Do you tick any of these boxes Yea Forums?
Do you tick any of these boxes Yea Forums?
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Nothing wrong with having a private profile or being Canadian.
I don't see any boxes.
Furry avatar, undertale featured, less than 30 hours played
Post avatar
don't forget
>actually posts his profile here for others to rate
no its my fursona and i dont identify myself on Yea Forums
Level is above 80. That's all.
1.5, do I round up or down?
On my defense, I only made an account to support the developers of some games I liked.
Anime avatar is normie core aesthetic like "chill beats to study to" tier normie. Means nothing these days
Nah people with weeb avatars are reliably insufferable.
If my pfp is Phoenix Wright is that anime or gaming
>private profile
No clue if it's private, probably not
>less than 150 games
Think I got like under 50 games
>steam level
I know it's low but I think it's above 10
>less than 30 hour in 2 weeks
I haven't even opened steam in the past 2 months
Shit image btw
Does it come from the anime or games?
ooga booga
I took it as setting your country flag as Canadian for the stereotype of being nice
2.5 but I haven't played dota 2 for around 4+ years, and I'm a weeb that doesn't really play games on steam that much anymore.
Am I cool now?
2 points.
So when do I get new adds
everyone on Yea Forums is guaranteed 10+ so there's no winning here
>1 and a half points
That was fun.
>anime avatar
>profile is friends only (basically private)
>1.9 hours in the past 2 weeks
Looks like I'm a massive degenerate
A lot of them actually. Jesus.
I own like 40 games and that's plenty why do you expect people to have over 150? That's far too many. That's the only point that I have
How does steam level work, anyway? I'm level 13, but I've been using steam for quite some time.
i only have a private profile. registered my account for the css beta when i got my radeon 9600.
>less than 150 games (108)
>most played is TF2
I guess I'm worth adding.
What's wrong with having less than 150 games?
imo that too much
2 points. Canadian and under 150 games.
i thought i would get a lot more than this
1.5 or 0.5, not sure if I'm still in that group or not
>mecha Avatar
>Maybe less than 30 hours
Yeah. I don't really add people because I don't really like multiplayer centric games.
yes, the poorfag alert
I haven't played 30 hours in the past 2 weeks.
I can understand some of these being red flags but this is just a guide to being a boring faggot.
Actually that makes no sense, i have +200 games and none of them are junk that sell for cents. How the fuck me playing a F2P game the most makes me a poorfag?
>Less than 30 hours played in the past 2 weeks
Yeah if you don't play all your games on Steam you're an annoying faggot, that makes sense. Valve dick suckers are beyond retarded
>try as hard as possible to get me
>he cant do it
It's profile pic or avatar, faggot.
I'm 0 points.
What do I win?
I had loss as my showcase, and less than 30 hours played in the past 2 weeks. I'm too scared to play multiplayer games.
>most shitters have less than 150 games
Why am I not surprised?
I have one, the less than 30 hours in two weeks.
1point. TF2 is my fav game
>private profile
>less than 150 games
>less than 30 hours played in past 2 weeks
We're not all richfags.
Most people aren't into buying indy trash
to be fair, I only have one friend
Less than 150 games. I have 20.
>buying games over the course of 10+ years means you're rich
tl;dr autismo
>being an anti-weeb on Yea Forums
2 points, this means I am worth adding.
I change my name and picture about once every two or three months. I usually make it some random vidya or movie character.
>Less than 150 games
That’s it, unless the alien from Popee the Performer counts as an “anime profile picture”
0 points. What do I win?
1.5, only because my PC is currently broken so I can't play and I got given a meme avatar to use in a "use the pic below yours" thread years ago and I'm too lazy to change it
I have 3.5 points
dota 2 1k hours,
less than 30 hours played in the last 2 weeks
and im apart of a few Yea Forums groups for total war and AoE2
>private profile is bad.
Fuck off, it’s not your business and I don’t socialize on steam.
>Undertale badge
Looks like I'm a Cool Guy (TM).
Neither of the games I play is on Steam.
1.5 because I have an anime avatar and dare to have less than 30 hours in the past 2 weeks on glorious master pc race because im a fucking adult who can afford other consoles. dumb nigger
Why would you friend a stranger?
I got a 1.5
An Unreal tournament group that is Yea Forums affiliated and under 30 hours.
>caring about what's posted on someone's DRM platform social page
Literally just ticked less than 30 hours played which is only half a point, haven't really been playing many games recently
>half a point because I play < 30 hours every two weeks
Does ownership of Neptunia emoticons/badge/backgrounds count as a point? Or just on display? My profile is usually all Shadowrun, EYE or Miscreated. It cycles.
found the 10+
>have over 75 friends
>have more friends than games
I play several different fighting games and run sets with lots of people, is that a valid reason?
>Anime avatar
>Own 21 games
My only 2 "offenses"
None of these though my profile picture would probably be considered a point even though it's not in the criteria
havent been playing on steam much lately been taking my time playing rdr2
I have less than 150 games :(
>private profile
>less than 30 hours
Why is less than 30 hours a red flag? I have shit to do
Less than thirty hours.
Also I'm part of some old Yea Forums game modding steam groups.
two or three if you consider it bad if its a full porn profile picture instead of it being cropped
>less than 150 games
only one I tick off, despite the fact that I honestly think its bullshit
why is this one a problem?
some of those "redflags" are bullshit for picky retards
Collecting digital trash isn't a pastime of mine.
2-3 for me, one of them being playtime since have been playing non-Steam shit lately
1 and a half points here. Am I a cool guy or worth adding, or a cool guy worth adding?
>Less than 30 hours played in the past 2 weeks
>buys VNs
>VN profile image
Just these.
>tfw only 1 friend
>last online 2 months ago
He just forgot his password, right? he didn't kill himself, right?
How did i do?
This needs to be updated. The "pretend to be mad about Undertale" fad is over already.
1.5 points.
I am an idort so my playtime is divided over lots of different platforms.
unironically 1. And that's just because i like having my profile private so people can't see the games i play
Only one I really tick is that I have over 80 friends, though I don't play with any of them often anymore and just keep them on my list to be polite.
Almost every person in this thread checked off the
probably just ended up homeless or had to sell his PC or couch surf
>Less than 150 games
How is that a bad thing? Anyway, that's the only one that applies to me.
I've got a LotGH avatar which is technically anime but not fagshit
I'm associated with the /vg/ SS13 group and I think the /wgg/ group for Wargame but no memeshit
I have an Undertale background but it's just the black one with the annoying dog
My comments are from salty Dead by Daylight players and my friends copying those salty comments verbatim so I'm not counting that
What do I win?
Yeah ok Steamlet
Because unlike you, I don't buy every single AAA and/or shovelware trash that Steam or Yea Forums recommends in sales threads. I literally cannot be arsed to find 150 games actually worth a shit on Steam.
t. zoomer