Anybody else having high hopes for The Outer Worlds?

Anybody else having high hopes for The Outer Worlds?

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I wasn't, but seeing as Todd bought it... yes.

>generic space/sci-fi setting with le epic capitalist commentary
>reddit humor pandering with "OMG SO WACKY HE JUST KILLED THAT GUY HAHA" bullshit
>gunplay will no doubt be extremely generic
>roleplaying elements will be extremely muted, with no actual story decisions, only mock class assignments via singular skill point allocation.
It looks like trash. Enjoy the $0.05 you got for making this thread.

It will be lifeless and boring just like all other Obsidian games. I think it will also sell like shit.


no because the original creators of fallout couldn't save interplay so why would they be able to save the franchise this time. At least they smartened up and made it in 3d fps instead of top down isometric memery like they had planned for fallout 3. Thank god bethesda stepped in at the 11th hour.

They really wanted to make 3 as isometric?

yea but interplay went out of business

>nu obsidian

also forgot to mention they were going to make an mmo after beth bought the ip and based beth prevented them from completing it after taking them to court and the og devs got BTFO. They tried to keep making the game since all they had to do was just change the name but even then they were never able to finish it. I think they had a playable demo that was like 20% of the completed game but it never got out. you can find screenshots of both games but there isn't much to look at.

Shouldn’t you be shilling Anthem Biodrones? Won’t be long now before Bioware is finally put down.

when you have to advertise your game based off another game that was popular once, you just know that the fucking game is going to be shit trash. a good game should stand on it's own merits not 'muh original creators of.......' shit tier marketing

>shit tier marketing
>fag who knows jack shit about marketing

>if you criticize obsidian, you must be a bethesda/bioware shill
why are obsidiots like this?

I don't get high hopes for video games anymore

I did until I seen gameplay.

After that reveal trailer running at 5 FPS, I actually have zero faith in this game.

What has Obsidian made aside from Fallout New Vegas?

>SJW shit

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There's an early build of Van Buren floating around.

Neverwinter Nights 2
Alpha Protocol
Dungeon Seige 3
Stick of Truth
Pillars of Eternity

The best they managed was Pillars of Eternity 1. That should tell you enough.

yikes, one good game then

Honestly, this.
FO1/2 were good games, but they’re not even riding that bandwagon, they’re riding the FO3 train which has basically nothing to do with the original Fallout. Fuck, it’s not even the same genre as the original fallout, it’s fucking FO3.

Don't forget Armored Warfare.

i was sad to hear that it's more like a B tier project rather than something bigger. i feel like a lot of people are expecting it to be a massive fallout experience but everything the devs have said points to it being a shorter experience.

tim cain and leonard boyarsky though, can't wait.


>Grumpy Cat In 2019

>look Morty, I’m Borderlands Rick!
No thank you.

>grumpy cat
What's that?


Absolutely this.

>Dungeon Siege 3
I wouldn't call this an achievement.

Based Todd.

Not really. More interested to see Obsidian make more PoEternity games with a closer vibe to the first one.

are you ready for bethesdadrones shitting on a game for being made by obsidian

>literally what
>meme game

>T-tick tock Larianiggers, r-right fellow Obsidian fans?

If I do buy the game, I'm going to make sure I play as the biggest corporate shill as the planet, fucking nu-Obsidian faggots

They've said you can sell out the scientist from the beginning and work for the corporations

Not after I saw who was working on it

>[current year]
>current social climate

yeah nah mate

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My e-friends on Yea Forums(nel)'s Yea Forums board said I can't like it so, I don't like it.

Maybe if they didn't work on two games at once then maybe 76 wouldn't have been such a shit show.

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>literally the same level of comedy writing as in fallout 2
>all the new /pol/kids are screeching

This is real life satire.

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>we made the good Fallout games
That's all I need to know, a shame my pc is shit

>>literally the same level of comedy writing as in fallout 2
You aren't actually implying that that is a good thing? Fallout 2 was reddit before reddit existed.

>first quote
that's wrong but given how stupid the shitposters are...

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>yes bethesda please make skyrim 2, i love gamebryo taste my precious sperm
Inhuman disgusting worthless garbage.

