You can actually farm Reaper

You can actually farm Reaper.

Daemon x Machina thread.

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Does he drop his sick-ass laser sword?
If not, I don't care.

No one knows yet. They're still farming.

okay then

How good is this game? Is it worth buying a switch for it?

it's kinda shit

I'd say it's only for people who like Mecha.

My teammates kill the fat cunt too fast so he just runs away. Does he drop anything good?

To be honest as a mecha fan its not even a servicable mecha game.

It barley even feels like a mech game. No weight or power to anything

These are the discovered so far. I'm guessing the beam sword will be dropped too.

Attached: 1550944608439.jpg (3024x4032, 1.57M)

B-but it's not even released yet?

yeah this was my issue, moving around feels slow and tedious. All the effects and art make it look like it supoosed to be super fast and actiony, but its really kinda slow and methodical, which is fine, but not for me.

there's a demo.

I have the same grips as you almost.
I'd say play AC:4A if you want super fast, if you haven't already.

fucking hell. So there's new machineguns, a shoulder cannon, and the beam swords? Also the beam swords use femto?

It's a soulless Armored Core fangame. If this wasn't a Switch game shown at the start of an E3 direct, it would have been considered shovelware. That's really all that needs to be said.

So how do you actually kill him? I can't tell from the vid.

Use bazooka to knock him into the shallow end which is close to the northern end of the river. Not sure how reliable the knockback is.

Beam swords seem like they chew threw your femto meter really fast.

holy shit

we need a new armored core game

I'd be 100% satisfied with a VD port to Steam so the community wouldn't be dead

Armored Core is dead, why would they spent money on making or porting those games when they could just spend less effort on making another souls rehash that makes 500 times more money?

Souls only started printing money when it came to PC.
t. someone who wishes Souls never came to PC

I wouldn't buy a Switch based on a demo for one game.

So the strat is basically to get him to fall into the instakill river, yeah? Do you need him to drop near the coast to loot him?

Bought a PS4 just for bloodborne, might as well buy a switch for this one, tho it's sounds like it's not worth it.

Apparently. I just killed him with the river but his mech vanished. It seems there's a specific spot to do it and still be able to loot it.

It's not about that. I have a Switch and played/loved the demo. Got 10 hours into it in the first few days. The point is, dropping $300+ for just one game that isn't out yet is excessive, and I really can't recommend it unless you see something else on the console that interests you as well.

At the very least, wait for the game to actually be out so people can see how the full experience is. Also, only one of the other three responses you got is legit. The others were uninformative/subjective and "hasn't even tried the demo."