Stats impact character's appearance

>stats impact character's appearance

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Other urls found in this thread:

What does a 1-2 Marisa look like?

The Void

11-12 best girl

Is that abubu

13-14 is a qt. The slightly lower looking eyes and more plain style is great

>tfw I’m 5~6 irl

all i see is griffith

Attached: qahe7xc8zwq01.gif (208x251, 79K)

Now show 99 Charisma

anyone below 13-14 is fucking atrocious

I went to school with a girl who was like this. She was a chubby baby faced weirdo but in Highschool she came into my jrotc class and she was banging.

She still had a weird voice though.

Attached: 1431293061485.jpg (450x300, 22K)

Dumb cunt

Attached: Th15Marisa.png (711x845, 297K)

9-10 onwards is qt, i’m not picky

I'd take 3~4 over 5~6 desu

7-8 is alright.

>doesn't know how Charisma works
yes you are

Why is it only a downgrade from 13-14 forward?

>3-4 is a disfigured old crone marisa
>5-6 is a fat man cosplaying
I understand why

Puberty is like that

Actually sort of cute still, senpai

Attached: 1331637197326.jpg (1664x540, 140K)

It was just so strange to me that it took all the way to 11th 12th grade to happen.

Granted I think I look better in my mid 20's than I did at 18.

Binding of Isaac

13-14 and 17-18 is 2d realm.

11~12 is best

9~10 and 11~12 are cute

honestly 11-12 or 13-14 are probably the best, 9-10 is passable too, 15+ is slut

3~4 looks like they would probably be nice but you can tell 5~6 thinks they're better than they actually are

It's the last one to be drawn looking like a human

What other games does this besides Fable & Crackdown?

>you can flip races while keeping your face and stat presets

Attached: 1550224952229.png (1252x1800, 593K)

Wait... Is that supposed to be Marisa?

Attached: b20d1d6e3cbe5f382f1c364b9597c9abee2fa908r1-800-700v2_00.jpg (512x448, 52K)

>It ok when Japan does it

Attached: 1538672085057.png (420x572, 499K)

Would fuck.

>Best armor of the game is the joke set

Attached: 1475292289047.png (722x566, 450K)

>halfling senchi

she's cute in all dimensions

The image has less asian facial features as the the number increases.

based kenshi

Attached: latest[1].jpg (1904x1002, 504K)

You throw 3 dice therefore 3 is the minimum

that's how mafia works

Why not include the beard?
And its already worse because the girl is too skinny

13-14 is top cute
15-16 is top pretty

>protagonist becomes the villain in the 2nd arc

Attached: __houraisan_kaguya_touhou_drawn_by_space_jin__e9f5ef863bb57937bc6dfcab6cd8d191.jpg (900x680, 120K)

What if you pick a race with -2 CHA?

Don't half orcs or some of the other uggo races get -1 or -2 to CHA?

me on the left


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Yeah,some people go through it later.I knew girls that started their puberty at 11-12.Hormones,genes and sometimes diet can fuck you over.Bodies are weird like that.

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That's why there's only humans on that chart

>was cute as fuck as kid up till like age 11
>puberty onwards made me look like a creepy asymmetrical potato-face

Attached: jordan.jpg (640x640, 94K)


This chart is inaccurate, the 13-14 stage should be the most attractive

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are you actually retarded?

Not charisma, but in Dragon's Dogma your character's height and weight impacts whether they can use secret tunnels made for small races like goblins, the height and distance they can jump, their movement speed, battle damage, stability against knockdown, grapple strength, whether your lantern is put out when you are in shallower water water (if you are very tall it won't go into the water), combat reach, stamina regen and carry weight. Heavier characters can't be grabbed by Harpies and flown off with, too.

>villain has a ballbusting fetish


>halfing kot

Reminder that she's now living her life as a happy mother with kids.

all the halflings are so cute

13-14 is super cute

Really sucks because using the joke armor to style on enemies is how you show everyone who's boss of this gym.

Is that the asian to white face slider?

Attached: waxS1XS.jpg (480x480, 26K)

>get on my level, scrubs

Attached: Capture.png (933x1124, 602K)

No, every single one looks white.

>game lets you romance the dwarf

Attached: namari.jpg (1280x1280, 526K)

>hight elf

Aren't there abilities and equipment that boost charisma? What happens then?

Have you heard of the Hight Elfs

What is it about anime's inability to capture likeness?

Even highly stylized western art can capture likeness.

