How do you handle a loss in a video game, Yea Forums?
Do you recognize the triviality of it and maintain composure or does your simple ape brain send you into a frothing chimp out like the mindless animals in this picture?
How do you handle a loss in a video game, Yea Forums?
Do you recognize the triviality of it and maintain composure or does your simple ape brain send you into a frothing chimp out like the mindless animals in this picture?
I go on auto-pilot and do even worse than I was already doing
I don't get mad at things that are mainly 1v1 since its my own fault but in team games, fuck everyone
Who's in the photo? I'm guessing they're all streamers
>doesn't recognize eva
how new
i chimp out but by chimp out i mean alt f4
Fuck your thread, AMATERASU!
I recognize destiny and the jew who made yandere simulator
sorry faggot OP, the black flame consumes all, even your shitty thread
i definitely chimp for a reasonable amount of time, only a few seconds at most. a light chimp.
Foolish younger brother
destiny got a big head look how wide it is
I only do good when I am an autopilot. If I get caught up in the loss or thinking of improving I end up overcorrecting and fucking it up
You're merely a pawn in a game much bigger than you
Learn from it. I'm basically the most humble wise person I know.
My brother is a huge rager and he still plays sc2 and broodwar
Laugh it off, like everything in life
Calm down, Yanderedev
i learn from my failures so they tend not to bother because each one is a new lesson to be learned
I dont know any of these people