Would you rather play a game from the perspective of a vampire or a werewolf?
Would you rather play a game from the perspective of a vampire or a werewolf?
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I love werewolves :3
I've always liked werewolves more but furries ruined that for me, so vampire.
vampire obviously, game play wise what can a werewolf do other then slash the shit out of people, vampires normally have wizard tier magic in video games to make them more fun
Both can be interpenetrated as really gay but Vampires have more powers. Werewolves you just maul shit at night which isn't interesting.
Vampires have a lot more grandeur shit going on, werewolves just run around the woods attacking and eating shit. Basically vampires for games heavy on story, werewolves for the more action oriented games
There's a lot of games where you play as vampires, so a cool werewolf game would feel more fresh to me. On the whole I think more can be done with vampires.
I've always wanted to be a cute vampire loli, so vampire
Werewolf, just because it's far more rare.
Werewolves are sexier
>Would you rather play a game from the perspective of a vampire or a werewolf?
I would play as a skeleton
>not choosing the human love interest
werewolf, faggot.
Human so I can romance a werewolf
Werewolves. They both need more games with a protagonist role, but vampires have more games than werewolves.
This guy gets it.
Vampires have much more depth than your shitty furry thread.
Is the vampire an actual vampire or some disgusting goth teen/weeb's fantasy
Blood mage vampire is the only right answer
Werewolves would be cool who says it has to be about the werewolf form the whole time maybe some human game play and then werewolf form to go really fast be really strong climb shit with ease.
vampire werewolf ;)
I didn't specify so it's your choice, user.
A ghoul fuck toy
I know the feeling goddamn it...I agree.
It would be cool if you could pick between them, which would obviously alter the campaign missions/characters/plot. Maybe something like Underworld where there's secret societies of Vampires and Werewolves out to get each other and depending on how you play you could learn that the war is more nuanced then "our side good, their side bad" and defect to the other side halfway through, or maybe even start your own faction.
Sorry, I watched the Underworld series the other night, it's really trashy but somehow good at the same time. Plus Kate Beckinsale in tight leather. Does Yea Forums have any opinion on the franchise?
amazing art
Vampire, obviously
Where is that apocolypse game?
Vampires no doubt
Man MtG had so much cool vampire shit going on before the soiboi writers took over.
A vampire topples national from within, corrupts all that is around it and is both powerful and ancient beyond comprehension
A werewolf is an angry furry
Anyone who says vampires is scum.
>All these vampires
>All these future slaves
Lichdoms where its at bloodsuckers
a werewolf game with a well executed transformation mechanic could be pretty rad but right now I'm waiting for a certain vampire game
Still holding a bit of hope for that Werewolf the Apocalypse game by Cyanide but I don't believe it will be anything better than a 5/10.
wizards are top tier
Loved that movie
>a vampire is a jew
>a werewolf is one with nature
Fucking hell, we'll never get a mummy game.
Shut the fuck up dusty old pile of stinky sticks
I have zero hope in that game considering it’s made by Cyanide studios.
Underrated movie
Requiem game when?
Great fashion, great stealth, get to play the spider web of vampire politics but that also means you have to deal with backstabbings. also emos
noble/savage warrior bullshit, tribal/spiritual shenanigans but you get to rip and tear like a boss. also vikings
I'd prefer werewolf
Why were werewolves so shit in skyrim? I know there are mods to fix this, but trust bethesda to make one of the only cool things in their game completely useless.
There is a small chance it will be on par with the first Styx, so janky but okay.
Outta my way furfag fucking shits
I want to touch werewolf paws
Who could beat the elder from Witcher 3?
Templar ridding the world of all things unholy.
i want to touch werewolf dicks
worth it
They have those games. The stories always fucking suck tho
>Kate Beckinsale in tight leather
I feel you man. Those movies were a guilty pleasure when I was younger.
Didn't we have The Secret World which was similar to that? But yeah, I'm totally down for vamps vs werewolves as a game concept. No idea why anyone decided to sell it yet.
>immortality and magic and shit
>only power is to turn into a fucking dog
why would anyone besides retarded furries ever pick werewolves over vampires
Short of Alucard(Hellsing) and other Japanese "vampires yet not actually vampires but demons/eldritch horrors/gods cosplaying as bloodsuckers" nobody else
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson?
Werewolves, I think they’re cooler, sucking blood is gay imo.
>Choking an undead
>its yet another underage autist has a new obsession so spams 4chins with daily "what about my obsession" thread
I enjoy the premise of werewolves and hunting more than I do vampires on the whole. In a game sense it seems like there's more to do.
He also has his claws sinking into the vampire's throat and an iron fucking grip, just because you aren't being strangled doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt
by far my favorite depiction of an ancient vampire
He could just grab the werewolf's hand instead of clawing his arm like an autist but every character in movies becomes retarded when they're being chocked
Anyone ever play the video game adaption of the film? Its actually not bad, all things considered.
What is Yea Forums's preferred method of werewolf transformation?
I'm partial to a 2nd skin / symbiote because it doesn't require altering stuff like bone structure. Unfortunately it also lends itself to even more fetishism
Warhammer skinwolves busting out from inside of people is pretty cool too but doesn't work for rapid back and forth.
Love the webms, but what exactly is this movie? I need to know for um... research purposes?
Van Helsing, go watch it now.
>Warhammer skinwolves busting out from inside of people is pretty cool too but doesn't work for rapid back and forth.