Attached: Thumbnail-Sketch-Examples-of-Benedict-Cumberbatch-for-Caricature-Drawing-600x361.jpg (600x361, 49K)

name one, just one game that does this that wasn’t made by rockstar

Why did she draw her tits on her neck?


Do I want to know?

The whole point is simplification

simplification for ease and cyclability of animators

you guys dont know true suffering

Attached: 12df4ddf098598c5f9595e9757771363.jpg (800x800, 58K)

Anime is the distillation of the "artstyle" used by little kids, with no detail and the bare minimum of characteristics needed to identify something as a human being, perfected over decades to look aesthetically pleasing to babies and simpletons. Also sutting production costs or something.

yiff in hell furfag

I think you can simplify a style without losing essential details.

It's just that anime is ONE way to simplify the human form that everyone is stuck with. That's usually the purpose of inventing a style in the first place: making something easier to draw while keeping what's important. It's just that with anime, it seems that the style is the end rather than the means.

I don't know what the numbers mean

Top row: Western character design
Bottom row: Japanese character design

Attached: AAA character select screen.jpg (720x485, 244K)

11-12 and 13-14 are peak perfection. No excess beauty, no excess ugly.
Every elf is best, every gnome a cute, and every Senshi is great.
Mesukemo is just female furry. That's all it is.
I know true suffering; I can't have the gyroid face in modern games. I identify as a blank-faced loser.

This has to be bullshit. I'm really unPC so I don't care about proving virtue to anyone, especially here. But there is no way a 12 year old is 25% more attractive than a 30 year old. Or really attractive at all. Prepubescent kids mostly look weird and slightly ugly, from a sexual perspective.

Plus Milf preferences are not that rare.

>peak perfection
>no excess beauty
way wot

Attached: porn searches by age.jpg (983x549, 52K)

>nose morphs from asian to european as score goes up
>epicanthal folds disappear
>thinner, european lips
What did they mean by this.

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many modern 12 year old girls are 2-3 years into puberty

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outdated pic
she looks slightly better now

Attached: tumblr_inline_ph2ijtukIM1rbe1ic_1280.jpg (805x1920, 301K)

he bought?

You are really missing the point

hello fatty
no you dont look better just because you put on a loose full body suit

9 - 10 is the sweet spot, she look like the no fuss no muss mother / woman who works part time in a flower shop or some shit, the house will always be clean, the diner will always be made and the kids will be normal and well adjusted


If only we could actually see her fucking face in that picture

no chins for you

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Who's that?


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Why is 17-18 worse than the 3 options before it?

Because of weebs.

>lighting to cover the pimples on her face
>wears baggy clothing to cover her fat ass
>uses the transform tool on photoshop horizontally to make her look thin

Attached: 1548706264567.jpg (306x306, 15K)

>People still using the photoshop meme

Attached: 2.png (526x748, 618K)

Charisma points

>women's appearance in proximity to a muslim with acid (m)

7 and 8 is what asian girls actually look like

I honestly don't think she's that ugly normally but of course uguu anime versions are better since they basically omit all detail and flaws really.

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i think shes pretty cute
if she would look up im pretty sure her chin would look normal and even then shes still pretty cute

whaddya mean

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I mean there's an official Sherlock manga

Attached: 2691435aa2e298963e0c67263f3496df.jpg (800x1157, 171K)

who are they btw
I see pictures of them whenever people bring up the "fatty artist draws themselves skinnier" discussions

Attached: aki.png (480x1158, 667K)

benediictu cunbarrusnatchu

>proximity acid mist
of course!

I fucking shit a brick when I saw it in a Waterstones

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I don't understand this image.

is it a doujin or something or is it an official product?

She's better looking than a lot of Japanese girls.

It's official

Attached: 91vLNSEP3aL.jpg (1687x2560, 547K)

You can still stylize something while keeping likeness and making someone look more attractive.
The portrait business is built on that, basically painting people they way they see themselves in the mirror rather than what they actually are like.

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Attached: you know i had to do it to em.png (1920x1080, 3.4M)

AD&D charisma.

there arent that many pretty looking people
and even less good people

Why can't they have more interesting faces in anime/manga than just the generic androgynous black haired guy, the middle aged ugly guy old man, etc.

It's like they don't even reference real faces for inspiration.

>bottom: how asians view themselves in anime
>top: how asians really look

Try actually reading some better manga

show me one asian that looks like a 9

watch better anime

Attached: kaiji crying.png (1200x720, 598K)

But I read everything Yea Forums tells me is good.

It's missing something.

