So... Who was behind it?
Grinch Leak
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whoever it was must have hated fake leaks so much that he made the ultimate fake, to prove beyond all doubt that leaks are meaningless and can always be faked no matter how convincing
Didn't we find out it was part of Grinch viral marketing?
I still don't understand how this could be fake. Part of me still thinks it's real and they were scrapped DLC plans
it was me, I'm the Grinch, I was th
Its ok, man.
It's time to let go.
t. geno-fag
Whoever did it was a mastermind
>Part of me still thinks it's real and they were scrapped DLC plans
The only logical answer, there's no way someone could bullshit this
Imagine unironically believing that we could get 7 character reveals in 40 minutes.
Dunno but i totally ate the bait
Such an elaborated convoluted mess
I never bother to check leak threads since it's all fake and gay 99.99% of the time, what did Grinch user do?
Same, I still feel like a total schmuck to the point where I didn't buy the game.
You should
It's amazing honestly
5 character reveals in 25 minutes, thanks 8/8 direct, checkmate
>100ms of input delay
I'm putting up with jt user, but I wouldn't say amazing, don't lie to people.
> No trophies
> No Break the targets and Home-Run contest
> Not all stages returned, as well as cut items and AT
> No masterpieces
> Not all music
Fuck off
it was made by someone or a group of people that were familiar with leaks and how people commonly try to debunk them
they covered their tracks on the most common routes that people use to deconfirm leaks and even looked in depth enough to find the breaks in the character banner and fit the characters there, knowing that people would then find the breaks in the banner and call it extra proof
it took a lot of meticulous planning I'm sure
Someone faked a portrait of a fake roster, slapping a real person's name on it and their place of work, which was a printing company.
"Leaker" did it for attention, but pussied out once he realized that some people he involved with the leak were gunning for whoever faked it.
>remember when we found that green pixel in Olimar's helmet or on someone in that general area
>matched up with Isaac's vines
>is literally nothing
>piranha plant is revealed
>nintendo updates the banner when he comes out
>is placed in the exact same spot where that green pixel was
I wasn't the only one who noticed this, right?
no he just wishes he did and is the only fag who'd claim ownership cause he wants to be the biggest nitnendo troll or some shit. no ones come forward with the original non-blurry character art and until then no one hasclaimed ownership. honestly surprised who ever the user is who did it doesnt just post the original images here or at least some of them, maybe it really was an in house job.
I noticed that too, user. It hurt even more, I wanted Isaac
I don't know, but leak Ken looking so similar in the official mural still makes me go 'hmmmmm...'
>it was too good to be faked
So was the Rayman render.
So was the Spring Man footage that the guy made in Blender, and posted a video showing how he did it.
So were the literal hundreds of fake photoshops from the past.
Every time, we learn that fakes can be insanely well done, and not to fall for them... only to forget them a few minutes later when the next fake comes.
what would they have him do other than his signature move? grinch leak is dead as a doornail
> Fake leak uses Spring Man and Decidueye
> None of them ended up being in Smash
do you think these were real "stand-ins" like nintendo commissioned some real and some not real art so the roster would be kept secret (they do this with the announcer reading fake names when recording so even hes in the dark). maybe this was from the actual printing company, and thats why they never denied it when that other company the guy used to work for did, but this was just some random hodge podge of character art they had waiting for nintendo to tell them how to put the final banner together. imagine a choice between piranha plant or isaac you'd probly assume the real deal was isaac cause stuff like isaac having a fucking vine (no one put that with isaac) and then getting piranha plant (which is basically a vine) in that same spot or the fact ken is in essentially int the same pose we got as his official art (there are several poses ken could have this called it) really makes me wonder here.
Decidueye was literally in the game until being taken out and replaced with Incineroar at last second, cause Sakurai thought Decidueye in Smash would take away his presence in Pokken.
at least we had some good fun for a week
Wouldn't you assume Ryu would do the hadouken or shoryuken in the mural? He isn't. Fake Ken still looks identical. I know it's an obvious pose, but still.
Some french shitposter is all we know.
No, but they were certainly worried/expectant that the roster would be leaked. That's why Sakurai frontloaded all the cool characters like Ridley, K Rool, and the Belmonts, because he wanted them revealed on his own terms.
>2 newcomers, 3 echos
>as opposed to 6 newcomers, 1 echo
>I still don’t understand how someone could use photoshop to add a bunch of characters in a mural and film their fake mural as blurry as possible so people wouldn’t see the mistakes
Vergebendeniers on Nov 1st
They were in the game, but they trapped themselves to keep Steve imprisoned in the Brown Brick Lodge.
>do you think these were real "stand-ins" like nintendo commissioned some real and some not real art so the roster would be kept secret
I actually would believe this.
Especially when they did this with voice actors.
every leak you mentioned sucked dick
Of course
Who better to keep a miner contained than a geomancer?
who gives a shit
inconsequential bullshit
96 returning stages who cares about items and ATs
who the fuck wants to play 30 seconds of mario 1
there are nearly 900 songs
Fuck you.
I want Mach Rider
Not to mention a lot of stuff happened that leaned in their favor, like the printing company taking their video down and the item in a promo video that looked like a Golden Sun icon.
>implying Shadow and Mach Rider weren't possibly echoes to Sonic and Captain Falcon
>tfw kept telling people it was fake
>they just got angry with me
I'm convinced that the whole printing company thing was a deliberate attempt to copy the ESRB leak. Since that leak was one-in-a-million by actually being real, people would see this similar situation, and declare it real.
