Frostbite 2019 Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'd let Bread suck my dick

*ruins your game*

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Smash Ultimate? More like Smash Wolftimate, am I right?

Wolf is overrated in the tier list and has nowhere to go but down.

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swap pichu with palutena. no one even plays pichu, seen like 2000 palutenas

How did Fatality do?

Still pissed that this will never happen

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Joker and Jackie Chan

>losing to a tranny

>wolf: the tournament

Glad to see the "Ultimate is so balanced" thing is starting to wear off. Now we can finally get to the characters that matter

Is Bread a girl or a tranny

Xth for Captain Zack a cute!


Down on Fox.

Id suck breads dick

Little Mac

Where my Cloud mains?
I just want to see a decent Cloud.

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3/4 of those characters are fun to play or watch. Are you just a brain dead fag that bitch at any character that gets results?

peach is not cancer because at least the character needs skill
based retarded wolf main
literally name 3 of his flaws

palutena and peach

They nerfed him way too hard.

>side B
the character

yeah...... wolf is getting nerfed.

How come people only use the edgy Advent Children skin?
No respect for the original FF7.

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The twitchfags are spamming the trans pride emote in chat and he has no tits so probably a tranny.

Nobody playing plant?

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You would if Masashi had been invited, but he wasn't. Cloud is still pretty popular in Japan and a bunch of his mains from back in 4 didn't drop him, as well as a new one named akasa who's good

He's still in winners at 65th

>character with the best hitboxes in the game still has the largest hitboxes except he has to actually work for his kills now
stop being bad, the only Smash4 top tiers that really got sent into unusable were Diddy and Shiek

It looks better without the retarded one sleeve


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is mang0 playing?

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because people play cloud not because they like FF, but because he's a cookie cutter easy starter character

Secondaries who never played FF7.

Smash belongs to Spacies, always will

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I remember I asked LabZero if they would put Skullgirls on WiiU or the next Nintendo console and they laughed at me. so fuck them

Skullgirls '3 minute combo strings' 2nd Encore

Mediocre kill options to the point that backair is practically his only reliable kill move, his up-B has bad recovery distance and is slow to come out so its counterable, his forward tilt is actually punishable on block.

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Why is tweek the only white person playing this game well?

She's shit

Isnt Fox supposed to be top tier in Ultimate? Where are the Foxes at?

is plup out yet

he got nerfed and all the bandwagoners left
He's still good but clearly flawed
they didn't play the game and only watched advent children
the advent children costume is shit

>some people start making trans jokes
>chat mods freak out

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The green one was good but it was removed for some reason.

Finally some fucking variety

>Mediocre kill options to the point that backair is practically his only reliable kill move

m8 he's been killing with more than that tonight


I'm OK with that phase being over. "so balanced" fags have a child like logic where they think seeing every pretend friend on the screen is the core of deep or strategic gameplay, and not the tech or strategy behind the characters that do get played. The "everybody is included!" phase is usually the most clumsy and scrub tier part of any game's meta-life.

>Luigi vs Shulk



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For some reason Wolf is considered better even though Fox is faster and his side-b doesnt kill himself if you accidentally use it.

Wow I never realized Backslash can snap to ledge now.

I asked the same for the Vita back when it was somewhat relevant. Got the same results. I only heard recently that there was a Vita port and that it came out well after it was considered dead. No wonder their game flopped.

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Playing Wolf
wh*tes can't into reaction times

Darkshad doesn't play Ryu any more?

this is my fetish

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Fox still has an extremely high skill floor so brainlets would rather play easy characters like Wolf and Lucina

Why the hell would you activate buster during the opponents invincibility?

Sometimes with up smash and sometimes with back throw, but even his "kill option" back throw only starts killing at like 160%.

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He only secondaries Ryu now, it seems

the ONLY Luigi main
hope he goes far

Elegant slowly started looking like a hot version of Luigi IRL

>Wolf vs Ike


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Leffen is good when he stops being a little moaning bitch and plays PT


Just tune in to the other stream bro, we have an actual good match there

Daily reminder

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I don't want to see Luigi the moaning is fucking annoying

>Possibly 20 matches and matchups going on right now
>Chooses the ones that all have Wolf in it
Fuck these streams always show the most boring shit

I like Wolf but even I have to admit this is a bit much.

