What the hell are you doing, dumbass? Go play Tales of Vesperia already.
What the hell are you doing, dumbass? Go play Tales of Vesperia already
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I can smell that image
Is the "Tales of" series worth getting into? do i have to start from the first game in order for the story to make sense? are the characters annoying and unlikable as some said? is there any romance between MC and the girls?
wtf is her problem?
No, each story is independent unless you play a sequel (like Xillia 2 before Xillia 1)
some characters are annoying, most are good. depends on the game. vesperia is 90% good characters.
no romance, the MCs are either blockheaded or too much of a Chad for girls or gay
They are like the Final Fantasys. Story and character wise there is nothing that those games share with some minor exceptions like tales of zestiria and berseria. But they are pretty fun most of the time. Start wherever you want. You can also play them with up to 3 friends which is pretty cool.
Each Tales title has their own stories and worlds
some games are direct sequels like Tales of Destiny and Tales of Destiny 2
You can honestly pick anyone of them to start with that looks interesting to you
the games that are considered the best are Symphonia, Abyss, and Vesperia
about to start my new game plus
I won't fuck up the Brionic sidequest this time
>no romance
Welp time to fap to rita
Symphonia, abyss and vesperia is all you need
If you're seriously desperate for more after that, then try xillia, berseria and some others, but don't expect much
EN or JP? I hear that JP has some unsubtitled dialogue, but EN kind of sucks so far, especially Patty and Raven.
>Want to get the platinum trophy.
>Seriously don't want to speedrun this game under any circumstance, even if it's "easy" in NG+ with certain grade shop options.
Hot take: Tales of Graces f actually has the by far best combat and title system of all tales of games. Playing that game with 4 friends on the hardest difficulty will bust your ass. That was a shit ton of fun.
Just finished the ice floe, how much gaem am i got left?
I'll pick it up for $10 in October
picking this up for the yuri, hope you guys didn't lie to me.
But I just finished my session of Tales of Nan.
>performing rita's mystic arte for the first time
I'm pretty pissed she wasn't a party member. I wanted another mage in my team other than Rita instead of all these melee fuckers.
are you a fellow /o/tist?
The game itself acknowledges her greatness.
>"Great!" plastered right across her budding breasts
> tfw finished the story without ever doing a single mystic arte and only did Yuri's Arcane Arte like once
You want to drink a can of what?
How? I like to think there's no wrong way to play a videogame but what you just did was a wrong way to play the game.
I want to drink this cute backstabber
I already finished the game, including Necropolis. I won’t play in unknown mode for a year at least, all I have left to do is grind for grade.
All I have is the digital 360 version, and there's a million other games in my 360 backlog that I'd rather play first, like Operation Darkness. Love that game.
Well, the game doesn't think you like since it allowed me to clear the story. I'm the kind of guy who just guns down every DMC boss from a distance so fuck you.
I can't because the only 'Tales of' game I have is Legendia on PS2 and I can't hook up my PS2 anymore because I no longer have a SDTV.
Why do you do you even play videogames?
does this game get better? I just reached the port town and met flynn there, but so far it's incredibly slow paced and the plot isn't that engaging yet.
Too expensive, maybe when's 10 bucks or so
How much grade do you need to get all the good stuff for ng+?
Near the end of the game. More than 1000 fights and I usually get on average 4 grade each fight, but tons of 8s when I use mystic artes/FSes
Because I enjoy them? Different people have fun in different ways while playing videogames. Wow. What a hard to believe concept.
I have Trails in the Sky 1 (which is boring as fuck) and SMTIVA to finish first
The plot never stops sucking. Either you enjoy the gameplay or just fuck off and play a different game.
just fished the game. 158 hours of playing. it was a fun ride but now i dont want to so much look at another tales game.
I think the series is worth getting into. Its main strengths are the character interactions (the characters aren't necessarily all good but they play off each other well) and the co-op is fun if somehow you have at least 1 other person who is willing to go through the game with you.
The characters can be pretty "anime" so depending on your taste they can possibly be annoying/unlikable.
around 18000.
>mfw sprial draco
fuck that hoe. the perfect example how not to make a boss fight.
Excluding the EXP modifiers (which are pointless) about 14k.
Cute and funny
Literally the best thing about Vesperia's cast. Romance only serves to bog down characters 99% of the time.
Equip Raven’s bow that you just found and spam Azure Heavens for the whole fight. Bring Karol and Estelle to heal and someone else to help you deal damage.
