Why haven't you played one of the better final fantasy titles yet? The whole trilogy is even on sale at the moment

Why haven't you played one of the better final fantasy titles yet? The whole trilogy is even on sale at the moment.

FFX was linear and still well liked. What's your excuse?

Attached: Final_Fantasy_XIII_Logo.png (500x346, 155K)

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it wasnt fun and the battle system was stupid

>What's your excuse?

There isn't an excuse user, people loved the game and it was a fairly huge success. The hate is fake and everyone knows its a good game they just like to ride on bitching about it.

Lots of linear games don't get bashed for linearity, FF13 is special.

Agreed. The only thing I can think of is how the game starts off a little slow. If they had shortened the 'tutorial' phase, there would probably be less negativity. I didn't mind it so much, but some are fussy.

Attached: Final-Fantasy-XIII.jpg (1920x1080, 598K)


I did play it. I'm pretty sure I lost braincells from playing it. It's so fucking boring.

I agree with this.
I love the game but tutorial phase was way too long honestly.

I played it at release and enjoyed it. It's still one of the worst games in the series, only better than 2.

Because I didn't have a console when it came out I was poor high school student back then and now that I have PS4 Square does not want to make a remaster.

I have never finished 13, but I tried playing it a second time a couple of months ago, expecting it to be a chore to playthough, and that I only played as much the first time because I was younger and stupid, but to my surprise, it wasn't as bad as I thought. The start of the game is real slow, taking several hours before the battle system fleshes itself out, and while I did enjoy the few hours I played, I wasn't motivated enough to come back and finish it. I defiantly think its one of the weaker final fantasys Ive played, but I would still like to finish it at some point.

Attached: Excuse me.gif (200x200, 2.44M)


Attached: Wilderness.webm (1280x1080, 2.63M)

Just haven't gotten around to it, yet. I plan on playing all the numbered FF titles at some point, so I'll eventually play it.

Because I have never played a JRPG with characters or story I could care less about. Other than Sazh, I was not compelled by the story nor the characters. By the time I got to Lightning Returns, my sense of "I have to play this because I like Final Fantasy" had burned out so much that I could barely make it past an hour.

After playing the first two games, I can say that I was more of a fan of the first game due to how contained the story was. After slogging through 13-2 and seeing some cutscenes from lightning returns, I came to the conclusion that the story went down the shitter and don't consider those two games canon.

get it on PC?

I did played and buy it.

Vanilla is cute and funny

Why is it that most FF games opens with a somewhat interesting battle mechanic but it never opens up or gets any deeper than what you start with

Attached: 1505642636458.jpg (401x433, 24K)

I don't play on PC.

I liked FFXIII. Dropped FXIII2, Didn't bother with Lightning returns

I loved vanille's poky nipples.

>JRPG with characters or story I could care less about
>By the time I got to Lightning Retur-

Attached: lightning.gif (300x329, 2.55M)

>female cloud waifu simulator that requires no thought

I'll pass