Oh... oh no.... that's not good... When is Atlus gonna address this?

Oh... oh no.... that's not good... When is Atlus gonna address this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Based Atlas providing good advice for trannies

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There is nothing wrong with wanting to accept yourself for who you are, instead of chopping your god damn body up to try and be what you're not. Go back to your cesspool of circlejerking you fucking snowflake.

As much as these SJW's want her to be trans she will never be trans.

Atlus with the based reverse traps.

Unironically based and redpilled.

>tfw all the cute reverse traps are turning into trannies
>tfw matched with some cute girl with short hair on tinder but she says shes gender fluid and a guy now

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> character thought she had to present herself as male as a way to be respected by her peers
>was never actually transgender; most likely just a crossdresser or tomboy since she does enjoy male-ish clothing
>retards who constantly whine about gender roles and stereotypes use gender roles and stereotypes as proof that Naoto is transgender

I love how Yea Forums, and by Yea Forums I of course mean /pol/, did not give a single solitary fuck about anything made by Atlus until Resetera started whining about it.

This genuinely good advice is considered transphobic nowadays.

Yeah, because Yea Forums never had Atlus threads before the tranny outrage.

You're not even trying

Easy fix

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>so rather than accept the canon
I hate fanbases

I still can't believe there are morons out there still insisting Kanji is gay and Naoto is trans. Like, how fucking dense can you be?

These retards who got upset about Naoto don't know the difference between a tranny and a crossdresser.

>judging someone by the clothes they wear and going against how they prefer to be addressed
Now where have I heard that before...

To be a trans don't you have to have a, you know, transfer done to you?

i accept there's a tiny minority of truly insane people who want to become men who are women or vice versa but most of these people are just being memed into it by the internet and just need to be slapped around a bit and denied internet access until they see sense. there's inordinately more of them than there used to be.

been here since 2009, Yea Forums, /pol/, /jp/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums poster and persona 3 is my favourite game and i've talked about it countless times. What the fuck are you even talking about?

I second this

Whoa did this nigga just assume Naoto's gender?

spotted the bigot

They're just kindly telling you they don't actually pay attention to the story at all, saves the time of trying to talk to them.

Its called the slope of degeneracy user, and it is as slippery as people though it would be, wait more 20 years and you will see the next step, what is it? Thats the fun part, to speculate and find out!

Naoto doesn't think she is a man who was born in the wrong body, she's envious of men and resents her gender because she thinks it holds her back from being what she wants to be.

Trannies internally think they're women and feel trapped in the wrong body, they want to be women to fulfill what they feel inside, not because they feel ashamed of having cocks.

tl;dr Naoto wishes she was a man, trannies think they are women



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I don't know if you mates are serious or not, but don't we have Persona/SMT threads daily?

"Trapped in the wrong body" is a meaningless phrase, unless you're trying to imply trannies think the TV show Quantum Leap was a documentary.

Naoto is a character that doesn't fit well into standard gender norms, and for me at least that's an adequate explanation. Looking further just turns into semantics.

what you mean like a tomboy? why do people have to invent new language for this shit that's been around forever?

Like I said, it's just semantics.

Literally no one ever wants to discuss the deeper concerns involved in this topic, /pol/tards and trannies alike, and they'd both prefer if a game like Persona never broach the subject at all.

in what post in this thread did you broach anything? all you did was start a pointless flamewar. You wouldn't have shat on /pol/ or trannies if you wanted to actually talk for real. All you've done is "oh i'm in the centre i'm so smart" without saying anything at all.

There will never be a good discussion for Persona since it will always turn into a shitfest of which persona game is the best or waifu threads
I haven't really looked at SMT threads though since I never played the games, though I plan on it one day when I have the time these fuckin jrpgs take to long

This is the type of person who gets triggered over "tomboy"

SMT discussion is pretty bad to because a lot of it revolves around people circlejerking each other over felling superior to Personafags, which is made even more obnoxious from the fact that a lot of those people have only played entry-level SMT games but they still think of themselves as connoisseurs who are so much more intelligent than Personafags. When the discussion doesn't go in that direction the threads are alright, but they very often do and the people who participate it in are always obnoxious.

dude did you not pay any attention either? Naoto does NOT want to be a man, she wanted to fit in as a detective which required her to appear as a man, and lamented how it would be easier if she was born a man. if you go through her slink (and even when you save her, kind of) she realizes she just needed to stop going it alone and have close ones support her for who she is. basically she let all the rude behavior from adults get to her when she should have brushed it off and waited for herself to get older so they PD wouldn't abuse her status anymore

No one in this shitpost thread actually played P4. The whole point of Naoto' shadow was that she was afraid that no one would take her serious as a detective if she was a girl, so she hid the fact that she was a girl and her shape wanted her to accept the truth that she'll never be a boy and needs to fucking suck it up and not give a shit what the world thinks if she's not the Detective Prince the world sees her as.

But that's not the point of these stupid fucking threads so SJWS RUINING GAMES TRANNIES BTFO REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ETC XD

Naoto is the only reason why I dont want a remake of P4. I know that if they keep everything as the original, the shitty localization teams will begin to change her character to be le pro LGBTQQ2+ trash.

>a lot of those people have only played entry-level SMT games but they still think of themselves as connoisseurs who are so much more intelligent than Personafags
Sounds like you're projecting your own smug superiority. SMT threads have pretty much zero Persona shit flinging, because the people doing that are over in other threads fishing for (You)s.

