Cuphead 2
Still nothing but emptiness

Attached: file.png (124x192, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:!u6BG0SRA!BMFpog6jP0qPfc-vPQAj0zOcY0sZPZ6Xm8r45o05SaI

the end

was nice being with you guys (except most of the drive by americans)

Die tripnigger

I loved this threads

did he died?

Attached: Cup(You).gif (291x400, 3.18M)

Last stream. Time to watch the vods of stuff that I missed.

Is this the last thread? I'll miss you bros til next time

watching speedruns is as bad as being a speedrunner you fucking nerds lmao

Attached: 43095027714.jpg (1081x611, 46K)

ew tripfaggot. and yeah its over.


DSP makes my P hard

What mode is this?

God I wish this was a rule at GDQ

Attached: whitesonly.png (344x498, 232K)

Only 120 days until SGDQ!

Attached: 152.png (620x550, 126K)


It was fun despite the constant shitty runs in the last 2 days

Attached: ESAG.png (697x579, 847K)



I give it like a 6/10. It was fine and the highs Stream 2 provided carried it a lot, but for the most part a lot of it was just alright. Not a lot of standouts, but there wasn't much that was really bad either.



This speedrun isn't more fun the second time in a row.

Attached: 1278724621947.png (207x160, 4K)

No thanks.

Attached: Yabba dabba.png (283x321, 66K)

Not for free.

SO besides the holy Trinity
>FF 3
was there any other must see runs?

Attached: are you winning son.jpg (1920x1080, 312K)

But RPGLB is better and before then

Attached: 1530039330882.jpg (850x992, 162K)

best esa threads yet but also the slowest
i think the faster ones could be this good if we kept a consistent janny, the ones switching off last year were so different they gave me whiplash

Attached: 1524861599175.png (568x548, 88K)

I'll pass.

Attached: 1527836094961.png (878x510, 882K)

I haven't tuned into a RPG limit break event before. Is it all in person at a single venue or do people just stream remotely? About how long is it and if it's all in a single venue is the crowd/runner cam decent enough to make webms?

Attached: 1484422007583.jpg (411x292, 17K)

Hey ESA. Greetings from Germany. Long time donator, first time watcher. I love seeing these great runners ruin my favorite childhood games for such a great cause. Save the children and save the frames(and animals). Donation goes to announcer runner's choice

Thankfully there aren't threads for it

>Upload failed

Please don't mention webms, the guy will piss his pants again

I'd rather kill myself than watch that trash

Not if I've got something to say about it

Attached: 1536975816452.jpg (217x214, 36K)

>dying to stall the donations
He's literally saving children every time he dies.

I just remembered there was some user in a thread last GDQ that was feeling really down and on the verge of suicide or something?
And I told them to promise they would post during the ESA threads but I can't say I saw them this week posting from what I saw, I'm not entirely sure but simply remembered someone had to post during this event to tell they're still hanging there.
F I guess.

Attached: Aiko shock.png (1600x1200, 272K)


still blocked. Seems "Alice" is unblocked though.

I killed myself so I couldn't post
sorry bro

You killed him user

Attached: 1534815615988.jpg (400x568, 91K)

Yay, more background noise.

Attached: 1512529462649.jpg (968x1296, 341K)

>is the crowd/runner cam decent enough to make webms?
Yeah. It was basically GDQ in a lounge last time

Attached: 1519668430399.webm (550x424, 2.86M)

Tomb Raider 3


did Yea Forums change the salt for secure trips?

i wish that were me

Attached: 7415282a0cf9d1ac53672fff18dfaca2.png (630x850, 283K)

If they did it's the first I've heard of it.

Oi before this event ends, I just wanna give a shoutout to the Janny/jannes this year. Seething tranny posters got BTFO non-stop & the threads were great because of it. I hope the next marathons threads are just the same.

Attached: 1519447051828.jpg (735x430, 202K)

you gotta go into a consolewar thread for that.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-24 Twitch.png (206x71, 26K)

>that image
Waifu tattoos are based

Attached: 1525589205382.jpg (648x900, 109K)

Nice. Good for them.

