Just what exactly did he mean by this?

Just what exactly did he mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


i dont think anybody is asking cliffy for another game

Cliffy B really has issues seeing himself for who he truly is

Attached: 1550709889286.png (750x684, 892K)

it means he's attention starved

imagine dressing like that as a fully-grown adult man

Imagine getting BTFO'd by a tiny ginger and his semi-retarded girlfriend

Why is the man behind gears, the game that has the most absurdly masculine characters, dressing like such a flaming homofaggot?

Reminder he was torn to shreds by twitter too
>things nobody said. Not our fault you can no longer make games people want.
more or less.

Because being inclusive and progressive is part of being manly. It might be the most important part.

>"I am so rich and well off that I'm going to buy all my clothes from Spencers"
I don't get it.

hes been pozzed

Because he's gay and is obviously attracted to absurdly masculine men.

> literally any gaming news happens
> cliffy chimes in mentioning how happy is he is retired

lol cope

this faggot is trying to tell you that he's out of touch
but in reality he's just a fucking retard

Bad grammer
He needs to put elipsis at the end of the Internet quote to signify that he cut it off
>make another video game! AND WE'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!

He's a Sad that nobody will hire him anymore so he has been posting about how much he "Loves" being retired. He's been doing this for a year.

Is there anyone in the industry who's as much of a faggot as Cliffy B?

>Make another videogame!
no one is saying this

Where were you when CliffyB got literally murdered by a ginger midget?

Attached: Capture.png (1239x753, 147K)

Only two other people.
Phil Fish and Anthony Burch.

dont forget about randy

>Gears 1/3 were solid games and 2 had a fun campaign.
>He was cool when all I knew about him was some CRAZEEE chainsaw giant worm loving Chad.
>Second hes no longer relevant exposes himself as a cuck.

Why couldn't he just bow out gracefully?

Where were you when CliffyB made a alt account to defend himself and Elon Musk?

Ah yes, the holy trinity of unparalleled faggotry. I forgot about Phil Fish, thanks for the reminder user.

>"Internet: make another videogame!"
>the internet actually fucking hates you and celebrated the death of your company

>give me attention
something like this


Attached: 1545761114690.jpg (812x1024, 61K)

How did Cliffy go from the posterboy for brown and bloom shooting to this?

Remember when he was the chad Gears of War guy
the decade has not been kind to Cliffy

It means he'd have to pander to faggots on social media to do it, which he doesn't want to do and therefore there won't be a new game of him.

and Elon Musk? wut

Don't take the pis out of my speling


Attached: cliffy.png (498x377, 53K)

California and s o y

damn turns out he was based the whole time

This dude is gonna turn into a woman within the next couple years.


His involvement was probably grossly exaggerated. He strikes me as the Phil Fish kind that let's the team do the work but tries to take all credit.

The alt account has like 120 posts and they are only about Pissing on Pat because he shit all over CliffyB and praising Elon Musk for some reason.

I still can't believe for a second that he actually thought it would be a good idea to post this.

He's a faggot, but I agree with everything he's saying here.

>still associate his name with the lawbreaker fiasco
>totally forgot about his BR game

He's changed, being around trannies and women for a while

All meming aside, totally seriously, does cliffy legitimately have a sub 100 iq?

Attached: OBLITERATED.jpg (550x960, 64K)

>he was based
>the whole time
no, people change

>Cliffy is hated here until he spouts pedo talking points
NPCs are so easy

The thing you guys have got to remember is that Cliffy isn't really progressive, he's just trying to stay relevant because that's what the potential market is right now.
Does nobody remember when this guy was dudebro as fuck?
All of these companies and video game personalities' adaptation of progressivism is just because they want to stay relevant, not because they truly believe it.
It's all just marketing to market that has a lot of potential, they just want to make money, it's been like that since the creation of marketing itself.

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wtf i love cliffy b now

I still can’t believe Cliff tried to get Ice T to defend him in a Twitter fight.

>After Gears 5
I WANT HIM TO STOP MAKING GAMES. It is over and he knows he sold Gears down the fucking river. And now he is fucking stuck with it. For the rest of his life. He won't care tho due to Epic Games store and shit. But we will care and we will remind him every fucking time.



He's too busy sucking cock in a bathroom stall just to pay his rent to try and start another clone game.

Pat is a fucking god among men.