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Most dragons with stupid OP stats still stop short of 30cha

that fits too well

13-16 is better than 18 desu

Fuck them. Read Helck.

*blocks your path*

Attached: naokiurusawa.jpg (920x762, 70K)

>armor actually accounts for racial features

love when this happens

Attached: ferocious pain and nausea.png (336x197, 70K)

Why did I fucking laugh.

Yea Forums is always wrong

vlad tanya

>tfw puberty lasted about 2 seconds
at least i'm taller

>Halfling Senshi

he's so adorable

>Fuck them. Read Helck.
Pretty sure they like Helck, user.

Because they arr rook same

Actual answer: because the Manga/Anime industry is awful, like most things in Japan, and it's all about quantity & speed. Quality is irrelevant. The artstyle is deliberately simplified to the point of mass-consumption (anyone, literally *anyone*, can learn to draw manga-style in a matter of weeks) It's a production line, factory work. Tracing & copy-pasting all over the place.

A few more years and they'll just have machines shitting out the stuff because it's that generic:

>all of the others make more feminine elves than the actual elf

senshi is a cute guy

Oh. Well then Yea Forums cant be that bad.

>I don't actually watch anime or manga

who is this?

That website always fucks with my brain because they look so generic, but at the same time remind me of so many characters at the same time.

i'd study pink with him alright

Marcille is cute in ALL versions.
She's perfect. Just perfect.

Attached: 0981540.png (225x284, 43K)

That's like size queens, right?

Helck jumped the shark when it got bogged down in the final battle that lasted like half the manga.

Attached: kenshi_x64 2019-01-29 17-20-12-16.png (1920x1080, 3.42M)

That's the point. Anime characters are barely an upgrade from stick figures. And that's not even touching the whole "every story is the goddamn same".

Main reason behind this is, of course, that the target audience of manga/anime is children/young adults. The audience refreshes every year and you can keep introducing them to the same old generic rehashed crap. The main point of anime is to drive the sales of manga. The main point of manga is to just entertain.

(That's not to say that there aren't any products that have some artistic merit, but 95% of the stuff is just shit. Same thing in the USA with capeshit btw.)

Seriously actually read some manga in your life holy shit

Attached: example-67190.jpg (512x512, 104K)

arent size queen a term for women that prefer big dicks?

How big was the manga

Seriously actually read some comics in your life holy shit

No you fucking idiot, it's because these girls are literally generated using existing anime girls so if you get Marisa with some background noise you will see Marisa.

11~12 is the only acceptable on because it doesn't have knife chin syndrome

Low IQ post.

not particularly long, but the ending section at least felt as long as the end to naruto, thus the disproportionate percentage of the manga dedicated to it

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I have no mouth and I must uguu

Name 2 (two) games that aren't fable that do this

abstract anime

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reminds me of that undecipherable hentai image


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Most of the problems you talk about come from adaptations - Light novel adaptations to be more exact. they are made to be generic as possible, mostly because the LNs tend to be generic as shit too but you're absolutely out of your mind when you say that most anime/manga art is samey. There's incredibly stuff out there more often than not and even two generic mangas with almost the same plot have different artistic direction and style. You might claim that anime itself can be pretty samey but that comes from the fact that adaptations tend to be done by studios, and there isnt a lot of those. KyoAni might adapt 2 mangas and both animes might look exactly the same but the mangas might be stylized differently. So on and so forth.
Same with comics, to a lesser extent (as they don't usually change characters and their television adpatations are more thought out and stylised).

As you suffered through this wall of text, take a recommendation: read Helck if you want action or any Shinobi(author) manga if you want romance

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You are really talking like someone who only ever read the stuff published in Jump or something.
>The main point of manga is to just entertain.
That is wrong. Are you aware that there's a really wide range of mangas that vary from shounenshit to more complex psychological dramas?
>Anime characters are barely an upgrade from stick figures.
You know there's much more that goes into it. Why do you think a lot of artists can't draw anime to save their lives? Manga focuses a lot on the design of shapes and outlines, it's not easy to crate simple appealing forms, it's a hard skill to master, not "a step above stick figures" as you seem to imply.

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Why does that Argonian look like Kojima

The entirety of punpun's art is literally traced from photographs.
Not helping your case there.

