ITT: post a pic/gif/webm and the others will recommend a game based on it

Attached: 199.gif (300x300, 2.88M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Horse.jpg (852x480, 52K)

Chrono Squad

Mass Effect

Red Dead Redemption

Attached: Wolfo.png (1279x286, 202K)


The Wolf Among Us

Attached: giphy.gif (499x287, 1.96M)

Attached: 29NATURE-articleLarge.jpg (600x601, 71K)

She looks like a dirty prostitute. 6.5/10, would bust my nut in there.

Attached: 1445766574241.jpg (384x395, 24K)

Attached: 1550703271154.gif (2952x3047, 1.76M)


Call of Ctulhu?

Fallout New Vegas

Attached: 1550951301843.webm (320x180, 476K)


saints row 3

Dead Rising

Attached: 1456114330486.gif (494x274, 812K)

No. The scary one
Corruption of Champions

sekiro shadows die twice

R6 siege but you can only play as fuze

Way of the Samurai or MGR: Revengeance

Why is ricardo making a comeback?

Bioshock Series
welcome to the circus of values


Attached: demonicblackcomfycat.png (768x427, 487K)

Devil May Cry

Attached: Rus stor 13.jpg (600x959, 144K)

Sid Meier's Pirates

Attached: 1522217080425.jpg (900x692, 66K)

Zoomers found out about him and are running the joke to the ground like they usually do.

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

Hearts of Iron 4

Empire Earth

Attached: 1535249441466.png (634x623, 943K)

Darkest of Days


Attached: door dog.jpg (900x900, 70K)

Attached: 1405080674530jpg.jpg (2774x1700, 3.9M)

Deus Ex Invisible War


Facehugger by Tetsuya Nomura

Attached: batman_tetsuya_nomura_variant_play_arts_kai_2.jpg (1280x881, 97K)

Alien: Isolation

Civilization with random maps

Civ 6

Tokyo Jungle

>barely any decent weight gain or inflation scenes in CoC after all these years
I'm still mad.

counter strike

BERSERK and the Band of the Hawk

Attached: Rus stor 11.jpg (1151x1784, 267K)

Code Vein when it releases

Attached: 1548969176534.jpg (810x987, 343K)

Attached: DoomHouse_1085.jpg (297x462, 40K)

Attached: LankyShamefulElectriceel-max-1mb.gif (400x300, 875K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-18-22-01-48-1-1.png (720x1019, 514K)

Attached: 1538339178882.webm (240x240, 719K)

Attached: 09UQKeeOq.jpg (1280x731, 195K)

lol that's good

Attached: 405FB7B9-056C-4371-AF9A-60EB8B459A0D.jpg (900x1280, 141K)


Tomb Raider

Attached: 2015-10-30-lara1[1].jpg (100x118, 8K)

Time Lord

Crusader Kings 2

Azur Lane


Attached: 1546809416122.png (948x535, 312K)

>Aleksej Makhrov
>Historical Military Fantasy
>Time, Go Forward!
>Guardian of the Future

Attached: 1388421269101.jpg (283x273, 13K)

Getting Over It



Attached: 1392474878155.jpg (1034x1442, 135K)

Space station 13

Attached: spess clown.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

Attached: b46fffbaff405dae626e81de59daa9ff.png (889x1114, 296K)

I love thus one of Stalin

Attached: 1543783484109.jpg (1039x664, 214K)

Darksiders II


Attached: rus stor 16.jpg (350x565, 153K)

Attached: AE8C7CEB-4CE4-4761-B011-CA8F9F79D08B.jpg (1000x688, 199K)

i wish i could erase this from my mind

Escape From Tarkov

any Senran Kagura

Attached: 1541305002508.png (900x1353, 1.52M)

Monster Hunter tri/3 Ultimate

Pirates of the Enchirideon

>animal dicks
a bit redundant, don't you think?

Attached: 1543526012130.jpg (346x346, 18K)

oh so that's how the great purge went down

Stanley Parable

is it still mmo?