He's still hated, but some of us can still acknowledge when even a faggot says something accurate.

But the hipster demographic died out like 5 years ago.
The current trend is throwing a dart at a list of Pronouns and calling yourself that.

He looks like a Fortnite skin that's supposed to be a legally distinct reference to a character in a film the target audience likely has never seen.

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Someone send this to Pat.

>if you dislike someone you must mindless bash everything they say/do or you're an NPC

found the true NPC, you fucking retard.

Just did

>cliffy slaps your girlfriends ass and says "I want to make another billion dollar ip"
What do you do, bros?

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>"Don't go there!"

i think at the core of the issue, you are right, but i also think there are industries ( video game design being one of them) that are rather susceptible to manipulation, and there are people who ride the wave that don't even realize theyre just following a market trend. I feel like this guy is probably one of the sheep.

Remember when Cliffy got mad at Epic for trying to hire his team and called them out for it on twitter, even when he knew that the company was doomed and those people would soon be out of a job?

Imagine wearing cargo shorts, t-shirts, sneakers and a baseball cap as a fully-grown adult man.

Such is the world we live in unfortunately.

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Not what I said, it's more like what the person is saying will flick the switch in your dumb ape brains one way or the other and you're either immediately sent into a frothing circlejerk or you're leaping to agree with no in-between. You're only angry right now because your binary brain is shorting out after being called an NPC

it was a different time

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Dunno man, Cliffy is weird

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...I don't believe anyone has ever asked Cliff fucking Bleszinski to make anything, let alone another video game.

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Hear him out until he shows me the concept art and then explain to him why it would never succeed. MOBAs/hero shooters are probably the easiest genre to market as long as the characters are visually appealing. I still can't believe Lawbreakers looked how it did.

I'm flattered you think I can get a girlfriend let alone one with an ass like that

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>Wassup bitch, your studio's gone cause your game ain't badass
>We twice as big, check steam, get ready to pass gas
>Chillin with Gabe Newell, got the poker on deck
>It's Duke Nukem lil nigga, time to shit down your neck!
>Everyday my bank account soars to radical heights
>But tell me Cliff, why'd you drop Epic before you put out Fortnite?
>I buried your career, and when they dig you back up
>They'll say you're wearing a shirt that does NOT say luck!

>Why your game so shitty? (why?)
>Cause it just ain't litty (yuh)
>Playercount is fifty (yuh)
>Forever sucked dicky (HA!)
>Never gon beat ninety (NINE!)
>Haters gimme flak (yuh)
>Cannon make them sacked (BLAOW)
>You a sitting duck (yuh)
>Cause I'm skilled AF (SKRRRRT)
>Wallet green like Jazz (yuh)
>Your games are bad, ass (OOOOOHHH)


Attached: 1535158122582.png (668x376, 532K)

What kind of shirt is he wearing?

Go away Cliff

>signed Cliff

>Queers of Whores was a sausagefest overflowing with beefcakes
Gee, I wonder
and I fucking love those games

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I believe the FUCK in you user. You could get a girl to do sex stuff AND buy a lambo in purple (who does that?)

Yeah imagine that. Would definitely be cringe.

>using your limited (quickly deteriorating) fame to push gender/identity politics on the internet

Nigga what are you doing

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>what exactly did he mean by this?

l-look internet, i'm important and provocative, not the worthless slimeball that i suspect i actually am

>I'm so rich I never have to work ever again
>Time to spend my retirement getting analblasted on Twitter
literally the definition of "living rent-free"

Attached: 1544630392178.png (700x500, 235K)

Inspiring words cliff.

I think this is what he means as well.

I just feel bad for your parents right now.
They probably did their best, and you're the result.

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Nobody's "leaping to agree with no in-between", you retard. In fact, from what I can tell the ones that you assume to be doing so are being ironic, but I guess your NPC brain seems to lack the mental capacity to recognize that. Dense fuck.

remember a few years ago when he cancelled one of his game because he was getting bullied on twitter? how much of a faggot do you have to be to cancel a game because someone called you names online

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A broken clock is right twice a day

Was the late 2000s/early 2010s the peak of video games?

What the fuck happened? It’s like the Wachowski brothers all over again.

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Cliff doesn't look much better either, but it's hypocritical to judge his clothing when you look like a Sears sale rack.

>What do you do, bros?

