gamer fuel thread
pic related is my dinner tonight
Gamer fuel thread
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chad semen
I could go for some burgs, but I only have pasta
what is your gamer oil (drink) ?
>catsup on burgers with a fork
stop trying to be posh u silly piggy
>really want some noodles
>already ate breakfast and also noodles today
What the hell is the fork for?
And some coke coke zero to down it.
why wouldnt you just eat some noodles anyways?
Should I get 5 Guys or McDonalds tonight?
>tonic water
I need so dinner tips.
Fast food makes me sick now.
I've just been making the same soup for days straight.
What are some hearty, not so time consuming (1-2 hours) meals.
>three burgers for one person
but you already have fries to go with one burger, surely that is plenty enough
>what is gin & tonic
Not hungry...
>He doesn't track his macros
Enjoy your biuttered coffee
>Three burgers
How fat are you?
wendys. if no to that then if it'sbeen at least 2 weeks since your last five guys go ahead. or if you have money to spare, 5 guys
Fucking edgy tryhard.
Pic related, only gamers will get this
kys tranny, you 90 lb monster, kill your fucking self.
3 1/4 pounders? Not 1 double quarter pounder and 1 regular? Why?
I don't get the murrican obsession wuth macncheese
>muh straight edge
Eat one fucking burger, not three moron. Fatass eating for a whole family on his own
that look like osmething from the UK
I hate this
I can feel my arteries closing just by looking at this.
The soup I've been making had potatoes.
thats spaghetti you fuck
damn those look good
where is the main course?
Less food in more portions gives the allusion of more food, and let's you savor it better.
It is purely psychological, it's why I cut pizza in squares.
this looks unappetizing as hell
Looks fucking gross
What the fuck is hot dog juice?
Must be Canadian
then eat some potatoes without soup
you can beat them and mix with butter for example
Anyone else think the colours on the tranny flag are pretty aesthetic, or is it just me? It's a nice combo I've got to admit.
>processed cheese
>not toasting your buns
Uk kebap is even more disgusting than what we get here in merkelstan. I miss Indian takeaways so much ;_;
>t. 80 pounds tranny
lol you're going to die by suicide
the liquid in the hotdog containers.
Or Donald Trump.
Box says pizza, but I don't think that's pizza.
>someone exists in this world who has actually eaten this
tonight I had a storebought flammekueche
faggot americans
How about a quick run down for those of us not from the Middle East
Low effort retarded /pol/ poster.
hot dogs, pasta, canned chili, anything that goes with rice
plus there are plenty of frozen meals you can just heat up like lasagna ad other things
Why is Yea Forums so scared of big meals? It can't just be le water meme right?
What kind of seasoning should I use on my pork chops tonight?
I usually do a mix of poultry seasoning with rosemary, thyme and salt but I'm getting kinda bored of poultry seasoning's taste.
guess we know whats next since pinapple is becoming so popular
Pizza is the ultimate gamer food.
that's fucking cursed.
Delete this
I don't get it but porkbelly is fucking great.
You're a disgusting fat fuck I'm sure.
who are the other two burgers for?
alcoholic beverage and therefor shit
What goes through the mind of these people?
This. Unfortunately they are like 1,5k calories.
>be italian
There, I just annihilated every stupid ass Americans in this thread
Literally me
Nigga it's just toothpaste.
Bullets. Eventually
What a faggot.
How in the fuck do you eat 3 burgers? Remove two of those and it's perfect.
what are women doing on Yea Forums? post feet and vagina with needle through clit
>Gin & tonic
>With cheeseburgers
What the fuck is wrong with your tastebuds
are you a woman of just 5 feet tall
holy shit lol
Britfaggot detected
I want to try Maoam. I love pretty much anything from Haribo.
>American """food"""
I made some pork.
man what the hell :(
My gf's cummies and green tea (w/ pomegranate)
being fat isn't macho unless you're a powerlifter.
Maybe you shouldn't be a fat fuck, than no one would call you out.
What the fuck did that little kid do?
