Battle station thread! Go!

Battle station thread! Go!

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Never understood the PC + Xbone combo.

Its entirely pointless

Why does everyone with LEDs go with purple/pink and blue?

This thread is cancer

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Google image search/10


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Recently bought a house so I've worked on converting my living room into an office/media center over the past few months. Still a work in progress and I still need to paint walls, but it's cozy and I'm pretty happy with it.

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I don't know if it's just the camera angle, but your right bookshelf looks like it's leaning/bent.

love it

Why is your cat sick?

It is, its my 3rd oldest rack and its showing its age.

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>deducting points for a sick cat
Holy fuck, retard.

He's not sick, hes just currently tail biting too much, so he needs a week to let his tail heal. I got a new job recentl;y so he's probably pretty stressed nobody is home all the time. But he's had the cone for a few days and he's showing some signs of rapid healing which is good.

I didnt deduct points... Its a really good station 8 is like tops.

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are you supposed to stare at the bezels in the middle?

Forgot pic

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>That phone
Sick af mate

Whats with the ring bezel under the painting?

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just stop it with all this manchildren shit





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it looks the best. that simple


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Thanks. I found it at a local thrift store. ties into a major landline too, which is cool. otherwise I just use my cell like everyone else.

It's part of a pet project actually. Once I get my walls painted I plan to run a faux pipeline across some of my walls. doesn't serve any purpose other than decoration. But the idea is to eventually make the room more submarine themed with nautical lights and pressure gauges. But that all costs money. So I'll wait until I have some leisure pay to pay with for it.

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is that a mirror beside the shelf?

Yes haha

Hi meowie.

Hello friend.

>Retro games on LCD

>Implying I use the LCD
Thats what this little guy is for.

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Work in progress.

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>Wii U


>t. Zoomer

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how often do you get splinters?

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Got some decent ones today

holy fuck get a vacuum

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Oh thats not dirt user its snow It'll melt in a few minutes. We're used to it in the mountains.

This thread is exactly why I switched to console gaming. Absolute classless, tastless faggots.

What do you expect from numales? Faggot doesn't even have a numpad and his fucking mouse pad is even glowing. Treating basic tech like its a fashion statement or interior design, literally what women do with their electronics.

>Most of the stations are console stations

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this GIF. I don’t care if you made it or not. In a decade from now these people who build these kind of computers will remember how retarded and utterly idiotic they were and cringe with their memories.


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>playing games

Yeah I'm sure you're a bastion of culture and sophistication.
Imagine being this delusional.

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Go decorate your computing machinery with bright pink and purple lights and buy yourself one of those gayming chairs and a gaming dildo to shove up inside your ass.

I had though we fucking left the LED meme back in 2010 but now it's back as RGB. Who the fuck cares what colour your RAM glows as when it adds like $60 to their already inflated prices

>gaming dildo

These exist?


Sure thing, why don't you give me a few pointers on making it high class? I think I will receive state visitors to my grand gallery of console gaming.

Comfy. Don't let them tell you otherwise.

That TV/Monitor has a thick ass bezel. What brand and model is it?

nah mate my set up is decent but I dont go around claiming I'm better than someone else like you do. but hey im sure the girls are mighty impressed by your big tv and console

>Pink/Purple Lights
I hope you all get cancer if you do this.

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Cozy as fuck out of 10

>he thinks a gaming PC will impress a girl

Not him, but I helped fund my wife's enermax and she's really pleased with it. Went out of her way to update to a GTX and liquid coolling for an extra 400 bucks.

What keyboard is that ?

Congrats on following a retarded trend because the internet intimidated you cuz MUH PC MASTER RACE

Nice DIY desk.

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People like color user. I personally hate obnoxious rainbow flashing. But solid thematic colors are nice asthetics based on the rest of your decor. .

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Eh? Not really. We had trouble running some modern games, made a concious upgrade based on current market prices, and now we can run what we need. I'm a consolefag, I don't follow anything "Master racers" say.

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it's a st42dmsb i believe, hannspree

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Don’t know why that turned out sideways.

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I like everything about this other than that tiny ass monitor

i have that exact zpillow

nice insect display

would appreciate feedback

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>Insect display
>Clearly has an arachnid

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Alright nevermind it's fucking shit.

>Virgins that dont understand mood lighting

mousepad is gay, keyboard is gay, and basically kill yourself

>mood lighting


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/g/ - Living with parents

Cool keyboard

Makes me feel sad

I sometimes think about going back to console so I can lay in bed and play.

Your bookshelf is leaning to the left, hope it doesn’t collapse bro

Phone and keyboard are awesome

>sonic and woody figure
Come on man

Damn that’s a nice warm light you have. Very cozy feeling

Needs color and more light

Nice desk


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Get a huge wrap around feesh tank to go along with it user

Everything but the Beyer headphones is cringe.

child all you nigs need to be killed

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Complete lack of cable management utterly undermines the clean aesthetic you are going for.

he looks so much like my cat that died a couple years ago its fuckin me up

Is that a fucking rotary dial phone?

