You may only choose one, Yea Forums.
You may only choose one, Yea Forums
FUCK I have the perfect image response for this and im lying in my bed with a fucking phone?! GOD DAMNIT
Don't worry I got you.
I truely believe jordan is peak claire
originals outfit is better
I choose Jiru
>white people lips
I'll take both.
Alyson Court is the only Claire desu
I choose Jordan like this patrician right here.
This is real Claire.
Left of course. Fetal alcohol syndrome Zoey ripoff on the right is ew.
Jill is better anyways.
Why did they bork Claire's classic costume, anyway?
I feel like jordan would be alot like claire irl
incoming best claire
I still miss Alyson Court but Jordan is nice too
nu claire a cute
To show off her wonderful skin.
RE2R Claire has doubled the world population of arm-fetishists
>it's a jordan webm I haven't seen
fucking based
Idk how likely it is you'll find the tweets nowadays but back in 2011-2012 she was a total slut on Twitter toward her male fans who'd tag her in stuff, flirted like a MOMMY tier GF would and acted dominant as fuck. Just reminiscing has me diamonds.
i have alot of rare jordans
You faggots are just the modern version of 2015-16 Joostfags, you realize that right?
low poly girls are interesting but Nu-Claire really won me over so i choose her
Which one is more likely to get knocked up?
i really hope thats true becuase thats fantastic
There is nothing wrong with wanting to fuck Horseface Stefanie.
that dude looks like claire desu
I remember seeing a video of her where she was doing something while naked on a bathtub
>I also miss her but Nu-Claire is great
Time for your insemination sessions, Ms. Redfield.
fucking hell thats awesome
i need to find this shit
There used to be a pic of her in a mirror wearing a black and white polkadot dress and she would respond with the :* kissy faces to guys telling her she was a tease. I think she's responsible for why I like MILFs.
Anyone knows where are the save files for the FITGIRL REPACK?
I just downloaded the new version with the Ghost Survivors update and I guess I have to delete the old version.
your post looks like Claire
Court's a cool chick, desu. Watched a few interviews with her at cons and she comes off as funny as hell. Probs batshit crazy though.
they are in a folder called "win64_save"
I cant remember where they are saved for fitgirl but you could try searching your computer for that folder. Or just google it
jesus christ this woman is a treasure
if that doesnt work try this
i had a few cracked games that made save folders there
>imagine her making you sit in the bathroom on the side of the tub watching her wash while she speaks in that husky voice telling you she can see how aroused you're getting haha
It was there. Thank you so much.
this woman is insane and i love it
that dude looks like claire desu
No she was redeemed as a horseface from the start. And thats where her ingame model went for.
Thanks to this wonderful woman we got Duff Mac Whale in X5, bless her
I also think they used Alyson as Claire's face model for Degeneration, with some small tweaks.
this is what claire should have looked like in rev 2
Oh! Sorry about that, babe!
user, you're not looking at that younger Claire face model, are you? I may have only contributed just my voice, but for you, I would give so much more...
She also voiced Jubilee in the '90s X-Men cartoon and the original Marvel vs Capcom.
holy crap
iktf bro
i wonder if she has any pics dressed up as claire
that would seriously make my fucking day
I agree, and while a fan of nu-Claire, she doesn't really feel like Claire.
Also, looking back, Alyson fucking SUCKED in RE2 and was fairly bad in CV. She only started to get really good in Degeneration/Darkside Chronicles, and then they dumped her
>alysonposters completely btfo the jordanposters
so this is the power of mommy...
nuclaire has too much makeup.
why do claires feel the need to expose themselves?
dear lord i would sell my soul for a piece of that
Red hair is better.
Imagine how fat her ass is, as well as the cellulite around her thighs, hips, and her abdomen too with just the right amount of pudge from being a mother.
There's plenty of attractive middle-aged women out there who are single, user. Just have to put yourself out there!
Degeneration/DSC Claire was just so fucking good though. I wish they kept her like that forever.
Fuck REV2, worst Claire by far.
I agree, although a darkish auburn is fine.
What she sayin?
I like her performance in all the games to be honest, there is something endearing about them
where the fuck are you getting these aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
jesus christ this lady is THICC
i need more of her hips
bros imagine a jordan likeness Claire with Alyson voice...
Alyson was a thot before thots were a fucking thing. Seriously THICC shake.