You’ll win half an hour later. Raven will never need any gels.
nigga, i killed that fuck the way you just told me. all im saying is it was not a good boss battle and the the one who thought it was deserve to get shot.
But it's so long.
I finished my first run a little while ago but I'm not going to get sucked into new game plus for some time yet, I've got other games to play.
I agree with you there. It was a really tedious fight that was wildly different from the rest of the game
anyone else really liked the credits of this game? just showing the characters moving on with their daily lives doing their own thing after saving the world.
Yeah, I loved them. I had a chuckle when Rita went to see Estelle while wearing a jetpack and it was really cute seeing the scenes of Brave Vesperia occasionally getting back together and of Yuri and Flynn hanging out as friends again.
nan's nans in my hands
Yeah it was a nice change because they didn't have that in the 360 version. It just had Yuri and co killing the adephagos and then the credits had some random scenery and then the grade shop. You're left wondering what the fuck is going to go on next.
Why do you like Estelle?
I don't like her much because pink hair offends my senses and makes me uncomfortably irritable.
What? That art is present in the 360 version too, just not the ones involving Patty
Worst girl.
Because despite living a sheltered aristocrat life until the start of the game, she was the opposite of a stuck-up bitch. Take that Luke/Natalia.
i like how she heals my party i guess
i wouldn't use her if she wasnt a healer desu
cinnamon roll too good for this world, too pure
Mm mm~
>estelle is so fucking cute that she manages to make rita act out of character
>found some 50+ year old guy play Tales of Symphonia blind on twitch
>watch in awe as he bumbles about during the first act and is surprised by the twists he comes across
>trying not to tear my eyes out seeing him run the basic bitch party of Lloyd/Collete/Genis/Kratos while sidelining the perfectly healthy Sheena and Raine
Isn't ass worship against the rule?
Isn't Sheena a jack off bait?
Why do you guys like an underage girl?
Tsunderes would just be straight-up cunts without someone to show their nice side to, after all.
Estelle is 18
>jack off bait
What the FUCK did he mean by this?
Go look up Estelle's age real quick
Maybe user thinks boobs and fun are mutually exclusive?
I think you might be mistaken.
well yes and she fulfills her purpose
Guy's, I'm beginning to think Flynn is a REAL bad judge of character.
>Follow Alexei blindly belieivng he wants to change the world for good.
>Can't tell Raven was Schwann
>Recruits a fucking yandere that repeatedly SHOWS she's a fucking yandere towards his best friend, yet never once nips that shit in the bud
To be fair Witcher turned out all right
Well, I mean, he's no Rita
>implying Alexei was wrong
His only mistake was lack of knowledge about the Adephagos.
That character design looks familiar
Tales games are not good
>game has monster hunters and witchers
Why won't Estelle let Rita read her books in peace?
Then why are you here?
How can she be ninja/assassin with those jugs?
She wants to know all about the thing in Rita's drawer.
She's not very attractive user.
Raine is very unwaifuable.
Why won't Rita let Estelle keep her adorable bush baby doll?
I make a point of getting the doll and letting Tort die with Aspio without giving it to him every run now
To be fair
Flynn was the person who knew the least about Raven so you can't blame him for that
Also only Repede acknowledged that they were the same person at first
>Then why are you here?
OP wanted me to play a Tales game so I offered a rebuttal.
i started playing tales of berseria. i was intrigued with the story but i really didnt like the combat system. i was even playing on auto battle. should i continue? is this games battle system different?
Nice try user.
>I have no money
>I don't want to pirate the game, because I'm not fond of repeating jrpgs, and if I pirate I will never buy it again, even on discount
If you feel like giving to me, I would be very happy about it.
>not understanding how kunoichi traditionally assassinate
I pity you
Raine gets better when you realize Lloyd got to fuck his hot teacher
That's not very hot OP.
This place is not for you. Go be free my child, free to play all the wrpg's you choose
She literally states she's 16
rita's hitachi MAGIC wand
>Shiting on Raine
t. Unicorn
Imagine if Rita moved during sex the same way she does while spellcasting
The guys chin looks weird.
I got bored rigt after rescueing estelle. because that would be the 10th time I played through the game
Still didn't answer my question.
>fuck hot teacher.
Good one user.
>getting further into the game and beginning to get overwhelmed by the synthing and amount of skills
I can't Japanese user.
Clips of her getting beat up when?
Just focus on getting the skills that you feel would be the most useful for each character.
I wouldn't want to be in the same place a hundred other men's peni have been before.
