No non-virgins allowed edition
Still nothing but emptiness
No non-virgins allowed edition
Still nothing but emptiness
This run is bad
based, finally a thread for lads like me
guys get donating so we can see some random guy do a dab dance move!
As a kid I had no idea you could kill King Koopa with fireballs.
Cute paws
Any good runs so far? I missed all of it this year
>literal let's play with a guido who can't speak english worth shit
goddamn I'm a eurofag watching ESA for the first time. is it always this bad?
>watching ESA for the first time
And you come in on the second to last game of the event? Bad timing.
>I'm going to be out with friends!
fucking normans
Only on stream 1
Does anyone know whether or not there will be a bonus stream? The rest of the marathon doesn't seem worth watching otherwise.
You should be happy to not be a normalfag user
Bonus streams are a thing of the past because each day at the venue costs a lot of money. All of the equipment takes a lot of people and time to pull down, so it can't be done after everybody has left.
Sadly they haven't done that in years
what do you like janitor? I like anime feet.
Just for tonight i'll be your friend so you can feel like a normalfag for once.
Want to grab a beer after this and re-watch FFX?
Whats the name for the other stream?
Hello again my fellow virgins, hope you enjoyed the event. See you at summer
You missed laughs, bants, and descending into madness. You missed picking up and carrying your friend if they can't go on anymore. Long enough so that when you go down, they can crawl across the finish line against all odds.
Stream 2 is ESAMarathon2 but it's over.
shut the fuck up you attention whoring fag. we only like Metako and Leon.
Okay but you're paying for the beers.
Why aren't you behind Maral during the conga line, Ben? We were counting on you and you blew it!
>it's over
>yotsuba b
>See you at summer
Stalker confirmed.
Tell Josh he's a cute
do you like anime feet? the janitor hates them but i like them
You're not a virgin. Get the fuck outta here you unvirgin
did you see that lad hoverhanding maral in the congo line?
I'd post the webm but it's too fucking tragic
Ask if Josh can stream more San Andreas, thanks
No bully
this is a friend zone
Go back to re'ddit you disgusting attentionwhore
>woke up just in time for the Cuphead runs
nice, I'm looking forward to that
Why do people hoverhand? What's the goal?
But TMR isn't running it!
why just why
It hurts to watch
he's a big bully.
which is exactly why you should look forward to it
Awww, poor guy, he's just shy.
He's Russian. Maral is Iranian muslim.
Russians don't like muslims, you do the math.
>grabs his hand and forces him to touch her shoulders
Make way faggots
/our actual guy/ has entered the thread
cold on the cob
>a fucking leaf
>Russians don't like muslims
What runs are worth watching, I've missed a lot
They're afraid of fucking up somehow.
Post your feet
>small ben
Ben is even worse than a normal phoneposter he took a pic of Yea Forums on a computer and still chose to mobile post
>ryedawg is an iphone fag
Girls at this event are the type that you claim you sexually harrased them in a second if you look at them weird.
effort to upload the pic somewhere on the PCs here
Grand Theft Auto: The Lost and Damned
Tezur0's slav shovelware runs
PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist
Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland
Grand Theft Auto: VCS
Jade Empire
Grand Theft Auto: VC
When's ESA Summer again?
what the fuck is your problem josh
In the Summer.
July 19th - July 28th
should you not go and protect "m'lady's" honor?
Seriously just off yourself you pathetic attentionwhore, you have stayed your welcome.
He dabbed too hard and fucked up his brain.
Josh a cute
I missed a lot of the event, especially watching the first two, though.
>Ben's fingers
>Josh's arms
Pick one to jack you off with
The entire run is one big choke. Lower your expectations for ESA runners.
Posting live from the event here I see maral setting up on the hosting station
And then eidgod snaps his fucking arm over a $20 donation incentive
Josh... had a hard life
The dude in green seems to be bored of this shitrun.
it's not GDQ, European women work too much and have too much of a brain to pull any of the bullshit that happened at GDQ, not that I don't love the drama
Oh you.
Thanks, anons.