Don't nerf Wolf though, just buff other characters.

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You just know

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Shulk is pretty fun to watch.

I think this Shulk needs to stop.

Everybody shall submit to AWOO, it is inevitable

he's not white and is 100% right about PT. Charizard is ass and squirtle is below mediocre. Putting effort into that character is stupid compared to the alternatives. His main problem is he's being a whiny faggot that also wants to be a special snowflake instead of just playing wolf/peach

wolf mains yiff in hell

I changed my mind from , more Wolfs.

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whether or not you consider smash a fighting game its really fun not just to play but to watch. Trying to watch Dead or alive, and every punch and kick feels so lifeless. I think smash and tekken are the best at conveying the strength of each hit, with its sound work and visual effects.

based shulk SDing

jesus christ that's sad


This was some shit Shulk play. I tell you what.

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>Shulk SD
You hate to see that happen

That was an unfortunate end for Shulk.

>even elegant was sad

>he's not white


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except for the SD, no it wasn't

How does that even happen?

>misfire RNG
arigato gozima Saukurai-san

He's half korean

you willing to show me some better shulk? He was choking hard on the Smash Monado mindgames but everything else was solid

Why is wolf so popular?

On another note I'm amazed at the 180 turn on Stinkling. For the supposed best character it really isn't well represented. Even if it's a new character it didn't stop top players from flocking to wolf.

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Shulk requires twice the work to get the same results that other more straightforward characters obtain.

>Shulk SD once in each match
He must feel like shit.

he drifted too far under the stage where there was only a horizontal ceiling, no diagonals

people will just whine about every character that gets picked a lot, jesus
be glad it is Wolf and not some bullshit character.

His down smash is too powerful for the start up and the hitbox is way too big.

The hell is that? Thats not the tier list.

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How is Fox that high theres only like 2 fox players

I need art of Wolf guzzling down cum of every one who picked him.

It wasn't complete shit, but his use of monados was completely retard. Turning buster or smash on when in a clear disadvantage is just stupid.

>DDD at number 23

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well yeah
the issue right now is that the very popular characters of wolf and palutena are basic ass bitches

>not bullshit

there were 2 SDs, shit sucked.

>It was good
>he was just choking

Doesn't stop it from being shit play just because it require higher skill./

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Inkling is a very strong character.

The reason she gets no results is because only lolicons use her and lolicons never win in anything, not even life.


oof and yikespilled.

>Donkey Kong in stream 2


>His main problem is he's being a whiny faggot that also wants to be a special snowflake instead of just playing wolf/peach

He changes main every week then changes again for dumb reasons 'Peach might get nerfed wink wink'. What's his beef with Young Link now? The thing that annoys me is he's the guy who 'discovered' PT, he can't say anyone made him play the character.

Armada is a lolicon? He's won plenty

>Why is wolf so popular?
Relatively easy to play and highly effective
I think it includes results from locals

that looks retarded. this one looks more accurate

Eventhubs is better than whatever site the other thing came from. Wolf number 1 when Lucina exists?

It's a list based on tournament results. Basically who the top players are using.

Majority of no names who picked Wolf lose.

If you set aside internet meta culture and Yea Forums perversion, Wolf is a strong and cool character. If you're 15 and have to yet be poisoned by internet perversion, then Wolf is just a cool badguy, and wolves are cool. It's like asking why did everybody like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

that first stock

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I'm pretty sure what you replied too isn't even a tier list
Never post eventhubs shit ever again


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I'd rather trust my grandma than fucking eventhubs

That thunder guy is painful to look at

>another wolf

>the chad megaman
>the greasy obese virgin wolf

Nothing significant recently.

hope wolf gets nerfed

I hope he gets buffed.

DK upB really needs a buff.

Sorry, as you can see Wolf has a high loss rate, he ain't gonna get nerfed.

That DK may have lost but god he was so based & aggro

>picking a pro vs some nobody to say Wolf players are bad

Nintendo nerfs characters in the most boring ways by just making them not able to kill and removing options that slow the game down rather than actually being reasonable.

