gamer fuel thread
Gamer fuel thread
since we're talking about food
post your:
1. weight
2. how you feel about it
this is a weins thread now
177lbs, 5'11
good, bulkan to 200 or more
I lost 30 pounds in a couple months just by cutting out high carb foods, it was great
Not so fast, bitch.
185 lbs
I'm 6'1", so I just look skinny fat.
Shit sucks.
>tfw keto
Gib food suggestions
>People who do fancy diets
Unless you've got some serious health condition or you're trying to gain muscle, just cut your calorie intake so it's half of the daily recommended max limit for your sex. Like seriously, it's that simple for the average person. If you're a dude, try and cap it at around 1250 instead of 2500.
14 stone/88kg/196lb
Not happy, I'm type 1 and have to inject insulin for any carb meal higher than 15g and it just keeps me chubby, unless I go weeks doing low carb I can lose weight but gain it back so fast with insulin
Keto as in you refuse to eat anything with carbs, or "keto" that isn't really keto and you just don't eat high carb foods, like in ?
How do I escape the skinnyfat situation? my arms and legs are buff but my belly is american-tier
Double McChicken
160 pounds
Not too bad, but I'd like if that fat turned into muscle instead
The absolute weapon.
Do his ass cheeks get a chance to close between farts?
58kg (128lbs)
Feels good being healthy and not fat
Yeah? There's nothing wrong with that
silly user, why would I do that?
that looks like fish
5'5 120. I have so much fat tho, in my stomach. i need to start working out
You guys are giving horrible answers. Most of the food you've shown are either too messy or cumbersome to eat while playing vidya. Jaffa Cakes a crumbless and can be eaten with one hand and go great with milk.
These threads are never about video games.
Also you shouldn't eat while doing something else, you'll end up eating more than you need.
wish it was higher
you're a manlet, no wonder you post anime reaction images, you're the equivalent height
avatarfagging is frowned upon you dumb sissy
The latter
200 kg
i don't think about it much
>cheese on fish
Are you cute?
how much higher?
This but my arms are skeleton and not beer belly, just thin and a bit flabby
jaffa cakes taste like shit faggot and this is coming from a bong, what are you some sort of degenerate like a scottishman?
im a guy
>be retard
>go keto
>too lazy to cook
>too lazy to chew veg
>ends up eating shitty meats and cheeses
>loses weight but also walks away with new heart problems
why do ketofags do this?
Any kind of meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, crackers, dairy, and nuts. You really only just cut out wheat and potatoes.
nice! I want to hold and hug you!
What's a reasonable amount of carbs to have in a single day?
I feel like I exceed 70g every time.
>jaffa cakes taste like shit faggot and this is coming from a bong
No, you're clearly some foreign fucking mutt because Jaffas are the gift from God himself.
Diet and exercise. I'm doing the athlete diet of lean proteins + veggies with minimal carbs. It works because you get filled up without consuming so many calories.
Like, a plate of fish + eggs + sprouts = 500 calories. Compare that to a single Snickers bar, which has 488 calories.
55 kg and i'm okay with with it
It looks like a happy blob
6'2" 230, this is me right now
Working on lowering carb intake so i can get down to maybe 210 in a month or two
5'10, 185 lb.
I would like to lose weight, but I need to sort out some other shit before I can focus on non-pressing personal issues
not him but ive had jaffa cakes. its just fat fuck food. and americans do fat fuck food much better than any country.
>never tried poutine in my life
How do I get one without going to canada?
the cakey bit taste like the cheapest shit you'd find in aldi and the orange jelly speaks for itself
a LOT higher
Where can I get this?
>the I'm ready to settle down now sandwich
keep it up user
5' 8"
140 lbs
It's okay I guess
6'1 160lb, I have a hard time gaining weight. I don't feel too strongly about it, but would like to gain some muscle.
But i'm not even that short
oh my bad
>so weak xhe needs two hands to take a simple selfie
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
>Keto as in you refuse to eat anything with carbs
You can still have very limited carbs and stay in ketosis
fellow german here. This so much.
same here
wont you just put all the weight back on when you start introducing carbs back into your diet? I lost like 5 stone but gained 2 stone back and stayed there.
