Emblemfu thread

Emblemfu thread.

Attached: Lucina.png (752x752, 479K)

Other urls found in this thread:


My favorite in the series.
Oh, you meant waifus? Sorry, I'm not a faggot

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Is the warriors dlc worth it

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warriors is terrible

Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

Attached: Luci holding 2 fingers up because she's telling you what time it is in the afternoon.jpg (800x800, 99K)


I think I developed a sixth sense for when waifu threads are made on Yea Forums

Attached: 702838dc923cfc44d52f5c08795e7207.jpg (564x890, 68K)

for me, it's Minerva

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I really don't understand this copypasta because Lucina has the most bland voice actress out of all the FE girls. Even fucking Panne has a more distinctive voice actress than Lucina.

What happens if a male picks up the bride disc?

I'm not talking about her actress.

thats a really long neck

took me a while to accept it, but I love Rinkah

Attached: grr.png (600x751, 692K)

Based and Macedonpilled

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>playing in the dub

Michalis makes for a better significant other you smelly virgin.


user, that's the same guy every time.

I wanna bury my face in her big hairy bush.

Can't be a significant other if he's fucking dead

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I prefer my husbandos

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Rinkah is built for anal sex. I don't know what this image says but I hope it's nice things.

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it's not a copypasta, it literally is the same dude each time.

That games is trash though

rinkah is built for happy marriages and ab licking

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I wanna hold her tight.

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Painted on abs.


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Attached: 1280px-Lyn_Bride_of_the_Plains_BtlFace_D.png (1280x1459, 1.27M)

Made for horse cock.

Attached: imretardedlisteningtosomejamswhiledownloadingthisimageofryngosling.jpg (600x525, 41K)

Best girl.

Attached: Fire.jpg (496x702, 68K)

Gorgeous hair.

When will her unit come to Feh?!


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That's okay, she tries her best.

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I really want her future witness to appear on a banner again. The only time I remember it showing up in the year or so I've been playing, it was a banner with 4 reds.

I want her to try her best when she is choking on my meatrod!

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Micifags unite

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Too retarded to fuck


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Ophelia is my wife.

Attached: __ophelia_fire_emblem_if_and_etc_drawn_by_ariaridoradora__9658f955c5618839480e00273b485e85.jpg (2140x3032, 2.09M)

Only medieval sluts wear pantsu.

Pretty sure that's impossible.

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Absolute semen demon

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Too retarded not to fuck

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I feel it too, fellow good taste user.

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And why is she?

Aren't girls just the cutest when they are retarded?

For me it’s Morgan

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She fucks the entire army.

Dumb and a slut. How shameless

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I love Felicia more than anything else in the world.

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And here I thought she was only giving Saber special privileges.

Rape Felicia.

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Me on the right.

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I wanted her and Odin and the others to continue dimension hopping and end up in 3 houses universe. but after how shitty 3 houses looks I sure don't want it now.

Where my dragon lads at?

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That's my daughterwife

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Attached: rawr!.jpg (1000x563, 134K)

As long as she's my dumb slut.

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Freaky with Tiki.

She's a dumb onahole cum dumpster. You can easily trick her into doing anything you imagine

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She's no Lute, that's for sure.

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It says something like

"Growth rate of strength is 20%"
"Buff abs!"
(I don't know something about bzk)
"Strong Rinkah!"
"What was your method of becoming so strong!?"
"A Gourmet!"
"Predict what's for dinner!"
"Rinkah-chan is cute!! Cute!! Super cute!!!!!"

No leading daughters

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But what if she was also my wife?

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Not a single Genealogy or GBA game shall be remade, remastered, or have any work done on them.
It has been declared thus

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After everything she's done she deserves to be happy.

Attached: bridal.jpg (600x757, 73K)

Tharja is my wife.

