Do we need a board for just Japanese games?
Do we need a board for just Japanese games?
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It would certainly be better.
I'd say split Yea Forums into
>Japanese+Nintendo vidya board
>Western+Xbox+Sony vidya board
just go to vg and make a japanese general user
then resident evil and touhou would both be forced into /vjp/
>no western AAA trash threads
>no tranny twitter screencaps
>no ecelebs
let westerntards rot
I can imagine it already
/vj/ would be like /jp/ and Yea Forums had a baby
While /vw/ would be like some sort of less autistic /tg/, it would also be slow like /vr/
>sony not part of japanese boards when a majority of the ps4 owners here play JP games
sorry user we already have one on /int/
>a majority of the ps4 owners here play JP games
Horizon, God of War, Spiderman, Last of Us, Uncharted...
Sony moved its headquarters to California. They are now US based. They make western games. People only buy western games on their consoles.
If we did that, there would be no video games left on Yea Forums. What we need is something like /vc/ - Vidya Culture, where all the eceleb shit and twitter screencaps can go.
/vw/ would be normalfag reddit central
>majority of the ps4 owners here play JP games
Not on a ps4 they don't.
Yes, we have Yea Forums western game fags can go to /fit/ and /r9k/.
>persona 5
>literally every fucking japanese multiplat is ps4 center
there are way more japanese games discussed than western, do you seriously think all the RE2 and KH3 threads are made by xbox/pc players?
is this the new Xeno thread?
We're using a different website, try again user
>dead, sold like shit in the west
>came out ages ago, not a sony made game
>not a sony made game, will be on other platforms too
yeah nah
I have a PS4 and I use it for JP games, but I use my PC for them a lot more.
Or /trash/
Why do you think I hate anime?
Are you sure about that, brother?
bloodborne is a sony made game, and what does it matter if it is? it's on ps4 alone
>random question on top
Wow, we are now on Yea Forums anons, here we go!
Oh, you mean that game they shut the servers down for?
No it isn't you fucking moron, they paid for it. That's it.
What is reddit?
Reddit is a website.
Not sony made but will never be multiplat
v would literally die
it's codeveloped by SCE and from soft
and that's a good thing.
>do we need an actual board for game discussion while this one quarantines all the redditors
yes, we do
>watching anime, unironically or otherwise, past the age of 13
at this point, i absolutely agree
A board without western games and the kind of retards playing them would be heaven
Will this image trigger people who don't even talk about video games on the video games board?
And other sex positions that will blow her mind and destroy her (*his) penis.
So you should be supporting animexit, we won't bother you ever again.
Just make a general eceleb board so all of the "youtube personalities" and twitter screencaps from Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums etc can go rot together.
>weeb games board
>frogposters and wojaks get left behind on western/v/
please yes
No. Liking anime is a requirement to browsing this board and it's good to have some threads reminding newfags of that.
I'm thinking we need a containment board for western shit and their tranny propaganda
Who's with me?
>There are people who still think they'll get P5 for the Switch
Keep begging
You realise Sony only did the marketing right.
all the more reason to want a japanese game board, we'll leave you alone while you cry about SJW devs with twitter screencaps alongside the other western gaming reddit retards
Sure. The western Yea Forums would probably be more chill and laid back.
Maybe you should just move Xenoblade Chronicles 2 threads to /vg/ if you insist on a general
radical idea: dont go into threads you dont want to read. not every single thread has to be catered to you. use the fucking catalogue
SCE had heavy involvement in BB it's also why demon's and bloodborne are the best, miyzaki is a hack
Nah, I'd rather have /vjp/.
That doesn't stop vidya threads being deleted off page 10 in favor of tranny discord screencaps
Also nuke /vr/ while we're at it since it's dead.
I'll never understand why /vr/ was even made
>/vw/ - Consolewar Shitposting and Tranny Flamewars
>/vjp/ - Ecchi Sample Images and Tranny ERP
would be good containment boards desu
There’s literally no good reason for it, so no.
>hiromoot makes /jv/
>/jv/ is a fast moving board that talks about upcoming game releases, have engaging video game discussions, and is fun all around
>Yea Forums becomes a wasteland of stale reddit memes and e-celebs
shitposting aside it would turn into to shit eventually.
So people can talk about retro games without having their threads instantly disappear in a sea of "CHECK OUT THE TWITCH FRONTPAGE FORTNITE IS WINNING HAHAH APEX" or "THIS LITERAL WHO SAID A THING ON TWITTER" threads?
if threads getting buried is an issue all Eceleb trash and twitter threads need to be nuked
Look at it less like a home board and more like a vacation home: you go there when you want a nice, quiet CRPG thread free from console wars and smashautists.
Yes! That's the only way we can get away from all the reddit and frog shitposting!
I do feel bad for the westerners who just want to talk about non-jap games though, they'd be stuck here on Yea Forums with all the cancer.
You sure love talking about trannies.
no, but Yea Forums does
It would be fucking shit. At least for the Japanese one.
>Yea Forums becomes dedicated to Japanese games while /vw/ is dedicated to Western games
>Yea Forums purely becomes a Nintendo/Sony warzone
>/vw/ has slower Xbox discussion with a million PC threads
As opposed to what? Basically no one on Yea Forums actually discusses western games.
Still a westacuck board.
Learn jap. Browse jap.
Yeah but they usually blow up for steam sales and other PC related shit.
>filtered posts containing nazi words
>over 15 posts hidden ITT
really makes me think
>steam sales and PC related shit
>not about specific PC only games
Literally best advice.
Yes because the majority of weebs playing this game are neets who spend their whole day fantasizing about their waifus and jacking off to hentai and making waifu circlejerk threads on Yea Forums.
Just repurpose vp from Pokémon board only to Nintendo board
Yea Forums needs a blanket e-celeb/twitter literally who ban with harsh punishments , as well as for the console war rule to actually be enforced. Continue to delete already off topic threads like politics and things become better