This any good?

Is it worth it? does this game do anything interesting or different outside of other open world games? thinking of getting the complete edition for $20. I heard it has ubishit towers.

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No, it's not.
Combat is fun at first but quickly becomes pretty boring, there are some different tools to add some variation but overall it's just doesn't do much. The story is kind of interesting but drags on for far too long. It also does have towers as well as waist-high foliage to hide in for "stealth".

fuck no avoid it like plague

What else doesn't work?

>Is it worth it?
Its not as bad as Yea Forums wants it to be. Its not as good as Sony wants it to be.

man the game is just ass don't buy it nor waste your time in it, it's just okay eye candy at best and a total slog to go through.

It's just very mediocre and cookie cutter.

If a PS4 is all you have then i guess so, if the hard drive in my PC didn't fail i probably wouldn't have even bothered playing it though.

Like other Sony games it has long cutscenes filled with characters you're supposed to care about but ultimately don't.

It's very good. It's what FFXV should've been in my headcanon.

>Combat is fun at first but quickly becomes pretty boring, there are some different tools to add some variation but overall it's just doesn't do much
It does a lot though and the deeper you go into the game the more it does. Big robots are made up of like 15-20 pieces you can shoot off for different effects. That's pretty interesting

little bit different but not much. your still doing basic open world shit.

It's a good game. A solid 8/10. Gameplay is fun and engaging, especially during some of the later big monster fights, the story is above average and actually makes sense and has an ending, and the graphics are some of the best on the PS4.

Downsides are the crafting is clunky, there are ubisoft towers and standard "Open World" trappings, and the main character isn't immediately fuckable, which is only a thing you care about if you're 13.

For $20, it's a good deal.


open world pretty generic
combat super fun
also like the story a lot (new vegas writer)

An obvious product of a developer never having made an open world game before and just checking boxes. Guerrilla were just walking paved roads with absolutely zero idea what they were doing from a design standpoint and especially from a world building standpoint.

It's fine but what you'd expect from an open world game. Just very uninspired and safe in terms of its design

I borrowed it from a friend and played through it. It's okay, but it also confirmed to me that I made the right decision not actually buying it. It's just decent at best.

It's fine but it doesn't really do anything new.

It's fun for 20-30 hours

>anything interesting or different
fighting giant robot dinos, while you only have pre-historic style weapons

>combat vs machines(the big ones especially)
>first act of main story is pretty good until you're forced to explore old ruins for exposition dumps via audiologs
>beautiful graphics
>environments are large and varied
>great sense of exploration
>interesting lore, it's interesting to learn about the new post-apocalyptic cultures(feels alot like Mass Effect at times)

>main story quickly loses steam and lacks any player choice
>side quests are hit or miss, the best ones serve as an excuse to fight new enemy types
>basic, repetitive stealth
>terrible human enemy design
>feminist/leftist subtext that's mostly easy to ignore unless you're actively looking for it
Try it out, it goes on sale for cheap every month or two

>feminist/leftist subtext that's mostly easy to ignore unless you're actively looking for it
I went into the game not looking for it at all and ended up finding it pretty fucking forced. It's literally all over the place. The men are consistently portrayed as weaklings who can't do anything for themselves.

There's like half a dozen "towers" that really don't uncover much that you wouldn't discover naturally.
The open world does not innovate on the formula, but you'll eventually visit almost everything by just doing the story and the subquests. Just looking at the map it seems like a lot of busy work, but basically 60% of the icons are just indicators for what kind of robot roams the area, the rest are mostly optionnal collectibles that will give some lore on the world before.
There's a dozen bandit camp to wipe and some sidequests.

I really liked the game, combat feels good if you don't force yourself to do melee, which is barebones. The core of the game rely on your arrows, gadgets and how much you can torment a robot.

It's Far Cry with robo-dinos.

Except it doesn't have good antagonists.

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