>there are people out there who still think Kanji x Naoto is canon
yeah I know atlus loves to throw in fanservice of the two interacting, but it's pretty obvious from character interactions that Kanji and Rise could hit it off, Kanji just needs to stop obsessing over Naoto and Rise needs to stop obsessing over Yu

>imagine having a mental illness
>imagine V I D E O G A M E S

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her shadow also represented her being very young and the adults taking advantage of her age. they made her follow orders and if she said anything intelligent but also would make the PD look bad publicly, they ignored her or mocked her

haha they wouldn't do that right?

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They almost always do, what are you talking about? Persona easily gets into the discussion from people complaining about the story in IV:A, or worrying about SMTV being like Persona, or people who have only played Persona coming in and asking what SMT they should play first and then that leads to a good chunk of the thread being people shitting on Persona. It happens constantly.

best girl, fuck trannies

Attached: BESTGIRL.png (500x512, 138K)

SMT threads will always have Persona shitflinging because they never sell as well as the Persona titles.

they didnt for golden
neither they will for a (yet another) remake

SMT threads are shit because they always get derailed by personafags either trying to act smug and superior or crying about SMTfags doing the same
Either that or sony/pc portbegging

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See how far back on the archive you need to go to find a single person shitting on Persona in an SMT thread.

>Golden still trapped on Vita and PSTV
imagine if P5R gets trapped on the Switch. not even PS4 again or PC.

Golden was released well before this shit reached an alll time high

They don't need to. Atlus has actual tranny characters, Naoto isn't one of them. Baka gaijin don't understand anything that isn't tailor to their perspective, though the game pretty much spells everything out.

>What I must strive for isn't to become a man
>It's to accept myself for who I really am


It's the curse of becoming mainstream. Idiots who don't play other games force labels onto games where they aren't and get upset when those labels aren't real, and even when Atlus DECIDES to address that audience, that's not fucking good enough because none of these fucks read Japanese and make snap judgments based on fucking hearsay by people who want to stir the pot to get social clout.

People who won't back down from Catherine Full Body actually being really fucking pro trans/gay are the reason why companies won't market to you. Full Body has a fucking gay romance, kinder writing to a trans character, the trans character being shown pre transition with clear intent that they still want to transition, and in another ending said trans character fucking becomes a female prowrestler when in the old version of the game a joke was that she'd NEVER be a female prowrsestler.

This was never about representation, because otherwise when the truth was revealed everyone would have apologized and moved on. This is entirely about the people on Resetera who started this shit based on our fucking shitposts trying to acquire social clout for being the one who cried witch and having a dopamine rush from everyone agreeing with them when there information was based ON SHITPOSTS FOR FUCKING Yea Forums WHO HAD NO CONTEXT.


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go back to r/thedonald

If you just type "nu-persona" or "persona smt" you get multiple posts comparing the two and calling Persona shit or acting like SMT is so much harder and a fan of Persona wouldn't be able to handle it and so on. You see the same from Persona fans too of course, but the shitflinging between the two is commonplace.

your first mistake right there

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not exactly to be transgender. to be transsexual on the other hand...

In this year I've found three posts examples of SMT vs Persona, one is a shit post saying Persona is better and a single response with a meme image, one is a "who is your favorite demon" where someone posted Carman, someone told them demon, not Persona, and two replies told them there's no reason not to include Persona, and lastly, one shitty greentext saying Persona is better, a reply with the SMT IV critic responses, and one guy whining and complaining about how both are shit.

And also one guy saying DeSu is Persona but good, with zero replies, if you want to count that.

That's in about two months worth of posts, and dozens of threads.

>gender stereotypes are bad
>defining yourself based on them is good

This just in: "Just bee yourself!" is now considered an oppressive message. More news at 11.

>Naoto doesn't think she is a man born into the wrong body
did you even read the reply you just sperged against?

She's not a self insert, she's a character in a story that has a certain purpose. Changing her would mean changing the story. She's not there so you can escape snipping off your dick.

Imagine chopping off your dick to be happy. Lmaoing at you poor trannies

do these "people" realize they're extremely dumb for confusing fashion and personality traits for sexuality?

Putting on a pair of pants or playing with a doll doesn't mean you need to get your dick or tits chopped off.

wow thanks for telling me what i think
gender and sex are different things, moron

Do you think Yea Forums has any responsibility in the whole tranny shit? I mean we're basically the ones that normalized "traps". It's like /mlp/ all over again, except this time they gained political power.

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Yea Forums has little to no influence on wider culture.

I highly doubt that. The internet is full of shit that were originally discussed on Yea Forums only and became bigger because people dragged it to bigger sides.

How long until you claim Yea Forums got Trump elected? I'm giving it about 2 or 3 more posts.

It is so genuinely goddamn baffling to me just how many people completely misunderstood the point of Naoto's entire story and character arc. People who try and say that she's transgender are the biggest fucking dipshits in the world that either didn't play the game, completely skipped over this dialogue, or try and rewrite her as a character.

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not him but holy fuck are you retarded

Stop projecting you imbecile.

Delete this

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These are all, to varying degrees, SMTfags trying to act like their above Persona, or acting like Persona's objectively worse or something to that effect in the past month. Not all of these are even that bad, but the shitflinging is still common.
Though admittedly, I saw less of the arguing than I expected to, and I also haven't regularly gone in SMT threads in a while because when it's not shitposting about Persona it's doomsaying about SMTV or something else that's just a bother to put up with. I think it's fair to say that my perspective of the matter has been colored by the fact that when I last did regularly go into SMT threads, which would have been before the release of DSJ in Japan, the shitflinging seemed much more regular, which it doesn't seem to be now, going off the archives.

