You're right. They should make fun of them instead.
Left handed motherfuckers need to stop being so weird. Use your right hand for once, jesus.
>most controllers are symmetrical.
Righty genocide when?
Genuine question: how does being left-handed effect how you play games?
Not at all, duh
they use their left hand on the mice
im not fucking joking
Just use a flipped controller
I'm a lefty and I use my left hand on my mouse while browsing and doing other shit but I switch to my right hand for gaming, dunno why it's so hard for other lefties to just switch
Shut up, leftie.
Well, untill you gave up setting up every time the mouse and you just get used to right-handed mouse
Every left handed person I know still uses their right hand for the mouse. If people use their left hand on a mouse it's because they are retarded not because they are left handed.
I may be an autistic friendless loser, but at least I'm not a leftie!
Corporate America makes games
For the man with the left hand
They make games for the man with the right hand
But what about the man with the numb hand?
for me
>kb/m doesn't matter, mouse on the left
>i'm using right handed gamepad layouts because no one cares about lefties and i saw left-handed gamepad layouts maybe in three games, i have no issues playing this way
the only weird thing i do because of my left-handedness is that i'm holding a guitar upside down. i never bothered to flip the strings upside down, so some of chords look weird when i'm playing, but other than that it works well
Just find a left-handed mouse
why would you need a left-handed mouse? just buy an unprofiled one like g203
God I want to bully Hisao
How about you use your left hand to jerk me off, faggot.
Use mouse with right hand
Jack it with left
Rightists (normies) will never understand.
What the fuck is a left handed gamer.
Learn to use the controls given to you fucktard. The first time you pick up a guitar you can pick it and learn whatever side you choose, it doesn't matter since you only become proficient with practice.
worst girl
I also use my left hand in mouse whenever i'm masturbating.
>doom vfr has lefty mode
>doom switch doesnt
Despite being left handed i prefer to use my right hand for the aiming.
>left-handers have to wear a watch on their right
absolutely pathetic
rightniggers fuck off this is a left handed site
Left handed for everything except using a mouse, playing an instrument, cutting with scissors
im left handed and I play things like a normal person
>just liek play right handed bro
you actually have no idea what you're talking about
youll never have the numbers left handed shitter
>Right-handers will never know the joy of masturbating with your left hand while continuing to browse porn with your right
thats the only thing i can do left handed bud
>implying I can't already fap with either hand
Get on my level, faggot.
>tfw a lvl 99 edger while righties are like lvl 4
If anything left handers have the advantage of learning to use both hands for most things. Learn to use shit you lazy ungrateful fuck.
All fucking lefties must fucking hang. Goddamn fucking subhuman shits can't even use the proper hand to do things.
>tfw will never play kid icarus uprising
That's fine, right handed "people" are subhuman.
The good ones are.. there is those shit ones with the cam stick being right but the walking stick being too high and above the dpad.. this is unacceptable
think for a second
im left handed and completed it. I used my right thumb as the stylus
>it's impossible for me to learn to use my arms
Seriously. Do you have brain damage? Because i don't see how else can you be unable to do this.
If you do have brain damage, you have a point, but if you're a healthy human being, you're a fucking retard.
it was nice how nintendo games were offering left handed modes for all of those wii sports and stuff
it wasn't nice how red steel games had required you to play with your right hand just to work properly, and those games were fucking cool
or just add lefty flip so 10 percent of the population can play doom on switch comfortably?
what the fuck is your problem guy
Some ds games are unplayable
>not learning to masturbate with your left hand
You're fucking weak user
I've tried but it's impossible
Almost as bad as mastubating standing up
I don't understand this myth that right handed people think left handed people all do some weird shit in order to play games. I literally do nothing different and I'm extremely dominantly left handed. Left handed mice sounds like shit. The only thing I hate when it comes to controllers is when the analogue sticks are at the same height. Xbox 360 controller is the most comfortable controller I've ever used, rivaled now by the switch pro controller. PS controllers feel like ass but I adapt to it.
Stop spreading shit myths about lefties, nigger.
how are left handeds even a thing?
dude just fucking use your right hand and stop acting like a handicapped
>how are right handeds even a thing?
>dude just fucking use your left hand and stop acting like a handicapped
everything is made to use with your right hand
you'd have to be retarded to get used to use your left hand
Is there a way to learn to be ambidextrous surely that would help your gaming skills right?
didnt have a problem playing red steel (or blops2)
skyward sword sucked for that though all they would have had to do is add a mode that adjusted the default yaw of the wii remote by 90 degrees, would have taken 5 minutes
like canvas curse, a mirror mode would have fixed the problem
pic related a left handed friendly game
Fix your keybinds, buddy.
rightlets are sheep
not everything.
I'm right handed but I play Wii games left handed. It just feels right
fine let me rephrase it
everything but things made specifically for the handicapped
I bet Yea Forums is mostly left handed
Just to be contrarian
Which games do you think it would help? Most games are designed with asymetric controls, like left hand on kb and right on mouse, or controllers having each thumbstick be a different function. Aside from unusual situations like duel-wielding lightguns in House of the Dead, I can't think of normal games where ambidexterity would be a benefit.
This controller is designed for rightys. evidence is having the dpad on the left
>playing with your hands at all
What do you use, rudder pedals?
i will fucking end you
Wtf is this controller?
Looks like a DJ scratch
oh yeah and eyetracking bullshit
the newest dude sex had that built in
I became ambidextrous by practice. I just sat down and wrote a couple pages of numbers, letters, quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, and random shit every day until I got good. At writing, that is. In about a month I could produce decent writing with minimal effort
It didn't help my gaming skills t.b.h. it's more like a parlor trick
Microsoft's controller for handicapped gamers. The big pads are A and B, and you plug in your own components for the thumbsticks and the other buttons / triggers. This lets you build a custom setup that suits your disabilities while still being recognized by the system as an official 1st-party controller.
Dumb cute Misao poster
Fuck off alt righty, left hands are intellects
pesky konata poster
I've seen a left handed person try to use a mouse. They move like they're retarded.
>tfw left handed and have to use a 3rd party program to rebind arrow keys to wasd in Touhou games because otherwise I find them incredibly difficult and impossible to play
I'm a lefty. I use my right hand on the mouse.
Does it actually work or is it a gigantic meme to look like the good guys?
>implying right-handers don't masturbate using their left hand
so what? you just have to change two buttons
Some of the best mice on the market right now are ambidextrous ones so there's no excuse lefties.
You're Left*