

Attached: 1550930674994.jpg (3024x4032, 1.26M)

maybe he's ambidextrous

Killswitch Engaged.

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i dunno bout this one chief

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>cuck tattoo

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white "people"

holy based

It ain't it



>didn't even split the joycons one on each wrist
Fucking hell, how do you screw up this badly?

It's the 3rd time today i see this very same thread
OP you're on a dicksucking rampage, you dirty little slut, aren't you?

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the joysticks aren't even in the same spots lol, the one on the right is in the middle


get this trash off my christian board, OP. the body is a temple, treat it like one.

Attached: tattoos are for scumbags and sluts.jpg (960x960, 73K)

Why do you keep posting this?

>CND hasn't posted since December
>Stopped uploading Youtube videos

Is he dead?

it's not it?

desperately wants to fit in by bashing reddit

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>moron thinks reply is a blank post

I named my daughter Zelda

>2nd to last post is with Etika right before his mental breakdown.

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i dont browse Yea Forums 7/24 like you guys. I actually have a life.

>not desecrating the temple

make life interesting, anger the gods

>arrested because neighbour thinks its a terrorist group symbol


>While he makes the same thread with the same image for the 5th time in 12 hours

This can't be real.

At least it wasn't named Dovahkiin

>reposts old reddit shit for attention
>"I actually have a life."

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its the first time i made it.

Of course it's not you fucking idiot. Take a break from this site for a while.

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Even the shittiest churches have some decorated stained glass windows.

hail satan, 666, \m/


>see person post true statement
>call him a fucking idiot for being right


no wonder you nerds get bullied in hs.


I've considered getting the dreamcast logo tattooed somewhere

Attached: chadcast.jpg (570x570, 40K)

>dicksucking rampage
how does that even work haha

>getting your skin permanently marred with the logo of a product that won't be around in five years

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>that projection

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Even when people don't know about the Switch, the design itself doesn't even look that bad as a general tattoo

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>mark of the cursed

was lushsux right?

Is God autistic? It's just funny to think of a supreme being surveying the incomprehensible vastness of the universe he created and REEEEEEing over some guy with a spec of ink on his skin

>I will teach him the value of courage, the importance of wisdom and the responsibility that comes with power

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what about you?

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wow this is just like the holocaust

> not wanting a vasectomy to keep thots from stealing your money for 18 years


>A man chooses, a Nintendo drone obeys

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Hey champ wanna play some Zelda?

No thanks dad fortnite 2 just came out

retarded fucking burger

True, you might think it's just a yin-yang with a twist

>Not giving thots day after pills and telling them it is a type of xanex.

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You posted this thread at least 3 times today

That is incorrect. None of the Jehovah's Witnesses churches have stained glass windows.

So just having mindless sex instead of a well fomented family is alpha now?

Comparing purposefully, religious decorative art/handcraft/iconography to tattoos is like comparing the Sistine chapel to a rock/metal bar bathroom or a truck stop glory hole stall.

99% tattoos in the west are random, incoherent, cliché scribblings, slogans or motives worn by halfwitted, uncultured and/or lower class people who treat their bodies like advertisement space.

My kids named zidane

OP, you're one of those guys that follows literally whos on Twitter and trannies that have meltdowns on live just to post here, aren't you?

Attached: drer.png (450x443, 102K)

you posted this comment at least 5 times in this thread

>having a well formented family

Don't tell me you fell for it, user

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I wish youd get this cheezit christ shit off my atheist vidya board

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I say 24/7 and I'm a burger I've never seen 7/24

yeah actually

Imagine being so fucking afraid and intimidated by "thots" you voluntarily check out of the gene pool. Holy shit.

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how about the 1%?

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Valkyria Chronicles is 50% off on switch right now.

Should I grab it?
I have never played it before.

>itt: people falling for a fake tattoo

Yikes, what kind of person would be proud enough to post this picture on the internet?

> he fell for the family meme


It is until you reach 25 and realized that people around you have more things worth fighting for in their lives than you

a wh*te """""""""""""person"""""""""""""""

>he wants to have a daughter
*hits pipe*

> implying you don't freeze your sperm beforehand and then you can selectively pick the mother
you dumb fuck. enjoy your sexless marriage and woman who will pressure you because of her biological clock

you find the right girl and you tell her that you don't want kids and you see her reaction, if she's cool and shit then you're fine, later on you can tell her you froze your seed and see her reaction again

In amerimutt land any sort of perverted or immoral way of life is the correct one for them. Just raise your family correctly with proper values

I'm 29 and have never even touched a woman

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worth it

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why is it always whites?

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You sound like a demented mgtow retard. Enjoy dying alone and forgotten in some nursing home. By the time you realise you want a family it will be too late and you'll sit alone in the park watching other families.

I'd want something to help me vertically slice too, that tattoo provides motivation as well

Because you can't see tattoos on black people, unless you use white ink

Too much freedom.

I guess people from other countries can't afford consoles

>baiting this hard for (you)'s

Attached: 1549581540788.png (396x385, 62K)

You still fell for it retard


that's intentional on the switch logo

why would u reply to it if u know its bait

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Why would you give (yous) to the guy who gave other (yous) to obvious b8

why would you reply to his bait, baiting, bait?
why am I responding to you?
why is ______________________________________________________nigger__________________

Why would you give a (You) to someone who scolding people for giving out (You)s?

Eh its kinda of those "okayish first tattoos" people get.Not too bad,but just plain boring.Depending on who you ask that can be worse than a bad tattoo.

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The mark of s o y

Zelda is a cute name though

Based godly Chad

There are a lot of lifestyles that people have considered "alpha" at different points in time. Having a lot of mindless sex is definitely one of the perennial ones.

Why are you giving a (you) to a guy giving a (you) to someone scolding other people giving a (you) to b8?

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Okay, you got me

>wearing offensive shirts with profanity on them
>thinking tattoos are worse than you

This isn’t a question it’s a fact

It’s an odd mix of shooter and tactical
Imagine XCOM but anime and you actually get to aim down each individual soldier’s sight.
I didn’t like it but I can see why someone would

Good foundation, but it's ruined by the retarded scoring system. You might want to avoid it just to spare you from the disappointment when you have a taste of the good stuff but realize it will never live up to its potential.