OK, you guys are right, Yea Forums caused, at least in significant part, the current transgender movement.

Now try to imagine how fucking retarded you'd have to be to believe that.

They are fucked in the head, so what do you expect?

Kanji/Naoto is the lamest, dumbest fucking ship possible. I will literally never understand why people are so fucking hellbent on it. It's pretty goddamn clear that she obviously doesn't like him the same way he does her. And Kanji had all the time in the world to try and get with her, but he fucking didn't, so it's no one's fault but his.

It's okay user, it's true for anyone that likes games with smaller audiences since they will always be overshadowed by games with larger audiences. I like King's Field but it will always be overshadowed by other games and I just have to live with that

>he doesn't understand the impact Yea Forums has had on the internet as a whole
this site has very little substantial fucking impact irl but it's made a name for itself for a reason

he is right tho, you will never pass as a woman.

think he'd be mad if i told him i'm dating naoto?

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>thinking that fucking matters to trans people
i think most trannies are fucking abominations, but it's more important that they're comfortable with their bodies, even if no one wants to fuck them

>"Trapped in the wrong body" is a meaningless phrase
I was under the impression that that is exactly what gender dysphoria is.

Okay, let's say that sex is defined by your genitals and gender by the social constructions and views attached to them. Wouldn't disregarding those social values be the correct move here? How can you say you don't like stereotypical gender roles and at the same promote transgenderism? It makes absolutely no sense to me, you're defining yourself based on the things you hate

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Yes, you're right. Gender is fucking useless as shit, but society has ingrained it into how we view other people. Transgender people are also fucking spergs for the same reason.

>that face
oh GOD fucking warn a nigger before posting that fucking horrific

solid advice from naoto
don't see what the problem is

>everyone who has fun shitting on trannies on an imageboard filled with edgy young men is from r/thedonald
honey no

I've been kinda wondering, wouldn't body positivity and transgenderism be at odds with each other?

>People constantly talk about Naoto like she's this great trans figure in gaming
>She's quite literally the opposite
>"ugh fucking bigot japanese, how dare people be happy as the gender they were born with, or learn to love being that way"

But Naoto's problem is that she thought she needed to look like a dude to get the job and recognition for said job she wanted. It's about powering through the adversity of being a chick in a workplace predominately inhabited by males.
she also had masculine tendencies and she learned that her being a girl and liking them shouldn't matter.

Kanji is the exact same way. He was told his hobbies were feminine and he thought that made people look at him funny.
He began to think they were right and tried to authenticate that he wasn't feminine when in fact he was just a dude who liked female hobbies and thought far too much into it.

It's about being comfortable with who you are and accepting yourself; not trying to be someone you're not.

Kanji's problem

Why are people so against trans people?

They're mostly MtF, so for the most part it's just thinning the herd and removing some of the men from competitive gene pool. And that's something thats good for everyone.

Why is Atlus so anti-trans bros?

only two sensible posts itt

That's three posts.

Posting in a shitpost thread gives me a debuff of -10 INT by proxy

As a tranny, that's the dumbest shit i've ever fucking read

If so, then gender dysphoria is a metaphysical religion, like chakras or healing crystals.
Denying that your body is actually yours is 1000% crazier than wishing your body was different.

>not an smt/persona thread
>not an smt/persona thread
>genuine post with meme word thrown in, is not shitflinging
last 3 are right though

>3 posts saying the same thing as a shitload of other anons itt
>only 2 sensible posts

>the girls being with anyone but the player self-insert
Delusional shippers.

Fuck tranny talk, claim your waifu instead.

Attached: Persona Girl Tier List.png (2926x2107, 3.85M)

And that's exactly why this is anti-transgender propaganda. People should succumb to social expectations and change gender, that's the only way they can be happy

I was fairly impartial on trannies until they ruined so many communities on the internet with their attention whoring and control freak personalities. Vidya, anime, comics, tabletop games, I'm tired of seeing these fucking freaks everywhere. They must be 0.1% of the population and yet are so annoying you'd think they were 50%.

>People actually believe the shadows when they say "i am the true self"
Its like they didn't pay attention to every other character


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But that's regular Naoto

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What the FUCK happened in regards to Catherine Full Body to make all these threads pop up? I am so god damn confused but I'm a big SMT fan so I'm bewildered with confusement

What happened?

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Beep boop is mine!

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Here's your (you)

Naoto, Makoto, Lizzy, and Maya!

>Misgendering a character because you perceive them a certain way and not respecting their preferences

That's not very SJW of them.

Fuck, both of the ones I chose are gone

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Nigga don't even know the Fatlus memes. Post them you horse wieners.

That's not how it works, you piece of shit

Something about one of the characters in Catherin FB that was a trans chick in the first game not being a trans chick in the 'true ending' of Catherine FB.

However, we don't know the context, we don't know the time in which the ending takes place, and we don't know any of the dialog because it's not out or localized yet.
People are literally blowing up over something we know extremely little about.

A bunch of people outside of Yea Forums are upset at Atlus because of a character not transitioning from female to male in a new ending and a bunch of people in Yea Forums are just trying to find an excuse to say "FUCK TRANNIES" again. The controversy is fueled almost entirely by people who havent played the games

Sorry; It's not out in English yet. It's out in nipland.