Attached: 1302446944034.jpg (400x382, 33K)

>$150 dono
nice money laundering

We did it!


that's nice

Attached: 1550811412273.jpg (500x500, 68K)


We did it anons.

Attached: 1547258162065.png (1000x1000, 115K)

no it hasn't. just weird that are both using the same ##trip but the first one didn't get the desired tripcode, second one had #trip##code. yet Yea Forums only displays the secure now and not both now?

Yeah a safe and moderated 4channel makes me a happy camper

Attached: 1550951016113.webm (390x474, 225K)

That's surprisingly a really good tattoo

We haven't been able to double up on non-secure and secure trips for a very long time, bro. I want to say 10 years. Secure takes priority.

Cool. A little more progress each event.

Not bad

how many trannies?

disgusting opinion

bonus stream?

Don't think there were any. They're probably busy setting up for the next GDQ event.

oh well. at least trip decoders are 100x better than when i made my first /Alice/ tripcode. Only average 12 hours to find a 9 character non-case specific trip. pretty decent.

Rip user

Attached: __iowa_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kuurunaitsu__c5f37a26567612c6d2c710d1c66588ec.jpg (626x885, 105K)

Not a thing in any event past 4 years anymore unfortunately.

>1/10 the viewers of GDQ
>1/100 the donations of GDQ


2nd Stream was the bonus stream

nice digits but check this

makes perfectly sense if you really thunk about it

Attached: No step on snek 4.png (1062x573, 16K)

no companies like the yetee laundering money through the event

>monotone commentary

What a dreary end to the marathon.


How much did last year's winter stream make again?

Twilight Princess should have been the end

don't forget
well, atleast this estimate seems a tad hard considering neither of the three first runners did that well and that was abusing a high dps glitch

Attached: 1481259583253.png (1193x869, 193K)

Event really should've ended with that Twilight Princess run.


I'd like to thank anonymous for this $1000 post, with no comment.

>final boss choke
oh noo

Rate this final run!

This ESA was pretty comfy overall, but some parts were pretty meh and I wish the ending wasn't as lackluster. Stream 2 really killed it with its moments, I hope we get to see more stuff like that at summer.

Attached: __iowa_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yomi_yomi14_pyaon__1879eb20650b77218f10171ad57ff235.jpg (1200x1200, 1.23M)


Ah, It wasn't "Alice", it's "notalice" name they blocked. suppose the former was too vague to completely ban. Damn it's been so long.


Whose decision was it to have this be what ends ESA?


>last run over estimate
I fucking love ESA, why don't they just increase estimates?

Attached: 1461286409050.jpg (1462x1462, 189K)

cuckshit is shit

Okay, with unseen glitch at the end / 10

Attached: Uma flexible.jpg (768x576, 69K)

I will have to go back to my empty life.

Attached: 1438197689547.png (657x527, 51K)

When is the next speed running event?

Over estimate /10

Time for cringe dab

Attached: zoomer.png (434x327, 32K)


Attached: HXyyG.jpg (587x800, 161K)

Oh and would you look at that anonymous has donated a gajirrion dollars and with that we've met our donation incentive just in time!

I liked what NASA did where if they reached the estimate time, it'd just start going up with the regular timer.

Holy shit, ESA grew a crapton.

Weird that I feel so underwhelmed with this year. We had good runners and runs, but most of the games chosen just weren't interesting to me

Attached: 70525447_p0.png (940x1330, 589K)

agdq was unironically better in every way this year.

Runner needs to be spanked for going over time/10

Attached: smagsmag.jpg (920x730, 56K)

3/10 Overestimate with last game.

Attached: 1546507263026.gif (319x240, 995K)


Attached: 1501356137071.png (1920x1080, 1.22M)

>Comparing secondary event to main event AGDQ instead of secondary SGDQ event
Are you even trying?

use if you want to test your trip.

It is the lesser of the ESA events, though. The Summer event raised like $70k

Until next time

Attached: 1530643257484.png (1320x2948, 2.31M)

The bloody spur cannot provoke him on,
That sometimes anger thrusts into his hide,
Which heavily he answers with a groan,
More sharp to me than spurring to his side;
For that same groan doth put this in my mind,
My grief lies onward, and my joy behind.

