Most popular Apex Legends streamer busted cheating

>most popular Apex Legends streamer busted cheating


Attached: 1550950335301.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Good ban his ass forever send his family to jail fuck his shit up kill him!

Why the fuck would he use aimbot if he was streamming ?

A triggerbot would at least make more sense as it's very hard to detect...

wheres the cheating?

his crosshair instantly snaps to the target

I don't think that's an aimbot. You can see his hand moving.

he has a cam on his hand hurr durr

The obvious aimbot. You can't even see what he's shooting at in the video footage and it clearly just snapped to it like he's cheating.

I thought Dizzy was cheating and the fact that only Ninja and the Nigger had him on their squad was a good hint.

Dr. Disrespect and Summit1G have close net of friends who play together. While Ninja and that nigger are try hards that try to get the best dmg dealers in each BR.


he did it manually its pretty obvious the targeted the enemy that was gonna shoot at him first


Fuck off to plebbit you fucking zoomer vermin.

>Mouse flick in cam
>Misses like 5 shots before even getting a body tag

Attached: (Sub) Bururaji Blazblue Radio CS Special Pt 3 [].mp4_snapshot_04.19_[2010.07.02_00.34 (480x360, 33K)

>expecting skill out of an anti-skill genre
nothing of value was lost who cares?

What? His hand snaps to the right in perfect synch to the gameplay. How is that cheating?


Attached: 1352836408638.jpg (368x368, 84K)

you've never seen a flick?

You can't see what hes shooting at because of the video compression of OBS

You literally can see he flicks to far to the right and adjust aim after the flick, also you can see his hand you brainlet. Like it isn't even that special, never played apex, but flicks like that are pretty normal in csgo on global+ level.

git gud kid. fucking millennials dont know about quake.

op here

you guys got fucking BAITED

CSGO and Overwatched died out quick because of rambant aimbot script downloads. I'm surprised EA didn't try to stop it for APEX.

> You can't even see what he's shooting at in the video footage

Video compression, he probably has a bigger monitor and, you know, he's good at FPS and you're not.

i used to play csgo with dizzy before he got famous playing on stream w mythic, always thought he was a girl before he hit puberty


Prove it faggot.

>snaps to a target that isn't even visible

hilarious that Yea Forums shitters are actually braindead enough to defend this

Attached: file.png (2414x684, 2.48M)

(You) are making the CLAIM that HE is CHEATING
YOU have to prove it, faggot

unless he is playing on a console how is that evidence of cheating? dont tell me OP is such a scrub he cant snap his mouse

Couple games I thought 200% the player on mic was a girl... then realize he was just a young white zoomer talking on mic lol

>720p compressed video vs 4K monitor source
yes the visibility is the same

>retard zoomers sucking streamer dick thinking a snap to the target's head is "skill"
Jesus Christ, I bet you think all the pros that cheat in CSGO also are just skilled (so skilled they snap onto people's heads through walls).
user almost everyone has the mark new IP option enabled.

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Epic for the win!

>He can't prove it

Stop baiting, user

They genuinely think that by defending him they will appear to be skilled too by proxy.

Same phenomenon you see with sad fucks on here defending normalfag bullshit thinking they'll seem like popular chads by doing so.

idk if the handcam has latency
but his hand flick is late

Attached: 3745691.jpg (1280x1440, 446K)

How's your first week on Yea Forums tho?
and yes, I know you're baiting, how embarrassing.

Attached: 1421019188850.png (510x767, 955K)

>ammo count changes

Attached: download.jpg (258x195, 13K)

t. 2000dpi user


That's like saying shooting through smoke in CS is aimbot if you snap to where you know someone is. This game even has pseudo radar and their audible sounds to tell you where someone might be

yeah and there's at least 50 clips of shroud doing the same thing, and don't reply to me about his hand webcam, there can be lag between the game and his camera, considering it's clearly 30 fps

>i want to actually aim at the guys, its not just all aimbot you know
People like this convince themselves they would be good even without the hacks, so sad.