Honestly I've always preferred the transformation to be permanent
Plus the skinwolves are peak werewolf aesthetic
>Van Helsing
I remember that movie. It was fun, but I wished that there were more.
Skeletons are cool!
Van Helsing (2004)
>but every character in movies becomes retarded when they're being chocked
Just about every real person too, most people freeze up when getting choked and even if you have training you still may end up with a second of two of going "oh shit" before the training kicks in
Imagine seeing one of those things in the woods.
It takes about half a second to realise that you're getting chocked and opening the other guys hand with both of your arms unless you're getting strangled by terminator
Skinwolves aren't permanent, particularly hardcore motherfuckers can tear their way out from inside the wolf the same way it did to them. I do agree that they're pretty peak though.
I had the GBA version and it was kinda shitty, but I traded it for Sonic Advance which I traded for the Game Cube Zelda collection
I have. That's a black bear.
The ps2/xbox version is where its at. If not for the fucking awful camera it would have been a certified classic.
Theres alot of bosses. You fight dracula and the wolfman three times each, Frankenstein's monster twice, Igor twice, and you fight each of Dracula's Wives once each, (The redheaded one is the hardest boss in the game)
You seem to be an expert on grainy, low res photographs. Please tell me your secrets.
do you even lift lmao
Neither, I'd rather combat the beasts and parasites with science as a slayer.
>spend half the game casting one spell
>spend the other half ruling the ruined world
Yeah, dumbass kid me bought the GBA version because I loved the demo for the Ps2 version. It was a good lesson in platform differences
RPG: Vampire
Action Game: Werewolf
That's a bear doing his thing all over that tree.
>Think Vampires and Werewolves are both cool
>Can never have a proper thread discussing them without the furries shitting it up
I just want to have a thread where we can talk about large beasts running around and murdering fucking everything. Is that so much to ask?
Vampire since they generally have a more varied and interesting array of powers/abilities. Werewolves are pretty boring to me if all they can do is turn furry while getting increased physical ability.
Werewolf but I want full access to their enhanced natural abilities like bounding over carriages, running faster than a cheetah, more strength than 20 men.
>working on a vampire
I've always imagined lycanthropy as genetic rather than magical; a mix of wolf/human DNA that would forcibly alter the body structure to be more suitable to the wolf's needs while retaining the human's intelligence and superior bipedal design (while being able to run on all fours if needed)
It's a permanent transformation and would take a week or two to complete.
Gaunter O'Dimm
I wanna be a big skelly that commands other skellies and unleash death and disease
I remember this happening in dwarf fort. A Minotaur and vampire were fighting, so the Minotaur started to choke him, but since he was undead it didn't do anything, so the vampire slowly kicked the Minotaur to death while it maintained the choke hold.
My dearest of niggas
No good Lich games ever
It's a bear, user. We live in a boring mundane world where cool things like werewolves don't exist yet
>No good Lich games ever
>Van Helsing is 20 years old now
Jesus christ
werewolves would be a lot less interesting in a bodymod tech level though, it's just some guy who wanted to look like a bipedal (female) canine
Really depends on the setting though. I only put vampires last because most series nowadays rarely make vampires anything other than undead bloodsuckers. I would like the mythology behind these creatures to be represented more
How about neither and I eradicate both inhuman scum off the face of this planet?
Considering I had a bigfoot encounter just a few years ago, I'm not one to rush to judgment anymore.
Werewolves, probably the rarest supernatural creature in gaming to be hinest
Explain bodymod tech, I've never heard of this before. Are you talking about shit like implanting whiskers on your face like that one guy who wanted to be a lion did?
Why let furries ruin werewolves for you anymore than Twilight vampires would?
Think like cyberpunk where you get stuff grafted on because you think it's cool, like laser eyes and blade arms. Now trade those for animal features and you'll see the problem. You're on the right track with the lion guy.
Its been done. Now look at the state of the world.
Yeah dude, it's just swamp gas. Move along.
Does werewolf have sheath or foreskin?
Nah that's stupid and should be illegal unless you want freaks running around everywhere.
When I say that werewolves may exist one day, I mean engineering a completely new species and/or then transferring your conscious to the new body. That's within the realm of possibility once technology has advanced enough far in the future.
>Hello I am the meanest looking vampire by far but also the shittiest
Justice for my man, Strigoi, when?
What about a incubus isntead
>We live in a boring mundane world
I suppose there must be a short lived potential market for people to live out their hunting with tooth and fangs fantasy.
And curing some people of their delusions.
>can shapeshift into several forms, do magic, control beasts, have superhuman strength and steal men's souls to make them your slaves
>or even more conditional shapeshifting with a possible lack of control
Take a guess
Vampires but not faggot anime kind
Where my Frankenbros at?
Vampires have VtM:B
What do werewolves have?
Upcoming game set in the same world
Looks like one of those funky deer or a wolf what you trying to pull
With or without lightning powers
Obviously lightning powers are determined by class and level.
Who said it's poison? That syringe is loaded with a flesh eating virus and coagulant nigga
looks awfully fragile, it would suck to spill that on yourself
Wasn't there a werewolf game set in the WoD being made? What happened to it?
>Vampire if the gameplay, story, and aesthetics are good.
>Werewolf if the gameplay, story, and aesthetics are good.
any other option is literally incorrect. I'm all for a mindless murder marathon, but no game does that well while also making you play either monster. The only good vampire games are Legacy of Kain and Vampire: The Masquerade, but there are no good werewolf games at all. The closest thing to a Werewolf done right is Morrowind's Bloodmoon expansion, but even then that was dull and repetitive. You can write a good story for both monsters, but nobody has done that in years.