Attached: 1549761206741.jpg (265x565, 30K)

It was kind of meh overall but summer is always better anyway

Attached: 1529759987087.jpg (450x677, 37K)

ESA at Twitchcon Europe. Dates are like 14-15 April or something.

>submit your tripcode to a different website

Dab, you fucking shit!


it wasn't a test it was supposed to be a nigger trip hence the yo(u) but I entered it wrong

Attached: 1521295358061.jpg (1920x1080, 84K)


I'm astonished that AGDQ was so good this year. It still wasn't comparable to pre-2015, but it had some great runs
Yeah, I'm hoping Summer will be better. this was a comfy distraction, though, and let some lesser known runners spring up

can't just use Jordans old trip?

Dunno, too lazy to find a new one just for a single shitpost anyway

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-23 19-03-37-94.webm (1600x900, 2.84M)

So its true Planks is dead.


Same. The last FF stream was fun though. People were relaxed and it almost felt like watching a bonus stream again.

Attached: 8cf4426ffba3984c87715efd8694874b.jpg (818x1158, 310K)


Rasmus seems like a nice guy.

woops forgot a character but "#gXn-rMJb" is blocked too lmao.


He sat in on FFX for a bit but I don't think I've seen him on cam since

>cleanin his hands

>Hates dabbing
>does the most epic dab of the entire event

I don't get it.

He looks like he fucks young twinks

You have to eat all the eggs.

ESA's end speechs are always heart breaking

What are the odds ESA ends with the closing speech going over estimate?

so why isn't his wife there this year?

Attached: 1532592369820.jpg (998x1500, 158K)


>He looks like he fucks young twinks

Attached: 1526953191647.gif (560x552, 126K)

Well friends, this is the end, for now. I doubt there'll be threads for RPG Limit Break but I'm looking forward to chilling with that stream when it's on.

I suppose this is goodbye to most of you until SGDQ a few months, remember to take it easy Anonymous and we'll meet again in the summer.

see you in the summer, anons

Attached: 881c355c95a8451e5690103134a048c0.jpg (901x1280, 252K)

She's dead

They need to get a better scheduler. I didn't bother watching half of it because they had shit like massive long RPG's and a fucking DnD session on stream 1 and fucking nothing on 2

Is there gonna be a NASA this year? Last year kinda sucked, but maybe it'll be better.

Til the next one!

Attached: 1524562245513.jpg (463x600, 31K)

when is limit braeake

Idk how I didn't see you post that the first time but nice



It's over

Attached: but but but.jpg (326x326, 16K)

See you next time Remiliafag

Attached: 2.png (970x500, 24K)

Does ESA smell better or worse than GDQ?



Watch both the FF runs and you can call it a day

Guess that's it for winter.
Hope to see all of you for summer.

Attached: __iowa_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ko_on_ningen_zoo__9cf427bd12ca3b38b3d24545f33efd7b.png (514x572, 281K)

Hopefully see you all this summer anons, try not to burn the board down between now and then

Attached: 1543552493483.jpg (800x800, 70K)


Attached: bog.jpg (253x199, 8K)

There was a fire alarm the other day because someone showered too much
So I'm going with the former

Here we go. Customary posting of some webms.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 06-55-54-50.webm (384x526, 1.18M)

>Very last frame of ESA is that bald dude making a heart with his hands


I missed most of the event due to work. Is there any run worth watching now?

Attached: 72823709_p0.jpg (988x1399, 1.01M)


Attached: chrome_2019-02-23_13-41-34.png (146x108, 44K)

>That's it
Man now I'm going to feel lost for a week. During these marathons I only really browse the threads ignoring the rest of Yea Forums and it's damn fun.
Until next event I guess.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 07-51-27-08.webm (595x536, 2.4M)

Attached: fags.webm (1920x1080, 2.83M)

Bya all, had lots of fun this week with you

See you at SGDQ user

Attached: ESA winter 2019 END.jpg (1580x926, 404K)


Attached: images.jpg (232x217, 10K)

See you homos at SGDQ

Until next time faggots

until next time

Attached: 1499378947290.png (280x242, 125K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 07-51-49-40.webm (595x536, 1.87M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 07-52-31-27.webm (451x485, 1.36M)

None of the pokemon ones really.