Attached: jogiin.gif (160x120, 738K)

>using a mouse is now considered aimbotting by consolenegroes

Sound ques are also a big part of the game. He most likely heard her steps, weapon, skill etc.

Attached: 1336070837357.png (720x540, 817K)

it's well established that shroud is a blatant cheater

>Shroud, Dizzy, Flusha all have really good gaming chairs

Go watch a modern ESEA match. They all look like trash now LOL. Early VAC CSGO was rampant full of aim scripts. Ever wonder why the big names 'retired' once ESEA came out? (Monitors your exe, injections and processes in matches)

soon people will accuse n0thing that he cheated in 1.6 for wallbanging

I can't stand watching this guy. All the pointless twitching/weapon switching/bunnyhopping when there's no threat pisses me off. It's just useless ADHD movement. I should know because I used to do it too and realised how stupid it is
>inb4 prepares you for an engagement
the way this guy does it is just autistic

stfu. I don't want to have to hear about quake everytime I see a shooter thread. go play it if its so good and don't come back, you gay fish

the webm is 30fps, and the flick is late by about 5 frames

Whatever you say, man.

>shroud is a cheater
>has never been banned in any video game

Attached: 1371585459917.png (500x323, 187K)

Is this your first time seeing flick shots?

there's also a potential technical issues with streams called "delay" and it can be introduced with a hardware and software issues and maybe he didn't want to restart his stream or webcam in the middle of a game to fix it

If Jon Bones Jones is willing to take steroids infront of millions of viewers, ESPN journalists, and actual USADA,

I'm sure a bunch of white nerds are willing to run .exe process to win in FPS games for Crosair sponsorship.

Attached: OP.jpg (349x642, 29K)

he doesn't compete professionally, nobody cares about some streamer pub stomping with cheats

This is how kids try to trigger people? hahahah's and all caps? ouch, my feelings are like totally hurt.

It's one thing that it just snaps on it perfectly, but the target isn't even visible until it dies. There is no way he spotted him either because his weapon mode blocked that area miliseconds before the snap from the 1st target.

>he only uses aimbots so he "appears more legit"

Rage Spinbots and Wallhacks 100% or nothing.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (492x677, 69K)

>video games do not have anti-cheat software

>majority of his shots miss

Buffs for Gibra/Caustic when?

As he's approaching you can see a firefight/ tracer ammunition to the right of the screen. If I were playing a fps my instinct would be to shoot where the firefight was coming from.

Ok, so why should I care about any of this?

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I'm surprised... Why cannot developers created tensorflow program that can monitor player's aim?

Surely there is a upper human limited on locking on to heads of models. Set that limit and use tensorflow to see if player has 99.99% lock rate.

Then insta IP ban.

That's the game's aim assist



>majority of his shots miss
weak argument

Attached: 1515597042_csgo-8.jpg (1600x900, 403K)

EPIC is hiring bunch of chinese gold farmers to log on and use aimbots to ruin APEX 1000%

not saying he's cheating but apex is projectile based, only the new weapon has a mode that is hitscan. there was someone who was banned several days ago because his shitty aimbot was made for hitscan, so all of his bullets would miss when farther than close range

You can literally see the target moving while his aim isn't on point and his shots are missing. The webm is utter garbage quality and you can barely make it out.

Even if the chance is just 0.1%, at some point some player is randomly gonna get a perfect flick and will then be banned for no reason

>user almost everyone has the mark new IP option enabled.
There's a setting for that? Not him btw

>Shroud: "It was just the normal thing to do. You cheated. It's not like you were aimbotting, you were just, you know, throwing a little bit of walls here and there... a lot of pros cheat."

Attached: shroud bustvideo.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>my instinct would be to
look where the tracers are starting or stopping before i get there and don't flick in 1 frame to someone obscured by grass

you do realize aimbots have accuracy and randomness settings right? there's even soft aimbots that only nudge your aim slightly as assist and triggerbots that you activate for a split second
perfectly accurate aimbots exist as well for projectile weapons. aimbots aren't just "le instant 180 headshot" like you might believe

See and also you haven't addressed that the target is NOT visible before he aimed at him, and he had a clear other target in sight. There is 0 sense in disengaging that target and look into the grasses hoping to see someone else who I don't have a clear line of sight yet.
This is obviously aimbot to everyone who isn't looking to defend it for whatever shitty reasons.