Are all you retards incapable of thought? It was just that the same marketing company that did the grinch movie also did ultimate marketing.
You are a dumbass motherfucker. Go fire up your copy of Brawl on your Wii and enjoy 30 seconds of F-Zero SNES's masterpiece you fucking subhuman freak.
ESRB at least had gameplay
>expecting actual critical thinking skills from leakfags
I felt this way at first too, but then remembered that having every veteran confirmed to return + Ridley within 15 minutes seemed equally impossible before E3.
Shadow was absolutely meant to be an echo, but Mach Rider would be his own character if he was to get in. The leaker designed the image after popular theories
>Shadow and Ken speculated as echoes once Richter got in
>the toy gun Sakurai got to use as reference for something, plus the idea that each game has to have a retro rep, leading lots of people to suggest Mach Rider could get in
>Chorus Kids as a cut character finally getting in, like Chrom
>Isaac, Banjo, and Geno as fan-favorites, just like Ridley and King K Rool
I just finished searching on YT about this whole shit. Jesus fucking Christ no wonder so many people believed the leak. Part of me almost believe it's real but Nintendo went on full lockdown and changed everything last second.
They pretty much only made one mistake, and that was assuming that there wasn't an empty mural out there so they made their own that had a few mistakes.
So did the grinch leak
I seriously can't believe people are still so far in denial that they won't admit it was fake. They're legitimately that desperate to avoid coming to terms with the fact they went completely all-in on believing a hoax.
It's still depressing that Incineroarfags won. They were beyond obnoxious during the Grinch leak season, and they really deserved to lose for all of that shitposting.
>Too retarded to even scalp amiibos properly
Gonna need a source on that one chief
The break in the banner was a complete coincidence. The faker didn't have to do shit. People were so utterly and totally desperate to believe this was real that they went out and found that coincidence on their own and specifically interpreted it in a way to further entrench their belief in the leak, even though there was already a working explanation for why the banner looked that way.
That was perhaps the craziest thing about the grinch leak, the psychotic lengths people were going to to find (read: imagine) more "evidence" for it.
>Part of me almost believe it's real but Nintendo went on full lockdown and changed everything last second.
Do remember that Corrin was the final first-party newcomer for Sm4sh.
>Longest Smash direct ever, one of the longest directs ever full stop
I still struggle to believe just how shit that direct ended up being. A fucking echo fighter everyone expected revealed like a minute in was the high point and then everything just went to hell in a handbasket.
The ESRB leak was MILES more believable than the Grinch leak.
Well, for people who just like le salt it was pretty fun.
a bunch of french discordfags that had previously done fake leaks. we had heard word about this in the weeks before the leak but still fell for it anyway. there was some copypasta going around like "hurr how could 1 person do all this" and no shit, it wasn't one person. it was co-ordinated autism
people believed it was real because of wishful thinking and the fact that anyone trying to challenge it was spammed by "OH NONONONON" fags and stupid copypastas
ESRB leak pre-gameplay reveal was no different than any other fake.
no because there was never any real life banner with all the characters like the one in the leak commissioned by any company.
I can live with all but one of these characters not getting in, despite being a Shadowfag/Banjofag. Mach Rider would have been amazing to play as, and I feel his loss the most.
>Mach Rider would have been amazing to play as, and I feel his loss the most.
Not only was the ESRB leak far less blurry than the grinch leak, but it also had characters like Duck Hunt in it, who had no renders close to the ones found in Smash.
Any leak that has characters that people expects or has characters no one wants are far more credible than leaks with Geno, Issac, and Banjo.
Imagine being a grinchfag during the November 1st direct.
it literally had new renders up close and other details. grinch was one blurry banner
>Kept adding Ganondorf for no reason in his videos leading up to the Grinch leak
>Kept saying that a big Ultimate leak would drop 45 days before Ultimate's release
>Apparently speaks French
You don't know how someone could have basic graphic design skills?
was this the EoE of fake leaks?
Karma is always on Incineroarfags sides. Yea Forums got too cocky about Incineroar not being in and got a nice karmic backlash.
>kept pointing out that Sakurai said there wouldn't be too many new characters
>retards on Yea Forums just go angry at me for going against the leak
>Tfw we could get an amazing Pokémon and end up with incineroar instead
>ultimate fake leak
It was obviously fake. The background was inconsistent with what Nintendo had already shown. Faggots just couldn’t let it go.
We got a pro wrestler instead of a projectile spamming character. We definitely got the better character.
Decidueye wasn't taking out of Smash at the last second. Sakurai wasn't sure if he should pick Decidueye or Incineroar. He ended up picking Incineroar. This was before Pokken and Decidueye was never actually in Ultimate at all.
most likely
pretty much
We've already been through this. It was Mariotehplumber. He speaks french and he got in contact with the printing company and paid them to set it all up per his instructions.
you know i kinda think that these leakers think their sources are genuine BUT the actual sources are trolls that have memed on them
>that one guy who waits till after the direct to finally debunk the banjo leak.
Fuck you man, you could have saved us.
>and he got in contact with the printing company and paid them to set it all up per his instructions.
I wouldn't go quite that far. He definitely has the means to get someone to fake this shit, though. And the money.
Are you talking about that guy on twitter? That's fake.