since its conception, and will remain so for as long as PvP exists
best you can hope to happen is PvE mercenary mode to make queues shorter on this dying game

i should have known this was helffag propaganda

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Racial identity.

>this is what zoomers think

I'm not a helffag but Blizzard is retarded for not bringing them into the game due to how much money they'd make.

They'd make 10x the money from just clicking a button and letting the blue eyed options appear on Blood elves than they would on Kul Tirans, Vulpera, Highmountain, Lightforged, Mag'har and Dark Iron combined.

>I'm not a helffag
you had me going until you decided to put mag'har and dark iron in there
just play a fucking blood elf or void elf you autist

Void elves are gay. I do play a dark iron but do you seriously think most people want to play dwarves.

void elves are already the third most played alliance race. helfffags have already settled.
also you're fucking retarded for wanting to waste a race slot on a third reskin of blood elves

No retard. Blizzard makes a mint off "services" like race and faction changes, which it can kick off on a whim by "balancing" racial abilities or limiting in-game items to certain sides. They even had major raiding guilds doing mass faction changes because the Horde started their warfronts, then switching back to Alliance to double-dip on free raid gear. This is to say nothing of the fact that the only things people talk about anymore are faction politics drama. Factions will never, ever go away because they have been a series staple since the very first Warcraft RTS and they make too much money.

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>void elves are already the third most played alliance race.
so now both factions are infested with blood elves? fuck me, the belftard invasion of 2007 was so bad i had to switch to alliance to avoid all the room temperature iq players. now i guess i'm just never going to resub again..

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She will be the last but not because of your reasons, because WoW is an utterly sinking ship at this point and will finally die before getting another expansion.

i've heard this story for the past decade

I'm ready for one faction.
But I'm not re subbing. Though I miss my waifu void elf.

if WoW didn't die during WoD then it's never going to die. it's simply too big to. the addicts, the sunken cost retards, the soccer moms who collect mounts and pets and cheevos and transmogs, and the dumbasses who blizzard has been pandering to for the past decade will keep supporting it

I've been regrettably playing this expansion since it came out. There has been ZERO conflict between the Horde and Alliance, aside from Warfronts and the occasional irreverent quest. 90% of the plot is just completing the obligatory zone quests and that's about it. I can't wait for anything that resembles a meek little slap fight between Anduin and Sylvanas if it means there's some sort of Horde v Alliance in this empty lie of an expansion.

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remove factions
FFA pvp server
i will play your game again

>Remove hard factions
>create joinable NPC factions
>allow players to conquer territory in old world zones in war mode for their faction
>guilds can create their own faction but only if they can upkeep their bases enough with the onslaught of NPC faction zerging them constantly.

>The combat in FFXIV is actually faster than BfA's
Never thought I'd see the day

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Both combat systems are shit, its all about frontloading damage through boring DDR style rotations, there is no interactivity with the combat, just damage spam.

>caring about retail
classic and wc3 reforged are all you need

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then why is the highest apm class in 14 still only middle of the pack in wow?

enjoy your sharding, loot sharing, and diluted experience of what real vanilla was. not to mention to inevitable stagnation
enjoy christie golden's mutilation of the only good bits of warcraft lore

you have to be legally braindead to support Activision (because that's what nu-blizzard is) in any way shape or form

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sharding will only be in starting zones, if even

>muh lore
don't give a shit until I see it and the original will always be there.

>>sharding will only be in starting zones, if even
you seriously think they're going to waste time and resources to put a mechanic into the game to be used for, what, 3-5 days? and then never used again? you are deluded.

>enjoy christie golden's mutilation of the only good bits of warcraft lore
>giving a shit about lore in 3
The game was good because micro focused RTS is superior and the game editor was great.

And the story was simple yet fantastic, which is what you want in fantasy.

Originally the game wasn't going to have factions, and everyone would be cool with each other like the end of WC3. Would be interesting to see what the game would be like without factions but nobody gives a shit anymore, pvp servers no longer exist and the game is just a 3rd person co-op diablo at this point.


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forget the lore, the graphics look like generic chinkshit garbage. i'd rather just start up WC3 instead.

>blizzdrones actually going to fall for blizzard's scam of recycling classics because they simply can't make good games anymore
you are the reason blizzard is so incompetent these days

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Why are you lying?
Void elves are barely more than pandas.
>3,4% of the total population

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>being an autistic scorned fanboy
if classic is executed well then im going to play it. i dont give a shit about "B-BUT YOU'RE GIVING THEM MONEY!"

4th most played*

>you are the reason blizzard is so incompetent these days
>implying I'm even going to buy the game
I probably won't, but if re-releasing basically the same game brought back a player base it would be worth the money considering the 100's of hours I sank into it the first time. At least Blizzard is admitting they suck and used to be good. Lore is the weakest point to attack it on, though, because the lore isn't what made WC3 good.

>sharding will only be in starting zones
But that's literally the worst place to use them lol
Get a clue

>if classic is executed well then im going to play it
It won't be on the sole fact the only people interested in playing it seem to be exclusively people who want to check out what the fuss was all about.
My circle of friends who've played since vanilla have 0 interest in even re-experiencing the leveling experience before Cataclysm.
And as the other user said, it's already doomed to stagnation. If it doesn't follow retail's footsteps in turning to shit, that is.

>because the lore isn't what made WC3 good.
It definitely is, and the only reason people ever played WoW to begin with

BFA is probably the worst expansion to date, hard to figure out if its better or worse than WoD.

But at least they added Void Elves and I get to dab on High Elf cucks for eternity.

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WC3 was just a shallow excuse to give you things to do in the campaign mode. In WoW lore is a lot more important because it's an RPG with a narrative driving the development of the world the characters exist in. Most gameplay on WC3 was done in online matches where lore didn't really matter, or people playing one of the many games created in the editor by other players that if did involve Warcraft lore was usually shitty fanfic.

>calling wc3 lore shit while defending wow lore

BfA is definitely worse. By all accounts BfA is superior to WoD content-wise (Mythic+ alone ensures that), but at least the classes were still reasonably fun to play in WoD. BfA ruined class design, the lens through which you experience the whole game, no matter what kind of content you're doing.

I didn't defend WoW lore, I don't really care about any Warcraft lore in general. Lore is much more important in WoW, though, because of the type of game it is. WC3 lore was nothing special and didn't need to be, most players spent their time with the game where lore didn't matter. That's probably the main boon to make WC3 lore would be better than WoW's. WC3 didn't need to get convoluted, it just needed a simple explanation for the setting and to give players campaigns to play.

We're already scraping the bottom of the barrel for Allied Races. When people are seriously wondering if fucking Junker Gnomes might be a possibility, then High Elves will remain in the conversation.

It's hard to top Twitter Integration as a content patch, but I think "Pretend Zandalari are going to be at launch and then take 6 months to add them" manages.

>t. dumb fucking plate or hunter cuck ruining the game for everyone else since vanilla
I'm glad they demolished your class.

are you baiting or are you seriously defending blizztard gutting classes for the third xpac in a row, adding the abilities that salvaged your class in Legion as bogged down talents?
project more, i leveled 9 out of 12 classes to 120 before i realized shit's fucked for everyone.

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I don't want to leave the Horde.

Why are people so buttmad about that? It's just a race, it's a fucking cosmetic choice at most. Just play normal trolls.
>inb4 muh racials
Difference between best and worst racial is about 100dps, which is nothing at 120.

>wc3 lore was an afterthough because multiplayer existed
lol it clearly wasn't

go ap grind, faggot shill
btw im not him, but nobody asked for this, idiotic retard

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Why the hell are people still playing this game? Fucking normalfags man

>sharding, loot sharing, and diluted experience of what real vanilla was. not to mention to inevitable stagnation

Oh noooo that sounds so much worse than BFA.

Dumb cuck.

>literally shittalking the game
>faggot shill
are you ok? do you need me to call an ambulance?

>giving a shit

It's not just about the race, although people have wanted Zandalari trolls for a LONG time (seriously you might as well be saying WHO CARED ABOUT UPDATED MODELS LOL???). It's about the fact that they used bait and switch tactics to sell BFA.

Imagine the dance studio debacle, except hundreds of thousands of people actually fucking cared.

Not an after thought. It took little thought. WC3's ability to keep people playing and not just dropping the game after a couple days playing campaign was due to its multiplayer. That's the main reason people played. It was a good game because of gameplay, competition, and the editor.

literally nothing about ending factions you baiting twat faggit

yeah, ap grinder faggot who never played this game before 2016

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you know more games exist than the ones listed in, right, blizzdrone?

here's your government mandated (you), mentally ill inbred

But the Horde wins in the end, right?

>Legion class balance is focused entirely on shit you got from your artifact weapon and the new ability from it
>Bfa just lazily removes the new ability and says they finished balancing everything

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that has absolutely nothing to do with how much thought was put into the campaign

dude, you said they added abilities
youre clearly trolling, im just shitting on your head
nobody asked for ap grind, idiot

You know what? Dissolving factions sounds like a good idea to me

Then again, flying mounts and group finder also seemed like good ideas so idk

they put the abilities that your artifact lent you, and placed them on the talent tree
literally go back to first grade, you CANNOT READ.