>shes 45 now
They probably thought the skintight undersuit was too goofy for their serious realistic game, despite it being an unlockable fanservice costume, so they switched it out for a tanktop. And it is goofy, nobody wears that shit casually, but the outfit just looks bad without it.
I bet she's fucked fans at cons.
From last year, closest you'll get. She was either going for the REV2 look or for the nu-Claire look, i think Nu-Claire.
Which one have the best death animation?
>90's Claire vs nuClaire
>Fuck REV2, worst Claire by far.
She was so lame in that game, i really dislike REV2 Claire
jesus christ mom claire is great
i wonder what she does for a living now
But the game was OK..
Moira and Barry were superb, the story was good too.
She's still a VA, primarily in commercials. She still pops up at cons in the US and Canada every so often.
i wish jordan would dress up like claire, it would be VERY cute
We need to find a pornstar who looks similar to Alyson to substitute for her lack of nudes.
I was never into MILF but damn, mommy Claire is changing my mind
Jordan and Alyson need to meet up and then kiss
She was pissed at Capcom because they were gonna use her for the remake until they decided they were going non-union for money reasons
Alison is old, nobody want to see her nudes. Jordan on the other hand is different
Scary, terrifying how this 40 polygons model has a superior complexion than a 30000 polygons one.
Jordan is illegal unless she posts nudes taken THIS year.
well that sounds like something they would do
>Jordanfags and Alysonfags
Allow me to introduce the third party. Say something nice about Claire's new VA and mocap! also the reason for the autistic smiles
Wasn't money reasons. Her, Troy Baker, Roger Craig Smith and DC Douglas sperged out about not getting muh royalty shekels per copy sold. So Capcom cut them off. I love Alyson but they got greedy and rightfully got fucked for it. That's why Chris got recast as Kekfield and Jake is never coming back.
>that nose
well thanks user now i like jewesses
Good. He's basically the poochie of the series.
Bland fucking face, potato nose. Don't let the luscious hair fool you, that's a solid 4.5/10.
>jordanfags, alysonfags, stephaniefags, all posting together in harmony
Why are some vidya voice actors loved more than others? People like Alyson Court or Rueben Langdon, people almoat univerally LOVE those people while others get mixed or even hard times. Seriously you ever met an actual person that ever said "you know what? Fuck Langdon" or "Courts a fucking shit" the answer is no. And they are both CRAZY PEOPLE to boot.
I am a Jillfag but these Court pictures are tempting me over
The smile is all Jordan's!
Left. The right is a goddamn goblina, something looks off.
>not loving Voth, Court, Jordan equally
I choose Yea Forums :)
nigga they the same
>milf claire and teen claire kissing with tounges
>Jake is never coming back.
Well at least something good happened too
It's almost as if they forgot white women don't have olive skin.
Found the gaylord
Crazy milfs = hottest women.
Crazy boomer guys = chillest men.
It's all there is to it my friend.
They both are wholesome people, crazy as fuck but that just adds to the charm
reminder that new claire is VERY good with children
Nigga 17 Jordan isn't even illeagal in some US states. Gtfo.
>the whole world is america
'90s kids shows are so wholesome.
Maybe, but the actual mocap for it is Stephanie's
You just know they'd both be up for it too.
Jesus christ this thread man
You can tell Rueben is loved because he has a hot fucking wife and while some posts are "i want to fuck his wife" even on Yea Forums mosts posts are "fucking based Langdon we are happy for him"
>Them mega milkers
is there something wrong me if those screams made me imagine her reaction to painal
thank god nobody is humoring him
Honest question here
Would Claire have legally been allowed to carry her revolver in her leg holster? I know open carry is overwhelmingly legal in the US, but she's under 21. As far as I know you can get gifted a handgun but that doesn't necessarily give you the right to carry it.
She actually doesn't seem that mad, and she did visit the RE2 NYCC booth. I hope they bring her back for a future game if they use Old!Claire
>the whole world thinks 17 is a child warranting the "Jordan is ILLEGAL" comment that the user originally made
No one cares. You say 17 to most people around the world not only do they not give a shit they can even reply "fucked a few" without anything happening to them. Must be fucking weird to be American.
how old is this show?
Claire is so fucking ugly, I understand why Leon doesn't want to impregnate her
She always reminded me of young Ruth Wilson.