That contradicts what she says when you first meet Rita, who says she's 15.
Around the same age, not exactly the same.
>tfw Tales of Xillia 2 acknowledged Verius' existence
I pray for the day we see Verius and Celcius in the next inevitable Phantasia remake.
Let me tell you about buttholes user....
just consider it part of grade grinding nigga
That be nice. Be even nicer she was playable again. This time in a main game
I got burned out farming materials and money for all the synthesis and farming all those altered arts. I'm about 40 hours in if I remember.
>Sheena is a confirmed pure virgin
Feels good to waifu her
I'd also like to see Gremlin's Lair, Pluto, and Chameleon in a proper Symphonia remake.
Maybe as some Director's cut episode Sheena kinda deal
Yuri has like 12 Arcane artes, how did you not use any of them?
I did Final Gale spam
I don't know myself
But goddammit she is so fucking good
Who the fuck decided on these skill costs?
I have an HDTV that my PS2 is hooked up to.
Dunno, but it gets wild in NG+ where you can make them all cost 1 point.
When Estelle says that line about having a friend around her age, she doesn't actually know Rita's exact age yet. The skit where Rita mentions what her age is comes after that scene, in which Estelle says she's eighteen. Rita doesn't mention it until that skit.
What should I play after Vesperia? Hearts R, Xillia, or go back and play Symphonia?
Eternia. Symphonia is also fine.
No buttchecks.
I upgraded your Estelle
Play Hearts R
and innocence r after
Hearts R is pretty good despite the meme translation. Way better than all the games to come since.
Hearts R
Reminder that she does wear skimy outfits.
No lolis please.
What are you looking at!
At least you can get her in your party in Xillia 2!
Only as a model swap though sadly. I have her model swap with Milla.
They haven't had the brainpower to actually give modern Tales an Ice element. I think the last to do it was actually DotNW
Right. I forgot about Xillia 2's Skin swapping.
That'd be nice to have that feature come back. Along with the dolls.
does estelle ever get a party wide attack buff? im tired of having her cast single target sharpness
Are there any missables in Xillia other than sub-events?
tits not thick enough.
Let's be honest, Ice is a fucking cock choice for an element. It's literally just water at a different temperature. Might as well add lava then.
I don't find the two attractive.
goddamn judith has some big anime tiddies
I'm taking time off because I fucked up a NG+ for the platinum again and need to backtrack to an earlier save. At least I can fix Karol's levels because I forgot to equip bonus EXP after finishing part 1.
why is B so much better than A?
Too old for cunny posting
i want to defile estelle's purity
>go play a 3D Tales game
Ew, no.
Never played it before, but I heard they fucked up the voice acting. Will a first-time player notice anything?
Fuck off Alexei, you overpowered piece of shit
I've just loved excessive elements in my rpgs. I never really understood how Space could really be an element, but damn was it radical to see that in Eternia.
go away homo
No way fag
what are the best costumes for the girls? I've been going with high school girl sim
Tales games are not good games, therefore I shall refrain from playing them.
Sexy Typhoon, Magical Maiden, Heroic Actress, Chloe cameo
Default, Seeker, Fashionista, Kitty Waitress
Into the Sky, Rutee cameo
Great Pirate Successor
I prefer some control. Otherwise you end up with ridiculous setups like Persona 1 and its 27 fucking elements.
Scholar or Hot springs
Into the sky, Dragonic Lancer
Great pirate succesor
10 is as high as it should go in Tales. 6 is way too few for me. Xillia's 2 shot, cut, and blunt melee system was neat, but a little overbearing.
>Character that has a quick as fuck base arte that forces knockdown calling others OP
>interrupting Guardian Field with Dividing Edge
Is there no greater feeling than learning how busted Estelle can be?
Disappointed that they didn't have a larger role in the plot. Or even a role to begin with.
It's such a shame.
>almost all of estelle's artes knockdown but only a few of them pick up
>the only art that consistently picks up and knocks down is also extremely fast and spammable and deals decent damage so you have literally no reason not to just spam that against everything
What the fuck were they thinking with her moveset?
Any other Tales game with ss? Aside from Berseria.
>maxing out the speed for Blazing Pillar
>having that follow up Dividing Edge on enemies that can immediately get up to catch their recovering to restart the loop
What a terrifying character
what's with the blurry ghost outlines on the characters in vesperia? reminds me of a ps2 game
How the fuck do i get the 200 man Melee with Estelle?
It was initially planned to be on Ps2, and development started in 2005 right after Abyss' release, so I guess you're not too far off the mark.