DK is fucking based

The leaf fears the samurai

Wolf doesn't guarantee victory, you're getting funneled by notable players playing him

is that what they did to Krool and DDD? What other nerfs have there been in Ultimate?

Game will be balanced based on laggy online mode where only shitters play. Sorry user.

Ally still the best Canadian player?

THUNDER is based now

>in every way except physical I am a Wolf

>and removing options that slow the game

Kino as fuck.

oh shit the ryu

Go away sm4shbaby

This is the person responsible for all the Wolves, please wish give him a good luck kiss.

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Based nip Rockman player.


>Switch from Wolf to Ryu
>Against MEGAMAN
Honestly a retarded move, but redeemed

Might be Tamim/Mistake

he literally "changed" mains once since this game was released lol
why is it always the guys that don't know shit that feel the need to comment on these things

Did anyone play Ganondorf or Falcon yet?

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Jesus, Ryu getting smacked

He got out shoryuken'd by Megaman, oof

it's marvel baby

They're in winners side.

>you like the game to be faster, which means you must be from the slower game!
are you okay, user?

Let's go Ryu

His reasons for doing so are probably completely innocent. Also his plays are hype, if every Wolf played like Zack I wouldn't care so much.

>nerf an already shit character like K rool

is nintendo retarded?

idgi if he can play Ryu why no just go with Ken?

Switching to Ryu was pretty based though

Nintendo is looking at online shitters

it's more a matter of preference, like Ryu has slightly more range on some of his moves, and people coming from Smash 4 might be more used to him

Reading comprehension.

Forgot about tamim, remember him styling on a ganon in genesis 6.

>it's more a matter of preference, like Ryu has slightly more range on some of his moves,

Hmm, I just heard Ken is objectively better, but whatever.

It was a buff, they made his bury harder to mash out of above 125% and easier below that. Nobody of any skill was getting hit by anything below 125% anyway so its a pure buff. his nerfs to his recovery and cannon are imperceivable to me as well


>Nintendo nerfs characters in the most boring ways by removing options that slow the game down
nigger that's literally what you said

Mr E looks like a budget Eric Andre

Lotta heart


We need more Foxes to put the Wolfs in their place.

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Reading comprehension.

Not until he loses to Salem ina tournament where he can't duck him.

Where's the samus mains, bros

>mvg league hosting a smash tournament at the same time as unrivaled
Why the fuck do tournament hosts do this?



I guess you're just going to keep pretending you're retarded

Furries in charge of trying to shield Shieldbreaker.

>the state of white people

Samus big sucko

Why would you want less streams?

Reminder that FE characters are never getting nerfed due to bias.

Not just for canon reasons but Fox vs Wolf matches are sick.

>fsmash having barely any endlag
>insane damage output

>upb has crazy priority making is extremely risky to punish

>ftilt still has busted hitbox and damage. it being punishable on block is actually balancing it since it's better than some characters' fsmash

>Nintendo nerfs characters in the most boring ways by just making them not able to kill
Like who?
>and removing options that slow the game down
How is this boring?

Ur a big succ

Did you just not see what they did to Sheik in smash 4?

I'm honestly getting so tired of quickplay, it's 80% Marth clones and Ganons
>play against Chrom, Roy, Marth, or Lucina
>they run offstage EVERY SINGLE TIME they knock you off, even if you consistently recover high
>every OoS option is side B

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Any Belmont mains?

I hate FE because of smash. All characters could vanish and the franchise disappear forever.

this is a smash ultimate thread and smash ultimate tournament, why are you talking about nerfs made in 4

If you want to make a point use nerfs that happened in this game


They nerfed down the very best character in the game to not have a completely retarded dice roll of a kill move while still having her be high tier? Yeah.

There was a shitty simon player earlier

greninja got butchered in 4 for no reason

Belmonts are massively shit, don't expect them in tournaments

>Character is good
>this means theyre bad

Every day with this shit

Why does Lucina get a 'remove shield' button again

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>even Mr. E, the classic Marth main, now plays Lucina

Lucina's neutral air just killed at 80% and you think kill options that kill at like 150% are a big deal?