Laugh as my girlfriend turns around and beats the everloving shit out of him. Then probably feel a little sad because his dream of making another billion dollar ip will never come true.

Attached: mo.jpg (630x630, 67K)

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no, the late 90s were the peak, 1997 specifically

around 2007 is where the beginning of the end started happening

Attached: 1524491623932.gif (500x452, 987K)

This can't be real. Or it's someone posting in some random forum that just happens to have his username.

Please let it be real.

Estrogen is in the tap water in America, people are constantly exposed to it

the reality woud be
>cliffy slaps your daughter's 6 year old ass and says "i want to make a nother billion dollar ip, i'll buy your lil kid with that money, do you accept?"

Attached: wauter.png (692x770, 91K)

Stop trying to save face, chimp

>He was prob like 20 at the time
Yeah it's real.

No. It's pretty much universally agreed that is exactly when video games as a medium died. Are you a zoomer?

hahaha stay mad, retard. :)

Never ever do this again, please.

someone actually wrote this down

Attached: 51616444_2276557749288403_6174578712831328256_n.jpg (720x720, 38K)

it's real, it's been confirmed as real for years

>What the fuck happened?

Nothing, Cliff was always a faggot.


>A real live human being, somewhere in the world, typed this out

od'd on onions

I'm very fond of everything '93 all the way up to 2007.
Best timelapses were 97-99 and 04-07. Lots of new shit to try and what was established just became more polished.

if you ever suffer a humiliating defeat that destroys your career and eradicates your confidence for the love of god stop tweeting.

am I in a fucking youtube comment section right now

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Looks like how my dad dresses when he goes out to get fucked

meh, solid 6.5

lol he's trying to look 80s but he just looks gay

lmao he looks like a swedish trance dj in this video

i love it


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I duno why the FUCK people think tweeting out their inner most thoughts is a good idea
like keep that shit to yourself, people who dont like you are just going to eat that shit up and shit all over you
like stop being mentally unstable on twitter sure you get the hugbox parade but it makes you look, well, unstable on twitter

It's amazing how cool he thinks he is.

Based Ginger Ninja.


>>Haters gimme flak (yuh)
Zoomers don't even know.

that song wasnt as bad as i remember wtf


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Don't feel bad I liked your post sweetie!

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Clifford the Pink Slip Dog, everyone.

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> murdered

god fuck you kids

The best part is none of the people in the picture look like they wanna be there.

What the fuck is wrong with you

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Vocaroo when?

Weddings invitations are sent months before the wedding, fucker couldn't be uninvited now could he. Retardation at it's finest.

>Why is the man behind gears, the game that has the most absurdly masculine characters, dressing like such a flaming homofaggot?
I think we all know the answer to this question

Have anal sex with my girlfriend

>These replies
Well, I laughed


Kelly Kapowski from an early 90s TV show called Saved by the Bell. A shitload of young people had a crush on her.
I feel old

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I bet not 10 seconds after taking that picture he frantically tore that shit off of him because deep down he thought he looked so stupid that he wanted to kick his own ass.

Go to bed, Clifford.

wait which one's cliffy?

quality OC

End your life. Right now.

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You can't see him in the thumbnail.

Attached: and these are all the people I fired.jpg (1200x584, 140K)

Cliffy is the unlikable attention-seeking kid with no self-awareness. How the fuck can this 40 year old man be delusional enough to still see himself as some game development rockstar?

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is this what they teach the children in schools now?

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This is a reminder to good ol' Cliffy B that if he honestly cares about the gay community he should stay as far as he can from it because he's just making the situation worse for everyone involved by mere association.

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How long did you have this saved


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I feel like the best part of this is that when Cliffy got flustered and made an alt account to shit on pat, all he could do was make fun of pat being bald, fat and short. Pat's fans call him worse, as often as possible.

look at this dude.

Attached: dood.jpg (416x500, 25K)

worse than the original post

Attached: 1514867112012.gif (421x389, 1021K)

made me kek

Fags, get dabbed on. *flosses over your spilled Monster*

Wait what?

No... NO!

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What in fuck's name is wrong with him? Does he really think people want him to make another game?


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Cliffy, Cliff, Clifford...I can guarantee you that there isn't a soul in that picture that didn't want to kick your ass with the lighting kit behind you. It was taking every fiber of their collective beings pulling in the same direction to keep from nailing you over the head with a tripod.