1. Dont be a greedy haremfag
2. Naoto and Makoto are taken out on comfy dates

just because you want to appear like the other gender and be a boyish girl or a girlish boy doesn't mean you have to be trans
like wtf ??

I haven't really been following it myself, but I think that they made the suggestion that Erica would live a better and more fulfilling life if he stayed as Eric, apprently there's something to do with the new character people are getting offended over and there's a post from Erica's English VA which may or may not be real, but in it she claims that ATLUS USA will be making the game less "bigoted" for the English release. Some of the details may be wrong there, but I believe those are the broad strokes of the situation.

being pro trap isn't anti trans, you can be a boyish girl or a girlish boy without being trans
please stop trying to downplay other people because you wanna feel special ok?

no one better

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>>However, we don't know the context, we don't know the time in which the ending takes place, and we don't know any of the dialog because it's not out or localized yet.
>People are literally blowing up over something we know extremely little about.

They don't care if it is set before Erica transistions honestly, it's like 'deadnaming' someone, a big no no. I think it was Bill Burr who said why it's unfair that we're supposed to forget the years we knew someone as one identity and then be expected to just change it at the drop of a hat. Like, you know someone as a boy for half your life then one day you're supposed to pretend those memories don't even exist.

because trans people are trying to reinforce the gender binary instead of letting people dress and act however they want lmao


her magical floof hair make my heart sing every time she's on screen

But it's a vidya gaem and not an actual relationship.
People take shit too fucking seriously these days.

Also outrage culture is at an all time high and is coordinated almost entirely by those people that don't even play the games they complain about.


or just...dress and act however you want instead of just reinforcing the gender binary
k thx bye

the fact that the person who made this post is a fucking moron, this is the controversy
Erica does transition, it's just a little bit later in the new timeline. And now everyone she was friends with in the original timeline now know she's trans and Tobey will be far more comfortable with fucking Erica as he won't feel lied to and will go in prepared.

>10+ years later people still think naoto was trans and kanji was gay

ok lemme just say it
pro tranny not pro lgbt
seeing as trannies actively erase the other letters

>shit talks a male dominated profession and the possible misogony there
>has girl realise she can be a strong independent woman who needs no crossdressing as a man
Fatlus is bluepilled as fuck

Attached: hank-hill-toilet-sounds-o.gif (320x214, 1.02M)

Naoto wasn't trans, she was a modern day Mulan


>Be black
>hate myself
>Know I shouldn't worry about being black or who hates me because of it.
>Just focus on being the best me I can be
it hurts.

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So trans want her to be trans for representation but what about all the girls who like to be boyish??
They deserve representation too

Just be transrace, bro

Trans people aren't okay with mulan reverse trap characters or anything like that because it makes them feel less valid xd

The Blacker the Berry...

i like you user


She is basically a trap of the female variety. The whole story hinged on her proving that she is a woman performing in a field of men. And the men did not think she could do the job or the job of that caliber. Naoto thought she had to dress like a man or look like one (not transition by the way has no such talk about it) to be accepted. But Naoto realized she needed to accept she is female and who she is essentially.
Trans people are desperate for anyone to accept them that they act crazy because they know they fucked up by not being a trap but changing their gender without any way to change back.

trannies please let me just be a big fag crossdresser and call myself a male, I pass better than 90 percent of you due to a genetic condition so I get it makes you insecure but cmon now...

stop being a cuck to wh*Toids and just became a full on mufugga bix nood giganigga and BLACK wh*te bitches with your BBC. it's your destiny just accept it

He literally says 'it's not about guys or chicks' and has a canon attraction to Naoto, at worst he's bi.


Switch Mitsuru and Aigis and this chart is perfect

I still really like Mulan and Naoto, they're both pretty neat characters, Mulans villain was garbage though - a degenerate tranny

You do you user, I don't mind

Because Females can actually play great traps as men. Just as men can play great traps at women. Crossdressing is interesting only because Men can make great looking women in drawings whole females can do a good job of men.

Hey, alright now, alright now, fellas
Now, what's faggier than being op?
I can't hear ya
I say what's, what's faggier than being op?
Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright
Okay now, jannies
Now, we gon' lynch these discord trannies in just a few seconds
Now don't have me lynch these trannies for nothing
Now I want to see y'all acting like incels!
We finna boutta dab in prison cells!

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I'm glad you feel that way, I wish trans people in resetera would stop trying to get rid of trap characters, my identity isn't something they can just label as offensive it's heck up homie.

>that ugly mug
why am I not surprised

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What is this Discord Trannies meme?

traps are valid!
I want trannies to stop saying they're not and trying to get them banned at every turn.

>this racewhipped

It's ironic how all of those Fatlus memes portrayed Christian parents getting offended by the content of Atlus games but now left-wing trannies are the ones up in arms.

