what happened?
What happened?
A product no one has asked for, in an oversatuated marked which has already run its corse, marketed to a target demographic which does not care for the genre.
you're right, but we are talking about 500 concurren players right now
There are many shitty indie game noone heard of with more players. We are talking about Valve here.
So I again
They basically pulled a Blizzard with Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch. Late entry into a platform that was already on the outs.
>A product no one has asked for, in an oversatuated marked which has already run its corse, marketed to a target demographic which does not care for the genre.
>They basically pulled a Blizzard with Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch
Overwatch has about a million players playing and HotS is in the 10k-50k range.
Artifact sits at 500
You can not compare this at all
>All that time and money could be spent on areas that could really use it like TF2
Even as a hardcore TF2fag, honestly? Give us the Heavy Update as one final good send-off, then make it known you're not gonna put any real effort from then on. At least it's better than having no communication for months on end with the promise of something nice just over the horizon.
The casulls play Kekstone.
The shitters play MtG:A and cancer each other up with retarded Nexus of Shit decks.
The weebs play Shadowverse and touch themselves while looking at the artwork.
The speshool snowflakes play Eternal.
The 10 people who got Faeria before it turned buy2play are still going at it.
Also, I think there's a guy waiting in the Ascension matchmaking queue.
Didn’t pander to idiot normies, casuals, or SJWs, so only patricians with taste were left to play.
Its literally triple dipping when it comes to money,
>Valve gets money when they buy the game
>Valve gets money when they buy packs
>Valve gets money when you sell stuff on the market
And how will they reward you for it? With fuck all
>Why is Valve making a new game instead of updating a 12-year-old game?
>Overwatch has about a million players playing and HotS is in the 10k-50k range.
You get packs, event tickets, and icons for playing.
my ass
>Why is Valve making a new game instead of updating a 12-year-old game that actually still makes them money?
You’re right, Valve should focus more on Dota, which makes considerably more money than TF2, and toss TF2 back in memories of the Bush administration where it belongs.
When will you guys that Valve doesen't deserve your money or time, they don't care about old loyal fans and are just about milking money from customers, the games they have right now "Cs:go and dota 2" Barely get any updates and when these 2 games lose players you can bet that they will get the tf2/artifact treatment.
Gameplay is boring
It failing has nothing to do with the price, packs, or whatever. There is free draft mode for fucks sake.
>no cheap thrills
>game tells you "tough luck, faggot" every chance it gets while lasting for up to 40 minutes
It has nothing to do with with monetization/muh Valve, you don't drop from 60k to 500 in 3 months due just because people did not want it.
i'd be okay with that too
we can both agree that artifact ain't fuckin' it, chief
Oh yeah? Well tough tamale.
Valve’s in it for the long haul.
>"$1M tourney in Q1 2019"
>Nearly March and no word on it yet
>Valve doing anything for TF2 that isn't the modding community
Can we stop with this retarded belief that Valve actually makes *most* of the content in TF2? The Jungle Update for example had 1 out of 5 weapons created by Communty meanwhile 5 out of 6 maps were created by the Community. To top it off, some of the Pyro weapons were ideas and concepts for almost a fucking decade. All of the Halloween maps added we community made as well in the past two years. Valve barely does any actual content themselves. In fact the community's been making shit for TF2 since 2009 with the WAR Update. The pickaxe and direct hit were created by a community member.
This entire company is ran by a conman who takes advantage of gullible cheap labor who he doesn't even have to employ.
>W-we didn't say artifact. We said a-autochess!
The future is now, old man.
I mean, the game barely has any A.I. to speak of, it's some insanely bland shit. Still, steam charts numbers are based on guesstimates and can be misleading, and you don't need steam to run this game at all.
Overwatch sold about infinity million copies
They could just give 2k to each of their players instead and be done with it. It would probably be way better promo and publicity stunt too than some unintelligible tournament with 200 viewers.
I can't fucking believe that Valve bought Jeep off FCA.
Fiat is absolutely done for.
It was dead long ago.
>releasing a BUY TO PLAY card game where you have to pay for cards and to participate in ranked game modes
>'what happened'
why would you pay for this shit when theres a lot of other games like it for free
Duel Links Chads reporting in.
Fuck artifact
t. D’Quario JaMarcus
>it's a chore to play
>it's painful to watch
>it's a fucking dota card game. Only dotards care about dota and they just jerk it off in their own game instead
Ignoring the pay model entirely:
>Three lane setup seems overwhelming at first glance which immediately disqualifies casuals
>Most of the creature cards are bland bodies with no abilities
>Lots of items, spells, and abilities are boring stat boosts
>Some of the game mechanics are horribly unfun to play against, especially Silences and Time Locks
>Way too much RNG, depending on the deck/matchup you could be at a huge disadvantage on turn one just because of initial deployment
>Barely get any updates and when these 2 games lose players you can bet that they will get the tf2/artifact treatment.