"Fags can't make games" -CliffyB

Fuck off cliffy b

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How the mighty have fallen

Guys we need more epic meme reaction images in this thread!

Attached: NTIE.webm (480x480, 1.16M)

If you go through Pat’s tweets you’ll probably find it, I don’t have a cap where I’m at right now.

Attached: 1436316454616.gif (187x155, 1.87M)

Can someone remind me how the fuck this guy managed to create one of the manliest series Gears of War? Literally what the fuck happened?

>That picture.
See that kids. That was a man will BALLS. That was a dude that was fucking FEARLESS. That guy did not give a FUCK.
>Well what about him now?
.......we don't talk about it. It is too embarrassing.

Why does cliffy look like a failed design for a character of radical heights

Sorry for shit phone quality

Attached: 6C3A1249-2DA3-4CF3-881F-0465CE43ABE1.png (750x1334, 300K)

>more likes than the original
Cliffy is VERY out of touch

This man is so fucking stupid it's unbelievable

I left social media because I realized I was becoming an egotistical moron. I'm much better off for it. That is all. But people like Cliffy are only making themselves are target when Gears 5 fucking fails. No one is going to go to Epic. They got straight for Cliffy like a *horde* if you will.

Why do fat people act like they haven't already given up? They don't care what they put into their body so why do they pretend to care about what they put on their bodies? They will always look like idiots wearing tarps because of their disgusting folds of fat and pores that seep grease onto anything they come into light contact with. Human slugs. Disgusting.

>Can someone remind me how the fuck this guy managed to create one of the manliest series Gears of War? Literally what the fuck happened?
It was better times back then. People weren't such little bitches back then. And I think cocaine helped allot too. AAH good times.....*snort*

>Phil Fish
why do i know that name?

Attached: 1485648661099.png (547x513, 291K)

Gramer rise up

Because *he* didn't create shit. GoW was created by a team he was a part of, the moment he got full creative freedom - he immediately lost all credibility.

holy shit i forgot about that one

But he's doing it ironically because he's just too cool to care about anything.

>At the end of his journey he realized "there was only five straight guys all along"

Attached: A61F9221-8569-4F58-AE78-83F92BBC62DD.gif (300x300, 1.11M)

I've never seen a man his age so desperate to be loved. Dude needs to work out his self-confidence issues before he makes another game.


suck my dick, choke on it
and etc

Attached: Mir headphones.gif (300x170, 1.63M)

i had no idea these were still a thing

>He looks like a Fortnite skin that's supposed to be a legally distinct reference to a character in a film the target audience likely has never seen.
That's probably the best descriptive insult I have ever read.

Imagine being a 40 year old man and actually wearing those clothes, piercing your ears, wearing led earrings, and tying led laces into your shoes.


Attached: 1476612174066.png (364x322, 14K)

Someone better be working on this

>lukewarm dumpster water

Attached: 1550507214649.jpg (640x481, 48K)

Show us on the doll where the pizza touched you, dipshit.

All these replies better be ironic, you faggots.

10/10 desu

It was a little bit cringe, but I laughed anyway. Thanks, user.

Attached: 1541333632320.jpg (183x214, 29K)

citation needed.

I dunno, but my 4chanx is shitting out.


Attached: nicholas-cage-laughing.gif (170x144, 2.94M)

Based as FUCK. Fat people are disgusting.

Attached: 1342858864902.gif (320x180, 1.38M)

cliffyb is literally OUR guy

>torn to shreds by twitter too

Hmmm, almost like all the people who post Twitter screencaps on here also use Twitter....

Have a (You) retard

Attached: boi.jpg (900x688, 99K)

It's a result of birth control, not an evil government plot

You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.

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>piercing in the right ear

Attached: 1548995235330.jpg (1034x821, 299K)

it means you should go back to r*ddit

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What did he mean by this?

Attached: shit_bear.jpg (500x279, 15K)

That sure is a citation

nope, been going downhill since '04

Imagine being in your mid 40's and knowing without a doubt that your generation is better than than the previous one and ALL others that came after it. It's quite a burden; trust me.

He might have one on the left, too.

Do... do you not know what birth control does?

It's there, but it's not caused by birth control.