>Used to be a huge Blizzcuck
>Enjoyed Legion, thought it was a solid expansion
>Take a break towards the end, BFA news starts pouring out
>It's all fucking awful, it's the WoD pruning except removing good stuff we just got instead of old hardly used abilities
>Sylvanas burns a tree and kills thousands, "Morally Grey"
>Decide to sit this one out
>Blizzcon and Diablo Immortal happens

I did it lads I'm free

fuck Blizzard I hope they burn

wait, wait, he i saying ONE SKILL from the weapon, while gutting tons of others, WEW

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>"None of the other less successful MMO's do factions! Why doesn't blizzard do what they do!?"

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>horde winning anything but the honor of more dead leaders

show me the skills, liar
there were passives, korean grind shitter

i did the same and picked up a fight with my most recent friends, and they even gave me BfA as a Bday gift.

not just the new ability either, but the golden traits. and even some 0/1 traits were fun/interesting in their own rights.
but it's all okay! our replacement are generic damage/stat procs on our armor pieces.

blizzard hasn't played their own game in fucking years and it shows

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muh tree

How won't Classic be retail? If you think you're not paying for it you're a fucking retard


You fucking faggola. You elf fags are a blight.

>that has absolutely nothing to do with how much thought was put into the campaign
Gameplay and the game editor took most of the thought in the campaign instead of the story that gave an excuse for everything they programmed. I assure you much more time, by many more people, was spent developing mechanics, models, and the maps to be played through than the low level narrative to give the player an excuse to run through it. It turns out the technical parts they developed for the campaign also doubled to keep players playing the game for much longer than story mode.

>wake of ashes (ret paladin)
>stormkeeper (ele shaman)
>void torrent (shadow priest)
they didn't even bother changing the ability names. are you this daft? does your guardian know you're on the internet?

The Alliance will be disolved and its races will become Horde slaves

>they put the abilities
[citation needed]

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Can anyone explain why Christie Golden thought it was a good idea to ship Jaina and Kalec together? It still boggles me that Kalec can't control his blonde fetish, and he would rather go after a justifiably pissy Grand Wizard than bother knocking up his female dragon mates to restore his dragonflight.

Sharding is already in the code. Classic isn't vanilla. Classic is vanilla reconstructed from the current game. Sharding is already implemented.

There will never be a faction removal unless they remove the undeads for good

man, i dont know if youre retarded but you just comproved what he said
they added not more than one skill and removed a lot, there was even a huge prune post

>If you don't like it, the Horde is waiting for you
Ohai Ion

>blood elf demon hunter
well at least that explains why you're so fucking retarded

I am (or was, rather) a Hordecuck. I played almost exclusively Goblins and have never played Alliance long term except for faction changing in WoTLK cause my guild and realm died.

Sylvanas as Warchief in Legion was bad enough, but all that fucking trash leading towards BFA with those garbage ass comics and stories, then she burned Teldrassil cause she got verbally rekt by 1 (one); singular Night Elf was literally the stupidest thing that has happened in Warcraft, and that's counting fucking time travelling orcs.

I played WC3 for the lore

Factions at most should stick around for story purposes not gameplay

lol you fucking dumbass, thats the first pic i got in google
you can even reverse search, mong, and yes, DH is trash, belves too

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Regular slaves or breeding slaves?

Mythic plus isn't fun after a year. Dungeons shouldn't be a race.

The women will become regular slaves. The men will become breeding slaves.

>one fucking bar
always get me

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Then you have autism and missed the real meat of the game, or you started on WoW and wanted to go back and learn about pre-WoW lore.

Alliance and Horde combine to create the United Azeroth Nations, dedicated to fighting literally everything except themselves. Doesn't matter how much happened the past, everyone will immediately let bygones be bygones or else get sacked by the rest of the people who want to move on.

there you go with the "add" again. i didn't just say "add", i said "added onto the talent tree from the artifact". i'm fucking done talking to you, ESL retard.
and stop talking about yourself in third person, nobody's buying that there are actually two or more people in this thread as illiterate as you.

>helfffags have already settled.
you're out of your mind if you think they wouldnt switch the millisecond helfs were available

hey zoomer, why are you lying
didnt your dad teached you
gonna even quote :>adding abilities
see, illiterate monkey lover

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>adding the abilities that salvaged your class in legion
aka the artifact abilities
this is embarrassing


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>WoW is on the decline
>Just like Overwatch and HoTS, they'll do something the fans want just to pretend the game isn't dying

Soldier 76 is gay, Imperius is released and Helves will be an Allied Race.

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>like the alliance aesthetic more
>spacegoat my favorite race to play thats currently in game when you fix the game give ethereals too pls
>all my friends play horde
>the horde race i'm most interested in is locked behind a rep grind
at least trolls are cool, i guess

are you dumb, user?
he is saying that they pruned skills, which is true, and used passives through a grind system, why is it so hard for you to understand?

>having this low of reading comprehension
Confirmed velf player

>Overwatch is dead
Yea Forums has been saying this for over a year and yet it's still going

Nice cherrypicked example, faggot. Pick any class, chances are at least one of their specs has had an artifact ability recycled into a talent. Off the top of my head:
>frost/fire mage
>ele shaman
>ret paladin
>frost dk
>unholy dk's was made baseline
>ele shaman
>shadow priest
>arms warrior

why the fuck do you keep bringing up the grind system that literally stopped mattering (other than concordance) once broken shore was out? and why do you insist on referring to yourself in third person?

>The next World of Warcraft expansion will pretty much for all intents and purposes dissolve the factions.

It'll dissolve the game too!

You and I both know what he meant by dead, you little shit.

Maybe you wouldn't have such a hard time being understood if you could speak English properly, stupid spic.

I don't know why you and that guy who can't English good are having trouble understand this. Is it because he used the word "Added"?

Let me rephrase his statement for him.

"a̶d̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ taking the abilities that salvaged your class in Legion and making bogged down talents?"

Does this help you understand what he was saying? Why are people actually like he's some sort of Blizzshill exactly? He's saying they took stuff that we already had (or rather, just lost) from artifacts and poorly jammed it into the talent trees.

youre clearly trolling, bye

Fuck yes

i accept your concession
if you don't know what that means, google it, ESL nigger.

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why do you shill so hard, when even those nerd from method did a video on how so bad it is

because it is bad.
you're reading shit that isn't there. go take your fucking meds already.

Okay, here's this. They add High Elves, but it's only in a forked version of Classic. They pull a OSRS.

I'd play it.

High Elves - Ogres
Furbolg - Goblins

Half the appeal of classic is that there aren't any blood elf retards or femdraenei degenerates shitting it up for everyone.
Also, slippery slope. i don't trust nu-blizzard to create any new content whatsoever for classic.

My ideal for Classic is that they release pure Classic servers that just plain stop at 1.12, but then release another set of servers that allow for tweaks and new development.

>The next World of Warcraft expansion will pretty much for all intents and purposes dissolve the factions. It'll immediately balance the factions and stop the story from having to force some Horde-Alliance bullshit and just tell a story. BFA is a faction war expansion since this is their last chance to tell it. Factions will only matter for warmode and BGs next expansion. Otherwise you'll be able to talk with, group with, guild with, trade with, raid with and what not with the other faction.

seems more likely they'll dissolve the factions and then just immediately make new ones

blessed trips post

Same. It'd be sweet so long as the gameplay doesn't change. Preferably they don't make any content irrelevant and only ADD to the game. No new levels or anything.

>Can anyone explain why Christie Golden thought it was a good idea to ship Jaina and Kalec together?
had to fully cut off and burn both ends of the stump for the Jaina-Thrall ship. Putting Thrall in bed with some literal who wasn't enough, so they had to plug Jaina's socket with a cock as well

How would that work? That'd split guilds.

you're definitely a cuck that's for sure.

>How would that work?
you opt into/choose your faction, obv.

His sentence is correct, though. The abilities were not present in the talent trees beforehand, so "added" is the right word.

People that defend companies like you should legitimately be purged. It would make our world a shit ton better.

I know his sentence was correct but some illiterate 3rd-worlder was sperging out because he cannot understand basic English so I thought I'd try to help.

shitty troll, last post

Attached: l.png (805x391, 70K)

>ignoring the word "except" on purpose
>moving the goalposts to a completely irrelevant point since this was about abilities and concordance is just a shitty proc
thank god this is your last post and you're finally shutting the fuck up.

yep, youre retarded

>last post
>not actually last post
>no arguments to be found
I don't know why you're so paranoid about trolls when you're such a low hanging fruit for any of them to bother with, you insecure, weak-willed faggot.

>other user: provides source with calcs
>you: shitposting the entire thread

Attached: ele.png (609x650, 30K)

>STILL talking about himself in third person
Source for what nigger? We were never talking about concordance, we were talking about abilities. But being a frogposter you are legally required to have room temperature IQ which means you're too stupid to know the difference between abilities and passives.
Last (You) by the way. And unlike you, I actually mean it when I say this is my last one.

>Oh SHIT! Blizzard just hired to you be their lead director
>They know that the game is about to meet its end and they want YOU to be the lead guy for the last expansion
What do you do?

Why does WoW have such a small ammount of buttons? I swear it was never this baby of a game.

posted sources from other sites, youve posted only shit without any comprobation, do you really think someone will trust posts on Yea Forums?