I highly doubt that. TF2 was not seen in the same light as the other two by Valve. It was always a guinea pig to be used to experiment with in terms of what good ideas (see: monetization) can be implemented into future games like dota2 and csgo. All of the modern lootbox and schemey practices can trace back to Valve's modernizing and making it maintream. TF2 has served its purpose. The question if though, if both dota2 and csgo fail, what will Valve do to maintain more shekels outside of their client which is under competition now?
>Artifact will to card games what Half-life 2 is to FPS's
It's amazing how out of touch this man is. He's turned into a true Foster Kane
Probably not a single thing with TF2, which has retained a steady population of loyal dicksuckers for a decade. Then again it's not like TF2 requires Valve to run.
>defending a pay 2 pay game
You're everything that's wrong with the game industry
He was actually right
Valve have hired the guys who made Dota Autochess and they're gonna make it into a full fledged game
RIP Artifact
see: teamwork.tf
If you want the real numbers for TF2's playerbase, this is a better site to use since it counts how many people actually *play* compared to the bots and shit that farm.
>a 14 year old singleplayer game vs a multiplayer game that's not even 4 months old
Jesus christ you're right, what a fool I was to question Lord Gaben.
Maybe you should try getting a job.
There is literally no reason to run a TF2 bot anymore. Weapons are worthless, craft hats are worthless, drops are limited. Nobody does it anymore.
The difference is that HL2 is a 15 year old game at this point while Artifact is literally less than a year old. Of course not many people are playing HL2 today, it's a singleplayer game that everybody and their grandma beat years ago. The fact that even with that in mind it's beating Artifact out should really say something about how bad Artifact is.
the only good part about artifact is the /vg/ general
i use to doompost dota2 and they make me look like small fries
bless them
It was doomed from the start.
Stalin had millions of followers.
Jesus had 12.
Take a look at the statistics on that site. Take a look at the number of active players. It tells how many people are matchmaking, how many are in community servers, and also shows how many servers run plugins or not ect.
jesus also didnt exist
>Gabe desperately keeps trying to seek out the next golden goose
This kike is so out of fucking touch.
artifact autochess soon
Yes, but how many are playing right now? Artifact sold 1-2 million and look at it now.
Close to the Sun is now a Epic Games Store Exclusive
>Carlo Ivo Alimo Bianchi, CEO & Founder, Storm in a Teacup, said: “Our relationship with Epic and the decision to use the Unreal Engine have provided fantastic opportunities for our studio, enabling a greater creative freedom and the ability to double-down on quality for our games. To launch on the Epic games store feels like the perfect next step and we are delighted that our partnerships with both Wired Productions and Epic Games will help propel Close to the Sun to achieve our ambitions.”
>“It’s great news for independent developers and publishers that Epic has opened up these incredible opportunities for its partners,” said Leo Zullo, Managing Director, Wired Productions. “Success in this industry is hard to come by and the industry relies on each other to drive progress. Great games need great developers, who need great tech, who need great publishers, who need great distribution opportunities.”
>Close to the Sun is an “atmospheric horror game” developed by Storm in a Teacup. Set in 1897, it takes place on a ship complex created by Nikola Tesla in the pursuit of knowledge. In this alternate version of world history, many scientific breakthroughs have already taken place and had a major impact on world society. As a young journalist looking for her sister, you quickly realize that something has gone terribly wrong, as the entire ship complex is deserted, with a single word painted over the entrance: quarantine.
Gaben's entire empire is crumbling before him, and he's just watching like Tony Montana
Name even one thing having a bot in-game actually accomplishes.
>idle bots
Weapons and craft hats are less than a penny in value, and you only get 7 per week. Nobody buys them for the most part. Nobody idles anymore either.
>trading bots
You don't have to open the game client to trade. The site itself mentions "trade bots" in this way, but you can go to Marketplace.tf (the biggest trade site) right now and see none of their bots have TF2 open.
>other bots
Strange leveling servers have gone extinct, as you can no longer farm them off bots. Gameplay bots (like you'd fight in training mode) are built into the game itself, you don't need unique accounts to have them. The catbot scourge has been manually pruned.
If the official game statistics say there are 50k concurrent users, less than a twentieth will be bots because bots are useless.
>owns an iphone
>talks about taste
Reminder Fortnite is now back to consistently beating Apex, despite claims by Valvefags that it would topple Fortnite
Do you think Apex Legends is developed by Valve?
Steam drones seemed to
What does Valve have to do with Fortnite and Apex Legends? Neither of those games are on Steam.
