Just failed my driving test. Any games which let me redeem myself?

Just failed my driving test. Any games which let me redeem myself?

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The first Driver.

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try this

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I tried it my first time in a manual, failed and gave up doing it in an automatic. I'm so ashamed.

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I failed my first time because I didn't stop at a stop sign (which was on the wrong side of the road by the way). I know they did that on purpose.

I failed the first time time, too. Reason: Instructor intervention. I was making a right at an 4-way intersection, and I didn't see a couple of cars doing U-turns at my right side of the intersection. As I drove away, the instructor kept telling me to stop the car.

>the instructor kept telling me to stop the car.
Because there is no safe option other than to wait and see what the u turning cars were doing. You could have put yourself and others in genuine danger.

My driving test was 10 minutes and basically was just driving through some Seattle suburbs and parking a few times. I was so goddamn confused when I realized thats all it took to get a license, I'm terrified of other drivers now.

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You lucky shmuck, here we have to go through theorical (two tests) physical (one test) and actual driving test (two tests) and then we get our license, the theorical/practice also requires you have knowledge of first aid and shit.

>I didn't see
>Instructor intervention

I didn't even had to do the test they just gave me the license

I failed my first VORT test due to small mistakes.
Preparing to do a U-Turn over a solid white line, indicating before a street I was not intending to turn down and something else.

My second attempt was successful. I believe I managed a reverse parallel park, but touched the gutter when pulling in for a handbreak-hillstart.

Could play ETS2 or its derivitives.

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i dont even have my g1 and im 28

My Summer Car

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Why are zoomers so bad at driving?

The best driving simulator of all time.

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Here it was worse, I don't know if it's still the case. You had to pay a driving school and they make the decision to let you take the test. If you fail, it take forever to let you take another test. It's a private business, and let me tell you, you aren't ready before they squeeze you of your last shekel.


>aced all my driving tests (theoretical and practical) 100% on my first try
>only ever driven manual cars (lessons, tests, personal driving)
>world record time holder in a few racing games
> deathly afraid of joining traffic and have a total of 10 hours driven in the five years since I got my license

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jesus man

i dont even have a driver's license
im too chicken to deal with cars, plus i get carsick very easily

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How? Driving tests are fucking easy. Even the one I had to do for driving a bus was overall pretty easy.

I spent about 2,200 USD on the complete course and test for the basic (manual) driving license
And that's the cheaper side; only obligatory courses and passed the first time

Oy vey

why? just drive a lot over a month

Everyone where I live fails their first time around because the people giving the test ask people to do a "turnabout," when they mean a, "K-turn." So no one knows what the fuck they want.

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>bump the curb while parking back at the test center, which is considered an instant failure
>pass anyway because the test was officially over at that point so it didn't matter

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Even Chris-chan has his drivers loicence.
Go drive your car off a cliff, ohpee.

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>first post
You didn't let me down today, Yea Forums.

>Just failed my driving test
Also underage get out.

I get suicidal thoughts almost nightly because I've failed my practical test by a small margin 7 times. My theory has expired and I can't afford to take lessons again.
I'll probably kill myself in a few years because I don't know how much longer I can put up with this.

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Why is this so common lately? Two of my sisters are the same way.

i dont know
theres something about cars i just dont like
maybe its the fact i dont trust myself to not somehow fuck it up and screw someone's life up

I am confident in driving everywhere, but I am still untrustworthy of other drivers when it comes to merging off of an intersection.

>You must have your license before 18

ok retard

GT Sport driving tests or any Gran Turismo game licensing.

In Denver, I saw an elderly man renewing his license and he had to redo the test several times. He eventually lucked out and passed.


It took me three attempts to pass my practical driving test because I got the biggest fucking cunt of an examiner going who'd fail you for the most minor shit
First time around he failed me for being too close to parked cars despite there being a fucking country mile between me and the cars
Second time he failed me for driving too fast next to a pedestrian, even though I didn't get too close to him and he didn't have to touch the steering wheel
Fuck you Tony why are you wearing sunglasses in fucking overcast February in ENGLAND

You should be more worried about the uninsured, unlicensed illegals in Denver.

t. guy who got t boned by a Mexican national

You have to be mildly suicidal to drive in the first place. The fact that they give any mook who can barely read full control of a 2 ton hunk of metal that travels at more than 60mph regularly is fucking retarded.

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Pretty sure it's like that for almost everyone

Driving a car for the first time feels clunky as fuck

my instructor put her finger in my no no place, she said she was checking my fluids, is this normal?

I just took mine a few months ago and I got a black dude who just didn't give a fuck. I drove around the block of a vacant neighborhood, backed up twenty feet and staight parked between some cones. Was done in less than 5 minutes.

gambare user, whenever you look at yourself in a mirror, say "I can do it out loud.", set goals and actually try, you're worth it!

>tfw failed the penis inspection my first time

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What the fuck is up with your tiny roads anyway. I WOULD be worried about driving around there.

>First driving test
>Failed because I pulled out onto a road that looked clear only to have a BMW driver doing 150+ nearly rear end me and then act like it was my fault by perpetually honking his horn
>Second driving test
>Failed because an old granny walked out onto a roundabout while I was on it, and the rules have no exceptions for an emergency on a roundabout so I failed
Thank fuck I passed on the first time.

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hard to text at the same time

sure,here you go

steam keys

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*THIRD time

Retard me.

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there is nothing, go back and keep tryung until you'll get your license. owning a car is one of best things you can do to yourself

Looks pretty neat.
Is it your game, user?

The Dark Souls of tutorials

Imagine being too retarded to drive somehow

It was the same for me. I drive exclusively manual now though. Part of the reason I failed was because I chose a testing place in the middle of detroit desu, took my second test in the suburb and it was a breeze.

The thing is everything else in my life is going very well, probably the best it's ever been. I wouldn't even say I'm depressed.
I just can't go more a few days without wanting to off myself and it really puts a damper on things.
Thank you for your reply, though.

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You must have to be utterly retarded to fail a driving exam desu. I made at least 3 mistakes on mine the first time just out of nerves and I still passed. What are you people doing so bad that you actually fail it?

Absolutely not!
...but here you go

steam keys

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Nice fanfiction kouhai.

or gran turismo

I never even attempted my test but I don't think I'm ever going to. Driving is terrifying and I'm also terrible at it.

But anyway, play Iridium Runners, I'm sure it'll help you.

same, user. i LOVE driving but the city im in is almost notorious for terrible car accidents on the daily and so i pretty much only drive to work and in the dead of night when no one else is on the road.

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