I didn't like anchovies on pizza when I was a kid but I'm willing to give it another shot. Do I go for it? I'm in a place known for it's pizza.
>tfw college meal plan
Based Margherita with two supplì and two arancini.
imagine how fucking salty.
Eating based Boston Market masterrace while playing based Yo-Kai Watch 1.
that's not american it's british you retard
Who eats dinner in the middle of the night?
is that wrinkly ball sack at the bottom right a potato?
never again will the little lad want a slice of cake
>This is what bongs call food
>trannyposter strikes again
>confirmed to be some fat fuck that can’t be nourished by a single burger
lold heartily
it's actually colombian culture to abuse and mentally scar your chidren
based munchie box
>How in the fuck do you eat 3 burgers?
wtf that's not even that much for an american
Very nice.
>using Maggi
What a brainlet
In my opinion no, I tried it for the first time a few months back and the overuse of salt mixed with the anchovies on cheese gives it a noxious flavor.
Anchovies on Caesar Salad is god tier though.
Who is the Mark Weins of video games?
I thought that was from like turkey or some other shit country like that.
I had a nice meal like this set up, but I got to my local market too late today and they were all sold out of lean ground beef. It's just a cantaloupe and melon dinner tonight for me. Feels bad man.
A little heavy on the ketchup but those are nice looking burgs user. Not really sure if you need 3 of them though.
Gelatin was a mistake.
get mcd fries and a five guys burg
Who the fuck eats a burger with a fork?
That's it, I'm going to destroy America!
Its definitely aesthetics
>Should I pay way too much for a subpar meal or very little for literal garbage?
>tfw a skeleton that can not gain mass no matter how much I eat
Even through all of that, that kid still tried to cut the cake.
Alright what's the context?
Imagine not being able to eat more than one burger.
Imagine being 5 feet tall.
>tfw no shawarma
>Europoors call this pizza
american cheese is the best cheese for burgers you dumb bitch.
Spaghetti bolognese, or tomato soup with a melted cheese toastie to dip in it
I'm more of a nacho guy myself.
Sascha bist du das?
Fuck you, I'm not dutch I'm Irish
you eat a lot less than you think you do, or you don't eat very high calorie foods often enough; I was a perma-skele until my mid-20s, then I made a conscious effort to eat 3k+ calories a day and as such, finally managed to start putting on weight. It's embarrassing as you get older, user, act now.
diarrhoea sandwich?
Its not great, with the exception of the raspberry flavour which is good
Nothing beats a good pizza. If I could eat one every other night, I would.
flammen aus der asshole you mean
so just buy some fatter beef
>lighter used on the bark and cig
>fake cheese is the best cheese
Absolutely disgusting. Put a real slice of cheddar on the burger while it's cooking. It's a hundred times better.
>amerimutts call this pizza
jesus CHRIST that cannot be from anywhere reputable and probably not from anywhere american
I'm going to be sick
Seems like it'd be great for drinking before bed
holy fuck does that really exist
who would eat those
>a whole ring of pineapple randomly thrown on the pizza
and people pay for this?
Stop dude, these europoors are just baiting. Anyone who thinks that is american food is either a troll or retarded, both not worth replying to. Truly the folly of Yea Forums is anonymity, as no one will be able to kick this guys ass for being such a retarded faggot.
what in the fuck
Fuck you, I restrain myself all week to have a guiltfree based Pommdöner drowned in garlic sauce on cheat day.
Flase, jew yorkers call that pizza
Looks better than any eurotrash "pizza"
>haven't ate a burger or pizza in half a decade
I'm no longer a fat fuck, but at what cost?
>that pizza box
I know where that's from
I ate out in a greek restaurant great food with so much garlic that even my sweat stinks now
also my daddy was paying because Im a fuckup neet of a failure son
Honestly, it didn't seem so bad up until whatever the fuck was in that pot.
that looks dry as fuck
That's about one burger and a portion of fries too much, user.
bro i would devour that, just slap on some mustard n onions n give me a big spoon
American is basically pre-aged cheddar.
jesus how many calories is that
>implying american baked grease disks are good
treat yourself to nice burg tonight then
you can afford having one every once in a while
ah, a fellow 'za connoisseur.