>I posted it again!
wow, someone cheated forever ago and hasn't since. big deal.

I've researched OP and I actually found that he actually can stop anytime, but chooses not to. It's not a medical issue.

Obviously but you can get a good running sample for a round and then auto ban. But Obviously the problem netcode/server demand to monitor players... millions of players all at once.

But until then, kids can go onto QuantumCheats, boot up game and then alt tab and load in a .exe aim script.

Attached: tfma-slicing-metrics-browser.gif (863x626, 2.13M)

Wait is that shroud in the webm?
Holy shit then this isn't even a question, of course he's fucking cheating.

then all a cheating program has to do is to fake imperfections.

assuming developers could nail the detection without many false positives, you can do it and surprise-ban the first wave of cheaters, but in the longterm cheaters would win.

the majority of cheaters are shitters, so a cheating program that fakes them being god-tier player, but still having human standards, would still work for them but be undetectable.

You need to cope that you won't ever be as good as shroud.

What's it like to be a high school freshman these days?

Attached: download (2).jpg (259x194, 9K)

Nooo shroud is legit please stop. my hero would never cheat

Attached: shroud fucking up.webm (1068x950, 2.98M)

You define dunning kruger

A better accusation would be that he ignores the dude in front of him and snaps to another guy.


RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!

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So how did he see that enemy? I certainly didnt. Im pretty bad.

Kek seeing this thread made me remember Dan m. Anyone know why did he stop doing his videos? They were hilarious.

you can buy a completely undetectable cheat for $20 for any game you can think of
and yes, they ARE undetectable because they operate on the kernel level, where anti-cheat isn't even allowed to look because it's illegal

preparing for a swipe shot but did it too early

Glad someone posted this. A lot people think hacking is just on or off when it's actually incredibly in depth for the more expensive hacks. With the right settings it can be near impossible to differentiate between someone who is hacking and someone who is just very good.
Ironically, hacking while faking that you aren't is a skill in of itself that I have no doubt at least a few big streamers are pulling off.

it's depressing because there's all this possible information the game already has access to that could outright prevent cheating

> is the player pointing along the axis perfectly towards where someone else is behind a wall?
> and tracking that axis perfectly? for how long? on multiple players? only the enemies?
> and the game has no built-in ESP game mechanics?
> ban

> aimbot in a mech-sim game
> packet hacking your mech's torso twist rate to beyond game rule limits
> instant ban because impossible movement

> player's health is managed client side
> move player health to server side, dipshit

yeah that's pretty blatant

1.6 was 20 years ago user

>There is 0 sense in disengaging that target and look into the grasses hoping to see someone else who I don't have a clear line of sight yet.
user, are you blind? Your "other target" hid behind a tree immediately, plus the guy coming out of the smoke is visible. It looks like a dark blotch in this shitty webm, but would be clear without the compression and at larger size. You can see the target he is tracking before he begins shooting.

>But Obviously the problem netcode/server demand to monitor players... millions of players all at once.

resources required to monitor cheaters are not intensive at all.
you can only activate detection for high performers.
you don't need to permanently log all the mouse movement of a player, you can just record a score of his performance for each kill he gets.

>mouse moves to the right

So hacks control your physical mouse now? That's some crazy shit.

He probably didn't either, only his aimbot.

I know there's another CSGO webm like this, post that one too

The $500/month premium hacks that have full teams of legit software devs behind them come with unbelievable features. Some of them have a tensor flow/machine learning option that analyzes your aim and emulates it when you aimbot.