Old Claire had them too. Nu-Claire has smaller, firmer breasts which are still bigger than Jordan's who's an actual sticc
if your on pc theres a mod that makes it not terrible, it has to replace a dlc costume tho, military is bad anyway so whatever
nuClaire, she is Ripley-tiers.
I wonder what kind of chink whore is behind this post...
she seems like a pretty cool mom at least
Nu-Claire is the hootest Resident Evil girls ever.
Wouldn't have it any other way.
I´m so glad he did not get shot
saved, holy shit kek
have a link to the update?
Left, always
Uhm. no. Not even close to Sherry and Moira.
This is a nu-RE thread old man.
This. I kept imagining the headlines if he did. How vidya mourned its lost crazy son ang how ruined his wife would be. She was suddenly posting pic of them together for days after that on twitter. But he doesn't run home he is still filming.
So what happens when they get killed, they get the gore from og RE2 or clippy disembowelment from the remake?
Moira sucks, how Barry, the most based character in the franchise made a kid as annoying as that one?
Adult Claire is hot.
Her body is. Her face is horrible, mainly the nose
Greedy jews
>blue shorts
more like worst claire.
Remake Claire's outfit sucks and her face looks bad in game because they definitely messed something up there plus the engine's harsh lighting doesn't do it any favors.
she looks so done with everything
It's those pouty lips
the second one
nah her face looks good
>plus the engine's harsh lighting
she looks better in the in-game lighting than in 99% of SFM porn of her
Her job is to deal with aftermath of outbreaks. After years of that no shit you will be tired
>its good that Alyson Court got paid $4000 to record lines for a game that went on to sell 4.6 million copies
Can I have some death animations?
She's fucked up. She's almost 40, no boyfriend, no eggs fertilized, no children, still a virgin, and just got cucked by a virus again. No wonder that by the end of the game she's trying to look like Ada in a last ditch effort
>voice actors make up the gameplay which is what the game sells on
>for some reason it's my problem her agent is unable to cut a proper deal
and yet here we are discussing the value of voice actors in games they recorded for 20 years ago after the fact!
I love Alyson but I don't love her more than 4000 dollars.
False, you are. I couldn't care less.
>they asked for more money and got cut and RIGHTFULLY so
ok bud.
Marvin what are you doing?! Noooo
She looks pretty good to me and i like her nu outfit and nu-classic outfit, they show the good parts
You cared enough to reply.
*smacks lips*
>false, you are
didn't know Yoda posted here
holy shit
Is it wrong that I find it hot?
Black dick you suck.
>mfw Capcom investors from 1998 got all buttflustered when they discovered Capcom hired a tv kids show clown to be part of their mature horror game
That show is weird. Also that not Alyson.
Why does she a semi big arse?
just post the image from your phone you stupid motherfucker
Yes it is, are you dumb? You can literally imdb it.
I wonder if there's a away of preventing the continue screen from showing up.
please keep posting Alyson
They didn't dump her because she sucked, they dumped her and Matt Mercer because they were both in the VA Union. The same one that caused Hayter to be dropped from MGS5. The union demanded that VA that perform the same role get an increase in pay each time they did that role. It was cheaper for Kojima to HIRE A HOLLYWOOD ACTOR than to keep Hayter. The VA Union also dictated that Directors are required to give VAs that played the role previously, the same role in the next project.
So 1.) Directors are forced to hire the same VA for the same role and 2.) Directors have to increase the pay for VAs for each concurrent role as the same character
Dumb because horny, or ESL retard?
Whose that?
Why the fuck can't I stop watching this.
Because she is a teenage model who gets down the gym every day and does squats and leg raises until her bum is big. Lots of skinny girls do this, they are the "curl bros" of gyms but girls. We call them squat sluts. Its all they do every work out, so their butts grow.
I didn't say they dumped her because she sucked, i said that she sucked back in 2/CV and then she got really fucking good in Degeneration/DSC, and after she got really good they dumped her.
>he doesn't know
Oh boy user you are in for a treat!
Not knowing that the fat came from her tits.
God I can't even decide which one of them I wish were me most
The VA Strike also delayed RE2 remake significantly.
Good thing they delayed it until after RE Engine was created, or else we would have got a really different version of the game
don't objectify jordan plz
>Moira sucks
I'm up to the last chapter in Revelations 2 annd yes she most certainly does. Also fuck Revelations 2 Claire NOT MY CLAIRE.
