Why are gamers so toxic to each other?

why are gamers so toxic to each other?


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not vidya


Some obnoxious "that kid" that makes the meme real. He thinks he's hot shit, and he's posted on /vp/ every so often. Literally nobody of importance.

>Banning a twitter account
Ban his youtube account if you want something done right.

ofc is a furfag, internet made a big mistake accepting them, him and guys like sonicfox put a bad example for everyone

I wish I was a youtube eceleb that needed a petition to be taken down :(

>why are gamers so toxic to each other?
People who unable to function in society also seem to be unable to do so within communities of themselves

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gimme somthin good

whatever. they took it diwn on /vp/ whuch is hilarious how longer has remained here

>expecting YouTube to do anything

go on then



rolling for someone

I don't know who most of these are.

Participating gets you banned too.

Let's see where this goes

Where is So Ronery from?

okay, but I like that he does/did build videos, even with bad Pokemon
that's cool and not content many high profiles are making

>Pokemon is not a video game

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>Charts with dubs
>On Yea Forums

furfag and with shit taste, shocking

I'm going to die alone

He has been trying to cop Keemstar by being the "villain" but he is terrible at it.

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Wait a second, wasn't that the retro-looking platforming game about Anubis? Did that game ever get released? I know it had a SFW version on steam, but fuck if I can recall its name.

>87 will be forever trapped in a shit anime
Feels bad man.

>mixes males and females
>it even adds some non-vidya characters
Stupid furfag

THIS is what fucking Newsweek reports on? No wonder no one reads paper rags and mags anymore

here we go


>change.org petition actually got something done
What timeline is this?

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Your sacrifice was not in vain

>Dubs for your choice
Good joke, user.

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it really isn't

the board is Yea Forums - videogames not Yea Forums - drama, you faggot

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rolling for good waifu

funny thing to say in a consolewar board where every game is considered the next tortanic

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>they used red and black to protray someone evil. they literally copied ME!
god, furfags are idiots

Let's hope for some sexy slime.

>oh furfag alert

nice he probably deserved it

go go



rest in peace brothers

its time

didn't he put money for yooka laylee so he could make a voice for the game? or was it another game?

those are videogames though, not some literally who getting banned from some website.
how can you guys be this retarded?

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helll yeh

Why is everyone so toxic to each other?

Fixed your stupid thread op.



People think the hugbox that is their day-to-day life should also be their experiences online. So that guy who wears makeup and acts fruity and is tolerated in polite society goes online and people call him a queer nigger AIDS depository and he gets sad and gets his butt buddies to mass flag whatever made him sad.

Rollin for muh life

I'm going all out.

oh, whatever bad happens to a furfags then is a good thing

Give me power

cringe, but redpilled
based, but bluepilled


yeah because consuming estrogen is more vidya related



Let's go.

That is a shit list.

now if only they can shut down his youtube channel, and suspend sonicfox twitter, that would be great


What was the other one? It's deleted.

Gimme that good shit


>janitor deletes the roll chart but leaves the bait thread up
Fucking imbecile.

And this list is even worse.

moop roll

I’ll give this thread 1 yike

We furry now? Aight


rollin plz


I need the break.

Holy fuck. This is why everyone shits on the janitors. They're nothing but a bunch of idiots who only harm the board.

>“He is a hypocrite and a baby who needs to just be gone off social media for starting drama with everyone he doesn't like or approve of,” a Change.org petition created around the time of his rise said.

>don't treat everyone with kids gloves
>don't be fake polite just because
>get banned

Then the people that reply to the posts get banned. No fun allowed.

this, when can we reroll new janitors

it's a problem

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they delete vidya thread but keep the tranny and furfag threads

New janitors to retarded to use IRC they had to switch to Discord.

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The fact that this is on Newsweek is cracking me up

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discord is such a clusterfuck though, i wouldn't wish it on anyone.

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his builds lose to any mid-elo trainer that has an idea of what they're doing, its not like he makes good content.
Also, fuck off OP, this isn't vidya.

This is the real anomaly here. It's a goddamn awful article too, it takes like three paragraphs to get to what anybody would actually want to know, and it's a flimsy quote from the dude that explains jack shit.

death to all furfags

isnt this that one autist who used to make shitty competitive pokemon videos

modern journalism in a nutshell

why bother doing any actual news reporting when you could just take a screencap of something somebody said on twitter out of context and make a big shitshow out of it

You can't silence me, janny. The thread must die and I WILL be the martyr.

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No, if gen 8 ends up being worse than Sun & Moon by being Let's Go then it proves peoples' "negativity" was right and people shouldn't have bought the shit.

Is this really what "journalists" do now? Report on Pokemon Let's Player twitter drama?

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Is this that stupid faggot that wears a dog collar?

>fagfag and gamefreak nuthugger
Oh dear

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furries were a mistake

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post better waifus at least


Let's try again.


I agree, but not because it's a youtuber, but because it's Pokemon.


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why do faggots always have to bring sex?

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It's their entire identity. They can't just not discuss how fucking gay they are.

But being in the ADD era of social media should make normal column journalism even easier, since you're supposed to assume the audience doesn't give enough of a shit to sit through the article and give them all the information in order of relevance and importance to the reader. That it's an article on Newsweek about Twitter drama yet takes halfway through it to even address what actually happened is just...what

Literally who?

5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 1 > 5-2 > 2

A voice actor from Hunt Down the Freeman

c'mon Crimeboss