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Still no because you cannot marry your daughter

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I like Camilla

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My wife

Attached: nepheneebe1561033e545ae9c15ce7e7ca7dfc09.jpg (3055x2480, 589K)

But she's the best FE character so I have to marry her. She just happens to be my daughter as well.

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>you cannot marry your daughter

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Me on the left.

That's your sister you sick fuck.

Older sister, mommy and wife, all in one package.

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Please stop calling her mommy.

I love Faye!

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I love Serra the most!

Attached: Serra!.png (898x898, 932K)

>waifufags quietly post their waifus
>angry grandpas come and try to shitpost the thread with pathetic attempts at riling them up.
sure showed them, keep doing it, you aren't looking like the idiots in this situation, no really you arent.

It's rare I see another Serra fan
I'm glad

Alright you fucking faggots, spring is coming. This means we're soon gonna get our third brides banner, and so far we've gotten the following whores in wedding gowns: Lyn, Cordelia, Ninnian, Tharja, Sanaki, Caeda, and Charlotte.

Post your predictions, make up banners, bitch about your waifu not making it, pray for Tharja being a see-thru whore getting us sluttier wedding dresses, is anybody else beside Marth gonna end up as groom, etc.

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La La La La La La

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It's not good for your brain.

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I'm going to marry Anna!

Attached: Anna.(Fire.Emblem).full.1427695.jpg (1280x983, 344K)

What's this about cucking?

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I don't care what people say, she's great.

Anna's cool too. What wasn't cool is how she got her alt stolen by technicality in cyl3.


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Notice how the best pegasus girls all have short hair.

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when did fire emblem die?

Of course

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It didn't
I can't wait to open a shop with Anna and jew people out of all their shekels together

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>tfw you will running a business with Anna and fuck her behind the counter while she's talking to customers

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Tsubasa is my wife! I love her!

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Anne is the first time I've been truly into a redhead.
It's a strange feel.

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I do my best to represent Serra when I can.

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Serra is just the cutest

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You and I are friends now.

you guys aren't this retarded, are you?

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Very nice legs.

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>manface and long neck
You can tell Koei didn't care for Lucina, especially since IS wouldn't let them put Donnel in the game and told them to shoehorn in Lucina.

>Gf is gym crazy to get Abs
>She's fit while im fat
>Tell her i dont mind touching a bit of fat
>Gets mad because she would like me to feel her abs

I don't know if i should feel happy or sad. She has lost some titty size because of getting fit, fuck that.

>Donnel over Lucina
Who the hell thought that would be a good idea. Then again this is Warriors we're talking about where the person in charge of the whole game knew absolutely nothing about FE.

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What a disappointment of a pegasus knight.

You know it'd turn her on like crazy if you called her mommy in bed.

>only one tharja post
shit taste
shit thread

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She somehow manages to dodge panty inspection day

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>good taste

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Best daughter for marrying right here

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checks out

The biggest around

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Why did Azura dress like a slut

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Cute daughter

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post a picture of her for me to give a proper explanation.

But WHY is she such a slut?

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She probably lets brigands capture her on purpose.
you need to be a massive slut (or have potential to be one) to even qualify as a refresher unit


Panties wearing whore obsessed with bandit dick

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no doubt about that

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based classy archerfu

Attached: Louise.png (378x600, 208K)

Sounds like we'll need to give her an extended panty inspection to set things straight, with pictorial evidence.

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I want to steal her away from Pent

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It's about time, she needs to be punished for disrespecting the whitewings rules

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Even a bra? it's worse than what i imagined, she isn't a slut anymore, she's a living onahole at this point

post ass

Attached: robin ass.jpg (227x300, 12K)

>at this point

yes, she was just a massive slut before.
but this bad?

>your daughter can't marry your other daughter (her sister)

She just can't hide her true nature

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I got my wife on the last one so I'm not hoping for anyone but I'd love either Fjorm or Anna.

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Why is Est so much fun to bully?

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It's so shameful.
she gets off on that


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My wife is very pretty. Can we post more Celica?