>Most popular


>isnt visible
>judging by shitty webm

here's shroud's teammate having "really good aim" on an online (play from home) tournament. you can see on the team list that shroud is in this game

Attached: csgo aimbot 2.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

Why do people even think he cheats? He was shit at csgo, didn't win anything, he's only good at stomping noobs in shit games.
because he's not playing on 800x600 with shit compression

>before he begins shooting
he instantly fired a shot during the snapping, see ammo count

I pull shots like that as sniper on TF2 constantly, I'm I a cheater?

The guy only went back behind a tree after he started shooting at the guy in the grass. So no, he didn't change target because he hid already, he just ignored him because his aimbot detected another one in the grasses.

Sounds like a good investment if you plan on making your money back from streaming and being the 'best' player in a game.

>He was shit at csgo, didn't win anything
probably cause you can't cheat on LAN

Then at the end of the day, ESEA is the only brute force way to deal with hacking...

Join network that monitors your Windows processes and HDD lol.

>salty noobs who will never be good claiming people are cheating

It never gets old

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>he doesn't compete professionally
>LITERALLY got famous by playing professional csgo

you're so fucking retarded that i cant fathom it nigger

>aimbot pulls your aim to the right when theres a dude right in front of you
>remember there's literally 10k people watching you that might notice something fishy

stop being retarded

Prove it.

>Move your physical mouse
user, you don't know how hacks work do you? It didn't physically move his mouse it ghosted the mouse input to move it towards the enemy.

ESEA "anti cheat" is a joke and does nothing to combat real, kernel level cheats made by actual devs and not just script kids.

SHHHHHHhhhh! You are disrupting the group think! We have a good narrative going here, don't ruin it for everyone!

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In Shroud youtube videos there are often a lot of weird moments where he aims toward specific things behind walls or terrain, as his aim moves there, goes away then goes back at the same point without any reason behind it

Attached: 1484861622999.jpg (657x527, 38K)

this isn't even cheating. he probably heard footsteps or something behind and panicked flicked backwards. he didnt even hit the guy through smoke

You can see his mouse in the video

>thththey cheatan mom
>ttthey hackan mom
>wahhhhh mommy buy me hacks for apex mommy waaahh


>He missed so it's not a cheat!

retard. any bargain bin $2 malware-filled cheat comes with a "miss probability" option

he is also moving in that webm so his gun is inaccurate and a cheat can't fix that

To all the fucking brainlets that insist that his handcam proves anything
Educate yourself, children.

>probably cause you can't cheat on LAN
But he have impossible to detect private HACKS so whats the problem? He seems to be programming genius and write his own hacks for every games he plays, even if it is out only for day or two.

What is flick shooting?

Do you know what a LAN is?
You don't even get to bring your own mouse these days, because they were hiding cheats in the onboard memory and the drivers.

Every equipment is provided for you, there is no way for you to use your cheat there

literally flat earth tier argument

are you retarded? you don't flick and dead-stop at full speed on the pixel without a single pixel of extra movement, you can even see after that how he moves his mouse to the right naturally and how imperfect his movement is then.

>He seems to be programming genius and write his own hacks for every games he plays, even if it is out only for day or two.

More like he pays a Russian $2000/month (from his personal $300,000/month income) to develop him cheats.
It's not hard to do. If you look on some sites you will find offers from software devs to develope cheats for money.

Literally a reddit comment

Attached: 1526982764618.png (815x611, 746K)

That kid on the left is BASED as fuck.

I rather flick fuck instead.

>cheats can make you see enemies through walls and hit with pinpoint accuracy 100% of time and remove bullet patterns but can't fix moving and shooting

Attached: (You) tried.png (600x570, 124K)

>probably cause you can't cheat on LAN
yes you can. plenty of CS:GO pros have

Shroud is godlike at any shooter he plays, even when they're new, he spends 8 hours a day playing and he has never been banned from any fucking game.

Accept that your brain is simply too limited to be able to grasp how to get that good. Accept that you are trash and move on.

Attached: 1363211887206.jpg (500x356, 37K)

That doesn't change the fact that the target on the right was still visible.