I got lazy and just set it to Easy And rolled through everything.
equip spirit bangle, spam Holy Rain
Equip Amulet when the assholes come out that can petrify you, leave it on near the end or Traitor to Heaven is a douche
Marche Waltz into Delight Roll works if you need a melee combo
Just set it on Easy. It's far less complicated this way.
Norma a whorema
I don't understand.
Is the Switch version okay to pick up?
Are there any cool new outfits for Yuri that aren't just character models from previous Namco games? Or am I going to have to do the Secret Mission challenge run for the second time in a row?
I think it have some very rare crashes but it's fully playable
Natalia wasn't that bad
Tales of is my favourite JRPG series. Final Fantasy 1-10 are all good standbys, but what Tales does it does really exceptionally well. The storytelling, writing and translation are generally above and beyond the quality I'm used to in western games, and it only gets better from there. They're like playing an anime but in a really sincere, exciting, fun way.
I've only played Symphonia and a bit of Berseria but they've left a fantastic impression on me. If you like games with good storytelling and effective, purposeful dialogue they really hit those points well, even if the stories are somewhat simple, they're delivered effectively and emotionally. They're a real treat.
How the fuck do I not suck so badly at this game?
I have literally died four times during the Burst Arte tutorial fight because I can't break out of attacks when it's 2v1. Every time I try to set up a Burst Arte it gets nullified because I get hit.
Ps4/PC are the best versions, but if you absolutely have to play on the go, sure it's worth it. I'm a frequent flyer, so the Switch is best for long hauls.
>kept the truth from Luke his whole life
>cucks Luke for Asch because Asch is the OG prince
I dunno, I fuckin hated Natalia and most of the Abyss cast. The only character who remains based throughout is Guy.
Easy won’t stop petrification
Unless you're going for trophies/cheevos or absolutely want to see the sidequest scene for yourself, there's no reason to do the Secret Missions as the costume is readily available as free DLC. You can also redo boss battles on Nam Cobanda Isle and pick up any SMs that you previously missed.
>High stun chance with more usage
>Guaranteed knockdown if a sword is equipped
>Invalidates magic for 8 seconds
>Attack that can force knockdown or force standup depending on input method
They only gave her a few artes, so they might as well make a couple of them broken.
Fair point, but it lets me faceroll through the mobs at least.
Switch between Miracle Bangle and an accessory that grants immunity to status. Also use revive on your first OL usage.
>mfw I preordered and still haven't finished it yet
I just got the four spirits. Am I almost done yet
>cucks Luke
Luke didn't feel anything for her. But that doesn't mean I particularly enjoyed her Asch autism either
She also has one of the highest Pdef and Mdef and is ridiculously tanky for a primary healer, Estelle is great overall.
I could see what makes her fun easily crossing her out of some people's criteria.
I used to think that Corrine's fate was too saccharine, and it still is, but then I realized his one joy in life was being a relief to a suffering person, and that then became his JOB. And then his one role in Dawn is to give Emil his autonomy right after the game questions if he ever had any.
And for the lead character no less! Only instance I can recall.
I mean, it makes sense for her to like Asch. The Abyss cast are a bunch of assholes at times though, and things would have been better if they just communicated.
If you skip side quests you have one big cut scene with a boss fight then the final dungeon.
There's so much lag that I can't piece together combos and I can't shield in multiple directions at once. If I have to go up against multiple enemies who converge on me, I'm fucked.
I knew Yea Forums had awful taste. Jesus.
Early game fights that force you to 1vX fucking suck. I don't know what they were smoking with the burst arte tutorial since it's not like they do super low damage and they are fairly bulky. It's an incredibly bad tutorial for a very strong mechanic because all you get out of it is that you get punished for going for burst because getting hit mid-attack penalizes you with taking more damage.
>Sodia that high
This meme went too far
Sodia is a good girl
A good 30 percent.
Natalia was actually my favorite in Abyss for how much she herself changes. Luke changes a lot, but seeing Natalia being forced to change somehow was more impactful to me.
I don't
I'll rather have Patty as my Healer
Tried Berseria after played Vesperia. Holy shit the UI is such a mess. No more item/equipment pictures unlike other tales series. Why berseria is so much downgrade that game a decade earlier?
The scenes where Luke joins your party for a bit because that fucking replica is dead were good. It was nice to see that even after all that time Luke still cared for Natalia.
Can someone make a mod where i can play as Tison?
