20 years in the making

>20 years in the making
>people stop caring a week after release

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i think brainlets are seemingly unable to comprehend that time passes and things that don't have much replay or watch value give way to the Next New Thing for as long as discussion of media has existed. either OP is trying to be ironic by making this thread, or OP is an idiot. those are the two choices.

to not talk about something does not mean that it's not cared about any more. it simply means it's not headlining the discussion.

the game is garbage though

I played through it 4 times you fucking fag. The cradle is an amazing level, I've got dark souls 1 vibes from it.

Ofcourse they will rate it that high when that and Bloodborne are the only ps4 exclusives

cause it was shit

people frequently bring up older and less replayable games all the time. case in point, people still jerk eachother off about spec ops the line

Every AAA and Goty.

its because pewdiepie played it just before he became /pol/'s little bitch baby.

Played through it once like a year after it came out after finding it used
Meh game, I liked the ending


What a terrible list

Everyone was expecting it to die at the end which would create enormous feels but it didn't die so it was like meh and everyone forgot about it

>8 years in the making
>nobody but boomers cared for a few hours

I legit think the game is worth playing more than god of war. I resold the later, this one is in my collection forever.

I cared. There was an unfortunate mix of people being fucking retarded when playing the game and a few technical issues that gave it a negative stigma. It's proof that people don't want unique games anymore

The ending created enormous feels though. Most people seemed to shed a tear and it's the only game that's ever made me cry

Should have been a $15 game with a length of 4 hours.

I liked it. It was better than Ico.

It's not four hours long retard

Only to shitpost about it

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>Resogun top tier
maybe Mid Tier AT BEST but that game got boring real quick plus it was waaay too easy if you're experienced at that genre

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The nagging control popups really broke the immersion for me. It's infuriating that there wasn't just a little option to completely disable them.