Attached: 1333725560528.jpg (1051x1520, 640K)

Well that was an event. I liked it, more varied runs than last winter for sure since more people attended. They just have to be careful to keep this winter ESA as the more chill one where runners can be more carefree and not so serious about the runs.
The Final Fantasy runs were absolute legendary and then there were couple really good ones in a sea of just fine decent runs that were fun to tune into or not whenever. Threads were much better than last summer that's for sure save for the little bit of superautist by the end with his hatred for webm posting.
I said it like year ago and time just passes by but I gotta get on running a game and attend there myself one time. Summer can't come soon enough.

Attached: Umapoka.webm (638x480, 221K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 10-21-23-20.webm (481x493, 388K)

But it's fun! They've got an interactive race going on now where you can fuck with the runners and screw them up.

Until next time.

Attached: 1550512841714.jpg (1024x584, 55K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 09-16-44-22.webm (481x493, 540K)

see you next time, bros

Going to assume it smells better simply because the people there look like they're cleaner and dressed nicer, with no fursuits in sight, which is usually an indicator for hygiene being good.

They also don't seem to go out of their way to mention showering in their rules, which GDQ events do, so there's that as well.

rate list, missing a few runs from the end

Thank you for the many robot pictures, robotanon.

Attached: 1519732003248.jpg (1456x1941, 586K)

webm user do you have the webm of Charise from last year where she said That redbulls new flavor (their sponsor) was terrible?
if so please post it here

post mega link, webm guy

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 09-15-04-19.webm (540x481, 1.98M)

I don't remember if I made one with sound of that moment. If so I'd have go to back and check but I can't do it at this moment.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 10-57-14-68.webm (1600x675, 1.95M)

>missing a few runs from the end
they are all there, I have been updating!u6BG0SRA!BMFpog6jP0qPfc-vPQAj0zOcY0sZPZ6Xm8r45o05SaI
This doesn't include AGDQ 2019. I haven't uploaded that event yet.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 10-57-55-45.webm (1600x675, 2.83M)

>already started thinking about my life again

Attached: 1545410765367.jpg (720x467, 67K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 11-05-51-03.webm (1599x675, 1.4M)

Well, this is goodbye for now and back to boring, empty real life, you good lads

Really enjoyed the threads this time, especially during ffx and ff3. Convinced me to watch limit break, so see you guys there! The rest next esa

Fare thee well!

Attached: 1550962464394.webm (1600x900, 2.83M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 11-10-35-73.webm (1599x675, 1.73M)

Please be ready to post more Kashimas then

Attached: RRiI8-RTakRHFmEPr0t6IXec_hq0SABCTopJqTvxiH4.jpg (640x1011, 106K)

It's every user's duty to make Yea Forums better.

Attached: 1495834970528.jpg (1920x1080, 162K)

>Midwinter Speedsprinter and No Glitches Allowed going on right now
>3 days until EVO game reveal show
>6 days until Brazilians Against Time
>8 days until Ultimate Nimbus
>12 days until Smash Ultimate Summit
>19 days until Calithon
>20 days until Final Round
>20 days until SXSW Gaming
>21 days until Collision
>23 days until GDC
>25 Days until preNASA
>28 days until Full Bloom 5
>34 days until NorCal Regionals
>40 days until BAFTA Games Awards
>46 days until Speedcon
>48 days until April Annihilation
>49 days until ESA at Twitchcon
>46 days until Prime Saga
>55 days until Pound
>55 days until DreamHack Rio
>56 days until The Mixup
>63 days until Regen
>71 days until RPG Limit Break
>75 days until Smash Summit 8
>76 days until Texas Showdown
>83 days until Get On My Level
>83 days until DreamHack Tours
>89 days until Momocon
>90 days until Combo Breaker
>97 days until Smash n Splash 5
>97 days until DreamHack Dallas
>100 days until NASA
>105 days until E3
>112 days until DreamHack Summer
>120 days until SGDQ
>125 days until CEO
>131 days until DreamHack Valencia
>133 days until Game Over
>146 days until ESA Summer
>147 days until VSFighting
>160 days until EVO
>178 days until The International
>178 days until Gamescom