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I've never minded trap characters personally, I don't even give a single fuck about representation in games, Im alright with whatever desu

Traps are homies
Trannies aren't traps
Pleassse no bully we just wanna be boys but pretty
not try and become women by cutting off dick and being a caricature of a female

Does anyone find it kind of fucked up how Teddy goes back to being a boy after going trans at the festival?
Were they trying to imply he was a better off as a man or something. If so, that is honestly another biiiiiig yikes for Atlus

well cool, but if you're trans and not speaking out against trap characters being removed then you're passively letting them do it which isn't as cool...

cross dressing isn't being trans
you can cross dress and be cute without wanting to transition
not every guy who wants to be pretty wants to transition or has any interest in it
stop forcing your ideas on others
k thx bye


Attached: ThisisCute(Naoto).jpg (1280x960, 1.09M)

you need to go back

>retards who constantly whine about gender roles and stereotypes use gender roles and stereotypes as proof that Naoto is transgender
It's almost like transgender people base their personalities around gender roles and stereotypes or something

Except any biologist would disagree with you... But whatever

Except Naoto didn't have gender dysphoria.
She wanted to be a man so she would be taken seriously

Stop trying to erase other peoples identities to make yourself feel better hon

I don't have any position to complain about shit, im some antisocial piece of shit, the most I can do is complain on twitter

The excuse people used for Kanji (His shadow is flamboyantly gay and talks about beingg ay with a gay voice) doesn't even apply to Naoto, her Shadow doesn't say anything on the lines of identifying as a man.

Sometimes, i just wish i could live in ignorance and enjoy videogames without seeing some fucking faggot bitching about muh trans this and everything is trans because i said so, muh gays and lesbos. I'm genuinely getting sick and tiered of this whole shit and sick and tiered of the west. These people should be completely eradicated from this universe. All they want is to ruin everyone's fun while they won't even play these games.

Attached: 1550952606152.gif (320x240, 1.11M)

>he didnt name the file meatspin.gif and spoiler it
i expect better next time

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why is naoto so FUCKING CUTE

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Kids these days need Mr. Rogers. He basically taught people how to accept themselves every episode.

that's why it's better to be a girly boy or a boyish girl
fight the gender role not galvanize them, which is all troons do, reinforce gender roles and stereotypes
They literally wouldn't but okay, pretty feminine boys have been written about fondly for so long lmao.
twitter is all they use friendo

Remember how the directors of the Matrix trilogy, the Wachowski brothers both transitioned and are now the Wachowski SISTERS? Isn't it convenient that both men were brothers and both just happened to haveb een misgendered at birth, what aret he chances. :^)

>name the file
>and spoiler it

How can you unironically say this when Atlus has numerous offences of trying to erase trans people out of existence?

When are you going to commit suicide

feminine boys have been dressing up like girls for other more masculine since greece, also no biologist thinks that you can change your gender hon, sorry.

>Best girl that low
Take it back

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in conclusion


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name fucking one

um... Because trans people actively try to erase drag queen and trap people and say their existence is offensive because it makes them uncomfortable? Don't get me started on transpeople trying to erase intersex existence because it makes them uncomfortable.
You literally are doing the same shit they are hon.

You're literally trying to erase crossdressing boys by saying teddy would have to be a trans because they cross dressed, hypocritical troon.

That one transfolk from P2
and many many more
go learn some science. Not only are 'traps' incredibly transphobic and dangerous to the trans community, most of them are people who just don't know they are trans yet

I mean i don't see this as an issue. If someone is considering if they align with what they were born as and they decide otherwise that doesn't mess with the validity of someone else wanting to go through with it. Yea Forums as of the past 2 year is so trash, way to many snowflakes getting triggered by every little thing

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More like Atlus wrote stereotypical tropes that have existed for years into their characters that mentally ill trannies read as them being trans


I like traps and don't mind drag queens, I'm not oblivious to the majority being upset but they're fucking retarded

Never seen either shitty bait or a more retarded self entitled human being

No, fuck off traps are more valid than your dumb troon ass, sorry not everyone is a tranny, I'm intersex, pass for female but still use male pronouns because it makes me more comfy and I'm a fuckload more valid than your mental illness. Stop erasing intersex people

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The point of her wanting to "be a man" was to be taken seriously, yeah? Last I remembered that was the driving force behind that wish. In Japan, women are not taken seriously. So a young girl working as a detective is gonna get fucking shit on by the old men in superior ranks, and effectively never go forward in her career. That's a real thing in Japan, which makes sense for Naoto to address.


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The Discord trannies and traps are literally one and the same, go ask r9k

resetera scum gtfo. no one wants you here.

I was born intersex, I can't produce T so I developed in a very feminine way, I'm still a male and call myself a male
why is my existence not valid?

>he doesn't realize that sexism's still an issue in nippon

see my other post please
>inb4 I'm a rare case
intersex people make up as much of the population as redheads

are you actually retarded? seriously this is Yea Forums. leave. go back to your liberal hugbox.

Don't em-bear-ass yourself user.

>an issue

nobody's existence is "valid"
society will never give you the respect you crave because it simply isn't configured to do that, and obsessively trying to squeeze blood from that particular stone will end up breaking things

Why do trannies even call themselves "trans" instead of referring to themselves as regular women/men?

because they wanna feel special. you can't get those sweet sweet privilege points if people don't know how much of a faggot you are.

>middle school memes


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I just want trans people to stop saying me existing how nature intended me to exist is offensive and that eventually I'll 'become trans' whatever the fuck that means

There's nothing wrong with this. Transitioning is a life-destroying experience and your tiny little brain doesn't understand that destroying their bodies is why they kill themselves.

Wow who knew. "Ironically" loving traps and wanting to be the little girl lead to a bunch of trannies.

That's not even true, feminine gay boys in greece didn't become trannies they just wore the dress and fucked their oily greek doms

There are still people out there are do not understand the point of Naoto and Kanji's character arc and just think Atlus are being bigots or some shit. Its literally even spelled out for you in the dialogue but they still don't get it.