I liked how some webcomic called zebra girl had the werewolf's wolf body just melt off when reverting.
They announced it, made a website and were never heard from again.
I once saw a large orb of light materialize from thin air in the middle of the night and fade away 15 minutes later.
Not saying there's things out there but I don't think werewolves are one of them.
Still allegedly in development by Cyanide.
it'd also be a damn shame if i get eaten after spilling it on myself.
We're going down together, you bloodsuccing faggot
Can't vampires turn into wolves? Plus Bram stoker's dracula had him also control them
A Channeling from Old World of Darkness
what you said is just magic with a "sciency" skin. I know that saying "WELL IF ITS NOT HARD SCIENCE ITS JUST MAGIC" is lame, but mutating into an entirely different creature like that is more supernatural than anything
>think rdr undead nightmare meets something like Dead Island or Days Gone
>post apocalyptic wasteland filled with human settlements, shapeshifter settlements with those that retain their humanity and shift to various degrees, those they've permanently turned and dont turn back aka ferals, animals infected with lycanthophy ala werebears
>people steadily devolving into becoming large wolves similar to Jack Nicholson Wolf
>3 types effected by the moon, 1 that turns into wolfman humanoid on full moon 1 that turns into large humanoid wolf similar to Bad Moon and Dog Soldiers, 1 that turns every night but as the moon gets fuller they become more wolfish
>weakest subspecies just permanently have claws, elongated fangs, and glowing eyes but are otherwise human
special bosses include
>ancient giant werewolf ala William from Underworld Evolution
>offshoot of the nightly shapeshifter but instead of becoming animal he retains his humanity, can speak,etc. but personality is like Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, think Big Bad Wolf
>Cyborg werewolf from before the werewolf apocalypse that has fully metal skin and impenetrable to regular weapons, trades off speed for stealth and brute power, ala Project Metalbeast
So basically, nothing yet.
You can choose to play as one of the classic universal monsters
>frankenstein monster
>lagoon creature
>invisible man
Which do you choose?
both suck
Why be a werewolf when you could be a druid?
This is a serious question.
Regular wolves yeah. Werewolves are usually humanoid
It is a mystery
I guarantee you've never been in a fight before and have been choked by the opponent.
>Vampire is the generic kill and hide playstyle
>Werewolf is just hack and slash without having to think
>Frankenstein is a bullet train in slow motion with absurdly high defense
>Lagoon creature is just Werewolf, but fish scented
>Mummy is Egyptian Frankenstein at best
>Invisible Man is stealth with a heavy emphasis on watching your surroundings
Invisible Man without question. Having to avoid steam, foggy areas, and so on as to not risk being seen would be fucking awesome.
vampire is dex + int with a lot of utility spells and minor shapeshifting
werewolf is str + dex with some kind of regen mechanic
frankensteins monster is str + con with lightning damage
lagoon creature i dont fucking know help me out here
mummy pure con, hard as fuck to kill, curses and shit for DoT
invisible man dex and the invisibility gimmick for glass canon espionage action
Twilight is a buried relic. Furries are still prevalent and disgusting.
Lagoon is pure dex with a heavy focus on snares and roots.
Not shapeshifters during full moons, but dogmen are a thing as others have pointed out. Don't fuck around in the woods alone or at night.
>day/night cycle
>during daylight hours human enemies are a more serious threat along with those permanently turned
>night hours shapeshifters are a more serious threat
>night or so leading up to the full moon, full moon itself, and the night after is shit hits the fan mode as packs of various packs of different werewolves are batshit, powered up, and attacking each other
>bosses have new attacks, more health, etc. on those nights.
Also just had the funny idea of werewolf infecting zoo animals
>werewolf gorillas
>werewolf chimps
>werewolf lions
>werewolf elephants
Vampire is the social charisma character
Werewolf is the strong action character
Frankenstein is the high con unstoppable character
No idea about lagoon creature
Mummy uses spells and ancient egyptian curses
Invisible man is stealth.
>tfw live in prime dogman territory
>it's also vampire migration season
Shit's scary dude
True but magic is always implied with these sort of things since they're fantasy to begin with.
I just want something more than "lol magic fuck you" hand waving.
>Werewolf wolves
>Killed a few wolves
>One extra wolf shows up
>Realize your gun is jammed
>Look back at the wolf
>6'11" furry Hulk is running at you at full speed like a runaway train
isnt lagoon creature a fish or lizard thing?
>Don't cry my dears, I will find us another bride
>Do we mean so little to you? Have you no heart?
>No! I feel no love! Nor fear! Nor joy. Nor sorrow. I am...HOLLOW... and I will live, forever...
I love it too.
I've heard of dogmen in the US but haven't seen hard proof. I don't want to be that guy but if there's pictures/video they're always of low quality and most likely fake.
>mission to save a naked guy running the woods during a full moon from getting eaten during a full moon
>comes morning he turns back into a wolf and runs off into the woods again
I choose werewolf cause Underworld movies.
Didn't vampires have the power to take the form of wolves? What's the difference?
Here's a better question.
Vampire GF or Werewolf GF
You can't be turned by either.
Depends on who writes them, it's not really universal.
Vampire, obviously. Being a bloodbag is a far better fate than being a furfag. Also, pic related.
Do I get ancient egyptian death magic as a mummy? If so that's a little bit like a lich.