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Hold on my rooms not clean yet. I'll post a picture in a bit. Just keep this thread alive, please.
Maybe we can play some Payday 2 after this.

the top-left black square on your wall is fucking crooked

I’m working on it. I’m heading out today to buy some ties to fix it up. I recently upgraded all this stuff

>that sneaker selection

Thanks, heres a better close up

Its a modernized one with a phone jack, but pretty much yeah.

I would love to do that, but man. Theres no wall space I can gut easily. Only place would be above the heater, but putting a fish tank next to a heater is asking for trouble.

Sorry to hear that user.

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>cav empt jacket draped on chair
>that fucking shoe collection

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I'm gonna get some Wendy's before I finish cleaning. What should I get?

It's been a few months since this pic, same apt though.

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>all this monochrome
How depressed are you? Seriously. That is not a good sign user. you need at least some color in your life.

>Corsair Keyboard
Get an iKBC
>SteelSeries Headphones
Get a pair of Samsons.

I have a lot of shoes, those are just some of my favorites

You sad person

do you have any that the clueless dweebs on /fa/ didnt tell you to buy

Give me betabux and I'll tell you.

we get it dude, you're impressed with yourself


Best mouse. Also that view is comfy as fuck to me, really like your set up.

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oh hey, that's a FREDDE, isn't it?
was considering getting one of those but the bottom shelves sounded too short for a tower

>implying I browse /fa/
I just buy what I like when I see it.

Ooh!, are we posting shoe collections now? Shoes are totally vidya.

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Jeez grandpa, get off my board


are you literally 74

it won't fit any bigger rig for sure. mATX builds are probably your best fit.


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Thanks my dude, I've been switching between that and the mx master recently, I really like both.

Here's a bonus pic of the view when it's sunny (not so much this time of year in Edinburgh)

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Dang whippersnapper never seen a walking stick I tells ya
28. But We live in the mountains, so Walking sticks are a must for dirt roads, especially this time of year when its all iced over. Everything else aside the one pair of dress are my work shoes. Uniform dress code and all.

Those shoes scream that you're a 6'5" lumbering knock knee 300lb idiot

why on earth would you post that, and then continue to post

The snow boots?

Better question, why are you so rude? Show my grandpa some respect

Why not? Was i supposed to be upset or something? I love sharing my life with people.

Really? I don't see it. Also cut that to 5'9" 155lb,. and you'd be correct.

Yeah listen to the young'un, kids these days...

See at least my shoes have class unlike this faggot. Fuck ya'll for shaming me.

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Alpha as fuck shoes.

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I thought you were a women because of those shoes.

I get the umbrella and the ball head but why the fuck would you go out in public with the snake head?



My back hurts.

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Holy fucking cringe

I don't actually. That one belonged to my grandfather before he passed, so I kept it in remembrance of him. My ball cap is my main one, but only used for theatrics, and costume purposes. The umbrella is the practical everyday one.

Geez, if my shoes triggered you, maybe you should see my fencing rapiers.
>TFW nobody wants to fence anymore

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fencing is for the gays

I used to fence a long time ago user, good to know someone else still enjoys it.

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So where are all the cords?

>sitting on a stool
>for hours

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I have two power bars on both sides, so 12 plugs. It goes something like this. + The two TV ACs

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how does a dual monitor setup work?
how does the second one work? does it always mirror the first or what? do you have to have an app to set it up or does it just work?

It literally just works. microsoft is programmed to recognize multiple monitors

>went to new carrier
>as soon as I try to upload it says IP range ban due to abuse
How fix this bros? I wanna get rates and hates

>Oogie's revenge

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okay, cool.
what if I want to play a game on one and have Yea Forums open on the other. How do you select between them, alt+tab or something?

Its a shared screen. your primary monitor will always have games and applications. Your secondary will just have browsers and other secondary programs open, but clicking to them is essentially alt tabbing.

Depends on if your game is set to fullscreen or windowed, but yes, you alt tab or mouse over to the other application.

There are some programs to do more with multiple screens (multiple desktop instances for example).

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And for that faggot that screams about ecelebs

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cool, thanks

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Sup y’all. What you playing today

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Probably just a 4k blu ray player.

I like a clean aesthetic, me.

Hopefully gonna be replacing the right hand monitor with a 32" curved one in the next week or so too.

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Don’t buy curved you’ll regret it

The game of decluttering my living area after generations of hoarder family members.

>tfw ordered a 1660Ti even though there's no worthwhile demanding games

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What makes you say that?

The viewing angles are terrible if it’s not dead center as a single monitor setup.

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I mean, my desk is big enough for me to keep it dead centre with a second monitor, so it's not too big a deal for me.

Plus, it's 1440p and 144hz for less than $500 Ozbucks, which is a big reason I want it.

>mousepad for your keyboard

allocation of videogames is videogames nigger

What a pleb. I would not even acknowledge someones existence with shoes like that. Would not even brake when you cross the street.

The game of decluttering my living area after generations of hoarder family members.

Never posted in one of these before.

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>hey guys, you know furniture? THAT'S VIDEO GAMES
Oh really?