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Trannie detected

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Fancy seeing you in this neck of the woods!
I don't think this establishment is worthy of your performance however, this is no Dorsia

Attached: 1540934547678.png (249x249, 79K)

The guy is the physical manifestation of a lisp.

it's okay, user, I chuckled.

fucking who?

Attached: 1529637215641.gif (298x252, 72K)

>"woke" faggot is a pedo
clockwork lmao

I have a Dorsia. It's next to my tanning bed. You should look into it.

Attached: wrong-paul-allen.jpg (416x416, 17K)

He must be browsing another internet

Imagine being in your mid 40s and feeling superior to anyone while browsing a japanese cartoon imageboard populated by people half your age. Time to wake up and look around, old man.

God damn it Paul

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People called him a fudgepacker back then too

The wachowskis are at least still putting out weird shit thats badly executed. Cliffy is both bland and boring


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American education, pay it no mind.

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>gay arm and headband
It's 4d chess he's going to call out everyone who insults him as homophobic and then use that to get diversity hired by bioware

Attached: 1525957660301.jpg (569x428, 25K)

>That trip
If this is bait 10/10. Otherwise there is no hope for zoomers.

Im surprised by the responses by anons here. I thought everyone would scream in denial "PEDOOOO!"
I haven't been on this board in 8 years, is this just a Yea Forums thing?

What happened?

Then the guy is playing 2D checkers thinking its 4D chess because we all know that Bioware is gonna get ol' yeller'd by EA when Anthem blows a huge fart.

>The dress doesn't look as good on me as it does on the model
I really don't know what that woman expected

Attached: Snap.gif (220x162, 98K)

If you were on here 8 years ago we'd be loli posting 24/7, are you sure you weren't on the Yea Forums subreddit or something?

the World Health Organisation should declare California a mental health hazard.

youre an idiot if you think the age limit on sex is because you arent supposed to be attracted to teenage girls. Its because we dont believe teenagers have the capacity to understand all the consequences that can come with sex, and an adult seducing them would be taking advantage of them

He's unable to work at non failing studios


Is the internet really asking him for another video game? Wtf internet?

"Internet" is what he calls his collection of Twitter accounts.


..? Deleted post here from the cuck himself or a larper?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-02-23 16.52.24.png (677x139, 15K)

It means he is desperately looking for a job at today's type of game studio

>you arent supposed to be attracted
But its usually the reason given by other boards like /gif/ /wsg/ and /pol/, and every normie lol

its more twitter than cali but I agree. Historians are gonna look back on this shit the same way we look back on lead pipes in rome

Had a pretty bad day but that brightened my mood.
Thanks for the retarded laugh user

Attached: 1545899449146.jpg (570x664, 303K)

Ive forgotten those days, its all a blur when youre on the pc 24/7

Pat being based af


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Cliffy "mega gay" Bazingsky

This is so fucking fake.


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Hello to those faggot redditors.

If you bring up lewd theyll come out of the woodworks and call you a freak

Does he even need to care? He sold out his stake of Epic to Tencent and is rolling in dosh. Only his stupidity will piss away all that money.

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Attached: ww.jpg (400x400, 24K)

hmm true enough, what a bunch of cognitive dissonance niggers

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It doesn't even look bad on her, it's just different. More matron, less european socialite. Hem it a bit so it fits properly, plus take away the lighting and photoshop on the model, and I think it's still a damn good dress all things considered. You can do a lot worse with a dress.

Like, oh no! The dress is doing its job and hiding the rolls of fat hiding underneath, making you look fertile and dignified rather than chubby and cheeto-stained.

/wsg/ is trash now, every thread is the same shit or just worn out. """War""" threads are now just music sharing threads as an example, even on fucking /gif/.

Attached: 1412351648896.jpg (700x525, 231K)

I'm pretty sure he cashed out of Epic years ago, if he even had any shares, in the first place.

>i got all dressed up like a fag but dont have anything to tweet about

he should've just said something about white people, twitter jerks off to that.

Does Yea Forums just not get these wtf
It's like this place is always months behind based boards in memes

>He sold out his stake of Epic to Tencent and is rolling in dosh.
How much he sell his stake for? And is he just basically that guy that get's paid royalty money for shit and nothing else?

I haven't been since before christmas because I don't want to fall into the bonbi hole again

I like how everyone keeps their distance and tries to ignore his existance.

He wants attention.
That’s all.

Cliffy B?
More like Cliffy Based

Girl in the Black dress far left has some thicc thighs in those tight tights.