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How about not giving a fuck what some deranged people have to say?

>atlus is base-
Atlus knows that it is wrong to offend people for tge way they live their life now.

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imagine thinking this is what lead to trannies being here and not the poster surge and massive culture shift surrounding them the last few years

they're fucking with my games reeeeeeee

Probably to lessen the impact. If you go on a date and the other person is actually just a male dressed like a woman, most people are just gonna go away

Claiming for daughterfu. I want to raise her and see her happy.

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you know what dude, FUCK YOU

>he doesn't want to have dual-income with his wife so he can retire early and spend the rest of his life fucking her into the night and playing vidya all day
shit fucking taste


Because they're literally ruining my escapism, the only good thing I have in my life

No, you only want people to live their lives if they transition, cuz you haaate traps and are trying to get Rin written out of Catherine and made into a transgirl lmao
If you can live your life wanting to be a girl and working towards that why can't pretty boys live their lives in peace hmmm~?
seems a bit hypocritical

Sound like somebody can't bear the heat.


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Because they are autists that have their own headcanon.

So I don't actually understand this. People say they feel like a boy somedays and somedays feel a girl. But as a guy I don't feel like a guy. Like I'm just me I don't define myself by my parts or stereotypical stuff. What do they mean by feeling like a dude or a girl?

I love this because gay boys bring out my inner fujoshit

why do trannies all act like 13 year old boy-tier aggressive perverts

I voted for Hillary and I still think trannies should be gassed

I understand voting Hillary, you just wanted to bomb kebab

It's pretty shit the neogaf containment chamber got fucked up because the owner was a literal rapist, now they're all here


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More like if I voted for my own interests, not that it would have mattered, she wouldn't have gotten anything through congress.

it's almost like all SJWs are just overcompensating for being actual rapists and creeps

nice wasted vote then ig?

>literal rapist
I mean he was a literal walking out of a shower naked because he thought a girl was into him more than she really was and then put his clothes back on when he got rejected and didn't rape her at allist, that's almost as bad.

really calibrate those cashews

I mean if you voted for the loser your vote was wasted

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Move Toriumi, Yukari, Aigis, and Liz up to S and it would be a perfect list for me.

that's even worse, because now he's just a degenerate pussy

They're so shallow and vapid as people that they desperately need to find something to define themselves as and they chose their gender to do that with.

Can be reversed. It's Yea Forums that got infiltrated by tranny army.

Oh don't you worry, I've got a whole bear-rage of them.

I didn't vote cuz I don't live in america, I just made Jeb bush meems

that's some misguided beta shit to try and pull off even if she did like you
getting out of the shower naked in front of a bitch would be awkward and weird unless you've been married for like five years
you might as well be like
>what it's not cool for me to sit on the toliet and take a dump in front of you on the first date?

I bet linetrap(bailey jay) was posting before you lmao

>>retards who constantly whine about gender roles and stereotypes use gender roles and stereotypes as proof that Naoto is transgender
No wonder no one wants to put actual transgenders in their games. Look at the fucking mental backflipping people do to fit their retarded agenda.

shut the fuck up, dilation station

It's not
You're just male
Now stop this trap shit and get on HRT

Almost makes one wonder if it's real or just all in their head based on their warped view of reality.

>year 2005
>trannies loathed everywhere except weeb places
>now they are everywhere but user says n-no we are not at fault!

trannies deserve to be shot

gay people dont bother me, but trans people are literally monstrosities, and don't deserve to live.

I'm on hrt for medical reasons, doesn't make me trans just means I'll die without it due to osteoporosis from not having a sex hormone, I've been on it since I was 12 (since that's when they thought they should start my puberty) I'm still a male tho, just a pretty one.
Stay mad.

Fuck off, that exact scenario has worked hundred of times for chads.

I remember some guy in my college dorm "got locked out" of his room after he took a shower and started knocking on girls doors wearing only a towel until one let him in and fucked him and this was on like day 3.

i did this to myself
you have bested me, teddy-sama

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i am an spic and tranny are boring charaters...almost no execptions

what a beautiful feminist story of how a women can defy patriarchal expectations of what a cop (a male-dominated profession) has to be and reconciling her female identity with her career.


Stop trying to invalidate other peoples identities lmao don't trannies hate when you do that to them? hypocrite

Stop erasing intersex people because they make you feel invalid or uncomfortable and maybe I'd care about trans rights, as of now trans people have done nothing but support intersex erasure so why should I support you?

oh weird some chad can just do whatever he wants to college girls out of their minds on amphetamines
and yet somehow this doesn't apply to manboob-having betas who run a video game forum, or even just normal people who aren't in an atmosphere where the goal is to get hammered and fuck somebody

>trannies having rights

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It was actually a stab at the japanese law force and how they treat women lesser than me in the police force, since that was Naoto's motivation

just remember if you chop your dick off you can't reassign your genes

you will always be a man.

You sound fucking insufferable intersexfag.
Whats the least amount of time you've known someone before unloading all this shit on them?

My fucking god I don't care. Why the fuck do you think I care?

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Um, what the most amount of time you've known someone before reeing at them about the fact you're trans? my guess is it's after they misgender you because you don't pass, stay mad my struggle is more valid than yours

That's not what people do at all. They must advertise and shout that they are flaunting expectation instead of just doing things for themselves.

hahahahaha holy fucking shit man
go to talk to a biologist or read a book

Also for those of you saying that Naoto wasn't meant to be trans and it was about sexism
Read this:

um, no that's what trannies do, people who are gender critical just live for themselves how they want to live lol.