The guy on the left started moving towards the tree the moment the player who's perspective we're seeing stopped and tried to shoot. At this point there are 2 targets available, the closer one on the left who is moving for cover which is very close by and the one on the right who is coming out of the smoke and in open ground. Shooting at the one on the left is retarded if you know anything about TTK in this game, because you do not have enough time to kill him before he's hidden, at which point he can fully heal anyway. That guy won't die even if you shoot at him, your weapon simply will not do sufficient damage quick enough. The guy on the right is the correct target since he has no cover available and you have sufficient time to kill him, assuming you're good enough to actually land your shots.

True, but this is how league does it on Pro Level.

-CSGO ESEA Player Ranks mandatory for an entrant teams
-Monetary fines and life time bans
-3rd Party (Intel, AMD, Sponsor) buys all the LAN equipment and there are no USB dongles allowed/Smartphones allowed on stage

I see you have no idea how a cheat works, and think it is literally magic.

what is the point of cheating, do these people feel like they have a larger digital dong or something? and didn't they just recently ban a couple thousand people for cheating


The guy is literally doing all he can to help other gamers improve by showing his mouse hand and people are still calling him a cheater. I get that cheaters are a real annoyance on PC but this guy is the exact opposite.

Here's the thing that a lot, if not the majority of PC gamers don't fully understand - having a high framerate monitor plus a PC that can produce absolutely consistent frametimes gives you an enormous advantage. Many PC gamers just don't have rigs that will produce very consistent framerates at very consistent frametimes. This leads to choppy framepacing that throws your brain way off subconsciously. These high level guys always setup their systems so they produce consistent, orderly frame pacing. Too many PC gamers try to push their hardware beyond its capabilities and they get bested when the moment matters because of it. Sometimes it's a game's engine that's the problem, sometimes it's the user's hardware/settings. Finding that consistent, smooth framepacing will allow you perfect (potentially) control over your gameplay.

Look at Steam's hardware surveys:

The vast majority of PC gamers are running systems that cannot produce smooth, high framerate, consistent frametime gameplay in demanding shooter games. To make matters worse many people don't make an effort to go through the trial and error needed to setup their systems capable of producing smooth gameplay by testing settings, exiting the game, changing in-game, settings control panel settings, looking at graphs over and over.

Practice your flicks all you want if your system produces microstutters you'll be bested in those small moments by someone whose system is setup perfectly.

>Do you know what a LAN is?
Man I watch professional cs since 2007.
>Every equipment is provided for you, there is no way for you to use your cheat there
It's wrong, they give thier own equipment to admins together with drivers and then it get checked by them.

>What is flick shooting?
It seems it also confuses console plebs

>cloud9 has the best cs:go player
>cloud9 has the best apex legends player
>cloud9 has the best rocket league player
what an amazing e-sport team

no because the aim bot will only snap to people upon shot, or set random offsets to the perfect axis. Lots of way around detection and to make it seem more human

>The guy is literally doing all he can to help other gamers improve by showing his mouse hand

>Mouse suddenly stops working when you need to move it to fake moving it

Stop being retarded

you can fake that easily so that retards like you jump to his defense

>It's wrong, they give thier own equipment to admins together with drivers
No. This is simply wrong and you don't know what you're talking about. Do not speak authoritatively when you have no idea.

>cloud9 has the best cs:go player

Attached: 1533331294915.png (163x209, 471)

>he is also moving in that webm so his gun is inaccurate and a cheat can't fix that
Are you stupid? Are you implying someone has to stand completely still to be able to use the cheat lmao

I've used a cheat long ago in CrossFire Online. It's that Korean cs clone with cute girl skins. The cheat would track heads through walls regardless of how you moved and completely ignored recoil


is there even point of arguing with people who have this mindset?