>In the vortex of time
>Position "Direct Hit"
>Time Troopers
>Aleksandr Kontorovich

Attached: 1487381584394.jpg (750x722, 67K)

Attached: 54269FDF3C41C17A85ABE228B9BB334CFDB82088_large.jpg (600x600, 61K)

Attached: 9a7fea374705e819a973a3e75dd04e4cf4b066332520fca7869530755e2349ca.png (1200x1261, 1.29M)

Attached: 1550873768777.png (500x353, 162K)

Gorky 17

The Klub 17

Killing Floor 2

Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army

Battle Chasers: Nigthwar

Attached: 1414717988845.jpg (1440x900, 243K)

Skyrim with sex mods

Attached: 1988-1543818504-1875967101.jpg (3840x2160, 637K)

Attached: 1505259207190.png (1018x770, 1.15M)

Metal Gear Solid 4

Attached: 1549649836541.jpg (1306x672, 94K)

Not asuras wrath

Attached: 76CCE3A4-67CA-4F2D-9318-270107C0CF8A.jpg (708x1000, 174K)

Attached: Rus stor 15.jpg (597x942, 156K)

Persona 5

Forbidden Siren

Attached: Watermelon.gif (493x277, 2.91M)

Attached: worried.jpg (750x750, 30K)

his head reminded me for the first boss

Xenoblade 1

Attached: Left-Alive-Character-Designs-Yoji-Shinkawa.jpg (1500x1893, 910K)

Max Payne 3

Attached: srm.png (978x972, 397K)

Attached: CD84AECE-065E-4CCF-AD88-2A1E91CCD53B.jpg (1096x1370, 221K)

Cute and funny
Black Desert Online

Attached: 1550651571974.jpg (712x949, 110K)

Attached: 256d8bf0bb55d6e914f487060e1c2e601991aa46a977444f7ce08849e86dea0e-tv.jpg (750x1000, 100K)

I started playing early 2017 dont ever remember it being an MMO. Its lobby based. You going to FACTORY, have to click on it in the menu, jump into a lobby, wait for players to synchronize. When game starts there is a limited number of PMC (player characters) and a limited number of SCAV players. With a limited number of SCAV cpu's. Nothing about it is MMO. Never is there more than like 15-20 players in a raid.

I think in general MMO's would mean hundreds (and above) players in a single instance which Tarkov is not.

A legal PC copy of Metro: Exodus.

Resident Evil 5

Attached: 121585-metal-gear-solid-the-essential-collection-playstation-other.jpg (800x1129, 137K)

Darksiders 2

Attached: 1531604049762.webm (1280x720, 728K)

Attached: 1446477168296.jpg (500x500, 37K)

Attached: 1549550133856.jpg (720x720, 86K)

Super Ghoul’s and Ghosts

Attached: 18D31A17-65FC-47B0-BBB4-4F11A9B8AD7A.png (851x1200, 1.73M)

Metal Gear Solid, obviously.
That's the same artist right? Yoji Shinkawa?

LISA: The painful RPG

Attached: 1424199103958-2.jpg (1280x1444, 137K)

I know I won't get a satisfactory answere

Attached: 1279214A-AFEE-46AA-960C-0BE470CDFC58.jpg (1408x2048, 306K)

final fantasy 5

Russian Roulette:Semiautomatic Edition

nier automata?


Attached: Just no..gif (272x281, 1.99M)

Attached: council intesne.gif (395x423, 3.62M)

Far Cry 5

Attached: 1543967088266.jpg (748x405, 122K)

Attached: 1540118655776.webm (720x404, 2.36M)

Saints Row 4


This is Malazan isn't it?

Attached: 1544207194623.webm (640x360, 2.42M)

tony hawks underground 2

Attached: 60848105_p0.jpg (849x1225, 531K)

I meant there is still no story mode or mission based single-player challenges, right?

Attached: 6E9397BE-E215-410C-B6E6-C33563C59C39.jpg (2048x832, 529K)

Attached: 1544067919356.jpg (480x403, 32K)

Attached: The most comfy man on earth.jpg (834x390, 339K)

>I know I won't get a satisfactory answer
At least you went in with realistic expectations
Girl's Frontline

Kid Klown in crazy chase.

Attached: 1538082143737.jpg (4392x2272, 1.7M)

Life is Strange

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

Men at War



Freedom Force

Valkyria Chronicles

Attached: 1521448833238.jpg (1280x828, 217K)


Attached: 70E20B78-4B2D-4176-82CA-F32651EDE8FA.jpg (1325x2048, 446K)

That one AT game Mike Inel had a part in.