The content in WoD was better than Legion or BFA. There just wasn’t enough of it.

that's because this expansion has just been a poorly disguised old god expansion
>octopus themed religion in kul tiras, surprise surprise they worship old gods
>titans in their eternal retardation, make an old god, which trollkind happen to build their capital over,who also has an troll antagonist introduced in cata as a pawn

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Humiliate Ion. I don't care about the game anymore. It's hit irredeemable shit status. Ion is such a smug fuck, I want nothing more than to break him down.

End the factions. Only matters in war mode, where you turn to the faction of your group leader.
Set the expansion in K'aresh.
Make the expansion focus around a smaller villain; Locus-Walker.
Not every story is focused on him but enough to make him a baddie.
Tinker class.
Necromancer "prestige" class that's just an unlockable warlock skin that's available for humans, dwarves, gnomes, draenei, worgen, void elves, dark iron, orcs, undead, trolls, blood elves, mag'har and zandalari.
Many RPG features restored.
Stats matter. ilvl removed.
LFR/LFG removed.
Map editor like WC3 that allows people to make battlegrounds, zones, raids and dungeons that don't give any out-of-map rewards.
Warfronts are made much tougher but scaled down to 5-10 people. Take place around Azeroth to show Locus-walker means business.

>horde and alliance were multiple races that banded together against the other, but it devolved into orcs vs humans by the time BC hit
warcraft 1 is literally called Orcs vs Humans, this isn't new

Remember when people hated Ghostcrawler for no real reason other than their class wasn't top DPS of the patch?

How far we've come.

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Ah, good ol' Greg.

Patch notes:
"Fuck mages"

>urge to resub is hitting
>know the game is boring and unfun in every sense
>brain tries to do some mental gymnastics to convince myself it won't be shit this time despite being shit every other time

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Horde should have never have had forsaken and certainly not elves, either
Fucking koreans

>It's time to resolve it
The alliance never got it's revenge for the 300 cities the horde bombed, and no, just because you lost ONE character, even if it was a warchief, it doesn't mean anything.

I'll stay on vanilla where none of that shit ever happened, thank you.

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I didn't care about being top, I cared about it being fun. and MoP delivered

Do the free level 20 trial, it's worked for me. anytime i get the urge to go back I force myself to play the free trial and level a new character to 20, i usually get it out of my system by then.

I'd retcon the ENTIRE game so WC4 can pick up where WC3 ended.

Attached: it was all a dream.jpg (1085x577, 42K)

What story would it even tell?

Use classic to retcon the entire plot from the mmo.

Its always the people who dont give a shit about lore who are the most anti-High Elf. Why is that? They're always saying "just give Blood Elves blue eyes lmao" as if the High Elf distinction isnt literally the fact that theyre still with the Alliance, and never left when Anasterian pulled his kingdom out after the Second War because they aren't a hivemind like the silithid. That's not even taking into consideration that High Elves are not welcome in Silvermoon, they don't even want to go there, and the largest loss of High Elf life in recent history was perpetrated with a weapon made by Blood Elves. The High/Blood Elf split is the main reason they're not just generic Tolkien elves.

I don't give a shit about their playability, and think Void Elves are better, but actively wishing Blizzard would continue to shit on what little storytelling they have left is the kind of shit that got the game where it is now.

Lorefags = High elves
Actual fags = Void elves

sylvanas v. kel'thuzad, who did fuck all after arthas left
jaina's forces go back to lordaeron to see it buttfucked by the undead
thrall goes to outland, akama shows up and he's angry, angry about ORCS
arthas and anub'arak fighting faceless ones/ice trolls or whatever's left of illidan's forces


just play wow 2 when someone makes it in reforged.

Attached: 1535930520320.jpg (1920x1506, 840K)

merge warcraft and starcraft since blizzard is already using the same overarching story for both
the void lords use Xel'naga warriors loaned from their fallen cuz Amon (R.I.P. soulja) to launch a final invasion of Azeroth, meanwhile Kerrigan and Sylvanas merge into the perfect mary sue angel being and destroy the void lords once and for all and finally awaken Azeroth, saving both universes for all time.
then nathanos blightcaller and jim reynor combine into one mega fuccboi for Sylvanas Kerrigan to swoon over.

You know what's gonna happen? Syl will get the boot, and shit will go on like it always has.

Nothing is gonna change. Sorry folks.


that'd be gay tho

I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf or Draenei

That's a sure way to kill the game

I know!!! Draenei are so hot. I want one to shove her tail up my ass and stick her neck tendrils in my mouth and for her to stomp on my balls with her hooves.

>300 cities

Attached: slavface.jpg (316x311, 39K)

too much work to do otherwsie

>that feel when Wildhammer Dwarves never because anti-High Elf people insist theres an arbitrary limit of 2 races per model

Attached: ODf22av.jpg (854x826, 212K)

>Dissolving the factions is a good thing, maybe we can start having semi-balanced opt in PVP
>implying horde players will be glad to run PvP with ERPers

the tree was corrupted since its inception so sylvanas actually did them a favor

>reasonable option for a next warchief

Baine is a non-character who bends over the moment the Alliance asks.


>The alliance never got it's revenge for the 300 cities the horde bombed, and no, just because you lost ONE character, even if it was a warchief, it doesn't mean anything.

Every single problem in warcraft was caused by the Dranei going apeshit with the few who didn't being retards and leading them to different places, and Night Elves being complete retards aside Illidan, whom they tried repeatedly to fuck over and kill.

Horde are fucking pointless, and have been since BC.

Not really. Just make PvP a warmode thing.

>The alliance never got it's revenge for the 300 cities the horde bombed,
Top kek
>, just because you lost ONE character, even if it was a warchief, it doesn't mean anything.
Human male paladin, pls, it's Alliance who lost ONE character, due to Alliance-favoritism

Dog shit is better than chink shit and a nugget of shit

Why pick any?

Blood elves are all ERPers

Implying anyone after Thrall was reasonable.

Cairne died in a book and Thrall didn't give a shit.
You expect the Tauren to get good story development?

>Blood elves are all ERPers
Nah I've seen pplenty of them raiding in top guilds, while Alliance is faction of ERPers

Exactly. Once he's takes charge, he'll dissolve the faction when Anduin prods him to.


>You expect the Tauren to get good story development?
Of course, they still have shitton Alliance dicks to suck

Dissolving factions would make Nightborne look incredibly retarded
>Both factions helped us but Tyrande is mean so we Horde now
>Yeah fuck your tree Alliance fags
>(factions dissolve a year later)

How many horde cities did the alliance bomb again? Because if you count the Tauren camp I'll count the dwarf settlement.

Don't worry, you'll get GO'EL back and Baine will be shoved into the closet.

Attached: today i will remind them.png (462x138, 74K)

>How many horde cities did the alliance bomb again?
Meanwhile how many Alliance cities did the Horde bombed?


i really want to fuck a draenei

>Scotland after Brexit

Same but I want to marry and impregnate one. Lightforged are great, too.

Name them

Nightborne ARE retarded

Blizzard will eventually dissolve factions, but it has nothing to do with story
>No more factions
>Now you can play any race you want with your guild! Faction change now for the low low price of $29.99, reduced from $34!

Lordaeron City
Stormwind City
Silvermoon City
Tol Barad

>E-trannies and orbiters everywhere
>Every ultratard and the sweatiest tryhard from pirate servers returns
>Modern mindsets and behaviours in your shit old game
Enjoy "picklerrrick" trying to slash dab while he kicks you from strath and gets his discord community to trash your reputation

>No more factions
>Faction change now

>Name them
Undercity (twice)
Meanwhile Horde:

lmao who the fuck cares about cities? literally only roleplaying spergs. characters are what matter

>jaina comes back to save arthas with the power of love, and her pussy

Also, remind me who started the wars that led to the Undercity, Orgrimmar and Dazar'alor being invaded? All the Alliance do is wait around for the Horde to try to wipe them out again for no reason. Literally since the opening of the Dark Portal.

What the fuck am I reading?
You better not be including Lordaeron retaking and the battle for the undercity on your list.
And no Orgrimmar was raided by the Horde itself, the Alliance merely aided the Horde.
>characters are what matter
Yeah no, character that never do anything don't matter, you walk on cities, several NPCs exist on those cities, you spend a fuckload of time completing quests to improve those cities.

>and Baine will be shoved into the closet.
I hope
The dude it cursed, he hitting the bottom everytime he appears on screen

characters are what have fanbases and sell merchandise you sperg. no one gives a fuck about cities, especially ones like taurajo or theramore
>several NPCs exist on those cities
wow I sure care about grugtar the innkeeper lol

Not WoW.
Excuse me but how it's related to Alliance-Horde
Gilneas wasn't part of Alliance
Seriously? I thought we talked about the cities, not the villages
Since when Andorhal became part of new Alliance, instead of being part of Lordaeron
>You better not be including Lordaeron retaking and the battle for the undercity on your list.
>And no Orgrimmar was raided by the Horde itself, the Alliance merely aided the Horde.

so let them do it already
no one wants to hear alliancecucks cry anymore

Kino indeed brother

>characters are what have fanbases
Fuck no, the MOST characters on WoW have are self inserts like green jesus.
>wow I sure care
You have more interaction with those than with the characters you are crying about.

>literally saying "I don't like your examples so they don't count"
Hordelets everyone.