It's easy to spot dodge

It's the same people doing the adjustments you autist.

lads its zackray time

because FE is a flagship nintendo title and all FE characters must be OP



prove it

Because its Laggy and you can always tell when theyre gonna do it

>Character Loyalty
Eat a bullet

Fuck off retard. That Fox had the shittiest DI on the whole tournament

>foxes getting btfo on both streams

except it doesn't hold true for Ultimate's nerfs so far

What does washed mean? He bathed?

There are a lot of dodgeable moves, the difference is most of them don't instant shatter the shield, something that usually requires a great deal of focus for 90% of the characters

How do I get a haircut like ADVO?

We're in a Smash thread, so not that.

Exactly, which means you can't play Smash any more

nair nerfed yet

zackray is cute

>Samus on stream
>has to fight MKLeo Ike

Preemptive F

just parry bro
It's OP

would bang


Fuck Samus, shes super annoying to fight.

>mkleo and zackray on two streams
fug who do i watch?

It's kinda interesting seeing Zackray play, like coming into the game from Ultimate makes him play so different from any other top player. A lot of the time he just kind of... stands there, not even dash dancing or whatever.

Zack is prettier.

Not the same guy, but also:
>Neutral B is fucking good
>Up tilt is a good kill option
>Down tilt is a good option for 2-framing
>Has a reflector, meaning that zoners have a bad time against him
>Can combo reliably if opponent is low %

He's been playing since Smash 4.

Samus is cute
zss is a sloot

Nobody ever uses reflector because if you miss it with it, it has end lag.


wow an actual good Samus?

Based Zackray using the one true Wario skin

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Advo spaghetti'd

fuckin' a


good samus still loses to ike


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>nairs back and forth around the stage
pssh.... nothing personell... kid


based nair caveman

What a fucking choke, how embarrassing.

>implying UNGA ME RUN AND CHARGE BALL is any different

that match summed up ultimate in a nutshell. Look at how hard dsamus had to work to do anything while Ike gets free, continuous pressure just off of nair


>gets outplayed the entire time
>other player has to charge, stay away from nair spam which can't be contested and space
>one player casually nairs, the other player has to put in 5x more effort to get the same result

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ADVO is fucking retarded, I swear.
Threw that game right in the fucking trash can.
Didn't even try to punish MKLeo's double F-tilt, and then tries to grab him TWICE

>implying choosing carefully when to shoot is the same as pressing the same button over and over and hope it connects

When you're right there against a big-name player it can be really hard to stay calm and get it done


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>your best players are a Mexican 12 year old Danny Devito look alike and a Japanese 7 year old toddler
How can Americans ever recover?

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I could tell - he was doing some really predictable charge shots.
MKLeo didn't look too hot, either; he was really sloppy but cinched the game since ADVO choked.

>all the top players can't fight back against nair
>some rando on Yea Forums who only plays laggy quickplay will defend the nair and pretend to be better than those players

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Fuck FE bungashit

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ige smash metal man unga bunga

Those power shot attempts took 5 years off my life

some twitter art of the japanese players at frostbite

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>jab just doesn't work

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god that was the dumbest fucking ending to that

Stupid rushdown monkey.


I'm gonna try maining Ike. Anyone got advice?

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Just rename this game to Fire Emblem Fighters already

Stay seething.
FE never dies :).

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press x then a

neutral aerial



If this boring fat fucking mexican wins this, Ultimate is dead.

>can't zone properly has a zoning character

use nair

lmao imagine being a fe cuck. your garbage series can't compare to DK

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Neutral air
Quick Draw like an ape because 9/10 players won't punish it

Samus takes infinitely more effort and patience to play than Ike. Ike controls space way easier too.


Why is he so perfect bros?

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>leo is so good that he can nair his way to finals
Leo could be as good as ZeRo in his prime if he had the work ethic for it.

At least Bayonetta actually had a little bit of execution. Ike is literally just jump and a button.

What are you going to do, faggot? Go back to watching Melee get dominated by Hungrybox?

He solves delicate political situations with retard strength. What's not to like?

You guys wanted a heavy character to be viable, here's your result.

>Samus player started doing really well
>Say in chat "Leo will barely clutch this game out and then destroy him second game"
>Mfw it came true

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Wheres the match?