It had a really good game for the PS2
>can't be turned by either.
Then I'd rather have some other cuter monster girl.
Depends on the personalities. Ideally though, werewolf would be more fun than a vampire.
>Werewolf is more active, and not totally dead weight in the day
>Sporty and playful, great motivation to get fit with her
>Primal sex would be unreasonably great
>Isn't a cold corpse
>not wanting to give unsuspecting females the knot
most games? vamp
skyrim? werewolf
Good. Don't be a retard and go looking for them.
You can't be turned by them as one of the stipulations according to the guy who posted it
>choose invisible man
>have to wrap face in bandages to interact with others
>everyone thinks you're a mummy
>that leg
Tell me what areas they live in and I'll go looking for one just to say I saw it.
How much HGH did Gran give to Vampy? Holy fuck.
Gaunter O'Dimm
A Full Power Ciri (unless the elder blood doesn't work sense the elder is from an other universe as well)
The original beings that hunted vampires in there old universe
+ pic ('cloakedhedgehog' made this map if you want to search it)
the great lakes region is worryingly dense
Werewolf sounds more fun
I love this movie, made me a fucking furry too.
I'm near a couple here in Texas, brb.
They turn into short fat men that collect stamps.
Fuckload of people all things considered.
Iron Man
Literally go out camping for a weekend to any state/national forest. Bonus chance if you bring a call blaster with you and play rabbit cries or coyote yelps the entire time, although you might attract other things to you as well. Don't forget to bring a powerful flashlight, a decent gun, and another person with you. Good luck – you've been warned.
Also for anyone who likes the movie DON'T FORGET TO WATCH THE ANIMATION
God that shit was GOOD.
>science creates werewolves but it turns out that they are just perverted furries
me and my sister got this as one of the games that came with the ps2, it was fucking rad
>they're all gay
would be based as fuck
Calm down bitch, in that world, a werewolf is one of the things that can kill an elder vampire, so Dracula is freaking out. Made more potent because he hasn't felt fear in fucking forever.
jesus christ, ohio is so densely packed with sightings. I'm never going camping again.
A werewolf game could have a sharper focus on what the form can do and a better balance between the human and wolf forms. Also, you could be accurate to their weaknesses without having to ignore so many of them like with vampire stuff. It can make it more clear that the protagonist is turning into a monster as well, since people have largely lost sight of the fact that a vampire is supposed to be a mostly inhuman abomination at this point. There could also be a better mechanic about trying to avoid the werewolf form to stay sane.
>straight werewolves
What did he mean by this?
>Tiddies get bigger the more blood she sucks
gay furfags need to get the fuck out
lmao now rewatching this scene, I'm starting to think Dracula was a furry too. Look at smile.
>gay furfags
that's redundant
just say furfags, because they're all gay
yeah sure, no doubt, but dont take skyrim borefests mechanics for reference
>skin literally melts
they're all faggots but some of them aren't homosexual, or whatever
I bet you have an erection like I wouldn't beli
>but some of them aren't homosexual
If they like animal chicks that's not technically gay
I try to be accurate in my language
There's a reason they're called furfags. Most of them like dick. Furshit is a gateway to homosexuality just like traps are.
You'd have to explain that one to me because I don't see how or why, unless it "just is"
Good luck living near Dayton or Cincinnati. Two good reports I listened to were from Sandusky (youtube.com
Are shoggoths an option?
Does that mean you're already a cute loli?
>Can't be turned
>Can be turned
>ywn spend eternity with your immortal waifu
How do vamp chicks end up looking good and composed if they can't see their own reflection
They have a lot of time to figure it out. Plus not every universe even has the rule about reflections and the way that applies to modern technology may also differ. Maybe there's no reflection in a mirror but a camera which doesn't have mirrors in its optics can still capture her image and as such display it on a screen.
In most lore vampires have an alluring aura that makes them appear attractive. It's just natural for them
>skin rips off
I love that shit
Werewolf is more limited.
only other men are drawn to werewolves desu
>werewolf game which takes place in a handmade region, not sure what time period
>gameplay consists of a series of random procedurally generated scenarios where you suddenly begin turn and have to escape/avoid notice/not kill your friends
>the longer you last without fucking up, the better
>can even include stuff like cops, hunters, cryptid-obsessed teenagers, and other such obstacles
go back to the codex you degenerate
When I was younger I thought werewolves wete the shit. Feral, angry, strong. Vampires were for fags.
Then furries became a thing and I am sickened with both.
wolves were pretty much considered sexual because the reasons you mentioned since forever, fag.
>letting others ruin your enjoyment of things
If you're turned away from werewolves because of furries, it's because you see them as furries. You ruined them for yourself.
>men want to be a masculine creature of the night
makes sense desu
Werewolves deserve more love, van helsing made me realize just how badass they were. I'd give anything for a game that lets you play as one.
>drawn to
I don't think that's what he meant
men also want to have sex with them desu
It's the same shit.
wanting to be a werewolf is different than wanting to suck werewolf dick, user
Then we're talking about two different things. Men are drawn to werewolves for different reasons, besides fags who don't matter.
You're the one talking about unrelated shit.
other guy here, the original post said "OTHER men are drawn to werewolves" which I think is a pretty clear jab at furfagging
When you let furries ruin all beast races for you, the furries win.
Thread should of ended here
>Vampire is soiboi shit now
>Werewolves are furry shit now
Time for reanimated corpses that aren't zombies to reign supreme. Frankenstein's monsters and mummies. Maybe mummies can replace vampires and Mr.Hyde-likes can replace werewolves.
