How does Yea Forums feel about the plant?
How does Yea Forums feel about the plant?
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its shit to play
shit addition
looks ugly
Just played a few with one called Obama. Kicked his fuckin head in with jiggly
i want one to suck my dick
Bottom tier trash
Might be low tier. Feels really clunky and gimmicky, slow, laggy aerials with hilariously shit hitboxes. Only good thing is the smoke, it does great damage but it's predictable and easy to get out of, plus using it as a smokescreen for your Down B only works once per person
Fun for like 2 days tops, now he's just been settled as a forgettable low-tier that unfunny adolescents won't fucking shut up about with their "PLANT GANG XDDDD" bullshit.
I don't know why they even bothered.
she's kino and makes rosterfags seethe.
I forgot he existed after a week since no one plays him.
Pretty fun character
needs buffs
Anyone else feel kinda.. Meh about it once the novelty wore off? Whenever I look at plant I just think maaaybe it would've been better to just go with Toad or Petey or something a little more iconic.
Partly because it's moveset is just so clunky. I bet Shyguy wouldn't be clunky
I've always wanted a generic enemy, but Plant is just not very cute or fun.
>people in this thread are mad about a fucking plant
It should have been Naval Piranha
I like plant but he's kinda boring.
Good riddance.
It's cool, not main-tier material or anything but it's cool. I think people would've been more accepting of it had it been revealed in another way. I don't think it was a smart idea to reveal PP when they did. Maybe after Joker would've been good? But also clearly make the distinction that, hey, PP isn't part of the fighter pass and is to just tide everyone over especially since they really seem to be taking their damn time with Joker.
My highest GSP character and main but approaching is kind of a bitch. Basically "Pitooie: the character featuring extendo bite"
>flosses on you
Which is weird considering how nobody is going to buy joker
Anyone who cares about the game bought the fighter pass.
Should've revealed it at E3 like they did with WFT
>But it wasn't decided yet!
According to Sakurai, it takes around a year to make an amiibo, so if Piranha Plant's released in February it was likely decided upon long in advance.
The opposite actually. Only a few brainless NPCs bought it
i love how much he pissed off the fucks on this board.
It makes the most sense to reveal Plant last as the first "DLC" fighter because that's what he is. Don't let your personal bias get in the way.
I like the momentum the pot has but it’s a shit character
fucking this
I absolutely love playing her, despite weaknesses in places.
Excellent reach, excellent recovery, excellent mindgame potential.
Hard to use effectively but very satisfying.
Funniest character ever, destroys anything but requires a little brainwork, so of course 90% of the playerbase can't play it.
absolutely based.
Fucking stupid. Doesn't deserve a place in smash. Annoying to play against.
makes redditors seethe hard.
Hello, how's it going and there is news about super smash bros ultimate dlc. The 5 dlc characters are
1) Sylux from metroid prime hunters
2) Jin Kazama from tekken 3
3) Joker (announced)
4) Banjo & Kazooie
5) Square Enix Rep: Erdrick from dragon quest lll, Anlucia from dragon quest X, Luminary from dragon quest Xl, Noctis from final fantasy XV, or Sora from kingdom hearts.
I like it, but I'm also a huge vorefag so I'm probably thinking with my dick.
Daily reminder that Steve is already in smash.
how so?
get out newfag
seething virgin
hey as long as we get banjo im fine with it
>no moustache at the left
one job
Fun to play, but not really good
shes cute!
i want to kiss her!
>Mike Mozart
Fun trap character with good recovery, but has trouble getting the ball rolling.
he sucks
Best girl:
Mostly and I was one of the few who didn't mind Piranha Plant being revealed. Which is mind boggling, because that makes four in a row I'm not all that interested (Incineroar, Ken, PP, Joker).
at least Ken somewhat humors me and gives a slight alteration to Ryu, but golly, I'd kill for something that ups the game for once. Not to mention the lack of fighters that are Jigglypuff-ish (can sing).
Toad is Peach's shield, so no.
Do plants even have genders? Genuine question
This. Plant is real strong. Especially in quickplay. Cause nobody knows how to fight it so its free wins, and has a great rexovry to cover mistakes. And isn8th heaviest. Protip: Learn how to aim down B it destroys. And people underestimate how powerful plants cloud is just used as a smokescreen. They literally cant know what your approach option will be.
K.Rool and Ridley are ugly too, user.
>Most plants are hermaphrodite, even if some of them (hazel, for example) keep their male and female flowers apart. But some plants are dioecious, i.e. they have separate sexes.
Then we can call PP a she
>calling your peepee a she
>The Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) not only consumes insects for food, it also needs insects for pollination to make a new generation. In order to attract the insects, the mature Venus flytrap will grow a very long stalk so that the insects won't get accidentally eaten. On top of these stalks grow white flowers that secrete sweet-smelling chemicals, pollen and seeds that are 1 mm long.
Assuming Piranha Plants are like venus flytraps, then eventually it's gonna grow a nice long rod for all the insects to suck on
>piranha plants are futashit
Dodged a bullet there.
S+ in the fun tier
t. fun expert
Looks alright. I'm still waiting on the DLC to make a purchase decision though.
depends on the plant, some are both, some are only m or f
i want to fuck this plant
I tried to main it, but it just doesn't have any way to approach and gets completely walled out by zoners. All its moves are powerful, but too predictable. Down B for example would be a great anti-zoning tool if it wasn't so easy to work around.