>meme game
Literally retarded

I can't remember feeling like that back when I played it.
The low INT dialogue with Torr wouldn't REMOTELY fly today because of "ableist" garbage.

Way to out yourself as a tasteless faggot.

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Here is your dev team, bro.

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>The cheesewheel holding bitch knows how to suck a good dick
Shame she's a landwhale and the woman next to her is going to be attacked by Sarkeesian for being a hotter version of her.

How underage do you have to be to bother having hopes/expectations for games anymore?

here's a hint, whether you have high expectations or low expectations the game gets made the same either way. I cannot think of a more pointless activity, just don't even bother thinking about the game until it comes out then make your purchasing decision you fucking imbecile.

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It gets worse...

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R 0 L L

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rolling for 4 big dyke mommy

This was literally my face when this nigger showed up in the trailer.

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Threadly reminder.

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Jesus christ, how embarrassing.

that's going in the hall of fame ;)

I'm not that guy, the image is impressive. You can add it in if you want.

>uh oh! you have dementia!
what did he mean by that

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Don't be retarded user. Given the choice, most people would rather have something they're already familiar with, than something entirely new.

That guy got fired. Guess even Obsidian has their limits.

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I can guaran-fucking-tee you that this game is gonna be in some kind of Might No.9 type situation where it tries too hard to deviate from the source material but it falls flat on its face

Not high hopes but it has my interest yes.

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Fuck off Todd

Here's your narrative lead boys

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nigger what

I hate this based solely on the fact that she is a woman. Let us all join hands and shout for Trump to kill all women.

Not getting a (you) from me

Cautiously Optimistic. I read an article about it in the game informer my sister and her BF get. Sounds very promising on the angle of "we want to try to keep it all grey and not just have the corporation people be total evil".

Hopefully more material will be released at E3.

>defending obsidian

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Picture an Obsidian game in your head.

You probably pictured a game with clunky unbalanced gameplay but with decent writing, right? Now take this concept but swap the writers with trannies and other freaks. That’s Outer Worlds.

>Team has one vocal liberal on it
>"The whole team is full of 'em!".

What's wrong with it?

>on Yea Forums
Get out of here.

anything that includes more than one blatant Holy Grail reference is reddit-tier

I hate how disingenuous trailers that advertise this are, too, since in many cases the actual people making this new game are largely different than the ones behind the games that came out years ago. But because the studio's name is the same that's all that matters to some people I guess.

She is bad but the absolute worst writers at Obsidian are Sawyer and Paul Kirsch.

What's the issue with it?
You mention that you made this game so people who liked that previous game know that the game they previously be made will be similar to the newer game or at least made with the same thought process.

What kind of parents name their daughter Robert?

actually the worst writer obsidian ever had was Chris Avelloneunironically

user, I...

Most of them look normal, only fluro hair is highlights on 1 person, only 1 looks like a tranny. Pretty good overall. Just looks like a bunch of normal "gamer" women, not full on SJWs like a lot of other companies.

Gonzalez was the best writer. The Survivalist Logs was peak Fallout.

just like fallout 2

is having a gay son more cucked than having a daughter?

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I'm pretty hyped.

Not Day 1 hyped, but hyped nonetheless

>bunch of normal "gamer" women

>All these nu-/pol/ faggots who find shit to bitch and moan about in video games more than the autistic trannies do
You guys are adorable. I'd probably keep looking at these threads if I wasn't so busy getting a pug-nose from gnawing on so much puss and parking in handicap spaces. You fucking retards post baby cartoons images and argue about dykes making video games and shit while most normal people are too busy just playing video games in their free times and making chicks' gash-water boil. You faggots probably look up straight guys sucking dick on your parent's laptop in incognito mode. Me? I'm staking vag like Vlad the impaler. I go through 2 bars of soap a day just washing the gyno-slime off my cervix-ram. Maybe if you retards weren't so busy flossing cum-crust out of your gums and arguing about social justice shit, you'd be more like me, leaving more crevice-craters in your wake than Nagasaki.