>couple years ago
>"ohhhh based valve savers of the industry making free to play and non-pay to win games"
>couple years later
>release artifact
what were they THINKING
Can someone explain to me why Twitch viewers are used as a metric for success? It's like bragging because you have more commercials running.
>Spamming reviews when we do it is good
>Spamming reviews when they do it is bad
Because apparently in the world of Zoomers where nobody actually plays video games and instead opts to watch other people play games the only thing that matters is Twitch viewership.
You're gonna have to tell me, Steam drones were using it to show signs of Fortnite's demise.
Because there is usually a huge correlation between the game and twitch viewings.
Valve looked at the videogame market, saw that digital card games used to be a big success but are dying off, they said "lets make a card game, they'll surely try us out since we are fucking valve, and then the spark of love they had with card games will reignite once more, then the money will flow!"
Except they completely forgot WHY digital card games hit back then
>On multiple platforms
>Super noob friendly
>With different modes
>Many missions and quests to give free players the illusion they can compete with p2w thanks to free shit
>Clear, colorful and simple presentation
Artifact literally goes in the opposite direction on EVERY single thing that made this kind of games popular. Couplee that with the fact that battle royales are the new hotness and card games are a thinf of the past and you have a dead on arrival game.
Artifact needs a super hard reboot, F2P with quests, maybe give loads of shit to the fools that spent money on it, the situation is beyond saving, who played this game has moved forward and simply does not care about expansions or new modes anymore, especially since they require more money to spend.
fuck chinese "people"
and fuck you for defending them
Selling copies is a marketing game, retaining them is on the devs.
you know you could have just included dota 1
>Card game.
I fucking wonder what happened.
>ayo FUCK public betas
>we'll just get a bunch of yesmen e-celebs to beta test our games
>wow it turns out they love everything about it, guess we really did make the perfect game
the fucking hubris of the people working at valve
>MFW Epic will NEVER EVER have a monopoly on PC gaming
Apex Legends uses Source.
>A 12 year old game people are actually playing
This is the type of person who works at Valve nowadays. Just google Brad Muir and you'll see nonstop images of him using the onions grin looking like a fucking idiot. Valve's full of them now. The old blood is practically gone.
>even the avatar
is that hair wet or is it just really greasy?
>promoting the idea of monopolies in general
I take it you were too young to remember the days of PC gaming before Valve brought in its DRM platform.
Even his fucking emotes. Every single twitter post he makes he has to ':D' like he's a hyperactive 13 year old boy.
I know you're trolling but I want to let you know that's the second dumbest thing I've read this month.
It does use source though
It's using a heavily modified Source engine. That's akin to say that Half-life 1 is using the Quake engine rather than one that's been radically modified.
>valve always uses their games reddit to balance their game
>check out artifact reddit
>its exactly as you'd imagine it to be
Now im just wondering if anyone at valve cares
>Nearly 3 months in and this game has already become an Artifact.
That doesn't mean Valve has any stakes in the success of Apex Legends.
It's heavily modified. The rendering pipeline among many other core code was massively overhauled.
I guess even redditors can be funny sometimes
Ignore the crap monetization, ignore the backlash, ignore the crowd booing at the announcement, ignore the competition, and Artifact is still a supremely un-fun game full of Negative Play Experience that makes it a chore to go through a match.
>Characters are all randomly assigned. If your weakling blue hero is facing a red hero and not a creep he's dead and there is nothing you can do about it
>There is no mulligan system. If your starting hand is all 4+ mana cards you have nothing to do but pass
>Silences and card locking.
>Random attackers randomly assigned
>Randomized item shop
>Game is so incredibly punishing over several turns you often do not even know why you lost a match when it was because you fucked up your mana use three turns ago
>Cards have boring effects. Give two armor. Have these two characters fight. Blah blah.
>The initiative system discourages you from playing cards due to high impact stuff like Annihilation
That last one is extra crucial. You did not fucking buy into this game and spend extra money on rare cards so you realize "fuck I can't otherwise my opponent will have initiative and is gonna wipe my board". You feel BAD not using your mana every turn. Having a card and being forced to not play it is the ultimate feelsbad moment ever.
The entire game is crap and a design disaster.
but the streamers toldme the game was good
Why do you keep asking this question? We have threads about this daily and the answer is the game can be fun but there is no incentive to keep playing because the only way to get new cards is to pay and just playing for free will get you literally NOTHING.
Hey I never played any card games because I'm a brainlet and I thought it was for smart people? Is it true? If not, what game should I play?
Play ascension. Don't have to buy shitty decks every year or two
Even back when Steam was new you could get most of the games on there on other platforms. That's not a monopoly. By contrast Epic have been getting exclusivity deals for most ot the games on their new releases that weren't already released on other platforms like Steam. That's telltale signs of building a monopoly. I'm not defending any monopoly here, you're promoting a new one just because of some weird misconception that Steam is one.