Baldur's gate

>Leonid Kaganov, Mikhail Kikin, Yurij Burnosov and dr.
>Zombies in the USSR
>Controlling a gunshot to the head
>Historical Military Fantasy
>German Romanov
>Comrade Hitler, Book 2
>Execute Churchill!

HoMM3 for the necropolis with the cloak of the "balanced" king

Valkyrie Chronicles 5: Modern Warfare

Attached: IMG_20190219_204759.jpg (720x960, 48K)

Attached: f6d37d8f20e41f076f0f47f1fc406d0b95bb4d68c1a5f6bae1c7da4af4d520f4.jpg (500x511, 184K)

already played psychonauts

Attached: worrieder.png (1505x736, 395K)

Dragon's Dogma

no more heroes 2
Russian attack
burger time/any stealth game

Attached: no way.gif (192x256, 323K)

MTGO. Go back to Alara you fucking bitch.

Play Lisa then

I just googled "Tarkov MMO" the game is never classified by the developers as an MMO, but as a "realistic online first-person action RPG/Simulator with MMO features." It is not in a sense an MMO as everyone seems to claim, but it has some MMO features tho it and of itsself is not an MMO.

Story, no. At most its still just "You have to get out of tarkov" and then rest is non existant. There are challenges and quests you can get by talking to the shopkeepers, (Hey bring me like 10 AK-105s) or like (Go to woods and kill 20 scav players) or (go to factory and collect 5 player dogtags) stuff like that to unlock shopkeeper progression and gain rep. with them and improve your relationship with them which may also affect reputation with other shopkeepers which may go up or down depending on who's quest youre fulfilling. Stuff like that

It's actually from a /tg/ world-building evolution game that eventually transitioned into a civilization game with the species that evolved.
Its pretty cool as far as world-building goes.
There used to be a wiki but I can't find it, this is the closest I could find:

Attached: 1340382033642.png (1360x484, 205K)


Hard mode: No furry faggotry

Attached: Werewolf priest.png (1166x657, 676K)

Castlevania: curse of darkness

World of Warcraft

hmm have it in my library, actually dont know why i havent played it yet. will do

Attached: 1548825581727.jpg (402x1060, 102K)

XCOM TFTD, using only the drill weapons.

Attached: the 90s.jpg (720x490, 78K)

smt: strange journey

The Order 1886

Attached: 1532735900076.webm (854x480, 2.63M)

Attached: 43cba3ebccbb8f6fa226da2a3dda20eb48ac4992e5929ea92a1c1c87603d8320.jpg (640x609, 60K)

Ultima Online
Persona something
Grim Fandango
Doki Doki Literature

Attached: 1550551924060.jpg (639x626, 21K)

Blood and Bacon

Code name steam
no more heroes
meant legacy of darkness


Serious Sam

watch dogs 2

Spec Ops the line

Usually I despise stoners but this is cute.

Attached: 32pK781b9X81kps328.jpg (2048x1536, 120K)

Attached: 39405C3E-B34B-44A2-A978-48C63C58D946.jpg (1090x685, 281K)

Killing Floor

Blood Trail VR
Red Dead Redemption 2
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Metro Exodus
House Flipper
Resident Evil 2
A Way Out
Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality


Have fun :^)

Attached: 643da1ebe32c58be3a6c24f487bae885902f5bbb2f017370f03889ed7c4ee480.jpg (2464x1648, 366K)

Attached: 1550797315714.jpg (640x853, 52K)


Attached: 1543734885025.png (1012x1784, 1.66M)

libe id strabe :DDDDDD



Resident Evil 2 Remake

Ni No Kuni 2

Mutant: Year Zero



Attached: 1387153929347.jpg (1896x1387, 361K)

Attached: 1448347600394.jpg (491x750, 578K)

Attached: wet_ps3_cover_M.jpg (1000x1154, 364K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 51K)

Horizon: Zero Dawn

>Resident Evil 2 Remake
Topest of the keks

Attached: 1514215820947.jpg (640x852, 109K)

Mario Kart

Attached: 1544524484323.jpg (648x960, 69K)

Attached: 114.jpg (1328x315, 70K)