Attached: Charging Spell..gif (200x152, 182K)

viper is that you nigga

>Royalty money
Why would anyone pay royalty money to him? He was an employee at the company, he doesn't actually own any ips or licenses.

because gears was kind of a commentary and parody of fascism and masculinity




It wasn't though, despite what some journalists desperate to justify their "problematic" attachment to the series might say.

lad you have to learn when to stop.

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>calling others zoomers

This is somewhat cringey until you notice that it's also a tripfag then it's something else

Attached: 1540300728169.jpg (377x378, 45K)

"Ay man, ima GEARS fan, not a YOU fan. Fuck off my dick."

uh that's a namefag bruh

At this point, yes, but that's like saying Notch didn't get his money until after Minecraft reached some release date and not at the time of acquisition.


Was not mentioned but the total for the entire 40% they own right now at the time was for 330 million. I imagine because Cliffy B was only an early employee I think when Epic was at less than 10 people and not a founder of Epic that he had peanuts, maybe 3% or so from how startups usually split shares in the beginning. Having almost 10 million is not chump change.


oh it's something else alright

Attached: 1549674444336.jpg (383x338, 24K)

Its like they gave him the camera to take the picture then he had the idea to set a timer and join in.

So Cliffy got a stake of that 330 million at the time and is living like a king. Or like you said at the end he is under 10 million and comfy if he spends it right. Which from the looks of it he isn't.

that he hasn't learned his lesson yet

My mistake, I thought the Tencent acquisition happened after he had already left Epic.

>when you try and call someone out but dont know what the fuck you talking about

When you don't realize you are the person people are trying to avoid. And still think everyone is friends.

based reddit tourist

Attached: 1488571347459.png (465x369, 7K)

Infinite is the most straightforward shooter possibly ever made. It's really bizarre that everyone was so in love with it.

Well, that was what he did have possibly. I doubt he has even 50% of that left from what he did with his game studio and the failure of Radical Heights. I would be surprised if he still had over a million dollars.

>How is he still getting paid
Why are you assuming that he's still getting paid? He isn't, he has no financial connection to Epic games.

>look at his timeline
>hehe im btfo'ing the trolls
>literally every reply is people calling him a delusional moron and "wow he blocked me lol"
The dude is so fucking delusional.

Attached: Ly4QvTz.gif (500x454, 163K)

Stupid people didn't realize this, just like they thought Starship Troopers was just an action movie.

I'd bet hard crypto that he's from Yea Forums

What the hell is wrong with that kneeling black dude's hair?

So Cliffy is a public speaker? Because if he wants to make dosh again and be a dick. He can be a public speaker if that's the case. How does he make money now then?

Only a narcissistic sociopath would have his profile pic and they aren't known for self awareness

>Pat's fans call him worse, as often as possible.
Pat calls himself worse as often as possible.

Attached: Omikrooon.png (1025x606, 837K)

what do you call a mullet that has no hair in the front.

Attached: im_gonna_say_it.jpg (728x892, 31K)

I guarantee that they put him on the end on purpose for cropping. My sister did literally the same thing for her wedding.


Posts like these are what keep me from turning into a hamplanet. Gonna start watching what I eat a little more so I lose these 10 pounds too much I'm carrying around.
Starting monday, of course.

He is basically going bald. But with Dreadlocks instead of actually losing his hair. His Dread's fall out whenever they hear Cliffs voice I imagine.

The story and art direction were, admittedly, well executed, the actual game, however, was beyond disastrous. It's like they forgot everything they learned with Bioshock 2's combat.

Muh let's play cancer or some shit. You gotta be underage to give a shit about this gaylord's boyband

>How does he make money now then?
He made money selling back his shares after quitting Epic games and then he got lucky with an early investment into Occulus, right before they were bought out by Facebook. I still don't understand why you think he absolutely has to have an active stream of income. Retiring when you have tens of millions of dollars is a common thing.

>a-am I cool yet?

Bioshock Infinite was such a masterful example of how to trick people into thinking shitty, incoherent game writing was deep and artistic.

Lawbreakers gameplay was fun

Speak up, sperg. Hard to hear you from up here.

I don't think anyone with half a brain thought biocock infinite was particularly deep or well-written

I'm pretty sure the internet stopped asking that of cliffy like a fucking decade ago.