Why are gamer so fixated on projecting themselves onto the characters they're playing these days?

Why are gamer so fixated on projecting themselves onto the characters they're playing these days?
I've never had a problem playing as a woman or a black guy or a blond elf or a dog or some shit, but so many more people are demanding character customization or more options and shit so they can project themselves onto the character they're playing
Is it just this generations overblown sense of self?

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It's an excuse to push race and gender politics into video games

You're not understanding the concept of representation clearly; relating to a character is one thing, being represented in a work of fiction is another.

>but so many more people are demanding character customization or more options
Gamers have always demanded more options. The modding community wouldn't be so big if that weren't the case. This consumer demand isn't just a mob of SJWs wanting to have anime tiddies and a dick.

Lots of gamers on both sides spout bullshit about how they “can’t relate” to someone who doesn’t look like them which is really creepy and also a load of shit when you consider the ridiculous, fantastic scenarios video games tend to engage you in regardless.

People can be really sensitive and insecure about their idea of “who they are”, to the point that they’re really hypocritical and childish if something fucks with that idea.

It's just another flavor of escapism. It's like all that isekai anime comes from a demand for more relatable people in fantastic situations. There's still a demand for Jojo's and manly characters that are unrelatable, but both styles can be enjoyed by the same audience.

Yes, but having those options in a game isn't a good thing by default. Not every game should have customizable characters as it makes it so you really aren't playing AS a character

Well duh. No article or twitter mob was linked, quoted, or put in a pic so I'm not sure where this conversation is supposed to go.

The only games where I see custimizable characters are open world ones (with a few exception). Isn't the whole point playing the game several times as different characters?

narcicissm and egosim from the instagram generation. people constantly want to look at themselves

modding isn't about options. Modding is more like retarded fanfiction

Yeah remember how Tony Hawk's Underground could use your real face? Fucking narcissism.

When I was a boy, I liked to envision myself in the shoes of the protagonist, fantasizing what it'd be like to live in their world.
As I grew older, I stopped self-inserting into the characters, and started seeing myself as the puppet master and the characters as my puppets. I pull the strings of the protagonist and shape my own story, I'm the scriptwriter and they are the actors. If the game allows me to create my own fapdolls, that's what I'll do; I'm into women so my fapdolls will be women that engage in hot steamy scissoring.

And there's nothing you can do about it.

>Is it just this generations overblown sense of self?
Absolutely. The current generation has been raised to believe they're special, they're the center of the world, and everything is about them.
Look at Yea Forums and see how many people think a game is shit just because they don't like one or two characters, or can't appreciate characters because they don't agree with their way of thinking and acting.
It's always been a problem for self-centered retards to be unable to accept things but the past decade has been even worse for it.

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>people of color ruin everything
More news at 11

This. People get critical about games for new convoluted reasons where every choice is somehow personal and before you know it you're skipping Celeste because it doesn't have a straight male character.

>but so many more people are demanding character customization or more options and shit so they can project themselves onto the character they're playing
You're not understanding why people want character customization. For most people it has nothing to do with self inserting, it's more about being able to have the choice to play as someone you don't usually see in video games, and it objectively gives you more options in how you want to play the game.

I agree for those games, I'm just saying it shouldn't be EVERY game.

it's not just PoC ruining shit it's the white sheltered people doing shit supposedly on their behalf as well

Who is saying it should be for every game?

If you need the character to resemble you, or even be the same gender as you, in order to project yourself onto them, you need to try harder.

Who are you talking about?