ITT: The most cringe thing Yea Forums has done

My personal nomination.

Attached: s8uk.jpg (1200x675, 35K)

The height of this board was
*picture of 2016 election results*
“Games where the (adjective) guy can (verb) and (win/lose)?”

Boycotts are probably the worst thing you can do in this day and age.

Attached: 1537502717941.jpg (750x375, 35K)


Attached: boycotts work.jpg (946x788, 120K)

They still do that but with just other people and hot topics now

>Yea Forums - Epic Games Store Shilling

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-23 at 3.27.26 PM.png (680x554, 239K)


Smash leakers.
Console wars.


Threading threads

Are you genuinely retarded or is this just some bizarre form of bait?


The tencent shills are in full force today, gotta bring that social credit up

I thread your threads /thread


Attached: 1548335065921.jpg (2850x4291, 2.21M)

2 points have been added to your Social Credit, citizen. Keep up the good work!

imagine trying to guilt trip Yea Forums lol

Here's my bid

Attached: far.png (1316x489, 154K)

Probably one of those shitty cards Yea Forums used to send out. Like the one where they thanked tree house for marketing games to children.

Why are the chinese so against steam?

it's a troll thread you massive retards

It offends the Party.

*blocks your /thread*

So, you still posted in it; Double Retard.


hahahah so funny my man

Post the L4D2 one too

Free Tibet but also fuck Steam


You posting this exact thread over and over again you fucking shill

Attached: 1529429126580.png (1200x640, 1.11M)

fuck off sheng, go get unpersoned by your insectoid government

>Sargon on the left
>notch on the right
Yikes that did not age well

And people say Epic shills aren't real

Attached: 1519800346123.png (2122x1214, 1.04M)

Hopefully China runs out of social credits for these shills soon, so that thread quality can rise even a tiny bit.

>"your product is shit and I don't want it"
>"LOL he thinks boycotts work stay mad"

Gamergate was the flashpoint that determined just how fucking terrible this board would be forever.

>age well
that was a troll pic in the first place

now this is the real cringe

Nothing beats gg, but gamer activism is always cringy af.

didn't moot ban everyone and they left Yea Forums for 8ch or something?

I swear this gook admin will be reason why this website will die in like 5-10 years.
Because he does not give a fuck.
I've already seen how one imageboard died because admin did not give a shit and apparently the history repeats itself.