Attached: 1538064615303.jpg (300x300, 11K)

ok no worries, if you have time later then please do. For now continue the dump

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 12-38-40-89.webm (316x242, 355K)

>This doesn't include AGDQ 2019
that's a bonus

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 13-57-13-72.webm (526x506, 397K)

>>already started thinking about my life again

>Well, this is goodbye for now and back to boring, empty real life

Attached: No gf.gif (500x315, 2.4M)

Goddammit, I come back and it's all over.
The FFX run was good enough to satisfy me for a long time.though.
You all have a good time until next time, you hear?


Attached: 1544045511139.jpg (834x920, 310K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 14-33-16-11.webm (1600x832, 1.82M)

What made the FF3 run to go over by so much?

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 15-01-47-65.webm (487x406, 606K)

>Midwinter Speedsprinter
looks depressing

Attached: chrome_2019-02-24_02-26-24.png (808x646, 1.08M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 15-20-58-76.webm (487x406, 510K)

They should ditch maral and other attention seeking announcers.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 15-50-22-68.webm (375x514, 1.29M)

Agreed, ditch all women.

are you that russian that hoverhanded maral?

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 16-00-33-99.webm (1038x542, 882K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 16-47-15-35.webm (395x414, 234K)

There were a bunch of Steam friend requests this time around. Some were better than others.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 18-07-32-77.webm (328x163, 168K)

Only burger boats here

Attached: __iowa_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ebifurya__sample-27bc60095e1e80cfdda0fc7c7c9f304d.jpg (850x1201, 146K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 18-09-13-57.webm (328x163, 36K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 18-14-59-21.webm (1193x673, 1.09M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 18-19-58-87.webm (1193x673, 538K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 18-26-21-15.webm (1193x673, 813K)

Back to my empty, depressed, sad and friendless life.

I hate it when this happens.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 18-27-24-45.webm (293x157, 26K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 18-46-01-53.webm (1106x742, 595K)

Lobster was best!

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 18-48-31-15.webm (1106x742, 1.29M)

Some wipes at the beginning that I didn't see. Some battery problems messing with the capture card. That was at least an hour lost when combined with the later battery swap reset. The final dungeon of FF3 is the most absurd bullshit where you can't even save and is insanely unfair even casually.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 18-48-52-94.webm (1106x742, 1.83M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 19-08-53-16.webm (365x244, 86K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-18 20-54-41-93.webm (1187x671, 2.59M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-19 13-20-02-12.webm (357x179, 37K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-19 18-08-18-88.webm (1600x673, 1.7M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-19 18-17-29-17.webm (1600x673, 2.01M)


Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-19 22-34-10-15.webm (348x438, 1.07M)

28 and never had a gf or sex

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-19 23-28-44-78.webm (1195x673, 2.1M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-19 23-48-15-25.webm (306x528, 253K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-20 16-51-32-99.webm (487x402, 557K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-20 18-29-34-15.webm (638x644, 1.11M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-20 18-56-26-87.webm (365x520, 278K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-20 19-47-12-85.webm (479x540, 1.57M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-21 07-04-48-79.webm (312x342, 213K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-21 14-38-18-82.webm (1600x900, 2.25M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-21 20-12-29-50.webm (1600x675, 2.79M)

would smash

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-22 07-25-14-08.webm (997x830, 2.2M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-22 07-35-20-60.webm (791x481, 1.19M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-22 07-44-54-46.webm (791x481, 867K)

>that flag

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-22 10-11-37-07.webm (395x415, 246K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-22 13-40-40-09.webm (544x402, 595K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-22 14-26-52-71.webm (595x465, 696K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-22 19-52-50-88.webm (1600x900, 2.74M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-23 12-43-42-03.webm (484x404, 2.38M)

ratefag here, ty for tolerating my autism

Attached: 1550969338958.png (469x357, 326K)

take note Yea Forums: this is how you can use a pass to completely kill a thread

The event is over.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-23 13-33-45-32.webm (973x812, 358K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-23 14-02-51-18.webm (480x406, 2.78M)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-23 14-05-17-83.webm (531x544, 612K)

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-23 15-02-34-08.webm (973x812, 1.9M)

That's all, folks.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-02-23 15-32-31-67.webm (973x812, 2.91M)

I checked and I don't have a webm with audio of that moment. Never made one. This is when I believe she said she didn't like the taste and Sayvi's reaction.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2018-02-20 16-56-43-17.webm (1164x658, 2.89M)

ty webmguy

Good job mang.