Wet for the PS3

Attached: bogp.jpg (1000x581, 95K)

Attached: 9umv4yk.jpg (1209x2048, 653K)

Attached: adadada.jpg (993x805, 136K)

yumi niki
space funeral
far cry 5: fallout edition
retro game challenge

Half Life


Yeah I'm going to have to ask you to delete that and replace that with something cute

Attached: DA7EE7B4-AC4A-4623-9F61-F181AB16AC83.jpg (800x1077, 429K)

Attached: Space_Monks.png (1172x2285, 2.83M)

Mass Effect Andromeda

Attached: 1533605760159.png (470x1433, 723K)

Attached: penis turtle.gif (184x325, 1.57M)

Attached: IMG_20190113_191010.jpg (1242x1190, 85K)

Attached: 1535333601884.jpg (1464x939, 351K)

Godzilla Unleashed

Attached: 1549444335585.jpg (720x960, 99K)

Dies Irae: Amantes Amentes

Battle for Azeroth

rapparu is based, he likes toho so play a toho game.

Attached: 541fd9e2f903c34a769586f05f37d48a4aa0cda683ee7bbc109cc1fd8a34d603.gif (620x465, 56K)

yakuza 5

dark souls II

Attached: s8gwkf73dli01.jpg (800x450, 50K)

Attached: 1003.jpg (2548x3504, 1.86M)

Attached: 1550343259914.jpg (1024x573, 58K)

Why even have humans?

Octopath Traveler

Attached: 1421202806624.gif (422x235, 1000K)

games for this feel?

Attached: 1548802466559.jpg (1207x1609, 239K)

area 51


Resident Evil 5

Attached: 3d271a0fb847c74352b12dba384513dc349804b9114bb4f49f5c711a39c043fb.jpg (2272x1704, 409K)

Attached: Get_to_Heaven_Everything_Everything.jpg (300x300, 31K)

what video is this from

Attached: 1539749911048.webm (480x480, 363K)


Dark Souls 3

Attached: 1550693109454.png (773x1100, 661K)

Attached: E1963042-177D-4FE0-AE52-378DB4CBBE56.jpg (1024x1012, 129K)

Dark Souls II, the Frigid Outskirts

Attached: 1550906418149.webm (960x540, 1.93M)

underrated post

Attached: 1550391705354.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)

Dead Rising 2


Alpha Protocol


Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade




Breath of Fire 4

Attached: 1335918045473.jpg (1000x716, 164K)

Modded Skyrim

Blue Reflection

Deus Ex

Killer is Dead

Attached: 1530087600926.jpg (706x467, 46K)

It didn't, that's just for scale.


Attached: 1367829932249.gif (300x215, 505K)

Attached: 1515374354896.jpg (342x342, 9K)


Attached: FB_IMG_1524371341476.jpg (1080x1047, 78K)

Very interesting.

shit quality, mate

Attached: 1403037308054.gif (768x576, 82K)

Super Smash Bros Melee

You just know


Attached: 1550637906939.png (603x566, 434K)

Fallout 4


Attached: 1538193881924.jpg (1024x862, 97K)

I was disappointed last time, but I will try once more.

Attached: 451F90CB-BD80-41CC-8C9F-488FA01D5D83.jpg (551x720, 93K)

Attached: Foundation_gnome.jpg (245x360, 67K)

Attached: 1511802962675.png (597x522, 507K)

Attached: 1548985807024.png (850x832, 341K)

Attached: limb_03.jpg (1111x1600, 380K)

Crusader Kings 2

god hand
vr chat


Bioshock Infinite

Attached: 924508B5-DB8A-4489-9C2B-75213BD24657.jpg (1080x1350, 475K)

Attached: mrworldwide.jpg (800x450, 68K)

No more hugs, band

the brap hog at the left is kind of hot

Battlestations pacific

I haven't laughed like that In a long time

Persona 3

Attached: 1469815886966.webm (480x360, 1.36M)



Kingdom Hearts

Crusader Kings 2


Witcher 3


Attached: 1338037268335.jpg (1024x1707, 316K)

>The fucking crooked snout

Attached: B0FA3EB0-BB4C-4AA3-BC50-D9402A3F4408.jpg (600x1070, 179K)

(Translator's note: dr. is short for others)