>level grind is still a thing that exists in video games

Attached: gunyatta.png (716x935, 425K)

>Horde starts attacking itself
>on both times starting an internal war
>Alliance literally AIDS horde after being attacked
>"lol alliance bombed us"

Who the fuck cares about this 15 year old soap opera
Light undead
Fox people
Fat women

Complete lore fuckery
Who cares
Make it as dumb as possible

Factions worked to promote game play early on. The problem is blizzard stop caring about what made factions different because MUH BALANCE. Only made worse when you bring the player and not the class as classes offered less and less interesting abilities.

If they are killing off the factions they might as well just move to a new MMO and restart the entire game that way instead of just leaving people in that shit heap of an engine and design quagmire. Who cares how they write it too at that point since the lore is so fucked.

Prob just Bronze dragon flight to some new Azeroth and create factions you can move between instead.

>>literally saying "I don't like your examples so they don't count"
Projecting much?
I didn't mentioned pre-Cata tauren tribes which got eliminated for simplt staying in their homeland, or "muh taurajo"

>>Horde starts attacking itself
So we both agree that Alliance-favoritism exist.

Theyll force race changes to an elf

This game has been Elves of Elfcraft for 2 expacs now

>I didn't mentioned pre-Cata tauren tribes which got eliminated
You have Alliance villages getting plagued and dwarf forts getting bombed at the same time, he cited ACTUAL cities and entire regions, Ashenvale isn't a fucking city it's an entire region for example. You're literally handwaving away events not because there's a proper argument, but because you just want to ignore that the faction you picked is favorited, as seeing the writer at the time screaming the slogan every time he went to a con.

Oh yes I just love seeing my faction sitting on the sidelines acting as a punching bag and then as personal war dogs for the group that attacked them.

Leveling in BFA isnt that bad actually. I just spam island expeditions until 120 then replace Legion gear via WQs. Ive made a ton of gold off of island drops this way.

>You have Alliance villages getting plagued and dwarf forts getting bombed at the same time,
Pre-Cata? name them
>Ashenvale isn't a fucking city it's an entire region for example.
And it wasn't bombed
>that the faction you picked is favorited
>meanwhile Blizzard didn't dare to touch any of Alliance characters because allykeks will chimp out like a niggers IRL

Fuck the Alliance

Attached: Maghar.png (1124x511, 1.22M)

>Oh yes I just love seeing my faction sitting on the sidelines
>Alliance siitting on the sidelines

Elves keep getting played because they weren't designed by a retard.

>play orc
>lumbering jackass who is too massive to look good in armor or sitting on any mount, standing up makes me look like I have a cock in my ass

>play undead
>gear is torn apart at very specific spots for no reason, hunched over like I'm ninety years old, terrible face options unless I rip off my jaw

>play goblin
>models have not aged well, cant see most gear because I'm so tiny, very niche overall

>play human
>character very obviously skipped leg day, enormous gorilla arms and paper-thin legs, faces and facial hair look like absolute trash compared to Turalyon, Anduin, Greymane

>play anything else
>some kind of disgusting mutant who clearly wasn't taken into consideration when designing gear, mounts, weapons or anything else, my character looks like a walking joke

>play elf
>females (and male blood/void elves) actually look like people

Orcs deserve genocide. Even without the demon blood they still chimp out, it's fucking retarded.

>the MOST characters on WoW have are self inserts like green jesus.
is this supposed to mean anything?

>yfw you was right all along, despite shamans autistic screeching

Attached: Lock.jpg (1024x794, 93K)

>Literal of thousands of people fighting over the same 20 kobolds. It would be funny to watch, but only because it would be a laggy, unworkable shit show.

>name them
Part of the questline for the Forsaken starting area. Sequential quest right after you deal with the Taurajo camp.
>And it wasn't bombed
Technically neither was Teldrassil, but you understood perfectly well that I meant as a city being attacked.
>"muh spechul characters"
Meanwhile an entire alliance race got in the brink of extinction ALONG with a city being attacked, what did the Alliance got in return? An empty plagued city. Mind you it wasn't the Alliance that killed your precious characters, but it WAS the horde that constantly attacked the Alliance.

Dark iron you fuck

Means as much as "muh fanbases".

>it WAS the horde that constantly attacked the Alliance.
>wipes out tauren tribe in vanilla
>ambushes horde fleet in wrath
>tries to capture thrall in cata
>ambushes horde fleet in legion

>have to grind something else to 120 to get the chance to grind to 120 as the thing you actually want to play

Attached: 1545719913956.gif (294x233, 3.95M)

>Part of the questline for the Forsaken starting area.
Then post the link
>Technically neither was Teldrassil
No, you can see catapult shooting and the tree
>Meanwhile an entire alliance race got in the brink of extinction ALONG with a city being attacked
So just like well, literally any Horde race except of forsaken and goblins?
>, what did the Alliance got in return?
You are lawful good faction which never ahve to meet with repercussions.
>Mind you it wasn't the Alliance that killed your precious characters, but it WAS the horde that constantly attacked the Alliance.
So what?

not really but whatever you want to think retard. go back to crying over dumb shit like towns and race population as if it matters.

I don't know what to tell you dude, all lore written beyond vanilla is shit. Vanilla lore is benign because it didn't retcon anything big and did more in the way of world building than actually telling a central story like the others did.

So NOW any time period counts? Well then read

>So NOW any time period counts
no idea what you're talking about just pointing out your bullshit
>first war

>New systems rarely added, game us unsurprising but consistent

>new gimmick every expac thats replaced with more gimmicks just as youre getting used to the first gimmick

What's better

Keep in hind the Horde has only been around on Azeroth for 30 or so years, yet they've already started 3 world wars and counting.

The former. I miss Wrath/MoP gameplay the most desu. I don't need a redesign every expansion.

Bombs wouldn't burn a tree you retarded motherfucker, bombs create pact and that's what causes damage.
>literally any Horde race
>You are lawful good faction which never ahve to meet with repercussions
Now you're literally going insane.
>So what?
You cannot understand the difference between green jesus a HORDE character killing a warchief, DEMONS killing a warchief and the HORDE destroying alliance cities?

I need a Draenei to be my wife and the mother of my children, bros. They're so perfect.

Attached: Draenei qt.jpg (800x1200, 71K)

>So NOW any time period counts?
No? The dude talked about the WoW and only about the WoW

Same but with a blood elf.

And either you or the other guy was whining about precata being cited so fuck off.

>"Classes are more important than your race."
>"Your faction is more important than your race."
>"Being an adventurer of the world is more important than your faction."

Same but with a Void Elf. They're on the same faction as Humans again so it's only natural that they would have Human husbands once more.

Attached: void cutie.jpg (836x1200, 183K)

Warcraft elves are in general thirsty for human dick, it's practically a fantasy trope at this point.

>Bombs wouldn't burn
>what napalm bomb
I hope you realise the explosion is a burning?
>3 clans badly wounded
>almost genocided by centaurs
>their chieftain killed more taurens than dwarves
>one very weak tribe
>90% of Quel'Thalas population wiped out by Arthas
>had their own lillte civil war back in TBC
>And either you or the other guy was whining about precata being cited so fuck off.
Because pre-Cata isn't WoW, or what?

ITT MoPbabies

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Miscegenation is satanic.

It was always a fantasy trope, wasn't it? WoW just went very blatant with their version.

Even Tolkien couldn't resist making his very own qt elf waifu.

>You cannot understand the difference between green jesus a HORDE character killing a warchief, DEMONS killing a warchief and the HORDE destroying alliance cities?
I don't care about it. Because both are made by the same writters, who never dared to touch Alliance or their characters.
>cucktanos literally cannot deal with two major alliance jobbers

>It was always a fantasy trope, wasn't it?
LotR and probably DnD

Alliance is trash and Warcraft humans are garbage. Warhammer fantasy humans on the other hand, and gigachads in comparison.

Napalm is not a bomb you stupid fuck.
You have to be shitting me. Bring me the SOURCE of those claims.
Again you have to be pretending at this point.

I can't say I blame him. I fucking love Void Elves.

Attached: Void Elf qt.jpg (1280x1921, 175K)

He could. It's implied the children suffered. Bad.

>pre-Cata isn't WoW
That's it you're officially shitposting, and I'm not feeding you anymore.

>Napalm is not a bomb you stupid fuck.
You realise you can make bomb WITH napalm?Or even fucking propan.
>Bring me the SOURCE of those claims.
Warcraft games. Warcraft chronicles and Warcraft wiki.
>Again you have to be pretending at this point.

>Alliance cities and entire regions destroyed left and right
>"who never dared to touch Alliance"
>"I don't care"
Ah so now you admit you are being disingenuous. Nice.

They already were retarded. Getting involved in a war they literally had no reason to join is the definition of stupidity.

>That's it you're officially shitposting,
>says the guy who ignores pre-Cata WoW
It was a question, retard.

>Warhammer fantasy humans on the other hand, and gigachads in comparison
>gets shit on by skaven

Are Hordefags all this retarded?

>>Alliance cities and entire regions destroyed left and right
Such as..?

last I checked 4 buttons was still more than 2 buttons.

They're the only Allied Race whose story hadn't already been explored, I'm interested to see what their long term role in the Alliance will be.

Attached: Umbric dialogue.jpg (286x883, 96K)

The nu-Horde is just elves and sylvanas fags.
Can't wait for Classic where every group has at least one Tauren in it.