The problem has nothing to do if you have rights or not, it's everything to do with you trying to dictate that other people need to bend to your feelings.
We're now to the point where having gender selection in your video game is considered problematic. You are aware you're a tiny, tiny fragment of the population, right? Less than 1%, by even the most liberal of estimates.

Most people identify as man or woman, and it should be your job to respect that if you want to be respected for your own choice. So before you throw yourself on the ground and scream rape because Pokemon only lets you choose between two genders, think about the other 99% of people who are playing that game, too.

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Biologists don't say you can change you chromosomes, sorry lol
you can take estrogen but it wont give you a womb
ect ect

You have to go back.

Someone who transitioned in the future didn't transition in the past.
Basically people reeeeing because a single character didn't do the thing they expected him/her to do. Fuck resetera. They weren't going to buy it anyway.

Here's the odd part of the story: she is not fooling anyone in the force. Surely they do background checks on anyone they work with, so why bother? She's still gonna be a little girl in their eyes no matter how much she dresses like a guy.

1% and growing, Welcome to the gender revolution sweetie

Intersex people still outnumber you by a lot, stop trying to erase our existence because it make you seem less valid, also the gender revolution will be in the form of gender critical theory, trans theory is flawed.

user, unless you're from a parallel universe where things work differently, even our 2019 textbooks say genes are pretty much set in stone outside of external influences like radiation.

Do you have any idea how harmful it is to deny that Yuu is a beautiful transwoman who embraced her identity at the cultural fair?

do you have a

nah, it'll always be 1%. you faggots basically want 1984 but with more gay people. leave.

naoto was hiding they are a girl because they wanted to be a cop and the police wanted males

naoto didnt get a fake dick attached like some freak

Doesn't matter what race you are, there's always someone that's going to hate you. Can't tell you not to dwell on it but at least take heart in the fact that there are plenty more people who share your misery but have found their own way.

Thanks for playing with me buddy.

Um, nah he just embraced gender fluidity, which actually makes sense unlike trans theory

>Maya that low
>Ulala THAT low
what kind of sick lunatic are you

who knows, if atlus hadn't pussied out he could have undergone surgery and got a neopenis. Naoto could have become an icon, a symbol of hope for the transfolk community

They actually think taking estrogen will give them a womb, how cute

But instead they're a beautiful non binary icon for all of us
stay mad

It's a japanese video game, not political propaganda.
Also fuck trannies.

how come real trannies never complain about how the modern tranny is a dude in a dress who dyed is hair blue and didn't even shave his beard all the way

I'll take Fuuka before Fuukafag does.
Because I also like Fuuka.

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But why worry about defining yourself? Just do whatever

Because they only get upset by things more feminine than them, because it make them feel insecure lol

You realize Japan thinks trans people are freaks, yes?

>you need to put in an arbitrary amount of effort to have your existence validated

Which is part of the reason we must teach them, and get them to correct their wrongdoings to the transfolk community.

if you wanna pretend to be a woman, try and look the part, every queen on dragrace is like 4 times more pretty than most trannies and that's why you hate them lol

>you need to go through the arbitary and completely voluntary proccess of taking hormones and getting surgeries to be a woman

Who is this "we"?

Japan actually has an accepting culture for boys to dress like girls and girls to dress like boys, they're way more big brain and have accepted gender critical theory.

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TIL that intersexfolk are dangerous and hostile to the transcommunity

Uh, okay? Now answer this, how does saying that a tomboy character isn't transgender taking your rights away?

what is with you fags and thinking that putting sweetie at the end of sentence means you won the argument

How long until we get a TERF in this thread?

Local intersex fag here just to tell trannies the reason you hate me is because I'm prettier than you and don't feel the need to mutilate my body
thank you for coming to my ted talk

>no Katsuya

Chart rendered invalid.

the biggest and only real danger to the "transcommunity" is itself

because if people can act however they want that means by them acting like women they aren't actually women which upsets them, so they want strict gender roles and no one to go outside of them because it invalidates their identity

We're born biologically like this, you can't say the same.

You're never going to convince more than 10% of the population that there exist no differences between the genders.
PS: Gay people outnumber you by a ton, and they hate you even more than straight people do for basically hijacking their human rights movement.


>motivation intensifies

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I was biologically born with mind of a woman in the body of a man. As I said, go read a book, that is real biology backed up by facts.
Chances are that you are just low T faggot

And they're not making any friends with the nonbinary and intersex people they shit all over all the time, they're even more outnumbered than they'd like to admit.

I don't get validation now, and I haven't taken a pair of scissors to my junk.
Why the fuck do you think you're entitled to validation? You want respect, earn it. I don't go to my job in my underwear and then complain about my employer not validating my existence.

Maybe you do, though.

i wouldn't call anything that calls being a tranny natural actual biology.

>I was biologically born with mind of a woman in the body of a man.
plenty of dudes are, it's called being a pussy
the problem is now you treat being a little bitch boy as a lifestyle and not a defect that should've been bullied out of you in high school


Years ago:
Boy(girl) acts like the opposite gender. Maybe he(she) is playing too much with kids of the opposite gender or he(she) lacks a male(female) presence in his life to show him(her) what usually people of his(her) gender does.
Boy(girl) acts like the opposite gender. He(she) is trans without a single doubt.