It was the DS player's fault for having one strategy and then having nothing to back him up when Leo solved his gimmick.

>What is Snake in Brawl

It's not the heavies that are dominating, it's just swordies. If Ike was a swordless heavy he wouldn't be that strong.

Nice but would be more accurate if the US side was a line of wolves and pichus

>HBOX on commentary
fuck off

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I don't see Pichu or Peach holding a sword

Reminder that FE characters are never getting nerfed because FE is a sacred cow because weebs and animushitters

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It's what the crew battle is.

to be faur Japan has a fair share of wolves as well , everyone is playing the edgy yiffman

A GOOD GIRL PLAYER????????????????

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>not watching based Comey and EE

Dash attack is one of his best moves and is a kill move.
His smashes are nigh unpunishable, no wolf is doing the SF shotoish style that's absurdly broken yet that is wolf blaster to Side-B.
Another kill option being side-b on and offstage, with side-b being confirmed into nearly every aerial or f/bthrow

supergirlkels is based

a real girl and a good player.

His smashes are all very much punishable.

Body that Palu please Nick C


I just looked at some pictures

That ain't a girl

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she was like top 3 in canada for smash 4

the only one is Usmash and even that has super long reach. Fsmash and Dsmash not so much, too much shield stun and very low cooldown especially fsmash.

>Sanic can't kill at 200
What the fuck?

Didn't realize it was for the crew battle. That's pretty neat then

why did they make yoshi's up b a recovery?

Did Luigi get in?

>getting owned by Sonic

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He got dunked on mid-stream, it was great

Talking about how you mentioned that a heavy is now viable. When it's his sword's hitbox + no endlag that makes him that good, not him being a heavy.

how is this girl so good? i bet she's a lesbian

I think youre talking about Lucina, not Wolf.

Sonic is at least fun to watch.

Because buffs are good.

>She stands up


Ike could beat both Sonic and Yoshi at the same time

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I swear nu-Yea Forums is so fucking paranoid at this point they think no-one's a girl
Unironically get off the internet

She is actually.

I sure do love seeing the spin dash, sonic is my favorite character!

>Stands at the edge and takes an explosive flame to the face
dumb ass falcon


pretty cocky for a guy that flunked hard in G6

>you can punish recoveries again
100% improvement right there

>Zelda mains are faggots
More news at 11

That was amazing.

literally who


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The best Zelda player (probably)

I mean, I'd say that being able to kill anything by sneezing is pretty good.

Sonic needs buffs

Just wait for Rizeasu to play again and he'll be the best Zelda like in Smash 4

fuck no
keep this cunt off the screen at all times

this isnt a sonic problem its a yoshi problem
he does this to a bunch of characters because he can spend then entire game in the air and theres no punishment for it, if you dont have aerials that kill and the mobility to catch his double jump hes just immortal

is this dude serious?

pronounced cooch

the only thing stopping yoshi from being turbo cancer is swords


that was a particularly bad up b

Falcon washed.

The fucking city of Falcon players

If you lose to someone playing Peach, you are actually playing against someone better than you.


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>Falcon has to work his ass off to get kills, meh recovery, hard to do combos with but is mad hype
>Palutena has EZ nair combos, free recovery, and is boring as fuck
It's not fair bros

I don't think that's the reason. Leffen said on stream that aside from one or two top players Stinkling isn't played that much in high competitive play. Hell Leffen dropped Stinkling in favor of Roy.

My point is that the character was hyped as fuck, that fucking spic zero said it was the best character in the game. Yet it even dropped in tourney results with Snake coming up at 7th instead of 8th and Ike and Olimar quickly catching up. I wonder if there's a peculiar reason for that


anyone got link to schedule/bracket


Why does this apply to both fighting games and fighting sports?

I'm pretty Ok with this lineup

>first Bayonetta, the top tier
>Now Peach/Daisy, the top tier
Can Zack just die already?

>It's not fair bros
Correct, it's nair

He mained peach in 4 before bayo even came out you fag

My boyfriend is playing! Good luck, cutie!

What if Yoshi won the tournament? Haha. Asking for a friend.