Well, anime already soiled that
>Todd Howard knocking on your door.jpg
hell yeah, I'd fuck a werewolf
No one cares about some shitty anime. Anime has tried to ruin everything
You have Mr. Bones and MediEvil
>Choose invisible man
>Robot tells you to fuck off
I want to fuck werewolves and get fucked by them in return
bitefight and underworld for ps2 are some
I don't see how you can have one without the other exactly
>tfw i love werewolves
>tfw i became a furfag
>tfw lewd werewolves
>tfw making user mad
You don't see how taking the knot and tapping werewolf ass are different?
when you put it that way it's not the same two way street I first thought
>werewolf bottom
>especially to a human
>not bottoms
it's like you don't even like werewolves
>says he likes werewolves
>wants them to debase themselves
Says the guy preferring to have shit on his dick
Vampires, has more creative freedoms.
Fucking a werewolf in the ass doesn't debase them at all. You're just giving them what they want. And then after, they can fuck you in return. You don't know shit about werewolves.
Why wolves? where are the weredingos and werehyenas?
*blocks your path*
nice and sexy
Werewolves cause its mostly unexplored territory. Honestly think it would be really cool play a WoD type game where you a evil chad werewolf that kills people and vamps.
if I had no choice, would be a vampire. And would proudly walk on the sun.
>tfw no game set in comfy pacific northwest woods where you play as either a normal dude with lycanthropy trying to live his life or a detective investigating the grisly murders
This thread is making me really happy since we're developing a vampire v werewolf rpg with sub-strain species for classes, can't show it yet though
Only fags want to be fucked in the ass. Werewolves aren't fags.
Go back to /trash/
What if the human who got cursed was gay?
>no wereboar
>Werewolves aren't fags.
Werewolves are fags, like all furries.
How about werebats?
>Stronger than vampires
>Faster than vampires
>Heal easier than vampires
>Can stand in daylight in every instance of fiction unlike vampires
>Your pack will always have your back, unlike vampire clans
>You don't have to attack humans to live
>You're basically the anti-vampire, friend of humanity
>Can hide your wolf side with ease, unlike vampires
>Portrayed correctly in videogames more often than Vampires
>Only weakness is silver, where in most portrayals vampires have to fear an entire religion and all it encompasses
There's honestly no denying that Werewolves have it the best.
I'll pick being a Werewolf over Vampire any day in a videogame.
why would a wolf wear a bra
That's not a werewolf. That's just a generic as fuck wolf fursona.
People are liars, also people sightings are totally unreliable seeing as our brain naturally makes things up to make them familiar and makes you hallucinate for pattern recognition in our brains. Stare long enough at a blank wall and you will see faces.
Also zero clear pictures of any cryptids.
I lived in the deep woods and went exploring all the time all I came across was a murder coverup of a missing person the 70s, mountain lions, rattle snakes and a yogi cult.
that was a awesome game
Fuck off you furry, that's no werewolf.
>where in most portrayals vampires have to fear an entire religion and all it encompasses
Because they're actually jews.
Yogi Bear runs a cult?
Then he'd be put to death by the alpha male werewolf in the area. No not by gay means, throat torn out and left to die like the trash he is.
>change back
>you're naked and have to put on clothes
>wear clothes that stretch when you transform
>still wearing them when you change back
Simple concept really.
>werewolves have to turn into actual wolves
V*mpoids LITERALLY cannot compete
Immortal badass drowning in any pussy you want all day vs harry idiot who can barely control the ability to turn into a large dog sometimes.
How the fuck is this even a question?
>Furfaggotry tumblr blog
Please leave and never come back.
Werewolves don't have to change into actual wolves. But those aren't werewolves, just generic wolf fursonas.
Says more than enough about you furfaggot.
wolves don't have breasts though, people do
A hoonter, fuck monsters
I honestly never knew someone who was into werewolves that wasn't a literal homossexual.
you have to be homosexual to like werewolves, it's a fact
t. homosexual
Why are you subconsciously seeking out gay people?
>vampirefags are THIS triggered over werewolves being superior
I'd tell you to eat a dick, but you're more into sucking.
Wolves have tits, so why can't werewolves?
I fuck my gf twice a week and got a werewolf in ESO.
You're just going to the congregation of furry loving faggots.
>Square face
I'm all for werewolves, not your gay fursona bull shit though.
I mean the ripping and tearing flesh destroying near mindless once man monsters, not your gay ass furry bull.
this art is fucking disgusting
This thread smells of beast and Vileblood kin... has the hunt begun already?
Its mainly hippies obsessed with yoga but, wanna fuck all the qt hippy chicks on a compound so they can't claim rape.
Mohnstahs all ovah the shawp today, you'll be one of them... sooner oah laytah.
who go murdered?
Kronk went through a hard midlife and got a 1/10 girlfriend. Poor Kronk.
Is AQ still a thing?
does he have a knot? this is important
Is there another ascended horror? Or does it end there for now?
Honestly not sure came across a old dump from the from 40s it circa 2003. Noticed a bone sticking out of the ground. Dug out a full human skull with my ww2 shovel trowel i brought with my pack. Found a wallet with a id in a pile of old clothes nearby in a old oven. White male blonde hair n his thirties from the 1970s. Then a buried single shot sawn off shotgun under a pile leaves not too far away. I was only 12 so I brought it all back to my house and showed my parents. Sheriff collected everything including body never heard anything after that. Probably was a old mafia body dump area.