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Why yes we Celi-can

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dumb wife, why you like her

She was made for it

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adulthood is realizing Effi is the best girl

Attached: Faye_result.jpg (700x464, 46K)

est is a useless whitewing only useful as a cocksleeve

Guess Alm will stay a child forever

Absolutely true

Attached: Fuzichoco_Est1.jpg (596x811, 184K)

I want more Lel.

Attached: larachelsad.png (960x640, 113K)

Why is Tharja so perfect

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Has anyone played the new fire emblem game yet?

by which I mean RJ243831

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I don't think she can redeem herself, even if she wears the proper attire at this point.

I mean camilla is the obvious choice. Theres no way they are going to not include the top voted waifu.

post more and we'll see.
>it's actually real
god bless you user, FE is very lacking in eroge

I love Peri! I want to help her through mental therapy!

Attached: peri-fire_emblem_if-032.jpg (550x786, 173K)

great taste____

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Of course, after repeated captures and wearing panties and flaunting it she has grown accustom to being a slut. She is an onahole and she knows it. Her only function is to wring the semen out of a fat dick and enjoy every second of it. Whether she is treated roughly, or gently, is not up to her.

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Noire is a god damn mistake.

For me, it's Soleil.

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She can't get enough of it either way, i'm sure she gives pantyshots to every man he comes across so they know what she really is, not a soldier, just a walking onahole.

Thank you! It's always nice to see people that like her because I swear at least 75% of the fanbase hates her or at the very least a loud as fuck minority.

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I wish it was the latter, but no it's the former.
at least there will always be people who like her like me

She just strolls away late at night in a come random city, completely unprotected and let's any kind of thugs have her way with her not even trying to fight back. Leaving her in a puddle of juices.

Attached: Est_artwork_Cipher_TCG.jpg (724x986, 175K)

Well, they will know what she really wants after she drops her skirt and reveals a pair of lascive panties underneath.

With a big dumb big smile on her face

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That big dumb smile is the second giveaway, i don't think there's much going upstairs other than cocks.

She's at least popular enough to get to the top 200 in cyl, which honestly I'm happy enough with. Maybe they'll actually do something with her in heroes and people will like her more. Either way, I'll never stop loving her no matter how many people tell me they think she's shit!

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She's great, a shame there isn't more art of her.

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I want to cum on her stupid chipmunk teeth

you're fighting the good fight at least you're not alone, i'm still holding on for an alt of her

It's going to be hard to smile when her cute little mouth has a thick cock wedged at the base of her throat anyway.

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get in line.
or when it's stretching one of her holes, for being a living onahole she goes ahegao at pretty much every dick inside of her

An alt would be wonderful! Honestly I'm not sure why she doesn't have one yet considering most alts are just big tiddy characters, which she is.

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Bet she's a size queen, left Abel because his little pecker couldn't possibly compare and satisfy her hunger for fat bandit cock

Attached: Est_Damaged.png (1544x1679, 1.21M)

because most of if not all of the big tiddy alts are of camilla or corrin.

Nah, abel was downright impotent, you could stick a micropecker in there and she would still react, she is technically a size queen but is so fucking sensitive it's a moot point

Just how sensitive is she?

There's a reason Abel's closest friend is called The Bull.

anything above microdick and you will make her orgasm so much she won't be able to walk for a day.

You're not wrong about Camilla but corn has only two alts if we're only going by female. Anyway I see your point but there's also characters like Cecilia who got one.

Attached: an.jpg (600x753, 125K)

Guess that makes sense

Abel just can't match up to Cain it seems

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Promotion purposes, same reason why azura has so many.

It does, why do you think she goes on foot most of the time?
if she rode her pegasus like a proper knight would she would probably cum herself stupid from just rubbing herself against the saddle.

I suppose that's true. Hopefully she gets one by the years end or at least a refine. Ideally it'd be a Christmas alt because it's so close to her birthday but I'd take pretty much anything.