GTAIV: Ballad of faggot Tony

Attached: 1540349502041.gif (380x289, 3.46M)

Attached: ko into bike steal.webm (480x270, 681K)

Attached: 26857012_1575683282521237_1485819724_n.png (700x833, 739K)

MGS3 Snake Eater

Endless Legend

Attached: 1419282588748.jpg (1024x768, 76K)

Attached: 1550885981219.png (800x450, 321K)

that glass jaw

Mike Tyson's Punch Out


Attached: 8928948023940239.jpg (1087x849, 382K)

Attached: 1549324656725.jpg (1000x1501, 184K)

Attached: 1416187305096.png (1507x1547, 4M)

Mike Tyson's Punchout
or that DOOM mod

Attached: donut.jpg (1200x675, 88K)

Mary Skelter Nightmares

Attached: 1530156451887.jpg (746x605, 136K)

Attached: 1548543918888.webm (480x360, 2.93M)


>Mongol invastion with small arms and RPGs

holy shit I need this

Attached: 3Su7jLjVPVw4oVbeWuhvtFgw7lhS726kr5dOFOCIE-s.png (1024x576, 772K)

>Not for broadcasting
Guys there's someone at the doo

Attached: 2558354C-0CBB-4587-A5B8-24C013C37CC4.jpg (1152x1920, 153K)

Dark Shoals: Prepare to Dive


System Shock 2

Attached: why would anything nice happen.jpg (500x566, 44K)

Attached: Dark Lord Lucikoi.jpg (1280x720, 902K)

Fuck that noise. Recommend me something based on my 3x3.

Attached: muh 3x3.jpg (904x904, 982K)

Attached: ff1.gif (255x231, 112K)

Live a Live

Final Fantasy 1

Both of them can get it, after a few beers.


Attached: 438590y89345.jpg (1000x619, 940K)

The Darkness


Attached: 73245429_p0_master1200.jpg (1200x900, 263K)

Attached: 1531780361748.jpg (666x666, 98K)

RPG maker


Attached: 1530582203510.jpg (612x816, 202K)

Dota 2

Not sure if game graphics or real life and the more I look at it the more it looks like GFX even though I know it isn't

That's why I don't drink

Attached: 1525155197469.jpg (750x375, 35K)

jesus fucking christ

Metal Gear Rising: Revengance

Zoo Tycoon

Muramasa: The Demon Blade

Darkest Dungeon

Total War: Warhammer (Bretonnia campaign)

Frozen Synapse

Company of Heroes

Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield

Life is Strange 2

Dark Souls 2

Attached: 1354160209905.jpg (452x316, 58K)

Games with this feel?

Attached: run nigga run.webm (406x720, 1.89M)


I cant believe no one recommended Penguin adventure

This is probably the most accurate answer for OP

Attached: 1527026083682.jpg (1333x800, 304K)

>he posts on /an/
absolutely bassed

Attached: 1510576660925.png (1200x635, 546K)

thats a very mixed bag, that im afraid nothing really apeals to all of it.

NieR Automata

Attached: 1550034430345.jpg (958x999, 145K)

Dark Souls 3

Black Desert Online

Yumi Nikki or just get a loli tulpa

Attached: AE3825E8-CCF8-4851-878A-17A07818B004.jpg (850x600, 273K)

Aaaah you're no fun.

>all those fat asses

Attached: 1528508570320.jpg (437x431, 14K)


Attached: 470303bmgjo01.jpg (1280x1018, 255K)


Attached: Billy[2].jpg (255x197, 11K)

not a game but jojo season 3

That isn't the way airplanes fly, she would be flying backwards towards her legs that makes no fucking sense.


Attached: 1548416222086.jpg (379x371, 21K)

Attached: 7.jpg (847x1200, 647K)

Attached: 2ada8e095fac923d5d6fa0a906698f50.jpg (474x474, 55K)

7 days to die

Attached: 1549281316364.jpg (2304x1728, 1.22M)



Attached: Quality.webm (640x480, 3M)

Afro Samurai/Samurai Champloo Game

Damn they are that far already?
I'm behind


Attached: 400B82A5-5ADF-421C-858B-69F68959B938.jpg (545x800, 62K)

Fairy Fencer F

Attached: 1521039814857.jpg (720x960, 110K)

Attached: 1521613552167.webm (728x728, 1.86M)

Yeah, it was the most recent episode. KC didn't just Kakyoin him either, he slowly pushed his arm through Bruno, and you could hear Bruno's spine and ribs breaking.