Mido is best girl.
holy shit
Kos... or some say Kosm...
Grant us eyes, grant us eyes
Werewolves were cool but it took a lot of filtering of garbage for years for me to take back what's cool about them
How about a detective with lycanthropy who is unknowingly investigating his own murders
baka senpai desu
They over thought it after Nightbane
>sons a monster hunter
>daughter is dracowerepyre that looks more wolfish
>adopted son is a dracowerepyre that looms more like a bat
Then of course aqw completely fucked up the werepyre and dracowerepyre shit
from the perspective of an exorcist / hunter of supernatural creatures
letting other people enjoying or disliking things ruin your enjoyment is a sign of extremely weak constitution. better yourself
Would be fucking kino
My favorite kind of werewolves are the emaciated and diseased looking ones that are both scary and pitiful, like a rabid dog that's suffering. I really wish I could find more art of that look.
my neck's ticklish so vampires give me the heebie jeebies
Furfags have long since claimed werewolves, user. They're dead. F for a previously cool monster and everything, but this isn't even a competition- vampires.
I just want a werewolf game where they don’t turn into oversized wolves or a guy with a hair growth problem. Should they be able to retain their sentience?
>female werewolves
missing the point of werewolves in the first place
A real fuckin nosferatu type vampire.
Both vampires and werewolves have been ruined by their respective fanbases.
werewolves, user
not dickwolves
Fuck you, Dracula-tier savage gentlemen vampires are perfectly fine
>missing the point of werewolves
ok, i've not seen that complaint before, i'll be honest
gonna have to spell it out for me, what is the point of werewolves exactly and how does a female werewolf miss it
The most famous video game Dracula transforms into a monstrous demon bat man.
all werewolves are dickwolves
A Vampire would no doubt be whipped because of his harem
Werebros wouldn't dog the boys.
I always learn something new whenever I look up this guy. Count Orlok was the first depiction of sunlight killing vampires, when traditionally they just felt disgusted by the light like basement dwelling anons. Vampires that don't die to sunlight in modern times would be seen in a bad light, no pun intended.
Like this?
Spooky Monster list
>Genuinely scary stuff that would make good badguys and for a monster mash game
Eldritch stuff
Body horror in general
Baba Yaga and Friends
Monolithic monsters (Hydra,Dragons,Tsuchigumo)
>Stuff the cool players would play
Man made monsters (Frankenstein/The Fly)
>Stuff fags would play
He's full of shit. He probably thinks that Werewolf's etymology "man-wolf" means that it is only men, when "man" can be used to describe any human. "The world of men" for example isn't a gay utopia, but our everyday world. Female werewolves are 100% believable, and you were not in the wrong. He's just some furfag who only wants dickwolves.
female werewolves should honestly look indistinguishable from male werewolves desu
slapping tits on them is just lazy as fuck and shit
This is true, though SOME distinction should be noticeable. Like, a shorter snout, shorter height, or something along those lines. Titwolves are shit, just as much as dickwolves.
so your issue with it isn't the subject itself but how it's drawn?
That's on the right track, but I think that's TOO pitiful without some scary to balance it out.
yep, pretty much
Well you should say that instead of being a shifty fuck about it
Having said that I kind of agree, but only kind of. I wouldn't be against some dimorphism, maybe up to the extent of having noticeable but small tiddies, but no more than that
You're also both ignoring that skinwolves are not the only kind of werewolf in warhammer fantasy. The 'normal' non chaos corrupted werewolf is not a feral beast but very clearly controlled by the human inside. Many use their supernatural abilities to protect their homes from beastmen and such though witchhunters tend to disenfranchise them.
Hell, its rumored that one of Ulric's blessings is to bestow lycanthropy on someone.
Something like this?
Yeah that'd be about it
Could stand to be slimmed down a bit though
In most cases I'd agree with you especially like in the cases with more bestual werewolves (late Phases, Dog Soldiers, most Howlings, American werewolf in Paris, etc.), but for more humanoid werewolves more humanoid characteristics should be shown.
Is that supposed to be a wolverine or something?
Doesn't even look cool
that looks like shit
Mystique from the Xmen movies forgot to shave in the morning.
Dracula could turn into a wolf anyway so I'm picking vampire
Poor user getting obliterated.
Werewolves should be more feral/wolf like in appearance imo, anything else looks too weird.
Honestly, you can give them a whole lot. Enhanced Predator-esque senses for hunting, stealth, squad/pack tactics and control, if the game takes place during more than just the night, the werewolf can wander around among people in the daylight.
If they're the more classical "lose control of themselves" type, you can have one of those co-op/traitor esque games (SS13, Parasite 2 from Warcraft 3) where someone is randomly selecting some time into a match to fuck shit up.
The internet sorta ruined both for me, but there's untapped potential for werewolf and vampire vidya.
God that movie is fun.
fuck furry faggots
I'd rather play a game where I have to discover who the werewolf is/protect the townsfolk from werewolves.
Werewolf, but only if it was atmospheric as fuck and it really played into the whole primal and instinctual aspects of it while contrasting it with the civilized side of the human spirit.
I'm a sucker for that duality shit.
HoMM 3 with some special artifact :^)
There's easily enough room for both
>half human, half wolf
There's a whole lot of variety and various shades you can go with.
Just dont go the usual teen wolf TV show route and have em be 99% human with fangs, claws and glowing eyes or twilight route where they're literally just big wolves.