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Why does her pegasus let her ride in the first place if she's an immeasurably huge slut that wears panties and bra?

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same, hopefully luck hits one day and we get an alt.

She's definitely sensitive, no wonder she's so easy to manhandle

Attached: DlFFJx0VsAEoKGD.jpg large.jpg (2048x2023, 509K)

It gives you a few more history maps to fight in and a few new character movesets (only Azura, Oboro, Linde, and Olivia aren't clones. Tharja has a different C6 than Robin but she's otherwise a clone too). It's nothing you absolutely need but if you want more to do there's that.

Because she "rides" him as well.
as i said, living onahole, her weight and height make her perfect for that.

Mhm! Until then I'll just have to keep building up a second and maybe third/fourth 5*+10 of her.

Attached: Dp9_On3UUAA6W38.png (1200x1200, 946K)

>summer soleil alt never

Keep fighting the good fight, so maybe one day we get to see an alt

she didn't deserve any of the hate.

Even a cum dumpster for her pegasus, truly lewd

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I don't plan on stopping!

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for me it's lyn

Attached: bride_lyn_consummates_the_marriage.png (1000x1595, 1.85M)

>to this day the only girl Boris never lewded after she joined the gacha game
This world is unfair and cruel.

Lady Lyndis!

Attached: Lyn (1).jpg (869x1233, 737K)

>Donnel over Lucina
>Who the hell thought that would be a good idea
People that like fun. Lucina is boring and we already have Chrom and Marth.

Attached: Celica.png (1684x1920, 1.31M)

No exceptions, she's a living onahole for anyone to use.

I hope you don't.
carry on soldier.

How do I get my own Est onahole?

She won't ever let up

Attached: 998337542c695f1013fa7c797591ee54.jpg (450x600, 95K)

Step 1: run into her
that's it.
that's right.

do you live in archanea? are you a lowlife?
you're already on the right path if both of your answers were yes

best witch

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No matter how much of a pounding she takes she always back for more

Attached: 0130dd52a796aef2300d30f4e3bc67a1.png (900x790, 411K)

She will come back because of being pounded silly.


Attached: d92ac7b1cb62fcee9ee8733f2cbe0416.jpg (1141x2000, 149K)

She is very easy to read, if she was fucked silly in one place, she will return there in hopes of being fucked silly again

Notice that she's the only one presenting her cute, round Asst to the viewer, while wearing an innocent expression unlike Palla's unabashed flirtatiousness or Catria's humility

feigning innocence is one of the things she isn't useless at, the other is riling men up.

What people called its merely a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed it's hard but it slowly fades leaving one stranded in a failing marriage.

No just no.

I love my wife and our daughters

Attached: 99.jpg (1000x707, 428K)

Yeah she's the type to fuck til her brain goes completely numb

She's very proud of her best asset no doubt, flaunting her Asst more than her panties

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I think "until she passes out" is more accurate.
it's an instict to her by now

She's the only character from the franchise that every time I jack off to her it's dissatisfying.


Attached: 023.png (2048x2048, 804K)

No tits.
Classman taste my man.
Good for you.

Cute lolis.

Attached: Manakete.jpg (1848x886, 657K)

Not this thot.
I do remember of jacking off to her.

Is she getting rape. Also full pic please.

Getting freaky with Tiki

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keep going

Lady Lyndis's lap pillow!

Attached: lyn_couch_thigh_pillow.png (1400x1792, 1.95M)

all she's good for
god damn all this est talk got me hard for her

Balls deep creampie with Tiki while playfully wrestling in the bed and constantly feeling your cock pulse and twitch blowing hot loads in her tight pink C!

Attached: D0CBXrOU0AARdQ4.jpg large.jpg (1557x1167, 150K)

I love Cordelia!