>Senshi looks good in all races

Dude’s CHA must be through the roof

i think he looks more like hideo

Attached: example-67609.jpg (512x512, 129K)

>source: my ass

>because they look so generic
It's also heavily trained on holo who is the most generic character to ever exist

ladies like a man that can cook

>I really like working on improving my technique because you can actually visually see it getting better, but the background work for Punpun became routine, because I could already visualize the finished product once I had a photo for tracing.
Wow first results when you search for punpun tracing, so hard to find I know, if you refuse to believe that then there's other interviews where he's said he traces other things as well but I'm sure you're too slow to properly search them since you couldn't even find the first google result

>And that's not even touching the whole "every story is the goddamn same".
Jesus man, I can get railing on the medium for the endless schlock it spews out and how it always gets eaten up by the masses, but even if you don't like the medium you can't just say the entire fucking thing recycles the same damn story for everything.

>Yea Forums
>good taste in manga
It's either Le JoJo crap or Le booby girls XD crap

> it's a hard skill to master
Precisely my point.
It takes a lot of work to become a good writer.
It takes a lot of work to become a good visual artist.

So being a good mangaka requires you to be good at two diferent things altogether (or have a collaboration effort). That's a very high standard to meet, hence the high percentage of shit being shoveled out.

>"every story is the goddamn same"
you must be exploring literally nothing other than shitty isekai adaptation for you to say this
>Main reason behind this is, of course, that the target audience of manga/anime is children/young adults. The audience refreshes every year
It refreshes every ~20 years actually. It's called a generation.
>The main point of anime is to drive the sales of manga. The main point of manga is to just entertain.
Not every anime is an adaptation, this just feeds back into my previous point about you intentionally scraping the bottom of the barrel. It's like reading nothing but twilight and its clones and wondering why westshit is so stale.

Only the backgrounds iirc. That was more for the "manga isn't only there for popcorn entertainment part" but sure user, there's dozens of great artists you can pick from if you want good looking, non generic mango art.
I mean I don't know, how is it not possible to appreciate this stuff, just look at any of Murata's drawings, shit's impressive.
Ah I see user. Sorry I misunderstood.

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Fact: if you are into cinema or music, those are respectable hobbies to dedicate your life to, because there is enough high quality material in those art forms to last a lifetime.
For anime, if you have seen the dozen or so "gateway anime", you are pretty much done, as far as high quality stuff is concerned. The people who have anime as a "hobby" watch literal garbage that comes out every season because they are weirdos with no taste whatsoever.
Same applies to idiots who have capeshit as their main hobby. There are less than a dozen stories worth reading in the capeshit genre.

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whoever introduced me to this, thank you

Attached: Screenshot_20190223-164348_Manga Rock.jpg (720x1280, 611K)

>that clown car in the foreground

Attached: 449.gif (607x609, 821K)

holy fuuuuck the things I would do to elf Chilchack

Attached: 1541461457714.gif (278x378, 43K)

My nigga, Is this from the parent killer

Who is forcing this and why

>For anime, if you have seen the dozen or so "gateway anime", you are pretty much done, as far as high quality stuff is concerned. The people who have anime as a "hobby" watch literal garbage that comes out every season because they are weirdos with no taste whatsoever.
But user, a lot of good anime is made every year...

Why did he turn into a girl for the elf version?

Attached: 1526912352752.png (671x603, 168K)

Name the top 5 anime from 2018 then.

Nah. The last good series that came out was madoka, and that was post modernist deconstructionist garbage, unfortunately.

It's from Vagabond user

Nevermind it's the samurai manga now I remember

>tfw 7-8
>tfw have a gf
Weird feel.

Attached: blo.png (365x250, 191K)

30 years old is literally peak female

I'm disappointed in my fellow man

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Because anime in general has eroded facial features over time so that artists are naturally inclined to make rounded features, which are easy to make into figurines. It's why you barely see characters with noses.

Marcelli is the most homely elf.

>For anime, if you have seen the dozen or so "gateway anime", you are pretty much done, as far as high quality stuff is concerned.
Obviously true, too much of the shit everyone watches is just "cute girls doing cute things" or other meaningless drivel done for no other reason than to placate the brainless masses.

Attached: the absolute state of modern otaku.png (640x360, 150K)

Violet Evergarden
A Place Further Than The Universe
Asobi Asobase
More Gintama
Mahoutsukai no Yome
Debiruman was also good I guess
Madoka isn't a deconstruction

Wrinkles are sexy as fuck.

There's this middle aged asian lady at the local cafeteria and every time I talk to her, something primal awakens in me.
t. 20 years old

Attached: middle aged asian lady.jpg (1024x1024, 253K)

All the elf versions besides Marcille are pretty much "girly bishouen"

>30 years old is literally peak female
It literally isn't.

