

Attached: 65004322-6A09-4647-9385-0CE3F992C1EA.jpg (822x713, 222K)

Why do people make shitty strawman comics like this?

to win petty arguments they started on the indian rug-munching forum

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too many words. smash autists can't meme

spotted the grinchcucks

>being a tasteless cuck who wanted shadow and isaac in the game
imagine being you

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Because OP probably got BTFO in another thread

pretty sure anyone whos ever touched a nintendo console fucking knows who samus is you mongoloid


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Because it triggers faggots like you.

I'd argue Rosalina, Lucario, and Wolf don't deserve to be listed there.

Rosalina's from two of the most successful Super Mario titles.

Lucario's practically become one of the secondary mascots of Pokemon.

Wolf's been an internet meme for years "Can't let you do that, ___"

> Not knowing Rosalina
Come on, she's in pretty much in every Mario spin-off now, normies know about Mario Kart.

lol rad

LOL so true


LOL so true

this one is actually 100% accurate

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I can not fathom being offended by that

what the actual fuck am I looking at here

what happened to wojak


dead game
dead thread

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blessed image

chrom, incineroar, and arguably lucina are the only really bad ones there
at least the other fe reps are unique

Chorus kids deserved to get in.

I understand not liking the marth clones but whats wrong with everyone else on the left?

lmao on point

>Normalfags don't know Wolf

He stars in one of the well known and critically acclaimed games on the N64
People have been asking for him since the first Smash
There was an outrage over him being in the Melee intro but not playable in the game
He has an overall cool design and some of his lines become memes
Who doesn't know Wolf?

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Well furfags should be gassed for one thing.

Fuck redditplant!

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lucario was shilled hard and people tend to not like shilled characters just by the nature of their shilling
his initial shilling was like 13 years ago though so most people stopped caring
incineroar isn't even really a proper shillmon which is the weird part, he's (probably) going to be the one to evolve with ash but for like half the anime it was a lycanroc and the litten was just hanging around.
does anyone really hate wolf's inclusion since LAND MASTAH is gone now?

I hate all these unga bunga swordsmen!

Why would you post this?

out fucking skilled

samus is in the same vein as captain falcon these days: only recognized as a character in smash bros. How many normies have actually played metroid?


Significantly more than have played F-Zero.

the embodiment of nu-Yea Forums

Imagine NOT being a based grinchbro. Imagine not wanting QUALITY characters instead of reddit 9gag resetera plant

imagine caring about smash LOL

LOL so true

imagine caring about videogames

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Not a single rosterfag likes Corrin, Roy, Chrom, Shulk, Lucina, Incineroar, etc. They like Plant.

formerly chucks

>Original has pre-made characters
>STILL remove them and replace them with wojak shit

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>Falcon's last game was 15 years ago
>Samus' last game was 2 years ago

>seed on sneed's chair

>Falcon's series has been dead longer than it was alive

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>in the original you're suposed to agree with the normal person
>in the edit you get mad at memes used by normies

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piranha plant is based
fun movement, fun moveset, insta recognizable
how do people have a problem with him?

anyone have the one where a guy has a hostage and then the cop shoots the hostage they all look the same older guys with sweaters

I want to have sex with short hair Bayonetta

cringe but redpilled

LMAO so ture


Yeah, just because Wolf is some popular weeb pick now doesn't mean he's not a fairly popular pick. He was probably the cut character people clamored for the most to come back

JEJ es cierto

i hate this goddamn website

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LOL, so true

It should have been Naval Piranha

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Unironically better than OP's image.

>another useless heavyweight

A hundred times this.

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>upgraded from One to One S
is this some sort of copypasta, if not
>stop being poor, get both

LOL, so true.


He’d have even longer range than PP. In fact his tentacle-like arsm could give him HUGE range.