Attached: Cordelia 3.jpg (632x1013, 663K)

finish the word.
do it

I want my own Est onahole.

and an user willing to play her now.

Bedroom-eyed Lady Lyndis!

Attached: sample_5947f3ba528085fc789a1e3cd742a5ec.jpg (850x1202, 104K)

pitch the idea, maybe it will work.
parody holes suck though, in the bad way

Yes please

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That's a good way to get half-breeds.

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Lady Lyndis is in heat!!

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Business is booming!

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Making lots of little half-breed Manaketes with Tiki! Pumping your seed deep into the shriveled remains of the uterus after completey and utterly plundering it! Pinching and licking her little her nipples with your mouth all night long until she cums!

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I'd Boom her Business.

I like olivia's floofy hair.

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dragon pussy remains pristine, especially divine

I like her fat ass personally

Yes, I wanna to fertilize this dragon in the mating press position!

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How lewd, to defile the divine dragon like that

Lyn crazy in heat

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>I'm not a faggot
So he says while posting genealogy.

Minerva and Camilla were dope to use in FEW. Minerva was slightly better overall.

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If the series is so dead to you, why the fuck are you sticking around for? Mourning isn't going to make you feel better.

The divine dragon Tiki! Descendant of Great Naga herself!
Look at her divine proportions! Perfect in every way!
Who wouldn't want to bask in the presence of her divine perfection? Her godliness legs? Bright smile? Amazing body? Fun loving presence? Greatest treasure in all the land! Made to be lewder!

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Uh oh

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I won't deny it! she is made for lewd things!

Who here Linde?

Attached: Linde 1.png (1600x1920, 1.52M)

Linde is getting even younger with each new art.


Yes! I want to feel her fleshy pink vaginal walls clamp down on my dick! I want her to moan and squeal while being violated by my adult dick! I want TIki to feel pleasure and drool! I want her too look at me with dialated pupils, begging me to go hard and deeper!

Attached: DoLw62xU0AAhRlC.jpg large.jpg (730x1024, 123K)

Panne time!

How roughly would you treat her tiny body? would you try to break her and make her addicted to being fucked?

Sheer dress

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nopan slut

How can she be a slut if she's nopan?

Cute feet.

because only pegasus riders go nopan

As roughly as her divine body can take! Sticking my fat adult dick and spraying my hot sticky cum all inside Tiki's inner pink walls, viciously emptying my balls and nonstop plowing her pristine tight C with the mating press!

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Linda is cute

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her body is the one of a dragon, she can endure everything! and why you refuse to end the C word? just say it if you're already talking so lewdly!

I thought Lyn was nopan

Attached: Lyn and Camilla.jpg (1664x1000, 203K)

That's her combat outfit. Not her bridal gown.

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Yes, hungrily take advantage of those thick curves while giving her the carnal pleasure she has never before hand experience! Sinking my hands in her juicily wrapped fleshed! And I won't!

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why won't you do it? you are already talking so much about all the lewd things you would do to her small loli body!

For me its Corrin on the cob

Attached: corn.png (1000x1063, 333K)

I just won't! All you need to know is Tiki's little C getting jackhammered like crazy, the way she'd wrap her legs around me mating pressing her while we sloppily make out makes me go in frenzy, such intensity! Raise her hips in the air and slam them down on repeatedly!

Attached: DnOx2yeUYAE8tje.jpg large.jpg (698x1024, 161K)

how much would you defile her young dragon c_nny would you keep going even if you started shooting blanks?

Of course! It would be hard to ignore her anything or anytime, especially in heat! Getting fucked like the dragon she is and moaning like a bitch while in such heat! Complete dragon degeneration!

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tiki has a dragon cock


Attached: Dt5mOYrV4AENzUY.jpg large.jpg (746x551, 55K)

just remember that you got her addicted in the first place, so when she jumps at you in heat periot it will be your fault!

a big fat spiked knobbly dragon cock, with super hot glue cum

If you self-insert as male corrin, sure.