Fuck Zack's boypussy, Yoshi spic.

wh*tes lack as many fast twitch muscle fibers as other races

>if you lose to someone playing Fox in melee you are actually playing against someone better than you

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to be fair to him he did play peach before bayo

MVD just ended that Mario.

Based Snake.


Skullgirls > Smash


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Zack's career is finished.

Zack getting meme'd

Stuff that egg up Peach's ass.

That is correct.

that's sort of true. Fox below a certain level in melee is nothing but combo food. That doesn't really apply to ultimate peach though

Fsmash Lucina - 10-13 / -30 on shield. Able to punish. 52 FAF

Usmash Lucina - 13-17 / -36 on shield. Able to punish. 59 FAF

Dsmash Lucina - 6-7 / 21-23 -42 on shield. Able to punish. 56 FAF

Fsmash Wolf - 20-23, -25 on Shield. 42 FAF

Usmash Wolf - 13-15 / 20-23, -15 on shield, first hit only hits shield. 48 FAF

Dsmash Wolf - 14-15 / 21-22, -25 on shield for first hit pushes too far back to punish with shield grab. 44 FAF

Not only does all of wolf's smashes not last as long as lucina's (First actionable frame) they also have obscene hitboxes and kill power (Dsmash 2 framing people on ledge or fsmash killing most characters sub 80%)

He just did to Proshi.

CaptainFag getting haha'd


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He could have shit on hbox when talking about the dual monitor setup


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>Wolf vs Pichu
I sleep

It was off stream, but Tea Pac-Man beat NAKAT 2-0

Good, fuck Pichu mains.

Kirby main on other side

Goddammit, why wasn't this on stream? Tea is a joy to watch and NAKAT is a whiny shit who deserves getting destroyed

Wolf has the safest F Smash in the game.

I feel you brother. Seeing good Falcons is so hype, tired of seeing all these boring ass baby dial a combos

go to stream 2 bro

Lucinas f smash has twice the range and coverage, more than making up the difference.

Blap back at it


wtf is kirby good now

>Kirby vs Link
Annoying matchup
Best of luck for Komata

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Kirby! and a good one

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Little Mac's is safer
>retard quick
>stupid damage


What about Olimar's ?

Kirby won a game!

>losing to Kirby

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Kirby's Frame data is great, he just has bad throws and specials. I love playing the kirbs.

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VoiD 2-1 False

yep, agreed

Damn all Palutenas play the same lol
Fish for Cross up nair
Spam short hop fair/bair
Spam empty hop
Explosive flame the millisecond the opponent hits 130%
Juggle with upair


Komota is such a chad

Komata's setups are on point & knows his shit really nicely

His forward grab is good for combo set ups.

the way to beat swords has always been baiting out their long reach and punishing the massive endlag they have. The smashes at least have lag but aerials not so much after the universal buffs they gave to everyone from both end lag on aerials and jumpsquat.

Smashes/tilts no exception tho, they have end lag and easy to bait out from swordies. Wolf on the other hand at least has pullback from the fsmash and dsmash has the reach of a sword fsmash

this Kirby is inspirational

>that link's tag
fuck me

it's the same Kirby who almost won against void earlier

I love to play online with Kirby and fuck up shitters with their own Neutral-B moves, so fun

>massive endlag

>Damn all *Insert character* play the same lol
>uses up nair
>uses short hop fair/bair
>uses empty hop
>*insert kill move* the millisecond the opponent hits 130%
>Juggle with upair

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all of lucina's smashes have almost a full second of end lag.
Literally posted the exact numbers from kuroganehammer

>Kirb needs new specials
That’s why you steal the other dudes specials

He'll get one in 2 months

Almost makes me want to pick Kirby as a secondary.

>a full second




Isn’t that a decent amount in Ultimate

he's really fun to play

Reminder that this Link bopped Plup.

Upper right hand corner of pic

I think we're done here, fantastic arguments user!
based retard

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Look in the corner retard


>that bayo's tag is die rat
>fighting a pichu

olimar has the safest upsmash in the game.

>die rat


Lui$ 2-1 over ESAM

>Esam got knocked into losers

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Coney and EE is so much better than Coney and hbox

Zack, my bf lost.



