Get ready Xbros, our time is coming sooner than we imagined!
Get ready Xbros, our time is coming sooner than we imagined!
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And Nintenchad here to settle a deal and take my cut
halo infinite is an mmorpg that expands new planets infinitely
Next-gen already? How time flies. Xbox One racked up a pretty decent games library all things considered.
>343i (Halo)
>The Coalition (Gears 5 and 6 to finish the NuTrilogy, Gears Tactics, after that new IP)
>Playground Studio 1 (Forza Horizon)
>Playground Studio 2 (Fable ARPG)
>Compulsion Games (small scale story-driven adventures)
>Relic Entertainment (Age of Empires 4)
>Undead Labs (zombie survival)
>Mojang (Minecraft, who cares)
>The Initiative (Quadruple A "AAAA" third person action games [so far hired a bunch of devs from Rockstar, Sony Santa Monica, Crystal Dynamics and Insomniac)
>Ninja Theory (divided into 3 teams, all working on games on scale of Hellblade directed by Tameem) [3 teams]
>RARE (started working on a new IP and will let other studios work on their older IPs like with Battletoads atm) [2 teams]
>Turn10 (revolutionizing sim racers with Forza Motorsport 8)
>Obsidian Entertainment (new project directed by Sawyer already in development, best version of Outer Worlds in native 4k and 60FPS and possible sequels are exclusive) [2 teams]
>MSGP funding more 2nd and 3rd party games like Sunset Overdrive, Cuphead, Killer Instinct or Ori
>new Xbox Division in Asia
>inXile Entertainment (CRPGs) [2 teams]
>close to buying IO Interactive (Hitman), Giant Sparrow (What Remains of Edith Finch), and Turtle Rock Studios (Left 4 Dead)
>the best versions of multiplats
>native 4k 60fps
>backwards compatibility
>they're not censoring games unlike Snoy
>using the W10 store means you're in the Xbox ecosystem
Sony is LITERALLY on life support next-gen
>Ori, Sunset & FH4
>mid tier
Nintenbro here, really hope next gen goes well for you guys. Really loved my 360 back in the day and the shit Microsoft is doing rn seems cool as fuck. Good luck bros
>Microsoft discussing new things at E3.
Bullshit Microsoft always gets leaked... Also no Forza this year, Playground Games working on a new IP (which is kinda dicey considering how hard pressed they are with more and more lootboxes and wheelspins on Forza series).
More consoles, less exclusives. A winning strategy.
The next Forza would be Motorsport but they're skipping it this year so it can be a launch title next year.
There is one game in the ps4/xbone top 10 best sellers which isn't on both. PUBG cause it came to ps4 years late, that's it.
they make more versions of xbox one than game
Makes sense, I just hope we get a better location for FH 5.
imagine still being a xbot after that catastrophe of the last 5 years. How can you be such brand loyalist swine? I want to know. Xbots deserve to be put down like rabid doggies. Clearly they have lost all cognition and are a threat to mankind.
I have a PS4 and PC and play MS games on PC.
I unironically enjoyed Ori, Cuphead and Quantum Break more than any PS4 movie
I may be an Xbot, but I'm not a brand loyalist. I recognize Microsoft's mistakes with the Xbox brand but I also realize their potential strengths with it.
Easy. Didn't want Bloodborne. Also I buy half as many games now thanks to game sharing with a buddy.
>but they're skipping it this year so it can be a launch title next year
>Also no Forza this year, Playground Games working on a new IP
But Playground develops the Horizon series while Turn 10 does Motorsport, FM7 in 2017 and FH4 in 2018, so FM8 in 2019 and FH5 as Xbox Anaconda/Lockhart launch title in 2020???
>muh e3
absolute cannot wait, my hispanic friend
actually fake and fucking gay, it's not even likely Game Pass is coming to Switch unless XCloud is confirmed to be in the Xbox Live package coming to Switch as well.
What if one of the consoles is an Xbox/Nintendo hybrid?