And that's a good thing! I want to touch Tiki's little nips! I want to knead them roughly with my hands until her nipples start to poke out! I want remove her clothes and feel them bare! I want to touch her nipples with my slightly cold fingers and feel them stiffen! I want to lick, suck and playfully bite the tips of her little nipples! I want her to give me a Naizuri and feel her smooth slender chest pump my cock up and down until a milky geyser shoots from between and onto her cute face!

I love Tiki!

Attached: 0d111757e6c3d3e1dbceac6e8df5fcf0.jpg (724x1024, 342K)

This is my beautiful wife. When we aren't busy with the Order of Heroes, we take a lot of naps together.

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Her soft body would make even naizuri feel like heaven!

Are you aware that your waifus are mentally challenged?

chestlets are garbage and should be fixed or gassed. op is a fag

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Yes it does!

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Attached: NmzDVIb.jpg (1920x1080, 85K)

degenerates you okay
here if it gets nuked

>still falling into chestlets vs cowtits debate
>in 2020-1
>not realizing one side without the other is just dull and boring
plebbiest of the plebs, hang yourselves.

t. likes boys

made for gropping all over!

Magical blonde girls are the best

Attached: 1daed060ce1beef47b80880bf051c73f9248e9c8_hq.jpg (564x796, 97K)

nah, the world would be better without disgusting flat chests

>t. wants everything to look the same.
without variety you will get a bunch of camillas with the hairstyle swapped.
you idiots.

Sorry, I'm not a whore who calls every girl he likes his waifu.
Now if you mean my favorite FE character, then this cutie would be it.

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>t. likes boys
Thanks for coming out of the closet, fag. Now go back inside it.

i'm pretty sure that has yet to happen in the thread.

But you are a faggot with shit taste just like cancerous Cecilafags

Feeling her all over manhanding her tiny body! Watching her squirming all over, pining her down to the ground displaying physical prowess in her human form! Tiny legs flailing up, pound her mound red and overflow her small womb white!

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Micaiah's the best!

Attached: Bride Micaiah.jpg (2816x4096, 1.1M)

Gives off that vibe to me at least.

You need help.

>he likes boys
Stop that

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She really is so lewd!
it's a shame i have to sleep soon, lewding tiki is so much fun!

i mean, from the thread so far it doesn't seem like someone is taking more than one girl for themselves, or at least not calling them waifus when they do.

If I needed help I would like shit characters like Genny

>Not liking boys


Flood her fertile womb with load after load of my potent seed, semen guzzling out of her C! The Divine Dragon Tiki!

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Her tight dragon cunny could handle it and more!
i have to go now...hope you consider so we can lewd tiki freely next time!

Pretty sure "bzk" is supposed to mean "berserker"

It sure will!

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How about you post your favorite character, user?
With how much you hate anything related to gaiden/echoes, surely your favorite must be a paragon of character development?


>no u
Nah... I need that Nah pic of her saying "Nah".

Mentally challenged? How so? I mean, she's a bit narcoleptic but my darling Tiki is actually a very wise and intelligent woman. That's one of the many things that I love about her.

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Gaiden/Echoes is and will always be a massive piece of shit with no good characters and it's defenders needed to be shot on sight

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>Jillfag is the one lashing out at others
How fucking typical.

Attached: Nah.png (270x201, 60K)

Just like me

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I love dogwife.

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Not lashing, calling out a shit game and its characters

You do this in every FE thread where someone says anything about the game that isn't negative.
Grow the fuck up, you literal child.


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Because you are a triggered delusional little bitch.

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She's cute and sexy!

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That's very true, such a delight to simply look at all day!

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I'm not the one who stalks FE threads and waits for someone to say something nice about a game I hate so I can jump to screech like an autist.
If anyone is triggered, it's you.

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Considering you get so triggered by it it's a lot of fun to do and see people squirm to defend it.

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