Attached: Rondo Duo thumbs up.gif (366x325, 3.42M)

cant believe its over bros


do you have the webm of distortion barking?

thanks doc

I didn't make any webms of people barking. Nobody seemed to care about any of it at the time.

It's fine, was just wondering

Ohhhh my god lmao

Attached: 1322975109938.png (506x560, 12K)

ben's such a big lad with big lad barkss

based schizoposter

>tfw VODs aren't the same

Attached: 8A7EF4C5-AE8A-44FD-9B14-078A5FE15907.jpg (829x640, 108K)

No sweat, bud. A lot of people appreciate a list when they don't have time to watch a lot of the runs. Plus since so many people ask what runs are worth watching throughout the day it's really inefficient to rely on people to answer each of them individually. A lot of times they would be left with their dicks in their hands and no real answers.

Any cringe moments happen?

Well I'll see you fags next time
>Convinced me to watch limit break
Same here, and I was honestly admant against watching most JRPG speedruns before those. Though I don't mind pokemon or didn't bother with the Stream 1 FFs

The multiple SM64 TAS
Smelee RNG manipulation
Twilight Princess donations

imagine being that beta


it's been fun guys

Attached: giv.png (778x512, 31K)

this any cringe

This is ESA, not GDQ, and nothing will ever top Caveman/Chibi. That was almost five years ago. Y'all cringefags can stop trawling speedrunning already

bless you snek and robutt anons, and sleepy hare user wherever you are



quick rundown?

>when it's been weeks so she needs to chew it first

>Sverige let in too many muslims
>Segregate nice areas for white people and other areas for brown people
>It works

Just like Apartheid works.

Can someone do webm of Leon finishing FF3 so that the ''HIT THE TIMER'' part is included too?

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I won't be able to do that because my recorded footage of that run is long gone. Best to go to the VOD.

RIP South Africa
We fucked you up too much

DnD section in a nutshell.

This is the best webm of this ESA. What a fucktard...

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If I were good at video editing I would have added red to the desk and his hand and mosaic'd both.

when does ESA start? im ready to watch it! SO excited!

Based webm guy. Thanks for the videos. You are the soul of our speedrun events threads, bro.

OUCH but also kusa kusa

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>RE2 remake super low in rating
Damn, what happened? I've been watching some speedruns to digest some strats to lower times myself but its low rating is making me skip watching the archive.

Then you should check it out. A lot of the ratings have entertainment value weighted very heavily. A good speedrun that isn't fun to watch for the layman will get mediocre ratings.

ok no worries webm user. I'll save that one, thank you for your work

True enough. I guess I just see it low and assume the worse, usually.

Time to go back to my shit life. Goodbye, everyone.

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see you soon, user

Time to catch up on all my YouTube subscriptions I missed


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Aha, I remembered. My name and tripcodes used to lead to instabans when used. Looks like they done away with that and just prevent them being used entirely since people would get trolled with all the banned trips that are around.

Did you people not sleep? Checking out the VODs for the runs I missed myself, like the 2nd TAS attempt

I slept a bunch. More than most of these events. The scheduling was pretty lenient for people on the East Coast U.S.

I did sleep, but my time was dedicated to ESA in some capacity, even through the boring parts

So mad that I missed everything except the last two days, especially the FFX run. And I only caught the last hour of the FFIII run

gotta start putting this shit on the calendar. hope ya'll had fun

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post maral

how do i actually fix my posture? i've tried doing exercises and stuff before but it just leads to me getting lower back pain

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got a problem bertie?