>tag taunt to get bodied combo

Wolfs is 9/10ths of a second with half the range. So why are you trying to say Lucina is so much worse?

Based , ESOY btfo

Didn't mean to quote

Why wasn't this match on stream?!?!

M2K is out

Quick, comfort him with a rusty trombone.

Lea Greninja is back on the other stream
>Hurr durr Doc easy matchup
>Pikachu has no range vs Doc's busted Out of Shield options, Cape the TJolts, and winning every trade
ESAM really overestimates edgeguarding


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Nairo flashbacks

Mario/Doc has always been a really good matchup against Pikachu, but it's still a big upset

>there are pichu mains in this tourney

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Greninja time, nice

Yeah, it's a nice upset.
I'm just glad that ESAM is still eating shit for saying Doc/Pika is an easy +2 like, say, Bowser Jr/Pika. As a Doc main, i'll take anything.

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>Based nips come to expose Americans

Based Greninja

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god I fucking love Greninja
wish I wasn't so fucking shit so I could actually use him.

Based Greninja

Based doc tornado


>they gave Doc a better Tornado than Luigi

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cause white people prefer actual careers
>asians better than blacks at "fighting sports"
what the fuck?

Yeti is out at 97th lol.

Based leff vindicated, he was just carried by the pellet cancels at genesis.

He said that? What the actual fuck, he lost to Marios in every single game he played
Man's crazy

>Bayonetta can't even carry a fucking 100% pichu off the top of the screen
Sakurai why

>Lima didn't play
>Zack lost
>Tamim will lose
Worst timeline. What went wrong Bayobros?

>Taunt to ragequit from Tamim
Holy fucking shit kek

>The absolute STATE of Bayo

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The fuck is the luma for it just goes off the side and dies within 10 seconds every time

So how do you guys think they're gonna nerf Pichu next patch?


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How much if a faggot are you

Is Roy good in ultimate? How come no one is playing him?
his jab is busted

If anything, that fact doesn't say anything good about Leffen. Lol, he's shit in this game. Like every other Melee player.

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Shh, don't let the secret out.

Void plays him as a secondary iirc

At least he's not a Bayofag.

Leffen is playing him

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He's pretty good, just doesn't have any good players
Double Edge Dance is beyond retarded & kills below 100% at ledge

All the bayos are being delivered karmic justice.

What happened , did tameme get bttfo ?

He's right, to be fair. Pichu is broken and the game is poorly balanced.

he's a top 10 character probably
I don't really know why he isn't played more
I still think if you really want a swordie you play Lucina since she's the best

Pichu stomped his ass.

quite literally on suicide watch
I feel bad for Bayo/Falcon mains

Ragequit against a Pichu main called Tachyon, don't even think he shook his hand.

>ye- "play a bayo and ill fill your ass with mayo" -ti is out
the patch is for the best, but it's a shame when your local legend doesn't make it

Undocked adapter is kind of cool

which stream we on boys

Shut up, dude. Chrom is better in every single way. Don't play Roy, and don't ever tell anyone he's good, alright?

gackt vs void will be a hype match


The one with Meme.

ShoyoJames 2-1 ESAM
ESAM eliminated

switching between the two, people will be talking about the more interesting matches

Yet literally any comment about Bayo has him and the other Bayo mains complaining with hundreds of people on twitter going "LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU JUST HATE HIM FOR PLAYING BAYO"

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i know i’m going to be good at this game and i’m still going to annoy you manchildren with my gameplay. you’re all still garbage and wouldn’t beat me with my ult bayo. i need time before i can be consistent at the top but i promise i will still be there just wait.


to a chrom

Poor Wojak

>bayo players are literally gay furries


shit you right
why do i always end up playing the same characters that leffen does?
I've killed people at 40% with off stage UpB against the stage wall
he has so much kill power, it's kinda fucked up
I tried Lucina, but I find her really dull and boring to play. Roy's aggro, combo heavy gameplay is more fun imo

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Honestly I think Zack does get uneccesary shit for being flamboyant but Tamim's always deserved it. Spams the ever loving fuck out of the taunt button and then goes on a salty diatribe after every poor placement.