I mean, it's fucking obvious people aimbot, but that also reveals a bigger problem with the games themselves: FPS aiming is just outdated. It is far too simple and has no place in competitive games. Now, I say that in competitive games. In singleplayer games it is excellent because of how simple it is, and how well it lends itself to asymmetric gameplay. But it simply has no place in competitive gameplay. Beyond the fact that it is incredibly easy, and getting easier, to fake, all it rewards is muscle memory (and to a certain extent luck, since if two people have incredibly high accuracy it comes down to involuntary muscle twitches.) It would be like if a soccer goal was tiny, but it didn't have a goalie. It's not interesting, it's not competitive.
One thing I really liked about assfaggots is they kept mechanical skill to a certain level, while not making it oppressive. They obviously had massive problems of their own, but some of the more actiony ones (like awesomenauts or hots) still had this element of high apm, and mouse skill, but were something you could pick up on a bad day, or after taking a break, and still perform well based on awareness and suchlike.
Professional sports function well within a broad range of options because of this variety. Once you reach the (admittedly absurd) genetic requirements, there is an array of skills. Take baseball. You can throw hard, you can have good hand eye coordination, you can field well, or you can just be tough enough to catch. It's far more interesting than who can replication (whether real, or not) an aimbot. Particularly in this genre of fucking pubstomping.
The only real solution is better input devices, I think. Otherwise things will tend to simplicity. You can see this in, potentially more complex games, with their reliance on numbers, see MMO and assfaggot grinding. Mass appeal wins all.
I haven't played a console FPS since Reach, but I think the inferior controls actually is a net positive.
Any thoughts?

Attached: 1374796030634.png (444x440, 117K)

This guy is fucking retarded, you can tell its fake because he moves his mouse in Y but the crosshair never moves in Y

> Are you implying someone has to stand completely still to be able to use the cheat lmao

have you ever played a counter strike game?

this is a rhetorical question. you haven't, which is why you are confused right now. please be confused quietly and let everyone else talk

So how does this prove that Dizzy game auto aimed to the right when he wasn't anticipating it? I though the argument was it auto aimed at something he couldn't see. He wouldn't have flicked his wrist at it if he didn't know it was there.

Yeah, thread over. This video pretty much proves he used something like this.

Maybe he isn't using an aimbot, but an wall hack.

He shows his hand moving to get that player, but it's impossible to know his exact location with that big ass weapon in the way.

Cute, now try reading the rest of the post, sweetie

Except that's exactly what expensive hacks can do? Why else would someone pay hundreds of dollars for a cheat program if it wasn't nigh undetectable? You're denying facts.

>No. This is simply wrong and you don't know what you're talking about. Do not speak authoritatively when you have no idea.
Literally what you are doing even if you are wrong and know shit, won't even bother to search for other examples because you are full of shit

He probably knew the guy was there because he is also using ESP (you can configure ESP to not be recorded by OBS)

Not really, the time it took to kill the 2nd guy he would have killed the 1st guy if he started shooting him instead of letting his aimbot snapping at someone else in the grass who he didn't even see yet.

there is no way to argue with you fucks,everyone is a cheater.
There easy arguement over i give zero shits of a shitty game and people arguing over someone shooting

it's like arguing with people who think god is real. give up.

I don't know who this is and I don't care, but since he's apparently "most popular aped legends streamer" and we can see in OP's video which most likely is from the livestream his hand moving with the gameplay just fine I assume his squadmate called out "theres faggot in the smoke!" or something.

Very good players that are tournament tier can do shit like this easy, even on TF2 Comp you'll run into snipers that can do far more bewildering flinches than this.

Attached: opisafaggot.jpg (500x517, 183K)

this i mean if you're gonna cheat atleast do it right with its intended purpose, to piss off neckbeards and kids on the internet

Attached: 1546238404111.gif (300x186, 2M)

You have to be absolutely retarded to think that they play on new mouse every fucking tournament.

>He shows his hand moving to get that player
No, doesn't prove anything. See

Haha you cant prove god isnt real! Show me proof!

lol oh man, this 18 year old kid really gets to you? get over it loser. he is better at the game than you. he has a fucking camera ON HIS MOUSE AND HAND. you can see the snap of the wrist. top pleb you are.

Those are some nice tree textures.

is this bait?

>knows hes wrong
>nuh uh i dont give a shit!!

git gud

I don't know whats worse. The fact that there's constant streamer drama threads, or the fact that the people in this thread are so underage they can't comprehend the fact that people actually good at video games are in this thread, can actually do the things in the webm, and still are laughing at how obvious a bot it is.