>Yrel calling Grom an old friend
So fucking stupid

>Pretending end times wasn't written by g-dubs bean counters to nuke the world so they can release cheaper age of shitmar.

And the Star Wars sequels aren't cynical cashgrabs destroyed by politics.

>You realise
You realize that the way by which bombs work would cease any fire before it even started right? "Napalm bomb" is a misnomer. And again, you're just using a semantic argument because you cannot with the point I actually made. All the while including cities the Alliance never bombed in your small list.
>Warcraft games. Warcraft chronicles
>"Pre cata doesn't count for the Alliance, but it does for the Horde lol"
Surely you jesting nigger.
Oh yes, A UNDEAD character is from the Alliance, yes makes perfect sense to count him as that.

>implying skaven wouldn't overrun Azeroth ez

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>Oh yes, A UNDEAD character is from the Alliance, yes makes perfect sense to count him as that.

kys furfag

All Cata events didn't affect on the regions except Hillsbard. NElfs lost nothing in Ashenvale
And half of this list cames before current Horde-Alliance.

>feigning ignorance

>I'm interested to see what their long term role in the Alliance will be.


Warhammer Fantasy humans
>fights off dozens of enemies that want to see your species annihilated with only dwarves as allies
>builds a true Empire on the verge of industrialization despite everything on the planet conspiring to destroy it
>purges every demon-loving fuck with extreme prejudice no matter what
>Emperor is a Chad who wields the warhammer of a living God
>fights until the literal end of the World
Warcraft humans
>needs an Alliance populated by elves, furries and space goats just to fight up a raving band of niggers
>a hodgepodge of shitty decrepit kingdoms stuck in the Middle Ages despite dwarves and gnomes having near futuristic tech
>allow warlocks to practise their bullshit in your cities
>King is a basedboy that gets fucked by a dragon whelp on the regular

Not an argument, friend.

>NElfs lost nothing in Ashenvale
Except an entire fucking forest right?
>before current Horde-Alliance

I'd be fine with that. Vanilla was peak Alliance vs Horde anyway and we already have classic to play. It's not like Blizzard had any other options anyway.

1. Make the Horde or Alliance "win". Losing faction is deleted. Game is over unless you wanna play as the winning faction. (never gonna happen and if you thought it might then you're a dumb fuck)

2. Endless war with continually stupider and stupider reasons they're still fighting since no one is allowed to win because its a video game. (what we have currently)

3. They join forces in some fashion at least most of the time with sporadic remnants of NPCs who long for the "good ole days".

Any other option beyond those three and people will bitch because it'd fundamentally change how some people play and it'd cause bitch fits.

>before current Horde-Alliance
But still current factions.

Good. Alliance vs Horde conflict was supposed to end with Warcraft III.

Attached: WhatsGoingOnThreadRuber.png (949x471, 318K)

>Except an entire fucking forest right?
But they don't and it seems like you didn't even leveled in Ashenvale

An interrogation point isn't an argument either brainlet.

No one references warcraft 3 lore unless they're trying to grasp straws as to why the panda's aren't retarded.

>But still current factions.

>Hordefags quick to point out that you can't count anything the pre-Thrall Horde did
>will also say anything Arthas did is the Alliance's doing

Please tell me what a draenei/gnome child would look like

>>will also say anything Arthas did is the Alliance's doing
I've referenced to Arthas just to show that most of Horde races suffered the demographic problems since Vanilla/TBC (aka long before the tree)

>t. blood elf

A shorter Draenei

Halflings in WoW seem to take after the more "exotic" of the two parents (Arator just looks like an Elf)

Thrall is the except to Horde warchiefs, not the rule. All the faggots who sperg out about #NotMyWarchief should remember that
>Blackhand - vicious genocidal bastard
>Doomhammer - vicious genocidal bastard
>Gul'dan - even bigger vicious genocidal bastard
The Horde has had more evil leaders than not.

Attached: 23101318_141636656469383_3651521297445289984_n.jpg (480x480, 59K)

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>>Blackhand - vicious genocidal bastard
>>Doomhammer - vicious genocidal bastard
Because of Stormwind?


>Sylv kills Garithos and takes the Alliance foothold on Lord but it doesn't count as a Forsaken attack on the Alliance.
Oh yes more disingenuousness.

The filter is made by soya "males" for soya consumers.

What makes them vicious genocidal bastartds, sack of Stormwind?

Did you even play WC1 and 2?

Care to explain how Lordaeron Alliance related wiith Stormwind?

Stormwind, the Dwarves, the gnomes, the dragons, etc etc.
The Horde's only been around for 30 or so years yet look at all the shit they've done. The Alliance should've exterminated them instead of attempt to play nice.


>Stormwind, the Dwarves, the gnomes, the dragons, etc etc.
How it's genocide if all of them still exist?
>The Alliance should've exterminated them instead of attempt to play nice.
Alliance should start turning warmode on, instead of begging writters and screeching at forums

nigga what
attempted genocide is still genocide.

>"Care to say how the human Alliance, which started the whole concept of an Alliance is related to Stormwind"
Oh gee, I wonder how.

>attempted genocide is still genocide.
[citation needed]

What counts as exotic though? Orc/Draenei children all look like Orcs if my recollection is right.

Don't care about all your whining, got my sexy elf characters and still having fun

Attached: i like gold.png (565x710, 865K)

Well fuck, the Armenians are still around, guess that means they weren't genocided after all!

Yep I wonder, how does war in Lordaeron related to current Alliance.

The Orc's genes conquered the Draenei slut's

>Not WoW.
Are you fucking kidding me? so this is your average wow player nowadays? playing world of warcraft without the warcraft?

Attached: 1325370462787.gif (236x224, 1.89M)

Because Stormwind's government in exile was located in Lordaeron after the Hordeniggers went about burning every home, killing every man and raping every woman they see?


It's just your typical ESL hordefag

>"Yep I wonder how the Alliance which started with the human Alliance and eventually evolved into the Nelf-Dwarf-Human-Gnome has anything to do with the human Alliance"
Any further attempt to pretend retardation about this will be proof of how disingenuous you are. Or that you are baiting.

>The holocaust didn't happen
>More like holohoax
How'd he get away with this

>playing world of warcraft without the warcraft?
How do you even get to this?
>Because Stormwind's government in exile was located in Lordaeron
Was lordaeron's government in exile was located in Stormwind or garithos was Stormwind officer?

>and raping every woman they see?
Hey, we have standards. Some of your women were too ugly even for us.

I think this is fine. Classic needs to be a thing first though.

>so this is your average wow player nowadays?
People doesn't play for the story or lore anymore, they just play for "muh key, muh world first, muh stream mythic race, muh esports" and shit like that. Hell I bet some players just log in to stay afk while they watch someone else play the same fucking game on twitch

>Guild is walled by Jaina from BFD launch to two weeks ago
>Cut five randomly picked people from our raid for a pull
>Flawless kill

Fuck anyone who says raiding is fun right now

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They don't care about lore. If they cared about lore they'd be Alliance.

>eventually evolved into the Nelf-Dwarf-Human-Gnome
Except Lordaeroon people weren't part of this Alliance.


This is one real reason Classic is coming out. They can still milk Horde merchandise through Classic servers.

>Except Lordaeroon
Because they were literally killed before the Alliance could evolve into that. I wonder who killed the last resistance.

>tfw playing WC3 and WoW were big parts of my high school experience
>played online with all my bros and had a great time
>left for college in 2007, played maybe three or four times when I went home to visit
>WoW still exists but is so much different than when I played

Tell me fellas - is it still fun? I've thought about playing again, but honestly it's been over 10 years since I've played and I'm not sure I'd like it any more. I hope you all get some joy out of it - I know I really liked it when I was younger


>Because they were literally killed before the Alliance could evolve into that.
That's was my point.
Current Alliance have nothing to do with old Alliance (which still exist in the Horde)

holy shit if they actually get their shit together and make wow a proper neutral sandbox i might actually play it again

too bad theyll never fix the itemization

>entire plot is being warped by keeping the alliance as morally spotless as possible
>horde will still have to exist as a source of revenue so expansion will end with extra hard finger wagging
>some alliance players will probably bitch saying "we only helped you get rid of sylvanas"
It truly is amazing just how garbage this faction war storyline is
Id resub if I could help the void tear reality asunder

Attached: Magics Gone.png (548x708, 714K)

Vol’jin could have been alright. Then he did nothing and was killed by a grunt.

ignore the post linking im retarded

>Then he did nothing and was killed by a grunt.
Because otherwise, Alliance players would start rageexodus

They were still part of the same Alliance before other factions were included, but it's STILL the same Alliance. Like I said, you are just proving you are disingenuous.

What's the point of being morally spotless if you are just a punching bag? Jaina should have flooded Orgrimmar.

>They were still part of the same Alliance before other factions were included,
old Alliance collapsed after Second War
War in ruins of Lordaeron had nothing to do with Stormwind

Anduin has been a fucking garbage monarch. The humans need someone like pic related

Attached: HolySigmar.jpg (1082x1600, 230K)

Varian was basically the closest to this

You can't just handwave facts away with "nope", it's still the same Alliance. It just has new races. Again stop being disingenuous or fuck off.