Tell her I got a hard on thinking on her
I want to _______ Metako and Leon.
kill Al-Bheds with
do the final dungeon of FF3 with
wtf just happened?
someone post cute lads
Lads this run is boring, ive unironically been watching my little sister eat a banana instead
Hang with
>ive unironically been watching my little sister eat a banana instead
what did he mean by this?
>Jade Empire
>Grand Theft Auto: VC
What happened?
haha what if she could put the whole thing down her throat? i wonder what else she could put down there lol
kys pedo
Gael is super cute, I think he is one of the few good looking autists on the Planet. Just watch this video
>cute lads
Yes please
make beef stew with
i've barely watched any of the runs today. knew they were gonna suck from reading the schedule. im perfectly happy with how much fun stream 2 provided the previous 2 days. ESA is competing with cs:go and other stuff for my time and it wasn't worth it desu. will watch the cuphead race to round things out tho
How was Twilight Princess?
I'd really like to see a picture of that just for laughs haha
Jesus christ why didn't any of these speedrunners add at least 10 more minutes to their estimates they keep going over them
He needs to lay off the Micky Ds.
who is ths?
He reminds me Stifler.
Firepaw is a chad
>man on the right
Really autistic runner, just all around unpleasant to watch
really now
For someone that fucking hot, it's pretty unbelievable hes that meek.
I'm surprised at how aware ESA is that they only did the donation incentive for 1 run. It could've really become annoying but they knew when to stop and that instead made it a fun thing.
very good event.
Wish AGDQ had done the same with ORB and other things instead of dragging them out
>Followers-Only Chat
What happened?
Yea its hella weird innit?
is this the sonic advance 2 run
Probably got tired of the let's play
A lotta goofy shit happened but everyone had fun, runner included.
Didn't you know? Sweden is black.
>ESA ends with memehead
what a joke
swedish BVLL
Rate this run!
barely watched/10
>last run
damn bros
Really only like mario as a race/10
It's almost over... what are we supposed to do after bros?
Watched the 4cc instead/10
need fireflower/10
Does that mean the run was 10/10 and COMFY?
>that garbage ass music
Is this what eurofriends listen to...?
Cry and return to shitposting until the next event
absolutely based
>the same Cuphead run twice in a row
Didn't watch/10
When are they running Undertale?
Italian tried his best and gave a run full of chokes that he kept salvaging through safe strats / 10.
So 6/10 fine.
wtch the vods until april
Wait for calithon
Not on my watch.
Honestly didn't watch/10
Take solace, at least The "Mexican" runner, isn't running it.
>playing video games
Was busy thinking of other things instead / 10
I like both events but ESA threads seem to have more of a community feeling, gonna miss you guys
Is that a fucking-
They're about the same honestly just different flavors of arguing and shitposting
Based Josh dabbing on Maral's pussy.
Iranian women are perfect
>I'm from Sweden
even TMR can't resist the grease goblin
>slowly running his hand over sent
It's nearly over lads, time to play video games again.
I usually feel very sad after the events, but this time I don't even care.
This ESA winter was so boring.
She touched him. Lucky dude.
hahahahah, that lingering touch.
the gdq threads are infested by kikifarms autists
Back to Kiwami.
>time to play video games again.
>implying iranians aren't honorary swedes
>he doesn't know
These threads are infested by a 3DPD spamming janny
>josh will never dab on you
>raised less than $30,000
Oof and a yikes.
Imagine how much money they would have raised if everyone who had attended stayed at home and donated their travel/hotel costs. They would have easily surpassed $30,000.
Weebshitter being right for once, yeah this is all fucking wrong. I hope ESA summer is a lot more high energy.
GDQ threads are fun but as I said these threads have felt more like a community
>this is, running on review!
>fortnite monopoly
Josh already has a girlfriend
A rather...large one be it that
jesus christ that belly
Dear Mr. 452118895,
>implying they host this event for the charity at all
Mrs. 452119112
maral wants my expansion pack
first half was ok. stream 1 the last hafl was really bad.