Trader Joe's has some in the frozen section iirc. Failing that, just make your own. Hardest part is finding a place that sells cheese curds.
Of course, you could actually make those yourself.
Pancakes >>>> Waffles
holy shit MacArthur really made a mark on Japan
128 lbs
want to get to 110
I'm 160 pounds at around 5'10" and feel pretty okay at it. I'm not really in shape like I used to be, but I'm certainly not overweight. I'm pretty decent at cooking and can make some pretty good food.
Here's some fried chicken I made, it's pretty damn good. I can also make a perfect clone of the Chick Fil A spicy sandwich, even the french fries and the sauce.
That looks amazing but it would put a stop to my heart super fast
>He's dissing Aldi now
Get on the fucking boat out of here. Aldi is the best damn thing the Krauts gave us.
I thought that was a bunch of brussel sprouts. I don't really care for brussel sprouts. Always found them hard to swallow. Maybe it was how I prepared them. I'll eat them if they're served to me, but I still don't like them very much. I like avocado. It's nice. I don't like many other fruits though. Too sweet. I am much more of a vegetable guy. Accept brussel sprouts.
> 1,78 meters and 105kg
>Not very good about it
i need to start gym but i don't know if i should use the gym next to my work or the gym next to my house. i just want a cheap gym.
no idea I'm from Quebec
>very limited
Like what? 20g a day? I eat more than that but I get my carbs from things like apples, nuts, crackers, etc. I don't eat extremely high carb foods like potatoes and pasta.
are you a woman or just a faggot
>6'4 ~230lbs
Could stand to lose a few pounds, but I'm also too lazy for that
>north korean special forces physical augmentation demonstration
god i wish that was me
Pay up, gaijin.
i take it back actually some of the rip-off shit in aldi is better than the official stuff, that being said jaffa cakes are still utter WANK
>this infuriates Yea Forums
I really dislike pancackes, waffles, crepes, etc but on the flip side I fucking love freshly baked bread rolls
Yeah, it's a shit beverage. Tea is better.
>120kg / 264lbs
>1.90m / 6'2ft
I feel ok. I gained some weight during the holiday season but nothing I should be concerned about. Even if I have some belly, being tall helps to hide it a lot, along always eating homecooked at home. I wish I had the motivation to stick to an exercise routine, I just find it very boring and I end stopping after a few days.
AOAL and a jar o h2bro
1. 6'0, 203 pounds (at least on my scale, it's always off compared to the doctor's)
2. I'm in the best shape of my life at 32, at least compared to my teens and 20s
6'8'' 280
do not care
>only drink black coffee cause fuck milk carbs
>everyone at work - EWWW WHY DO YOU DRINK IT BLACK
>height in imperial
>weight in metric
lmao why
Literally about to eat some while playing Rain World
>Like what? 20g a day?
25g or less of net carbs per day (meaning you don't count fiber)
I'm not keto myself but what the consensus on carbs like potatoes, rice, beans, and quinoa? Are they also the devil?
>needing fuel for sitting on your ass
5'3 116, I weighed like 125 a while back over the holidays and pretty cut my calorie intake by a whole lot.
Lebron, get off of fucking Yea Forums right now
Thanks anons
That's my problem right now, i just drink too much beer because i go to the bar every other night when i'm not working, so i'm cutting some hicarb stuff and drinking less beer
>Asian gaston
I could never drink coffee. It tastes horrible to me and I never needed it to stay awake or wake up. I think it's worthless, honestly.
I'd drink it black if I could.
Roasted Chicken, throw some crushed red pepper under the skin with some herbs and butter, also get some Turmeric if you don't get it, strong Antioxidant that goes well with the chicken and gives the finish a nice orange color.
If you're looking for snacks get some Pork Rinds or some Sardines and some Nuts.
whats up my fellow 32yearean, what you playing?
ive been playing some uniel and quake arcane dimensions
>I'm fucking hot
this is the most soi image I have ever seen
>avocado toast
>star wars
>white bread