If the Alliance had a leader like Sigmar, or even Franz, the Horde would have been wiped out long ago. Which doesn't really work for an MMO

>W-We'll end you Hordefags if you be mean again
>doesn't do jack shit despite being in a position to end the war for good

>You can't just handwave facts
Such as..?
>it's still the same Alliance. It just has new races.
Top fucking kek

>f you are just a punching bag
Howe many Alliance characters were killed?

Not a fucking argument, now fuck off.

Nah, it was Lothar or Turalyon. Maybe Uther.
Greymane could be but they'll never do anything with him.

How many Horde main characters were killed by the Alliance?

Heres a thought
>players are now their own faction separate from Horde and Alliance
>players can actually fight Horde and Alliance or choose to join them for whatever reason.
Every player would basically be a merecenary or adventurer in a time of war, rather than a soldier in an army they never feel the presence of being in. Push the Horde v Alliance shit into the background, they dont seem to want to do anything that would make one faction actually gain ground over another from a narrative perspective.
>event happens
>event ends
>everything goes right back to where it started as if it never happened
it doesnt feel like a war, so just have them be opposing nations and players are in between.getting involved in stories that can actually have a conclusion and point, rather than the entire narrative being about the war itself that never actually seems to amount to anything.

>Not a fucking argument
>says the guy who say new Alliance and old Alliance are the same things

Only Lothar
Uther was spineless and Turalyon went full draeneiboo

>How many Horde main characters were killed
Cairne, Vol'Jin, Garrosh, Gromm, Thrall, JUSTakhan
Meanwhile Alliuance lost only Varian

I'm glad Lothar is dead. I'd hate to see him getting the Turalyon treatment and get turned into a shitter

Thrall isn't dead

guys what if
what if they made guilds and alliances of guilds the factions themselves and it was like a real sandbox
would u play it

Where is the fucking argument? The name of the faction is the same, it's most important faction member is the same and when Lord was retaken it was REtaken, not conquered. That wouldn't be the case if those were considered two different factions.

Don't ignore part of the question you disingenuous snake.

None of the leaders in Warcraft could hope to match Franz/Sigmar

>There's nothing to do in this fucking game
>hAvE yOu MaxXeD oUT yOUr ArtIFaCt? nO ? ?
Ion Has-It-Cost-Us a raid tier was fine with the artifact grind because it gave you """""""""something to always be working on to improve your character"""""""""
As long as that dumbfuck remains at the helm, that ship is going to keep on sinking. I gave up halfway through legion after giving it another chance after Warlords. They have been citing their lack of communication and they'll do better for the last fucking decade. I never thought I'd be saying I wanted fucking ghostcrawler back but Ion is a fucking moron.

He does nothing.
>The name of the faction is the same
Such a nice argument
>it's most important faction member is the same
Nope, Stormwind wasn't most inportant faction of old Alliance, it was lordaeron.
>Lord was retaken it was REtaken, not conquered.
no, Stormwind have no rights over lordaeron lands. Battle for lordaeron was act of agression against original Alliance of lordaeron and quel'thalas

It'll be pretty easy to guilt blizzard into extending the horde past Sylvanas's reign. all you have to do is point out that the first female warchief being the one to finally drive the horde to ruin is offensive to women.

It's irrelevant.
>Don't ignore part of the question you disingenuous snake.
make me, Christie.

Well yeah, that was the dragon problem with it to begin with, good job.

Have a cookie.

Attached: 1920px-2ChocolateChipCookies.jpg (1920x1281, 517K)

>people still arguing with the retarded ESL
Legitimately what are you hoping to gain?

Such a nice argument
>no, Stormwind have no rights over lordaeron lands
It was part of the Alliance territory, taken by force and not it was taken back by the Alliance, it's the definition of retaking, and you won't find a single person saying otherwise. Besides of course disingenuous ones.

>Baine "thank you for doing such a good job murdering our young" Bloodhoof
>fit to lead anything
Man why aren't there any badass Tauren Warriors among the named tauren? Without cairne our mightiest warrior is Hanuul Runetotem. I certainly fear the day blizz puts Cairne's fuckboy son in charge of anything.

i wish i had cookies

>It's irrelevant
No it's not we're talking about Alliance/Horde aggression, you are bringing in people who weren't killed by the Alliance, THEY are irrelevant to this. It's like bringing up that a random guy on the street kicked you when your girlfriend asks why you punched her.

Fine, let the tauren and half the orcs leave the "Horde", you ear-licking elf-suckup!

He couldn't even save his own son from centaurs, he was a pushover too.


>Such a nice argument
Yep, go and play WC2. lordaeron was a key member in the old Alliance.
>It was part of the Alliance territory
No it was part of lordaeron kingdom, taken by lordaeron people.
>No it's not we're talking about Alliance/Horde aggression
No we were talking about Blizzard writting and Alliance-favoritism among the writters. That's why none of Alliance characters was killed, except Varian, but even so Blizzard balanced it by retarded Vol'Jin's death and Sylvanas as next warchief.

>you ear-licking elf-suckup!
But I main orc.

blizz will never dissolve factions because then they'd actually have to write the individual races around their own motivations. Blizz doesn't have it in them to write about dwarven internal politics or corrupt human nobles vying for power. They just have the ability to write how everyone sucks off the 14 year old who's dad was high king so of course he's the new high king even though the alliance wasn't supposed to be a hereditary dictatorship.

Such a nice argument
>No it was part of lordaeron kingdom
It was part of the Alliance, which incorporates the survivors from the Lord massacre, so no stop trying to drive this bullshit.

>still waiting on Greymane to force Anduin into marriage with his daughter so he can usurp the throne

>No we were talking about Blizzard writting and Alliance-favoritism among the writters
No I STARTED this discussion, and I was specifically talking about the Horde aggressions on the alliance. I will repeat "It's like bringing up that a random guy on the street kicked you when your girlfriend asks why you punched her."

You obviously didn't pay attention to the Horde story in legion if you think you can complain about the alliance "sitting on the sidelines, and then being used as war dogs to help out the people who attacked them". that's basically the entire plot of legion for the horde. Never forget, Baine got cut from Legion because Alliance babies complained about having to help out a horde leader, yet Tyrande's obnoxious questline stayed in.

Agreed. This is not the Battle for Azeroth. Its the Battle to Prepare for the Battle for Maybe Beginning the Battle for Azeroth.

>not an argument
Nicely done, ERPer
>It was part of the Alliance
Nope, Lordaeron never was part of current Alliance.
besides, Alliance membership doesn't interrupt state's sovereignty. Lordaeron belong to Lordaeronians, aka forsaken.
>No I STARTED this discussion
Nope it was me

>Never forget, Baine got cut from Legion because Alliance babies complained about having to help out a horde leader
I've never actually seen a citation for this claim

>sitting on the sidelines
During entire expansions, yeah that's what happens.
>Baine got cut from Legion because Alliance babies complained about having to help out a horde leader
And that's not my problem because I didn't complain about it, people who cared about any fairness and played on the Alliance left ages ago, this is the people who remained. Don't act surprised.

>Muh 300 gorillion cities

He kicked Garrosh's ass until the poison kicked in.

No wonder he hates syvlanas so much, he knows he'd have a much easier time convincing anduin to marry into his family if he still had his son.

I'm not saying that WC2 isn't an argument, I'm saying that just because you say "yes" it doesn't make it true. It's as empty as telling your groceries list.
And again, intellectually empty.
>Alliance membership doesn't interrupt state's sovereignty
Meaning that it belongs to the survivors residing on Stormwind, yes.

Garrosh was better than Thrall

The former. Aside from the usual gear reset every expansion XIV builds upon it's previous systems and has systems in place to ensure that anyone can still get a group for older content except Coils. Previous wow systems usually either get trashed every expansion, or get reimplemented in a watered down fashion.

>Nope it was me
Now I know you're just shitposting, should never had taken the time to reply to someone with such disingenuous posts.
Your "nope" and "yep" don't change reality and I can easily prove here first post in the chain of replies. Now fuck off.

sure, guilds are irrelevant now
it's either social guild full of absolute casuals or mythic no fun allowed guilds, middle ground is gone from existence because you can clear everything with pugs

but dragons are no more, blizz removed them from power in cata

so, the next expansion will be about how void lords attack azeroth? legion 2?
because that's the only way they can pull this off, by presenting overwhelming enemy

>garrosh weaker than centaurs confirmed

>individual str vs military might
even in War3 cairne can solo any individual centaur, the reason they had to be saved was because they were severely outnumbered.

except for the twilight drakes that showed back up in legion

>I'm saying that just because you say "yes" it doesn't make it true.
of course, that's why I also mentioned WC2, where lordaeron was key mamber of original Alliance
>Meaning that it belongs to the survivors residing on Stormwind
They lost all claims when decide to abbandon their land instead of fighting, just like High Elves

>why I also mentioned WC2
Which doesn't support your claim, "key member" means nothing in this situation because of how few members there were.
>They lost all claims when decide to abbandon their land
That's not how it works, you're just making shit up as you go to continue shitting up the thread.