Breath of the wild
No More Heroes
The Evil Within
Rainbow Six Siege
The Division
Football manager with a sex mod

Attached: *draws katana*.png (243x309, 8K)

Attached: 1424673214447.gif (340x324, 1.99M)

Some "hardcoooore" boomer shit
Some fan made Castlevania hack maybe

Attached: 1550559126572.jpg (598x800, 69K)

what's this from?

Why would I play a shittier version of Castlevania?

Attached: 1200px-The_Triumph_of_Death_by_Pieter_Bruegel_the_Elder.jpg (1200x856, 434K)


Attached: 1548985558113.jpg (1242x1702, 1.76M)

metin 2

Because I assume you've already played Castlevania

Already played Hotline Miami and GTA Vice City

Attached: IrX.gif (450x341, 1.86M)

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Attached: 1545328643152.jpg (1600x1006, 698K)

Janitor Simulator

Easy mode

Attached: 1520114724331.webm (640x480, 2.94M)

Attached: OmvU.gif (628x428, 388K)

>I assume you've played Castlevania so I recommend that you play Castlevania

Attached: 1522559377133.png (211x244, 80K)

Oh hell nah

Attached: 4346D980-EC36-4A69-99A6-953B760688B1.jpg (595x842, 135K)

Saya no Uta

Stop sucking dick I assumed you already played Castlevania so based on your 3x3 I recommend that you play another harder version of it because there's a couple interesting spiritual sequels and fan hacks and shit.

Abandon thread, pedo spammer is here.

we WILL take Jerusalem

Attached: 1522198798740.jpg (1896x2668, 637K)

God of War (PS4)

There has never been a single good fan game. Recommend me an actual video game or go deepthroat a railroad spike.

>That pic
Pls I want to go back.

Metal Wolf Chaos

Attached: 3B472DF4-3FC6-45AE-BEB6-47B219735844.jpg (1649x1157, 420K)


Sunless skies

Attached: undead yes unperson no.jpg (461x599, 234K)

SMT: if... unfortunately it's shit.
Painkiller series
Watch American Horror Story: Coven
Nier Automata

Mount & Blade Warband

Capitalism. ho!

Crash Bandicoot

Attached: TFpI.gif (500x219, 500K)

Fallout New Vegas Kenshiro run

Rb6 Siege, Pulse

Midnight Meat Train was pretty good.


Attached: 1239761812435.jpg (985x1509, 461K)

Attached: takemitsu-zamurai-1742788.jpg (800x1155, 173K)

I thought it was some meta-humour and humans dwelled in the seas

Any Metal Gear.

Pls recommend

Attached: PLS.png (1131x849, 1.14M)

Strange reasoning but ok

Attached: 60.jpg (1200x1185, 581K)



Attached: 1548507708070.gif (364x339, 768K)



Attached: 1541950478743.jpg (1247x1781, 337K)

Attached: pen power.gif (427x312, 3.43M)


Attached: D90F330E-ED19-4D7A-8098-6ECCB73D11CB.gif (856x930, 543K)

club penguin

Club Penguin


Attached: QUBug8R.gif (500x281, 999K)

Katawa Shoujo

Attached: 113a116f2fa6850d0df3f237c03d4b7af398e62048e8ae8f5c25b1989fae6dbb.png (657x705, 373K)


>all you can do is drink succubi milk and eat pastries to get thicc
>thiccness doesn't really matter much

I mean CoC is still infinitely superior to TiTS but damn.

Is that what happens when a beached whale explodes?

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That massage looks like it'd feel good. Can I just skip straight to that?

Sims 3

aniki died irl so we use ricardo out of respect.

Do you mean Chroma Squad?

were there any cool civil war levels in that? I think I remember there being a union soldier with an AR on the cover or something.

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darkest dungeon

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Persona 5

Earth Defense Force 4.1 or 5

Kagero: Deception II

I'll pass. Fuck attention whores.