Lack of effort when you have eyecandy and a shitty new fanbade
>evil as fuck villain you're supposed to hate and celebrate defeating
>is actually a better human being than Raven behind the scenes
was it done well?
Yeah, he constantly reminds the party that it's just business. It's a nice subversion compared to all the shit he does to you.
Why he didn't backstabbed Alexei like Raven did?
I kinda forgot about it
I feel like both acted the way someone on borrowed time really would act. Either by doing what good you can or giving up on what time you have left.
wew lad
>"Why didn't he backstab Alexei like Raven did?"
huehuehue mr monkey
he has a blastia heart Alexei can turn off any time and threatened to murder his daughters if he doesn't obey
Alexei would tear him a new asshole/would've blacklisted his business. He was already blackmailing him for his anonymous charity work.
I've gathered 10 hours in that balancing enemies relative to the player's EXP is not this game's strength.
It gets better later on, but the first part of the game is all over the place and they stop mandatory solo fights afterwards sans Karol, which is scripted and simply involves you not dying for a while.
>Finally got to use Twin Wave
Such a satisfying and kino MA
I love his voice.
Yeah and it's even easier to pull off during the small chance when Flynn goes Overlimit 4 at the same time you use overlimit 4 for Yuri thanks to his Rivalry skills.
Best girl staying the best girl.
I've only played Abyss, what do I play next?
>fucks the world up by not even attempting to stop Alexei
I felt bad for Droit and Gauche
Droit and Gauche tell you why when you fight them
Beat the game the other day. Do I really need to backtrack through the whole final dungeon to get to the EX dungeon?
Yanderes only exist to be murdered
No, you go through Zaude, the island in the middle of the ocean. Alexei's fight room.
Anyone else just save these images with misleading file names so you can pretend it's a trap
I saved just before fighting Duke though. Please tell me there's a quick teleport to the world map from there.
Battle system wise, the next logical step would be Vesperia. Play Eternia or Xillia/xillia 2 if you're feeling spicy
Yes, actually. Got up the stairs and enter the final boss room.
There's an elevator to the right. Takes you directly back to the beginning and there again.
isn't eternia super old like only 2d planes
Nice. Thanks.
chloe is the only reason to play that trash
I liked the whole cast, personally. I also managed to enjoy the game though. I'll be the first to admit that it was definitely heavily flawed and could use a remake, though. The dungeon design got pretty bad and combat could have been refined a little.
I do really like having a main character who had grappling moves. Grappling moves in general was never implemented in another Tales game after Legendia, as far as I know, which was disappointing. Playing as Senel was fun to me.
I have it sitting on my desktop but I haven't played it yet. I should have gotten it when I was still playing Symphonia a few weeks back but right now I'm not really felling the JRPG urge.
>isn't she just jack off bait
No. She's a good character that also has a very nice appearance.
Maybe someday, user
Short haired girls with bad attitudes are cute.
>new Tales OC
what timeline are we living in?
Yuri is after Joker.
Takes dog knot!
Didn't Sakurai say that he wanted no more sword users?
That means Yuri is out, and that means Lloydo is DOUBLE out.
Yuri can use axes. Besides, Joker is a sword user anyways, and Yuri has a bunch of easily translatable attacks.
>joker is a sword user
Dagger/knife. Less range,
Also I'd rather Lloyd, but that's just me. Two swords would be interesting to see. It also means double the damage.
If we were getting a Tales rep I fell like we'd have gotten them already with Namco working on the game and all.
>lloyd has been smashbait since he came out, could pretty much just drop him into the game with an existing moveset
>bandai namco has developed the past 2 smash games
>sakurai used all the sword slots he was willing to give on fire emblem shit
I will never not be disappointed
>Lloyd's outfit is a Mii costume
But this sin't the first time a mii costume became a character later! There's still hope, r-right?
user, it's good to dream, but dreams should be within the constrains of reality.
When did he say that?
>not nopan
I thought it was unanimous that Graces F had the best combat system?
Canon spats
Flynn is discounted Guy from abyys with worse personality.
>has no backstory or motives, just wants to kill Yuri
>outlives big bad and most major characters in the story
did you like him?
But Flynn is so much more fun to play than Yuri.
>get to the city of the waning moon
>"hey isn't it kind of weird that these people all have the same hair as zagi"
>holy shit are they actually going to give zagi a backstory finally, is he a child of the full moon too, is everything suddenly going to make sense
>"yeah i guess so but he's dead now so whatever"
>literally never mentioned again
I feel transgressed.