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Attached: 3.png (1252x1800, 486K)

Damn, I feel disgraced for getting it wrong, Slam Dunk is great and REAL is pretty great

I have no idea, but its too late to stop now

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This is why I don't watch moeshit

It is. Inoue was the one drawing it too iirc.

he's just a pretty boy.

dude looks like johnny depp

Also if you want the most drastic style in a manga, then here's probably my favorite manga

Attached: Screenshot_20190223-164457_Manga Rock.jpg (720x1280, 391K)

Human Marcille looks really cute.

So some wrinkled bad teeth having gook is sexy? The fuck is wrong with you nigga

Attached: vela.jpg (266x500, 33K)

How does Senshi look so good as everything what the fuck

When the fuck's the anime?

that's a shirt collar you retard

Eat shit spic, you have to go back.

It looks like it came out of the design of Dishonored Character Art Style.

La Creatura...

not him but i like this meme

Not a spic, I just save funny images. I saved that picture of the fucked up teeth having gook for later threads though. You must be desperate to like that kek.

Attached: viper - shet up.jpg (500x500, 27K)

>this was from Joshiraku
>which was basically an even more political SZS
Kumeta is a fucking madman

everyone on the bottom is an 8+/10
don't @ me

Is this showing how many pounds of makeup an Asian needs to look like each one?

>which was basically an even more political SZS
It's not wrong, but that's really saying something considering how political SZS could get.

>I've only read/seen a few examples but I'm going to judge an entire industry/medium just because
I hate this episode.

Attached: Fuck everything.png (517x954, 583K)

I feel a disturbing lack of vidya in this thread.
Let's talk about vidya.

Attached: imagine actually losing to a 9 year old girl in vidya.png (1125x1600, 511K)

>posts a generic anime girl
Uh huh faggot.


>jrotc class

Anime is the japanese equivalent of american late night television. You know, those garbage informercials designed to sell you dumb kitchen stuff. Same thing, but with figurines.
Imagine if there was a place overseas where there were entire fanbases dedicated to discussing the intricacies of magic bullet and onion peelers. Fucking kek.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Not helping your case there.

Attached: 20110224154148565_0009.jpg (883x1200, 97K)

>>draw a girl
>>call it a boy
I mean, he is like 12 or 13 or whatever, so it makes sense.

What's some good anime, want to give it a shot

I hate trapfags.
Boys have their own boyish charm that is completely different from girls'. Very rarely do anime artists capture that charm, their "trap" characters are just loli futas.

I mean, I'm not a fag, so I wouldn't know.

What are you in the mood for?

I'm not a fag either.
I just have a very varied sexuality.

NTA, but do you have anything similar to Ultra Heaven? I've been waiting for a new chapter for 10 years now.

>ROTC nerd
Thank you for your service.

You ask for weebshit but give no indication of whatever kind of shit you like in the first place, any recs you get could range from WORDSWORDSWORDS to *teleports behind you* shounenshit and it could be given in good faith.

I like some trap shit, but I see no point in not having boobs. I just cant stand balless or with a vagina and dick

>I just cant stand balless or with a vagina and dick
Same bro. I can't get over how weird it looks.

>I just have a very varied sexuality.

Attached: This faggot.png (590x335, 193K)

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Finally saw the new Bladerunner and really liked it. Also saw Jin Rho and Perfect Blue a while back on TV was was really impressed how good those were.

I mean aren't there any charts floating around? You know, a quick rundown

>posting some weirdo guro muslim jungle gook artist when talking about anime/manga

God damn, took you long enough.
Now do this one.

Attached: Fucktard.png (338x750, 216K)

I once read a hentai by some muslim jungle gook about a muslim girl who grew a dick and lost her faith.
It really stuck with me because it reminded me of my childhood relationship with religion.

t. muslim country liver

GrilledKambing? Funnily enough she had a crisis of conscience and deleted all of her rape stuff

>I mean aren't there any charts floating around?
Broadly speaking, yes. Last I recall though Yea Forums REALLY doesn't like rec threads, mostly for good reason, and as such any such charts are a rarity and likely not updated. You can find some old ones if you search on Google though if you're adamant about wanting actual charts.

Russian 21 year olds is peak.

Everything else is mongrel 56 percent.