>No sightings in my state
Fucking nothing happens here except niggers shooting each other in Wilmington.
>Stuff the cool players would play
>Stuff fags would play
Werewolf Transylvania in WC3 was so fucking good man, one of my favourite maps
>tfw kept getting in games where werewolf didn't even bother to check the lake right in the middle of the map, probably because he thought nobody would be dumb enough to try it
Felt so good every time I got away with it
Why is an elusive cryptid with a low victim count so much more unnerving than the monsters seen in horror movies?
just done with the Dawnguard DLC, both fucking suck anyway so who cares
vampire, just because
Have you tried Moonlight Tales and Sacrosanct mods?
A skeleton is already using you as its player character.
Try living in a less boring state.
na, should i?
If we're bringing cryptids into this, why the fuck isn't there a game where you play as a Sasquatch or any other type of Bigfoot yet?
Yeah. Moonlight Tales adds lycanthropy as a contractible disease so you're not forced into joining the Companions, has moon phase transformations, far better customization (and the SE version has overhauled tech tree which you can use in LE)
Sacrosanct does a similar overhaul but I've never used it since I don't play as bloodsucking filth.
Try these:
Here's Sacrosanct:
Vampire has more potential for fun spells/abilities
Werewolf would have better action combat, assuming melee focused
Vampire in most games
The trick is to shit yourself and smear it all over your body before playing dead
Reminds me of Pickman's Model.
ToME does Lich pretty alright. At least it gets more love than most games give it.
I've never felt more jealous than I am seeing your image
>I'll have him buried within the hour.
vampires are classy nobelmen. werewolves are stronk hobos. I prefer vamps, but I get the appeal of both. even if one stinks of commie.
Greatest vidya vamp of all time desu desu
Don't listen to that user, he's a gay and stupid.
See everyone always thinks monsters want to eat you.
>Werewolves kill and eat people
>Zombies kill and eat people
>Weird alien abomination things kill and eat people
That's wrong. That makes no sense. Vampires are the only ones that would exclusively eat people. See these monsters are always either animals or humans regressed to a bestial state (werewolves, zombies). Yes they would eat you, but they won't JUST eat you. They'll definitely, for sure, also rape you. We and all animals alike are just giant food tubes with genitals attached. Every single aspect of our biology is devoted to letting us eat better or fuck better. Those are our two jobs. We eat so we can survive long enough to fuck so we can make more things that eat and fuck in an endless cycle of harmony.
So those beastly spooks are going to rape you. If you have a pusspuss they'll stick their dick in it. If you have a dick they WILL steal your seed.
Hell consider this: When you're spooked at night and you're scared some weird creature broke in to kill you and wear your skin, think about it from their perspective. Why on earth would they go to all that trouble? There's homeless people, squirrels, people out at night in general. Why would they break in? You have a fridge full of food too. Why would they leave evidence? You must have something other than a meal. You have a dick. That spooky scary lurking in that dark corner isn't after your flesh, she's after your semen. She wants to repopulate, she wants to breed. She will then almost definitely eat you.
Conquer fear through dick. We're all born to die, we all live to fuck. Eat her before she eats you.
What a banal and retarded interpretation of supernatural myths. Apply yourself to literature and the ACTUAL concepts embodied in these creatures, Grug.
I think that makes it scarier. Like for a second you'd think you could take it then it zips forward and pins you down
FUCK liches
FUCK vampires
FUCK shapechangers
but most of all
FUCK the living.
>not actually a furfag
>make my vampire sims dress up as a giant rabbit in his dark form, whenever he goes drinking
am I part of the problem regardless?
You're just jealous that I'm going to impregnate a chupacabra
Both are gay normalfag shit
enjoy your ass full of semen and your dead goats
That's pretty hot actually
Assuming we're sticking with relevent themes so as not to pull every Superman and Flash out of the woodwork.
Alucard (Hellsing)
Dracula (Castlevania)
Cain (Vampire: The Masquerade)
Wesley Snipes
Any Belmont worth his weight in salt.
Maybe part III Dio, and likely all Pillar men.
>Letting furries “ruin” something
Why is it impossible to actually enjoy shit without thinking about some irrelevant group? I see a chunk of replies that just use furfaggots as the reason against Werewolves.
>even if one stinks of commie
Yeah I hate those vampires too.
Because furries are a meme that everyone likes to use. Mainly the younger retards who want to fit in.
would you play as banshee?
My nigga.
doomguy hunter
also has kate beckinsale who does a pretty good yennefer cosplay
As a proper banshee straight out of folklore, sure. A silent protagonist who can't speak without killing but finally speaks during a happy ending where she is happy would be a fun thing to work with.
elite taste has arrived
I completely missed this. The vampire lady too.
Please just post more images from that comic. They're always gold.
I would play a werewolf but only if it had powers like this guy.
>Would you rather play a game from the perspective of a vampire or a werewolf?
As long as there are vampire ladies. Don't care about werewolf ladies
>playing sci fi game
>make my character a robot
>play a fantasy game
>make the same character, but he's a skeleton instead
When did hunters become such sluts?
I would say fuck that, but the werewolf literally wouldn't be able to. Folklore can be ridiculous as fuck.
Where's the dick and balls?
>implying there isn't
user, you can't show that in western art!
>sneaky-beeky pure evil monster
>uncontrollable killing machine
Depends on the genre, but I'm more a fan of RPGs than buttonmashy hack-and-slash stuff, so vampire.