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the gunplay looks really shit desu

I do. If you count yourself as a bloodlines fan you should really keep an eye on this one.
This board used to be all over that game but I do realize how important twitter is in videogames nowadays so carry on ignoring everything else about it newfriends.

work on your falseflagging

>bethesda kids mad enough to make this image

I’m pretty excited. Not been a fan of Obsidian’s most recent stuff, but I like the leads behind this and what I’ve seen thus far. The sheer amount of trolling in every thread is ridiculous, though


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I remember when the trailer came out and so many people on Yea Forums where saying "It's not based on Rick from Ricky and Morty, it's Doc from Back to the Future you fucking zoomers!!" then the Q&A came out and the devs say he is based on Rick.

the thing is, even if the game is good, nobody will buy it.
obsidian is just poison like that.

looks interesting
does it have sjws crap?

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Gay son > straight daughter > gay daughter > straight son

From most cucked to least cucked.

but raising a son means he'll be parasitically drained of his money by somebody else's daughter. that's pretty cucked too.

a gay daughter doesn't perpetuate the bloodline though

Oh shit, you caught me. What tipped you off? The obvious bait?

Yup. I still see some people in these threads claim it isn't based on rick.

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These are the people moaning all the time about women working as game developers, by the way. The peak of human inteligence.

why does she have an 8+ inch cock coming out of her drink?

>then the Q&A came out and the devs say he is based on Rick.
I don't remember this at all, source?

It’s not true, just another troll attempt

what's your point, tranny?

Yeah, but in the context of *hit's pipe* she isn't taken by another man either. She remains 'pure' in a sense, helping not perpetuate another man's bloodline whereas your straight son will. Gay son is more cucked since he *can* perpetuate the bloodline, but doesn't.

Lmao, you don't know me faggot. Besides, this is legit discussion.

The guy just loves rick and morty so he desperately wants the outer worlds to be like his favorite show.
He even made all these images, I hope he isn't too disappointed when the game's out and it has nothing to do with his show.

You are legit retarded. This single post of yours is more than enough proof.

lmao, tranny. I hadn't even commented in the thread prior to reading user's question. You're grasping for straws.

>doesn't realize *hits pipe* is a meme and takes the text unironically
peak wokeness everybody

her arm looks like a willy haha :)

No I'm calling you a dumb retard tranny. Please understand that I think you are fucking stupid.

>no u
What this user said

Who cares what he said transexual. Look at this shit you wrote.
>Yeah, but in the context of *hit's pipe* she isn't taken by another man either. She remains 'pure' in a sense, helping not perpetuate another man's bloodline whereas your straight son will. Gay son is more cucked since he *can* perpetuate the bloodline, but doesn't.
Followed up by
>Besides, this is legit discussion.
Stop posting already you stupid nigger. Get off my damn board.

no u

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this but unironically

>These are the people moaning all the time about women working as game developers, by the way. The peak of human inteligence.
says the guy who can't spell intelligence correctly

I'm excited for it. Gunplay looks all right but I'm not resting my hopes on it actually having a great combat system from the looks of the trailer.

Would be great if they could have Rage 1's tight gunplay and mix it in with Obsidian's narrative/quests.

You niggers have a baffling high level of insecurity

Once again, people who obviously haven't even watched any videos with developer commentary think they about a game.

I'll check it out. I also hope MS buys Alpha Protocol from SEGA and has Obsidian make a sequel.

>Who is Albert Einstein
>Who is Dr. Emmett Brown

Good, this is literally all I wanted

that's a big pile of shit right there

Is that game worth playing? I got an hour in and stopped out of boredom

Quite a diverse group of people there.

I swear the only thing worse than Rick and Morty is the people obsessed with it in anyway, whether it be positive or negative.

>I swear the only thing worse than Rick and Morty is the people obsessed with it in anyway, whether it be positive or negative.

If you think Rick and Morty is the 2nd worse thing there is, then you are one of the people who are obsessed with it.

Why did you delete this Shake, this was awesome.

>thinking about tv shows
you're worse than any of this

the state of wokeness means giving up your toxic gender words

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The ability to fuck anyone, dismembe anyone,and NPC permadeath. Also being able to keep a body part from an NPC stashed away in case you ever wanna bring them back through cloning

I have high hopes for nothing nowadays

It's the entire Narrative/Writing team that's infested unfortunately, so it's probably going to suck.

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>original creators
who specifically? i ain't falling for that bullshit.