>Based Goose
I know you NASA faggots are lurking, is Goose gonna be at the next NASA?
She is going to get so much dick after this event. We can clearly see she is wet in that pussy.
I would play it for the laughs
Thank god I'm not a gay feeding fetishist.
go back to GDQ, "Ma'am"
>Kingdom Hearts players
Feels like the ending came up so quickly.
who is this?
Nice shoop, fellow Yea Forumsirgin
literally /our girl/
How much money does Maral make doing these events?
She doesn't care about videogames or speedrunning at all, so she's clearly only on it for the money.
>so intimate and small
post more brown girls
lemme try guessing my post
What the hell is that burger? Can it even be called one?
>Maral: I wanna ride the train
She real, & she fat.
>I want to ride the train
I want to tonguepunch maral's fartbox and fill my lungs with the stench of her feminine tummy skin scent
Thanks for reminding me bro
>I wanna ride a train
woah they're just gonna let Maral get away with that?
looks like chicken and guacamole
Maral wants to ride a train?
I get it, didn't mean to be overbearing. Lesson learned. Ftr I posted pics just to separate myself from impersonators, but I'll stop
you are missing out on gourmet burgers
>tfw no josh bf
>girl says something
How romantic.
isnt that the one russian guy?
poor confused barsuk
i would befrriend him if I were there
She can't wait to get fucked hard.
i did it, i beat the game.
>How many dicks does Maral take doing these events?
Women are after the male attention like in your pic
and she got a LOT
Honestly after taking a good 1080p look at Maral I have to say that CheriseH is a lot hotter and I would love if she would sit on my face in the near future.
Post your feet already
Looks like a turkey burger
she works for save the children
Stay mad tranny, no one will react to you in such a way.
Josh putting Maral in her fucking place
More like the train's going to run her over
I just got here and im super fucking late gd dammit LOL
what 3 runs should I watch?
>CheriseH is a lot hotter
>salad toes
Around 1500 plus sponsorship stuff that can't be resold.not bad for a few days free vacation.
It's fine.
You're okay Ben, people will always be mad about something
incel detected.
monkey ass nigga
>not wanting to colonise Maral's fertile persian 'lands' and making her raise good christian islamophobes
Failing at life desu
How cna you hate women this much? >452119406
long toes
>keep posting this
>doesn't realise the only currency she's interested in is white milk
Jackie Chan
what the fuck
Well 28k is still A LOT.
/ourguy/ is pretty based
Better that last ESA Winter is all that matters.
I didn't even respond to you but It's called bantz you flaming faggot
Jesus christ, the thread loved your run/commentary but if you're this much of a fucking fairy then fuck off
Wtf is this shit music they are playing during the entire event?
Sorry I meant to reply to
>These threads are infested by a 3DPD spamming janny
Is it really outside the realm of possibility that rank and file Yea Forumsirgins could obsess over cute girls at a vidya event?
Nooooo, don't let the shitposters get to you. I better see your ass on here next ESA.
These events always have godawful taste in music. Shitty techno remixes forever.
What was your favorite run of ESA? For me it's gotta be FF3
GDQ shills tell me those are totally organic
FF3 post-estimate took my breath away at points
>pretending to be someone else
Fuck off faggot
They have to play bad music to ease the rabid islamic hordes outside the venue
>the thread loved your run/commentary
No they didn't
>Ftr I posted pics just to separate myself from impersonators
just add yourself a tripcode, savest way to do so
I liked FFX more than FF3 mostly because FFX was good almost the entire time while FF3 was a huge spike at the end.
that's what tripcodes are for
Yes they did. Piss off anime faggot.
It looks like someone just slapped an egg on it as well.
Now that's a burger
The holy Trinity of runs
>FF 3
>tripcode suggestions
Why not just watch any lets play on youtube instead if that's what you like?
Check the archive newfag
It literally has the song names on the screen.
_ _ _ _ ?