Attached: 1544128646293.webm (540x760, 2.88M)

Attached: neanderthal.webm (198x360, 2.93M)

>game's world map is just an altered version of the real world's map

animal crossing
e.y.e divine cybermancy
silent hill 3
city of heroes rip
this is the police
battle brothers
what remains of edith finch

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GTA San Andreas has overweight CJ, but you never finish the game.

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Holy shit wow, it like almost bit his head off wtf that video is why I will never dive

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Attached: you know.png (365x317, 4K)

Attached: get out of your head.gif (512x288, 936K)

Any freshly released modern MMORPG

>eye divine cybermancy

Literally World of Warships since the last major patch.

Attached: WG_WoWS_SPb_Screenshots_CV_JPN_fighter_1_ENG_1920x1080.jpg (1600x900, 254K)

Rain World, of course.

Final Fantasy 7
That breeding system can go fuck itself with a hot iron


Play Mischief Makers nigger.

Attached: 1544494247839.jpg (500x472, 47K)

Welcome to the Game 2

Lemmings (1991)

Attached: 1.jpg (1024x768, 152K)


Attached: 1549945879102.jpg (2100x954, 179K)

Dying Light

Attached: 1550174571211.png (200x200, 55K)

Scorn when it releases.

Mad Verse City

alternatively, Limbo of the Lost.

Attached: 1527493696900.jpg (508x754, 108K)

Call of Chernobyl


Resident Evil: Director's Cut


Attached: tsutomu-nihei-blame-v01-0126-v01-0112.jpg (720x606, 245K)

sleeping dogs

can't Dodge the Rodge

Sleeping dogs.

Attached: 1538701326418.jpg (700x800, 105K)


Don't starve

what game should I play

Attached: bear.webm (480x720, 2.18M)

any Bioware game

Kiss: Psycho Circus


Fortnite BR/STW

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Final Fantasy 6.

That's Kefka on the right.

Attached: 1494942642468.jpg (580x381, 37K)

I want to hate the neverending stagnant pepe memes but this one and tuxedo pepe make me laugh.

Attached: 1515581920596.jpg (820x1024, 97K)

Mortal kombat 11
Dead or alive

Attached: download.jpg (627x754, 41K)

Wild life

Vanilla Total War Rome 1
Everblue 2

Attached: 1536721591838.jpg (780x1024, 182K)

Attached: You don't get to bring your soul.gif (280x358, 2.17M)

This looks like fanart

NFS:Most Wanted 2010

Alpha Protocol



EDF series

Blade and Soul

SCP: Secret Laboratory

Those are stretch marks, not scars.

Attached: stretchs-marks--on-inner-thighs.jpg (660x371, 223K)

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dying light

Usually in indication of pregnancy

Elevator Action Returns

Attached: 0000.png (320x232, 19K)

Attached: 1488.jpg (388x314, 68K)

Left 4 Dead 2
Hyperlight Drifter
Portal 2

Attached: 1545175050753.jpg (2048x1792, 1.74M)

NEO AQUARIUM - The King of Crustaceans


Attached: Video_Game_Movie_Adaptation.webm (960x720, 1.72M)

Rolling Thunder

Attached: 1511918144309.gif (350x545, 1.98M)

Fallout (or any bethesda game,preferably skyrim for better necrophilia due to framework or Fallout for muh war bonus) with "Raider Children and Other Horrors of the Commonwealth" or some equivalent with some sex mods and associated child patches and nude skins. Oh, and depending on your choice of mods killable children may be additional requirement, but most have their own version of that integrated so read the descs or check with xedit.

I would seriously recommend skyrim or even oblivion over FO4 since the far more developed frameworks and general activity on those games, but FO4 has indeed more fitting war theme overall, but not anywhere nearly as complete and never will be after the announcement. But it will suffice if you do not need necrophilia or some sophisticated snuff and death animations and functions, such as corpses wetting themselves after death or post mortem lewdness overall (Enhanced blood textures has convulsions feature but it's rather rudimentary).

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Grezzo 2

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Attached: 40.jpg (492x647, 215K)

I would play the shit out of a Souls and DOOM mashup.


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Persona 1

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Why are her tits all the way down there? It's not like there's anything to sag.

>suggesting retard games
Rude man, rude.


The Pink Panther: Passport to Peril