>by showing his mouse hand
you mean the one that's in sync for the turn after the slide but then suddenly lags behind the "flick" for several frames?
should've added a face cam to see his nervous laughter, those are always my favorite parts after seeing blatant aimlocks in tournaments

>no new IP
right, you can stop your damage control now.

Attached: 1548017475080.png (421x503, 128K)

>whining shitters saying someone is hacking

Makes me nostalgic for CS 1.6 days

So he did a flick to something that he knew was there the entire time, then his auto aim missed a ton of his shots. Uhhhhhh....

>not a new IP, probably the e-celeb's cocksucking fan samefagging all over the thread
>using a reddit meme
God, Yea Forums really is the new Yea Forums

Attached: 1490514936964.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

It's obviously aimbot here though.

He wasn't cheating. It's just seething titanshitfall players that are pissed that their shit at a game that's titanfall minus the titans.

No he wouldn't have. Hip fire is inaccurate as fuck due to game mechanics, to hit the guy on the left reliably he had to stop and ADS, which is what he did, but at that point the guy on the left was already retreating and was out of sight in literally less than a second. No, you cannot kill somebody in Apex in less than a second with a Spitfire.

He was always suspicious even Fortnite he know where players behind the wall are.

The best solution is just stop making hitscan weapons. Hitscan mechanics were always horrible in Multiplayer games.

Dude is cheating.
When he slides in he's aiming for a guy by the tree before engaging him, the other guy isn't really even visible. He could have at least gotten a few shots off to injure whoever it was by the tree.
Instead, his aimbot immediately snaps to the other unseen guy JUST as he's about to start firing on the first guy, as can be seen with the ONE shot he fires before taking a second to realize what's happening and beginning to unload.


he clearly sees the first person he aims at shooting at the second person

No, you just can't comprehend the fact that people actually good at video games! Handcam! TTK!

He have entire team of Russian/Pajeets making him undetectable cheats for every game and they never made mistake. There is no way someone can be actually good at fps games, I played fps on my ps4 my entire life so I know what I am talking about.

Stop saying the n-word. As a black tranny, it triggers me.

>godlike at any shooter he plays
oh so what does he play?
>csgo and flavour of the month shit

no, he is clearly shooting at his teammate. the guy isn't even visible

Is this satire?

>I played fps on my ps4 my entire life


>mouse flicks
>doesn't even instantly hit
God you're a fucking retard.

Attached: 1549604562379.gif (150x200, 1.07M)

No, you just can't comprehend you should be put in a death camp hitler style for playing shitty games. You will learn to be a better person or killed! i rather just end you but hey i have to be fair...

Shroud is an annoying faggot but this clip proves nothing at all.
Seriously watch some of your own vods. When you're constantly flicking around due to low sense and it being at head level occasionally it's gonna land on someone's head through a wall. The guy streams every single day. No way you can hide that for years. Not to mention he plays loads of different games so he'd have to get custom cheats for each one and none of them failing.


Dude, the guy was still not behind the tree for at least as long as it took for him to kill the second guy.
>to hit the guy on the left reliably he had to stop and ADS, which is what he did, but at that point the aimbot kicked in and choose him the guy in the grass who he couldn't even see as the next tartget and he rolled with it

Implying I even play this shitty game. I'm just laughing at all the bootlickers actually defending this shit, when it's clear as day to everyone not in denial that this is aimbot as fuck.



>subhuman faggot animals ITT think thats a flick shot

usually when you flickshot you shoot the moment you flick over to the target instead of spending a FULL SECOND sitting there wondering what your aimbot just did

also you usually even see the target you flick to first

using mouse count as a cheat to consolekeks, apparently. Or they really do think that cheats can control your hardware/hand movement.

>force feedback mouse hacks
Ayy lmao
Argument destroyed. Next.