The only validation I understand from that view point is that any one who says against that sort of obsession in the threads gets deleted/warned
But a janny could just be jacking off to the images rather than posting if that's the case
Oh no, what a terrible suggestions
Kamiya is obviously just as bad as ruggarell or gladitron or w/e he is called
I'll be here, just won't post as many pictures etc as I can see why it would seem like I was attention seeking. It wasn't intentional.
I can handle the heat lmao, i just wanted to clarify the reason for the pictures that's all
you are not fooling anyone
I swear, this year, at least to me, it seems so much worse than the prior years. Allow me to explain. This year, the focus on donations is reaching GDQ levels; so many shitty donations are being read for the low, low price of 5 bucks that it becomes audio cancer, even the runners are seemingly annoyed by it. Moreover, they have to plug that the fucking charity is 100 years old every 35 minutes, or they will perish.
>It looks like someone just slapped an egg on it as well.
Oh now that you mention it it might be an egg the kind of grill marks on the off white made it look like one of those gross slab of meat turkey burgers
>555-come on now.jpeg
Not the same
Its literally archived, the proof is there.
The middle of FF3 was pretty comfy with a group of guys just messing around and having fun and then turned into a tale of redemption at the end so I still enjoyed the whole thing and the buildup made the payoff even better
>I can see why it would seem like I was attention seeking
What the fuck is wrong the English now? What happened?
Where were you during those runs, people loved it, deal with it.
Stop trying to flame shit for nothing.
They're not wrong. When post accountability is necessary for credibility or context it's supposed to be used, but what's important is that it's not used when it's not necessary. The problem with tripfags is they get addicted to the attention and post using the tripcode no matter what. That's why the stigma against tripfags exists.
t. an actual tripfag that only uses a tripcode when it's required
This has been the worst gdq/esa event by far.
>burgercunts keep posting
>so many shitty donations are being read for the low, low price of 5 bucks that it becomes audio cancer,
during the intermissions you're correct but I don't think that's been the case during runs. At GDQ sometimes there's non stop donation reading during runs
they're getting dangerously close to focusing on the charity instead of the runs though, they gotta be careful
>The problem with tripfags is they get addicted to the attention
Sounds like him tho?
Donations haven't been bad at all, the event has been boring at times but really that's just winter for you summer ESA makes up for it by being the best event of the year
some of the worst shitposting of all time too
Monstercat stuff.
>the focus on donations is reaching GDQ levels
The problem is how pathetic the donations have been without LITERALLY begging, when they beg they get the money.
FF3 gave the biggest high point at the end and the best story of the event, but I do agree with the other user saying FFX was consistently great.
It's exactly the same. You clearly don't care about the speedrun itself or cool techs. You only liked it because of the memes and friendship simulator.
You can litearlly watch any random twitch stream and it would be the same.
Here we go bros!
>little to no erping
>2d vs 3d arguements weren't as bad
>they are each already a second apart in time
haha okay
Yep, that's an authentic finn for sure.
>doesn't like burgers
Last ESA was /int/ 2.0 it was fucking hell. The EU vs NA shitposting was at its peak.
That's like an abomination between two semi abominable items
>The last run is this low energy.
This event been such a joke.
>little to no erping
yeah you're right. completely forgot since there hasn't been any this time around thankfully.
i can tell you're new because you think this is worse than last year's winter event
Yeah that's my bad for not looking into that. I always assumed there was a better way than posting pictures from my phone but i just never looked into it
I've just been bored shitless of the runs, I don't even care about the donations.
>it's another weapon swap glitch 1.00 run
d vs 3d arguements weren't as bad
Mostly because 3d posting didn't happen that often, during GDQ it was constant because that one fag who literally had to clip every single second that a female existed on screen and then repost them all every single thread
>Another race
So rarely are they good.
> during GDQ it was constant because that one fag who literally had to clip every single second that a female existed on screen and then repost them all every single thread
That was last ESA tho
u rn
There's a current patch run after this for fags like you
the next run is current patch
i don't think they are ever good
>Swede and Fin neck and neck in the lead
>Hellenic-Turk lags behind
Why does this always happen?