Attached: -MbfyvaHe9I.jpg (1136x758, 144K)

Yeah, don't expect animation quality like that in a TV series, which is most anime. If you like robots, then maybe check out Patlabor or Ghost in the Shell. Akira is also a classic, and that probably has the best animation you will find in an anime.
I haven't read Ultra Heaven, but going from the summary I just read for it, maybe something to do with addictions? If that's the case, then I'd say watch Welcome to the NHK, but that might be a little difficult for someone new to anime to watch since it references a lot of Otaku culture. Still, it's really funny and depressing.

videogame adaptation when

Attached: velveteen and mandala field burning.jpg (580x785, 201K)

Fucking never because no one cares enough to ever adapt it.

Attached: recommendation list of anime and manga.jpg (3380x3622, 2.88M)

It's not about addiction per se.
It's about mind altering experiences in general. It starts as a cyberpunk story about legal drugs, then starts exploring buddhist / zen philosophy about what it means to experience reality.
The narrative jumps non-linearly and there is never any clear indication if what's happening is real, a dream or a hallucination.

I have latent schizophrenia, so the manga really spoke to me.

If that's the case, then I'd still say to check out NHK. I kind of want to recommend Space Dandy since I really liked some of the more atmospheric episodes, but those show up every now and then between comedic episodes, and the comedy wasn't always that good. Urusei Yatsura is another series that might fit what you want, but it suffers from similar issues as Space Dandy, but I thought it was better. It's also older, though, so that might be another barrier to getting enjoying the show mainly because it has a lot of older references to pop culture.

>judges the entire media
>insults it
>thinks manga all have the same story
>think they all look the same
>then shamelessly asks for recommendations
>faggots not only indulge such behavior but later give him what he wants
"best place to discuss anime" my ass.

Sure they aren't lookers but it's cute that they love each other and enviable that they were able to find someone who loves them and they can be completely comfortable around

Don't worry, I looked through the recommendations and they all look like ass.
My stance remains unchanged.

Love is only beautiful between beautiful people.
Ugly people are just disgusting, in love or not. It's like watching the mating rituals of pigs.

seething weeb

>He doesnt know

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Dragons dogma was a step in the right direction
>height, weight. muscle tone, and age affect multiple things like carry weight, stamina depletion, sprint speed, etc

Attached: Paun Brekker and Shouta the boy Sorceress.png (1280x720, 581K)

Know what?

Marcille must be some kind of half elf because her ears aren't nearly as pointy

>me on the top left

Good, stay like that nigger.


I just want someone to fix its arm.


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Maybe she's just really ugly by elf standards.

How to achieve the absolute Griffithmode on bottom right?

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Know what god damn it, if I find out that there's actually a sequel to ultra heaven and I wasted the last 10 years waiting for it for nothing, I swear I'm gonna flush my meds down the shitter and finally push my shrink out the window.

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>He doesnt know about his other works

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I'm not the other guy btw
Why would I want recommendations if l was already set in my thinking of it all being shit? Brainlets

This anime girl is extra cute. Name?

To be honest I knew about them, but never bothered to check.

I just want a conclusion to ultra heaven.

>Blue Eyes

Well shit, you shouldnt even check the others out then, especially G

My new waifu

Attached: waifu.jpg (1024x1024, 42K)

She's from Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso o Kasaneru.

I heard you faggots say loli is not peak sexy

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You've spent too much time on Yea Forums my friend.

I like his stuff but he draws the same characters over and over

Given the uptick in loli threads on Yea Forums lately, I think that claim is false.

why does the canned meat/bread smoke?

Real talk, I have a little cousin and she's really sexy, how do I get to do lewd stuff with her without going to jail?


you dont
you are fat and disgusting
people are naturally disgusted by you

3D girls are not important and smell

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She really likes me and always asks me when I'll come over, though.

She smells very nice, though. Also very soft.

Please stop falseflagging bullshit like this

I am not false flagging.
I'd post pictures of her panties I took, but I don't want to get banned / doxxed.

lets be real, the nose can really make or break a face

a girl with otherwise good facial features is ruined by an overly large or strang looking nose

>Antilolifags are so desperate to get rid of lolichads they're confessing to crimes online as a falseflag
We always knew you were the real sickos

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Attached: ORjtUPw.png (1920x1080, 145K)

Why, you dont really know why, the guy did some drugs when he makes his art so its surreal. I'm guessing it was symbolic

They should lock you up, too.

Taking pictures of panties is not a crime.
Also, I like 2D loli too. But I prefer more realistic styles.

FBI can't catch me, I'm out of their jurisdiction.

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>higher CHA the more Aryan she looks


well the guy is a fag then and i hope he dies