Nope eat shit zoomer!

apex isn't hitscan

He wasn't attempting to immediately hit the guy on the left he was stopping post-slide to asses the situation. The guy on the left was shooting and therefor focusing elsewhere, which gives him a moment in post-slide clarity to asses more of the area. He understands that the threat wasn't the guy in the tree, it was tree guy's teammates who were potentially engaging from different angles.

If you have the mindset that you should immediately shoot at anyone you see you're not playing a team-based game like this correctly.

lmao seething

You have to prove he did it though.
frame by frame checking his hand movement and the game to see if it syncs

slapping a video link is far from being done

>He wasn't attempting to immediately hit the guy on the left he was stopping post-slide to asses the situation.
He was stopping because he was wondering what the fuck happened, he was expecting to shoot at the first guy but his aimbot snapped him at the second, hence you see the ammo count immediately change, wait a moment before unloading.

I'm one of the most redpilled dude in this earth about league and stream cheating, i know all the dirty shit that goes under the blankets in the e-sport scenes.

You can clearly see him flicking his mouse on the mousecam.

No cheats here, move along.

that's not a snap, that's an organic flick. he even overshoots when he flicks. and why would his aimlock lock to 50 degrees away to another target rather than the one in front of him? do you propose that:

1. he's using a high FoV aimlock while being watched by thousands of people, putting his entire livelihood in jeopardy just to score easier kills on random pub shitters
2. he would bother using said aimlock against a dude who is clearly standing in front of him and that he would have no issues killing even without aimlock?
3. this same overzealous style of hacking with the high FoV has simply never been noticed until now in this 15 second webm
4. this aimlock just happens to perfectly replicate an organic style with a curving lock and slight overshooting, while also being a shitty high FoV lock that somehow tracks the wrong target?

it's so fucking infuriating because there are cases where you can clearly see someone is cheating, but the average person on Yea Forums is such a salty dunning krueger shitter that they think absolutely average flicks are hacking

You can tell Shroud isn't cheating because he flicks to angles just as well as he flicks to players, probably better. Did they program the hacks to flick to any possible places that a player might appear, too? Even when there are none?

That's why he was a nobody at CSGO for years and his team got destroyed year after year?

If you actually watched the video and you comprehended what you have seen, then you would realize we were done. The video proves that having a handcam is not an argument, which you seem to be basing yours.

nope, his had moved with the aim, he would have had to know that the assumed aimbot was going to go for other target than his own to make that kind of match. Next.

>hand moves in a broadly similar pattern to aim
"yep its synced"

the video narrator even fucking explains this bias to you if you bothered to watch you spastic.

He moves the mouse exactly the way the camera moves.

>You can clearly see him flicking his mouse on the mousecam.
doesn't prove anything

If you watch the actual twitch clip you can see the player he flicks to like half a second before he even does it. This is shit an average player can do.
I wouldn't be surprised if Dizzy is aimbotting from other clips I've seen of him though.

Attached: 1547595609073.png (476x345, 159K)

You're right about him immediately shooting at tree. He does fire but only gets one shot off. I missed that.

there is none

The point is, niggers in here are claiming the whole flick was a cheat when he moved his mouse.

His accuracy was average at best there.

You can even see the delay on the handcam, all he had to do is move his hand to mimic the aimbot snap. Still not an argument.

Fuck off, Apex is a mix again just like Titanfall 2.

prove it.
your video only shows that they CAN be faked,prove he did it in this match

that's just what the spitfire is like
it's ez mode
>t. titanfall 2 player

ahh yes he wasnt intending to shoot the original target that he centered directly on and ADS'd at and instead decided to "assess" the situation in 0.01 seconds to instantly snap aim to a target he couldnt have seen, and then spend like a full second not shooting at that target... for reasons

he overshot by 1-2 degrees not 50 and many aimbots are specifically meant to do so

>consolefags don't know about instantly moving to a new position


it's like 5 or so frames, no human can react that fast, most likely it's desync issue with the handcam setup or whatever software he's using.

Or are you saying that he's naturally able to react to video input in five fucking frames? That's godlike skill right there.

you are really trying to sound smart by using numbers like 0.01 without actually knowing the exact