Did you mean to green text this?
Why not? It's her job.
Okay and?
That a shame fashion models are asked to not smile during photoshoots, because Jordan's is really cute.
is there a mod to remove the pointless cuts to black
Do the cutscenes in the Resident Evil 2 remake add to your total time? Does pausing the game affect it (I've seen some people say that the timer keeps going in the pause menu which seems retarded)? I'm about to go for a Claire A Hardcore/S+ playthrough and want to be certain.
She's Claire's facemodel.
And is based and /ourgirl/.
english voice actors are garbage and should be treated as such
Only inventory, map and pickup time will run down your time.
Cutscenes and pause with options button does not.
Time keeps going on map, inventory and chest
Time stops with pauses and cutscenes
>He doesn't save his memes on a cloud folder
Get with the times grandpa
I'm sure someone will figure out how to get rid of the effect. Someone figured out how to hex edit the zombies so they don't animate at 15FPS when far away
Time pauses during cutscenes and pause menu.
Time keeps going while using inventory, looking at the map, files and picking objects.
This user is right!
>that webm
Basically Kojima with caucasian women
She's the princess of Yea Forums
Thank you. You have proved yourselves to be real human beans and real heroes.
Very expresive yes. Her smile is cery endearing. Shame she seems so... dumb. Her interviews or blogs on YT make her look high all the time. She's got a boys voice too with little range.
Why don't you go fuck yourself, you mood-ruining subhuman piece of shit? Asking without animosity, of course...
fucken THIS
I was so mad when they announced a different cast for voices
jordan is not dumb and her boy voice is very cute!
Is there porn of her?
Any link where she talks? All stuff I've seen so far was with this creepy ching-ching guy recording like a retard
>two RE threads
>one is waifuposting, the other is a bunch of autists ERPing
Fuck this fanbase
user, I...
I want to protect Moira
are you trying to cause my dick to explode son
>her boy voice is very cute!
What and citation is needed.
Maybe if there was a /reg/...
You don't acknowledge jordan as the princess and future queen of Yea Forums?
There's plenty of porn using the model of Claire in the Resi 2 remake, if that's satisfactory for you. Just bear in mind that she was 15 when they did the facescan and that Claire's body proportions don't match hers.
are there any Jill/Rebecca nude mods for REmake? Playing RE2 with the Claire nude mod made the game so much better
There is a nude set out there, if someone has it...
>Alyson RPing as Claire in bed with you
>you just close your eyes and let her voice and body do all the work
It would be full of those ERP shitters. No thanks
Who was the model for Claire's body?
I like the fact that for most state the age of consent is 16.
You're probably right, yeah...
Is it weird that my Loins aren't on fire.
left leaves more to the imagination while right just takes a dump all over it
No because you love jordan and know she's not for lewds
>you love jordan
I know very little of her so how can I be in loved with her?
What's her ethnicity and nationality?
> ethnicity: goblin!
> nationality: goblinese!
What a british faggot.
nice, any idea where to find it? Nexus doesn't seem to have anything for REmake and the RE Modding forums don't allow adult content
leon looks like a teenager in this pic
Fits his naive personality in 2, i guess.
t. Ireland
I choose Sherry.
I love Claire.
I never found grown up Sherry attractive.
I don't get it.
Racism detected.
I've always wanted to protect and cuddle with young sherry so she would feel safe. It's nothing lewd, but these thoughts feels wrong and idk why.
I think my top five would be
>adult Sherry
Wasn't Sherry 12 during RE2?
Goblina Claire grew on me.
Not him but don't you mean? Sheva why?
Imagine posting some 3D instagram hoe thinking it's your video game waifu
She has one of those "girl next door" vibes.
Incles have no dignity and fall for every 3DPG with vagina. We had it with MGSV and Joosten cancer now this.
I am saying that Claire is the woman I love.
Open carry is legal without a permit in Colorado
>anti-jordan poster is also an adafag
And now anyone barely remembers this cunt.
I would better be literally a Kendofag than a redditor nigger with no taste like you.
Unfollowed. Unsubscribed.
ok fag you'll love jordan eventually, it is inevitable.
Nice try Chris
Be the change you want to see, you crying zoomer.
Based Jack poster