>everyone who gets annoyed by spam is a tranny
toddler level IQ
I forget, what was the final time on FF3? Estimated 7:15:00 and ended up being almost 11 right?
You don't know what spam looks like.
my friend wants ben to do this instead hehe
i was here last ESA
Girl. Boobs.
Like I said, you don't know what spam looks like.
Summer 18? Yeah that's the one I really disliked
Not really it peaked during GDQ last ESA it was /int/ shitposting
I wanna start running TLAD
ei suomi mitä vittua?!
the chokes
>choked twice on Hilda
it's already over
Nah, it was a alright JRPG speedrun before it went to friendship simulator, so I ended up liking it in general
>Fin chokes hard
You were saying?
>pc game
>they run an old version that
Holy fuck, the absolute state of Benisland :DDDDD
I'm already sick of seeing cuphead
They went over the estimate by a fucking hour, it was not a good SPEEDrun
your friend wants ben to piss on him?
miles what's wrong with you
Welcome to the Lost, brother
>game is already visually busy
>triple it
Well yeah, before it went to shit, when the chokes happened it became more or less "could he complete it"
I watched this during the gay Pokemon runs today. Seems like a decent game to start running.
>Not really it peaked during GDQ
I'm sorry but I remember it went to the point people argued about the webm dude making ones with the girls, the mass thread deletion and that was during ESA,
see. now you're just a dude and not coming across as attention seeking.
while you shouldn't take most people calling you a faggot to heart since it's just shitposting, most people enjoyed your presence you just needed to tone it back a little.
Hackers could literally kill you while you speedrun a single player game.
Why would people complain about the webms?
Could you fuck off already?
Goddamn what a ride it was
BIG yikes, that wont happen in GTA IV.
Was great that he didn't give up and kept pushing on.
SGDQ had multiple threads of webm faggot spamming his shit and some retard spamming porn in response
Because he wasn't posting the runs at all he was cropping shit and only posting girls it got old after a while and then 2d spammer started arguing
>takes up tripfagging
>"see. now you're just a dude and not coming across as attention seeking"
hacking you right now faggit
But we still have no idea if this is your trip ben
Use that big boy British brain for us
But you can filter it. It doesn't make sense to complain about it. I like the webms.
He almost did if it wasn't for Metako. He gave Leo the strength to continue and make that run into a legend.
A janny was spamming unrelated webm's nonstop in the threads. Meanwhile they deleted and did ban requests on people posting "anime"
People called them out on his bullshit and they got deleted and banned requested.
This was always during a certain a peroid of time so it was clear it was a jannyfag shitting things up
>SGDQ had multiple threads of webm faggot spamming his shit and some retard spamming porn in response
Porn guy was always there, he or another guy just got mad
That's not me
>posting webms of the event
How dare he, we should spam the thread and complain instead.
What does Maral smell like?
Yeah i get it. as i said before i just wanted people to know who was who, since otherwise people can say things on your behalf. The pictures were just me being a dumbfuck and not looking into tripcodes.
From now on i'll only use them if it's necessary ,like a direct question or something
Holy fuck this guy is awful.
>A janny was spamming unrelated webm's nonstop in the threads.
Tell us how Maral smells
t. ugly ranny
Fuck off to reddit already.
They don't belong if you're going to spam shit that has nothing to do with the runs then make another thread for it, that includes the ERP, porn and other shit that gets spammed as well
not sure how i can verify without phoneposting a picture again. Twitter maybe?
Unironically some dude did a AMA at the speedrun reddit 5h ago and it only has one reply lol.
>Americans wake up
>thread goes to shit
Metako really fucking saved that run, and him from doing something he'd be regretting right now.
most redditors are too busy wanking at mlp and anti-trump stuff
Webmfag here. I was never banned for posting webms. I'm also not a janitor. I don't know why you're still worked up over this. I've been doing this at speedrunning events since 2013. Some events have more memorable moments with girls in them. This event didn't. I haven't changed my criteria for making webms, or my frequency of posting. Other people usually repost the webms. I only do a dump at the end of the event.
Verify by telling us what Maral smells like.