>tfw no video game about being a juggernaut werewolf warrior who hunts and stalks vampire in a modern setting.
Feels bad man, also tails are for faglords and furries.
Werewolf because we really havent had a game devoted to them
>there will never be a game about werewolves killing demons in god's name
Zealous werewolves sounds terrifying.
Nah, no one wants to be a furrie by association
There are literally a thousand or so young adult tv shows/ books/ comics that turn vampires into shitty ass pretty boys and sex objects on the daily. You're just letting your autism get the better of you by being a thin skinned faggot. I bet you never played sonic on the genesis because someone made diaper porn of him.
>wolves don't pray
>Caring about what other shitters on the internet think
My guy there’s a difference between playing a character and making it a vessel that’s supposed to represent you.
That sounded very gay, black dude on the internet
Let me become a Creaking Skeleton.
blessed and possessed
Joke's on the skeleton, you were actually inside them the whole time.
I need to get around to reading that. From what I know, she's essentially able to operate just fine in the day unlike bram's drac, where he's weakened but still can be active
My brotha from anotha graveyard!
Going full ham and punting fuckers across the room with that mod is great, but I wish there were more locations full of enemies to mindlessly slaughter without missing something or accidentally aggroing 'friendly' NPCs.
I have the same issue, really. You could try a mod that increases the enemy spawn count.
>theres a kill counter in the games menu
>my so called evil wizard character has a few hundred human kills
>my timid werewolf has well into the thousands
Quite a surprise.
werewolves are kind of lame
so are vampires, but less so
based and calciumpilled
You're lame.
I feel like werewolves have a huge advantage over vampires by still being able to take part in normal human society, not burning to a crisp in the sun and enjoying all the nice mortal pleasures
Werewolves didn't give us Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust so I'll go with vampires.
Id like a game about cute Werewolfs.
in game vampire
in universe vampire
that being said both of their additional 'abilities' suck dick but the vampire passive + necromage or whatever in restoration works pretty well as a mage
Why not both?
delete this
dominions series
Anyone who says werewolf without providing explanation is a furfag.
I'd choose werewolves because:
>only happens at full moon, so can still be along with the humans
>extra stamina and dexterity at night
>can actually walk out in the sun
>doesn't have to drink aids-fueled blood to survive
>instead of vampires, werewolves can still eat garlic bread
>can't touch silver
>furries will try to seduce me
Aren't we all skeletons with armor made of flesh?
Wasn't Lichdom Battlemage good? I never actually tried it
Werewolf easily
You can make them cute too.
Best answer.
I'm picturing something like avp2 did, those are always fucking cool
>Variety of useful abilities, balanced stats to fully utilize them in various situations requiring careful thought out play
The choice should be obvious
>From Middle English were, wer, from Old English wer, from Proto-Germanic *weraz, from Proto-Indo-European *wiHrós (“man”). Cognate with Latin vir (“man”). The original meaning of "man" is now preserved only in compounds like were wolf (“man-wolf”)
name several games where this is the case
I could say the same since you have no absolute idea how it works and get your ideas from shitty Hollywood flicks
Why doesn't Zatanna just use her magic against Man-Bat?
Would the whole hyphenated word be backwards like Tab-nam or would the individual words be backwards with the hyphen in the middle like Nam-tab?
>>only happens at full moon, so can still be along with the humans
that's a downside, limited to rip and tearing once a month
Hey, guys, what's the best fan-patch for Bloodlines if you want a minimal amount of new content?
Is talbain unga
After playing pic related both wampires and werewolves seem like underdeveloped amoebas.
>laughs in paradox
>Implying I do any vulgar magick on Earth
Well ok, I once melted the space-time on 10 square kilometers into an exotic state of reality, got recognized by the world as an eldricht abomination and got banished from existance.
It's ok though, the character grew too powerful either way.
>Cheese on the outside of the burger
>bottom half of a hamburger bun
>not just putting a patty between two pizzas
>not just minimizing effort and ordering meat lover's in the first place
dumb comic tbdesu
That is two pizzas.
The toppings are on the outside.
See, that possibility occurred to me, but I figure the artist would have had the cheese + toppings bleeding out of the edge. As it is, it looks like nothing but grain.
me too
Kind of wish Dawnguard had something like this as a twist
>Therefore women aren't human
>human ears and animal ears
Boner culture
Vampires. At least they are civilized.
Only niggers and furries like werewolves. True patricians prefer noble and elegant vampires.
>abduct people and drink their blood
Because they made it useless in human form while vampires get a bajillion cool shit and a whole faction that gives them even more shit. Also the companions is fucking garbage.
Magic is only fun in games where you’re the supreme lord of your setting.
So are Bloodborne beasts a mix between vampires and werewolves?
Blood Dragon Vampires Lords from Warhammer Fantasy could do it too
yes but do not forget:
That's not a werewolf, it's a chick with clip-on ears and a tail buttplug
how boring can you get
Leon is so fucking based
>inhuman scum
jews are still here user
This was a good thread and a nice change of pace from the usual shitposts. Thanks anons.
what the fuck
That's not any better
It looks tiny and retarded
She dies though.
Nearly every adaption of werewolves turns out to be shitty, but there have only been a few poor representations of vampires (Twilight and its teen romance derivatives). Vampires all the way.
Try that on my Vlad
Possibly Mummy, with investment in the ancient curse and bandage control skill trees.
What Vlad?
>hollywood ruins werewolves
>hollywood doesn't ruin vampires