>factions are literally identity politics as a half-assed gameplay mechanic
>newfaggots on Yea Forums unironically supporting identity politics

>"key member" means nothing in this situation because of how few members there were.
Lolfucking wut?
Your argument was
>new Alliance are the same as old Alliance because key-member is the same
Which is flase, since current Alliance build around Stormwind, not around Lordaeron.
>That's not how it works
It's exactly how it works.
not mention there are more forsaken than survivors from lordaeron.

it's a fun way to discuss the lore

There's a difference between "a" key member and "the" key member. One means "a important member" the other means "the most important member". I know your english is shit but try to pay attention.
>since current Alliance build around Stormwind, not around Lordaeron
Both are the same and built around the govt of Stormwind. Exiled to Lord but still STORMWIND'S govt.
>It's exactly how it works
Because you say so? Precisely the type of intellectually empty shit I was talking about. Again might as well give us your grocery list, it's as relevant as baseless claims.

Property rights are passed once a person is diseased which means the kingdom belongs to the SURVIVORS.

>In a blizzard game

oof. Liberals win again.

>Both are the same and built around the govt of Stormwind. Exiled to Lord but still STORMWIND'S govt.
Get a load of this lorelet.
Loraderon and Stormwind are independent kingdoms. Stormwind govt in exile wouldn't exist if lordaeron didn't let them land and then fight against the horde
>Because you say so?
Because that's how things worlks IRL


>offended elf whore

>autistic sperg

Factions make no sense anymore. Both from gameplay and lore perspective. We had Thrall who just wanted to make friends. We had several alliance characters who just wanted to talk things through. Both joined powers several times to stop doom threaths. they are able to talk and live peaceful, BFA makes no sense.
Sylvana getting ousted, Alliance bringing spaceships to end the Horde, Thrall to calm down shit and bring everyone together would actually be good.

>Loraderon and Stormwind are independent kingdoms
I didn't say they were the same you disingenuous cunt, I said the latter was exiled and sought refuge on the former.
>Stormwind govt in exile wouldn't exist if lordaeron didn't let them land and then fight against the horde
And then the situation reversed when Lordaeron got taken and the survivors fled into Stormwind.
>Because that's how things worlks IRL
Property rights SPECIALLY in real life work as in your property is passed to the closest relative when you die, you are LITERALLY arguing against your point.

sounds like alliance fanfiction

>Lordaeron people are undead, but for all intents and purposes alive again
>only people demanding their land are a bunch of faggots from Arathor or Stormwind

Explain to me how the Forsaken dont have natural rights to the area

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They serve a foreign ruler and are essentially traitors


I'm not the writer that makes the horde do dumb shit every expansion nor the writer that gave alliance fucking spaceships.

>ceded Lordaeron to an elf
>not traitors

>I didn't say they were the same
>, it's most important faction member is the same
Fish memory?

>And then the situation reversed when Lordaeron got taken and the survivors fled into Stormwind.

>Property rights SPECIALLY in real life work as in your property is passed to the closest relative when you die,
I wasn't talking about property right, amerimutt.

Lordaeron was founded by elves

The said spaceship cannot even one-shoot a single elite mob on Argus

For all incense and porpoises there are plenty of Lordaeronian Humans who aren't dead.

No it wasn't. What bullshit did you pull that from?

nice bootlicker logic


Lore x Gameplay. by that sense an war weapon of both factions cant one shot an adventurer of the faction.
I'm had a horde character for most of my playtime through WoW btw. in case you really think i'm big on alliance fanfiction.

>Fish memory?
More like snake behavior from you, I LITERALLY said on the previous post that Stormwind was the most important faction member. You are one of the most disingenuous faggots I've ever seen on this site.
NOW you're admitting that the Lordaeron govt still existed after the city's fall and before it's retaking because survivors fled to Stormwind, very nice.
>I wasn't talking about property right, amerimutt.
>"Who a territory belongs to isn't property rights"
Again you're either massively disingenuous, retarded or just baiting. And no you obsessed fuck I'm not even american.

btw. Honorable mention. By that perspective, a flock of seagulls is stronger than the Lich King.


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Factions were absolutely pointless after Wrath of the Lich King. When your factions work together like, 18 fucking times or whatever to save the world on different occasions, it seems kind of fucking silly that they're still trying to find dumb reasons to get these people to fight each other again.

The factions exist for gameplay purposes, but ultimately story wise, they're absolutely fucking stupid and have no reason to exist anymore.

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>Lore x Gameplay
so what feats does it have then?

People still talk about this boring dead game?

Attached: A_pepe.png (750x730, 104K)

An lvl 110 critter who scales automatically to your ilvl cant solo Molten Core. Its is really stupid that you have to say that to some people. But you have to say it anyway. Just like Illidan or any boss being giant compared to you its a game thing, not a real, lore thing. You have to dissociate things. an spaceship do jackshit in gameplay terms, In loreterms would raze a continent.

Such a good song btw, i also remembered it after thinking on the damn seagulls. Felt it nice then.

>In loreterms would raze a continent.
lol you're fucking retarded.

>, I LITERALLY said on the previous post that Stormwind was the most important faction member.
Then go play WC2 and see that it was lordaeron, not the Stormwind.
>NOW you're admitting that the Lordaeron govt still existed
Nope, because there is no exiled govt of lordaeron in Stormwind.
>>"Who a territory belongs to isn't property rights"
Well yeah if we speaking about states and their territories

>Then go play WC2
The attack didn't happen on WC2, it happened on WC3, where the powers shifted enough so that Stormwind was the most important member.
And again thinking that just because you say a word it changes reality. The survivors are the rightful owners of of the land.
>Well yeah if we speaking about states and their territories
Which simply follow a common rule that comes from how property rights were handled on Europe and eventually led to common law on the entire western world you stupid fuck.

To be pretty honest and just end this discussion, Undeads should go fuck themselves, their only right is to be extinguished, they are an abomination, the true warcraft war should be living x dead.

What's currently the most engaged and fun class to play rotation-wise? I'm thinking of rolling a WW Monk

>The attack didn't happen on WC2
Lol fucking what?
Old Alliance wasn't created to response horde agression?
>And again thinking that just because you say a word it changes reality.
Of course, game makes it reality.
There were no "exiled lordaeron government" in Stormwind in WoW
>Which simply follow a common rule
yep and the rule is "you are support your claims by force or fuck off", the survivors lordaeronians chose the second option. They lost all claims for Lordaeron

>Old Alliance wasn't created to response horde agression?
But it didn't end on WC2 ffs.
>There were no "exiled lordaeron government" in Stormwind in WoW
Yes there was, the survivors constitute the government.
>you are support your claims by force or fuck off
Nigger please, learn english or fuck off yourself. And they did, they took Lordaeron back eventually, with the help from the Alliance THEY WERE PART OF.

>But it didn't end on WC2 ffs.
>Second War didn't ended in WC2
Also, how the fuck it's relevant if we were talking about who was key memeber of the original Alliance?
>Yes there was, the survivors constitute the government.
Where were their government?
>And they did, they took Lordaeron back
Nope, Stormwind and Gilneas took Lordaeron, now it's part of Stormwind kingdom.

>Second War
Alliances don't end with a war you disgusting snake.
>Where were their government?
Exiled on Stormwind.
>Stormwind and Gilneas took Lordaeron, now it's part of Stormwind kingdom
And therefore the survivors have access to it again.

>Alliances don't end with a war
Except it's exactly what hapenned, old Alliance collapsed after Second War, that's why none excep elfs and Kirin-Tor send any help to Lordaeron against the Scourge.
Current Alliance was formed after lordaeron felt
>Exiled on Stormwind.
They didn't form their own government, they become Stormwind citizens
>And therefore the survivors have access to it again.
Yep, as citizens and soldiers of Stormwind.

>Except it's exactly what hapenned, old Alliance collapsed after Second War
Source? To begin with even if the High Elves left, it doesn't mean the Alliance is over.
>Current Alliance was formed after lordaeron felt
Repeating the same thing over and over again doesn't make it true.
>They didn't form their own government, they become Stormwind citizens
Giving Stormwind claim to Lordaeron.
>Yep, as citizens and soldiers of Stormwind.
As rightful owners of the territory.

WC3 game manual.
>To begin with even if the High Elves left
And Arathi and Kul'Tiras, and Gilneas and even dwarves, if I remember correct
>Repeating the same thing over and over again doesn't make it true.
Of course, game client of vanilla WoW makes it's truth. Even in jaina's comics, katherine pointing that current Alliance wasn't the same as old Alliance.
>Giving Stormwind claim to Lordaeron.
>As rightful owners of the territory.
They lost all right when they runned away to Stormwind.

>WC3 game manual
Feel free to post it here.
>Even in jaina's comics, katherine pointing that current Alliance wasn't the same as old Alliance
Again, feel free to post it here, otherwise it's as useless as your previous claims.
Because the rightful owners were now part of Stormwind. What the fuck do you think that happens when a King or a Prince becomes a subject of another King?
>when they runned away to Stormwind
First, learn english, secondly, if that were the case Stormwind wouldn't be rightful territory of the Stormwind govt because they also had to run away to Lordaeron previously. You admit that's not the case but SOMEHOW, when specifically you and only you decide, it is.
Fuck off already, you are walking in circles endlessly repeating the same bullshit.

>Feel free to post it here.
Because you cannot google or read?
>Because the rightful owners were now part of Stormwind.
Rightful owners were splitted between forsaken, scarlet crusade and Stormwind citizens. 2/3 of them weren't members of new Alliance.
>secondly, if that were the case Stormwind wouldn't be rightful territory of the Stormwind govt because they also had to run away to Lordaeron previously.
Yeah except they literally established government iun exile with lothar and varian wrynn, unlike survived lordaeronians

>Because you cannot google or read?
Because I'm not gonna do your work for you.
>between forsaken, scarlet crusade and Stormwind
Forsaken are dead and therefore lost their claim. The only ones who could complain were the SC.
>Yeah except they literally established government iun exile
Literally makes no difference. The process happens regardless of whether or not the survivors are conscious of it.