Now you're thinking with your bong, Ben
disregard me i suck cocks
>burger posts deleted
Based janny
3DPD posters ruin any sense of comfy.
>I've been doing this at speedrunning events since 2013
good lad
just post the trip on your twitter
the grain on this game is giving me a headache and i'm only looking at it every 5 minutes
>n-no I didn't spam
>never mind that years later people still talk about it because I shit the threads up so much
ratefag here, got a warning yesterday for posting pastebin link. Jenny was out of his meds.
I was hoping you'd be verified on Twitter or something
Got anything else? And
Has a good point
>Meanwhile they deleted and did ban requests on people posting "anime"
Last ESA was such a shitshow you can't really narrow it down to 2D vs 3D, there was a guy forcing/protecting certain kinds of shitposting in the threads just to fuck with people
t. reported a ton of blatant ERP and avatarfaggotry that event and got shafted for it when I complained about my reports being wiped within seconds
Why are you doing this? Why are you so desperate for attention and keep attentionwhoring so much here?
It's just sad at this point.
I'm not going to change what I do because a few people complain. I'm not naive enough to think a vocal minority speaks on behalf of rational people.
just tell us what maral smells like
That account is linked in my twitch bio as my twitter
>Americans wake up
Who the fuck in America is waking up @ 5:00 pm?
Now you are getting trolled lol
Also are you team Cherise or Maral? This is important.
>never mind that years later people still talk about it because I shit the threads up so much
hasn't even been a year
>seething burger deleted again
Give it a rest
How do we know that's really your twitch?
I need you to say the last 3 character of your trip code on-stream Ben.
This is the last thing I ask of you - and you must do it.
ben should post his fingers already
>years later people still talk about it
not him but it's just you anime posters who are stil butthurt who keep complaining as soon as anyone posts or discuss women at these events. It's really weird not sure if you're incels or trannies but you really seem to hate women
Rate this race!
picture of tripcode w/timestamp next to Marals feet.
This is the only way to prove you're real.
>last place
Fincucks everyone
It's not fair!
Your refusal to answer shows you're a fake.
Wasn't even watching/10
second time binland needs to resort to timer manipulation to win races
Punch the KH3 runner in the proof to prove it's you, "English_Ben"
English Ben is an alright lad.
Too bad he's english.
7/10 - nice, close run but I've probably seen Cuphead run too many times already.
>I've already buggered it
Rate this ESA as a whole
Alright Metako calm down lad.
No! Ben, don't do it!
What would you prefer? Canadian?
Would you let Maral ride your train?
>Daytime is occupied by dumps of robots, boatsluts and whatever game's being streamed
>nighttime is that + 3D girls who are on stream
>this has been a constant for ages now in Speedrun marathon threads
Gee, what gave you that thought, nimrod
Don't feel bad, you still did good best fren.
It's not GDQ so it's good/10
>loser of the race doing the next run
Why is that landwhale at every speedrunning event?
>Coming up
Last run fellas.
How many times is there going to be a Cuphead prize at any speedrunning event
It was insanely comfy and it had some some seriously good highlights/10
Free male attention from thirsty virgins
Reminder that she's ESA staff now
The event itself was pretty based but the threads were kinda lame
>running the same game twice in a row
What a disappointing ending
I think she's just a volunteer. Bit much to say she's staff.
Stay pure, Josh!
Till it wears off from being the DARK SOULS OF SIDESCROLLERS
How many nerd cocks do you think she has taken?
>Event bans fun: you complain
>Event has too much fun: you also complain
So it's not about GDQ being bad, you're just shitty.
>the end is near
a whore needs to make money somehow
Wait why is there a cuphead run happening right after a cuphead race with the same guy in both?
It was a donation incentive, it'd have ended now normally.
>Event bans funs: we laugh at retards
>Event forces trannies and other LGBTI agenda: thread dies of shitposting
>Event is fun: We have bantz
volunteer =/= staff
Gonna make som pancakes soon, so hungy but gotta watch the end of the event
think it was a donation incentive