These people are so sexists that they define a person as a trans just for doing things the opposite gender does. And when said person doesn't do any of those things(or both), then they are non-binary. Fuck this stupid shit.

You were born an xy male, you'll die an xy male but with more estrogen development due to hormones you've taken, I was born AIS intersex, I will die AIS intersex

What is the mind of a woman though?


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the female mind theory has been discredited since the 90s by any biologist worth their degree, unlike intersex people which have just historically always been here
k thx bye

crying all the time, folding under pressure, aimlessly buying shit that you don't need and won't ever use, not having some physical activity-based hobby along with your other, more gay hobbies, etc.

that's called socialization lmao

whatever you say, pussy

Don't mind me, just acquiring best girl

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>implying transition requires surgery

>I was born a massive faggot, I will die alone

How it feel you weren't a girl in middle school? You should feel pretty shitty about it, it was a lot of fun

>changing the definition of the term transgender so lazy retards can join the club

what if they just feel dysphoria forever

therapy and "accepting yourself" doesn't make dysphoria go away. ever.

I'm living with a long term partner right now, hows it feel you'll die by your own hands statistically?

does your middle school graduation dress still fit? mine does
oh wait...you graduated as a boy didn't you......

>does not require trauma as a cause
>occurs naturally across all cultures throughout history
>isn't natural

Science and anthropology disagree. you might as well be a flat earther


Also nice bait. I aint fallin for it.

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>Don't be a pussy, be a real man like me

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ok reddit

Sorry m8, I should have specified that I was who you were replying to. You're both faggots who will eventually commit suicide after everybody around you no longer has the need for socjus points and abandons you

>so resembles the hyperbolic insult that he must resort to defensive memes
zoinks, scoob

Nah intersex people don't have a very high suicide rate because we're not mentally ill, I'll probably die of cancer like most people
I am a massive faggot tho you are correct

>no one has claimed Tae yet
Hot Nurse acquired.

Trans people are actively hindering progress to a world with less strict gender roles, the media only supports you because it galvanizes the gender roles people who own the media companies use to control us an market to us

I don’t get it either. The game outright stated Naoto isn’t trans and some people just ignore that for whatever reason.

>the media only supports you because it galvanizes the gender roles
Or maybe its just human fucking decency you psychopath??

Trannies are seething in this thread

>you are correct
d-did I just win the internet? I can stop now?

she was also a fucking child too, was it also about how they descriminate against literal children trying to play detective

human decency is letting everyone be themselves, not trying to force anyone different to transition to keep your gender roles intact

I love how trannies didn't know Catherine existed until ResetEra started whining about a fabricated ending.

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Yea, I'm gonna stop now too because arguing with braindead trannies is getting old, have a good night user
good job! I'm proud of you.

>more concerned about japan's view of trannies than the middle east's active murdering of them

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The Japanese won't throw you off a building for being a mentally ill faggot. It's pretty typical for American lib arts students to fight the easy fight, rather than the good fight

Underrated post.

Watch me:

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>The audience's perspective and thoughts are as important as the artists
this is true for faggots like you who like to pretend that canon doesn't exist. Go back to fucking wattpad. You can clearly see her saying that she didn't care or even think about her sex until she felt that the police force wasn't taking her as seriously as if she were a man
NO ONE gives 2 fucks about your god damn fanfiction

>trans people: exist

thank Yu fren

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are traps gay
are reverse traps gay

Traps look like girls but have dicks and sucking dick is gay

Reverse traps are girls, but basically look like guys, so while you aren't gay for fucking, are you gay for being attractive to masculine features?

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>Is liking men gay
>Is liking women gay

>recoiling in disgust when presented with abominations is abnormal

Tomboys are straighter than straight and traps are 200% gay, we've been through this already.

cleary you have the mind of a woman , stupid retard ,but yet still you will be always a faggot man even if you cut your dick

>Atlus: exists
>Yea Forums: would you faggots shut the fuck up?
>trans people: screech even more autistically

Man, I fucking love video games

Transfolk in this thread have been way more logical and levelheaded than the CIS

deserves S rank

>Jap game: exist
It's all so tiresome.

>Transfolk in this thread have been way more logical
you have to go back
I'm sure you're safe space is missing you

Not really. Screaming "educate yourself bigot, believe in my fantasies" over and over ad infinitum isn't levelheaded or logical.


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This is fedora the post

you can't pretend "be a man" is an argument

>logical and level-headed

>inside my mind is a beautiful Capricorn INTJ woman of color
>that's just biology, look it up

Yep, poster children of emotional stability and intellect.

Tranny retard

Fuck off you subhuman shitter. Just because I crossdress on the weekends doesn't mean I'm about to modify my body with hormones and force my parents to acknowledge me as a walking fetish.

the point is that she is still a good detective despite being a girl. She learns to be a girl detective instead of thinking being a boy is important to being a detective. It's a positive and healthy message.

Which is actually a good message for trannies out there. Make something of yourself, and stop forming your entire identity around your gender.

Based Atlus, trannies are basically shadows with a warped perception of self

>sets herself up as bait without any insurance
>can't figure out who the killer is without some literal who's suggestion
>needs said literal who's help to figure out some of grandpa's clues
>"good detective"

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How could you miss the point of Naoto this hard? I bet you didn't see Adachi coming either.

It's almost like she isn't the protagonist of the story

She's a kid, she doesn't know better.