>Because I'm not gonna do your work for you.
Do it for yourself, lorelet.
>Forsaken are dead and therefore lost their claim.
They are undead, and unlike survivors in Stormwind they really fought to reclaim their land from the Scourge
>Literally makes no difference.
>lack of government doesn't make a difference between exiles and refugees
Okay, fellow mutt

>Do it for yourself
So there is no source and you're just making shit up. Predicted.
>and unlike survivors in Stormwind they really fought to reclaim their land
After losing the rights to it by dying.
>lack of government doesn't make a difference between exiles and refugees
It doesn't when it comes to the rightful ownership of land.

>So there is no source and you're just making shit up. Predicted.
>lorelet still refusing to read the lore
>After losing the rights to it by dying.
They are still walking, so they aren't dead.
>It doesn't when it comes to the rightful ownership of land.

See, your circle of friends has to be literally retarded to still play WoW. So it's not like their opinion is worth Jack shit.

factionless FFA warmode pvp would absolutely be kino
imagine the tears

>"Please please don't make me actually post the source for my claims".
Yeah whatever snake.
>They are still walking, so they aren't dead
Yeah no, don't even try this, the whole reason why they are undead is because they died in the first place.
Because that's how common conventions of land ownership works. It's the entire reason why Israel exists and why the Crusades happened.

>implying there are more than 1 faction in Warmode now

It's supposed to be an insult or what?
>the whole reason why they are undead is because they died in the first place.
They got better.
>Because that's how common conventions of land ownership works.
Inside one country, otherwise, State sovereignty >>> personal property laws
>It's the entire reason why Israel exists
As I said, typical mutt

thats the problem. Noone to gank because ally dont turn it on
when its open season on everyone there is nowhere to hide

I still play WoW and haven't done a Normal or above current raid since 4.2.

>It's supposed to be an insult
Apparently if you call something for what it is, it's not really an insult, so it doesn't surprise me when you don't even notice.
>They got better
After already losing their rights to the land.
>Inside one country, otherwise, State sovereignty >>> personal property laws
Bullshit, citizenship status supersedes physical location.
>As I said, typical mutt
I also included the Crusades you disgusting snake.

Oh poor baby, no-one wants to play minigames with you anymore.

pvp is the soul of MMORPG
thats why wow is soulless

Tolkienists are a blight on the genre. All future games should exclude elves from being on the same faction as humans and dwarves just to spite this autism.

>and Night Elves being complete retards aside Illidan

Why WoW players are such fucking niggers who can't even read two lines?
Illidan betrayed the night elves for the legion twice you dumbass.
It's just like the "I WANT MY HIGH ELVES"

Holy fucking christ WoW players keep complaining about bad story but they don't understand that the story is bad because people like them can't even comprehend wc3 story.

>Apparently if you call something for what it is
Are 12 yo or what?
>After already losing their rights to the land.
No since they remained people of lordaeron and actually reclaim lands of lordaeron from the Scourge
>Bullshit, citizenship status supersedes physical location.
And survivors of lordaeron switched citizenship to Stormwind
>I also included the Crusades So what?

Its not the soul, but it is what gives the end game purpose.

And thats the main reason why WOW sucks, PVP is a minigame in WOW, you'll never hear anything come out of WOW that is interesting because its all dull and boring, meanwhile there is a new grand development from the EVE community every single year, only time you hear something interesting come out of WOW is when a major bug fucks everything up or how the subs keep tanking because Ion is a fucking hack who wants the game to be designed for nothing but world first raiding.

Elves are fine, problem with WOW is they keep seesawing weither or not they want to be fantasy or scifi-fantasy, aka spelljammer.

We went from fucking magic space ships killing planet souls, and in one patch cycle we're not on fat pirate island and mayan troll island.

>not even bring up the claims anymore
You really trying to weasel yourself out of any need to back up what you say.
>No since they remained people of lordaeron
They weren't people anymore.
>And survivors of lordaeron switched citizenship to Stormwind
You don't lose your citizenship once you gain another one you disgusting snake.

Factions always sucked from the beginning.
Only WoW newbies enjoyed it as the no life they were (it makes them feel like they belong to something).
Makes 0 sense from a lore pov.

The big event that cements a permanent armistice between Horde and Alliance will be Calia Menethil taking over control of the Forsaken. Then with her on the Horde's new council like government along with Baine and Saurfang there can be peace.

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It's not elves I'm complaining about, it's people that want high elves for the alliance. Nobody seems to conceptualize that Blood Elves are High Elves, clinging to the last reminiscence of humanophile high elves who exiled themselves from their own people.
It's because people can't get over the lawful good trinity of man, dwarf and elf. Night Elves by sheer virtue of skin color failed to "complete" it even as blizzard lobotomized night elf lore to make them as dull as possible. Not even void elves are acceptable, because people need their pure fair skinned high elves just as every single fantasy genre has shown them, even the slightest change in theme destroys this autistic standard.

Factions is the basis of WoW. Dismantling them dismantles warcraft.

>implying Blizzard gave players choice to pick side in saurfang's quest for no reasons

rather have thrall than baine if i'm being honest with you famalam, at least thrall has been shown to occasionally have a backbone. baine just spreads his cheeks for anduin and occasionally gets mouthy with sylvanas when she's being an extra big meanie.

Illusion of choice. Same results happen regardless. The ones who sided with Sylvanas will simply be proven wrong when she deals them a personal betrayal, like leaving them to die in 8.2 or 8.3..

i ratted that nigga out for a reason
fuck saurfang and fuck the alliance

>get kicked out of the guild because I said BfA is shit

boggles my mind how some people can enjoy BfA unironically while not skipping Legion, I already did rep farms and WQs in Legion, I don't want to do that shit again in BfA

>do old content
>do pet battles
>level an alt

nigger that's not what I bought BfA for, paying $15 month to only log in for raid nights once a week which take 2.5 hrs top if you know what your guild is doing doesn't justify it

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Now they aren't you dumbfuck.

Two and a half patches in and we still heard fuck all about her

They'll either not bother with her at all in BfA or they'll pull off another MoP/WoD

Good, the idea of Arthas sister being an undead of light is stupid to begin with.
Golden should never touch wow again.

>tfw dropped bfa for xiv and havent looked back

(me in the background)

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>MFW I said this as I announced I was quitting after finishing Heroic Uldir.
>They tried to convince me to stay.
>told them nah and then listed my reasons.
>they understood and let me go.

Your guild was fagola bud.

what makes you think any of us still play, projecting retard?

>half of forsaken
>following any of the mentioned characters

>undead can now use the light to heal themselves or other undead

dumbest shit they ever pulled

what the fuck happened to the Light being bad for undead?

I'm p sure this was introduced in Legion alongside with "Light" demons

she didn't even want to inherit Lordaeron's throne, let alone lead a bunch of savages

but it's blizz, so they can always pull a 180 degree on her

Blood Elves were 2 seconds away from rejoining the Alliance mid-MoP. Their allegiances are strictly out of convenience first and loyalty second. Just look at what they did to the Alliance of Lordaeron.

>Blood Elves were 2 seconds away from rejoining the Alliance mid-MoP.
yeah but it was before:
1) Another Dalaran incedent
2) Void Elves and Alleria
3) Another menethil on the horizon
Also, it hapenned when Varian was in charge
>Just look at what they did to the Alliance of Lordaeron.
Remained loyal to their old allies?

At the end of the Dazar'alor raid Anduin promises Jaina to have them meet eachother, probably to help Derk Proudmoore with his new reality.

iirc wc3 manual said that they left the alliance of lordaeron.
Then never help against the scourge. Instead they build a wall. And didn't even prepar a plan B in case it didn't work.

Anasterian seceding from the Alliance caused the collapse of the entire faction which dominoed into Arthas buttfucking 90% of them out of existence


One of the newst whispers of N'zoth:
"The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all."

>iirc wc3 manual said that they left the alliance of lordaeron.
In TBC they remain allies
>caused the collapse of the entire faction
I pretty sure Genn would like to throw few coins into that

Gilneas and Stromgarde only seceded after Quel'thalas did.

So we will kill another menethil in the same raid as Yrel?

>90% of azerite system removed
>no new warfronts
>next allied race is unknown

so they're basically removing all the selling points of BfA lol

>Gilneas and Stromgarde only seceded after Quel'thalas did.
That's why I've mentioned money

>In TBC they remain allies
In TBC the alliance of lordaeron is gone.
Then the Blood elves were ruined and turned into High Elves again.
And Kael one of the best character of wc3 was raped two times.

>90% of azerite system removed
Oh thank god, if they know what's good for them they'll remove titan/warforging on items too. Nobody likes a system where a World Quest item could "proc" into being a higher item level than a mythic raid item.

>>next allied race is unknown

99% sure to be Vulpera on Horde and Mechagnomes on Alliance in 8.3.

>In TBC the alliance of lordaeron is gone.
Wrong, it's still exist within the Horde


Quite projecting