What kind of sick fuck would call this "food"?
>Had to cut back due to weight gain
I just want to enjoy delicious food
I get that it's supposed to be a "prank bro" but they look like they're way too into it and tried to hurt the kid
more british "'''''""""""food""""""
>that filename
Pizza is literally defined as flat bread with cheese and sauce
And that kind of pizza is delicious... pretty much most are, really
Thats actually a Neapolitan pizza...ya know the people who invented pizza: its called Margherita because it was invented in her honor when queen of Italy, Margherita of Savoia, visited Naples. The basil (green) mozzarella (white) and tomatoes (red) are the color of Italian flag.
the pineapple disease needs to be eradicated
om nom nom
>3 fucking burbers w/ ketchup
>fries, no sauce
your waist size might be american, but you're eating edicat isnt.
make your own pizzas from scratch user, its easy and way, way better than any shit youll get ordered.
>When you're out of expendable money for the month and it's actually a blessing because you have to use what little cash you have to find the longest shelf life cheapest food and then ration it every day instead of being a fatass snacking every few hours
No it doesn't
Have you never had real cheddar and tasted the difference or is your dumb burger brain so fried from all the years of being a retard that you've lost your taste buds?
Yuropoor here i kinda like this,any other brands that are better?
gonna go on a potato diet, wish me luck lads
I was literally you until last year. Metabolism doesn't last forever and once you lose it, all those junk you ate will bite you back hard
Not even joking, you will gain 20-30 pounds easy in a fucking week
Yes it does
You can make your own shit and enjoy it just fine.
looks good user, what are you having with it
That actually looks pretty good.
>on a fucking burger
Jesus fucking christ you're a fucking animal. Cheddar is horrible for burgers, put some pepper jack on it like a civilized human being.
I know this is an april fool's joke they did but that doesnt make it any better
h-haha yeah, i l-love being poor
Brits have the worst fucking food on the planet
>Germans call this pizza
You uncultured retard you are supposed to cook onions and not eat them raw holy shit why everyone outside Italy is so fucking culinarily clueless
why are american like this?
jesus christ euroshits are the maddest people on the planet
now i know what arancini is, thx user!
>cheat days
>guilt mentioned
'Cheating' is a shitty concept since it leads most people to binge-eat. Better strategy is to refeed 10% of maintenance calories once a week whilst staiying within a weekly deficit. That way you mainatin much better control and prevent metabolic adaptation.
fuck off burger
prok belley in the soup? user you eat as well as i do, bravo. whats your soup base
You serious? how exactly is that dietary? recommend me some 'za recipes
Ostensibly British that image is.
>i'll never learn japanese
>i'll never have a japanese girlfriend
>i'll never have cute japanese children
>Amerilards will never ever get to have a proper beet and chipper while playing a good round of videogames.
you have to wonder what kind of cheese that is considering she's putting half her weight on the knife and it's still that hard to cut.
>doesnt like raw onions
What are you 9? I agree on a pizza they should be cooked but onions can be eaten raw just fine.
>You uncultured retard you are supposed to cook onions and not eat them raw
what's wrong with raw onion? shits good.
Quark-dough user. Takes 30mins to prepare.
Raw onions alongside your beef and a bit of mayo in a sandwich is pretty fukken good m8
>people fucking defended this back then
amerilards are pathetic
I get that the ownee is obviously cocky, but why doesn't the chef just say fuck that and cook it longer?
>Yes you fat disgusting whore cook something utterly disgusting so the subhumans that still watch this garbage can feel better about themselves
Reality tv needs to be outlawed.
are you insane?
For me, it's the Double McChicken
How about something simple
>I must destroy western society and support Israel
I think it's brine
I knew about amerifats and their cuissine but come the fuck on.
That woman is undeniably fat and certainly eats like shit, but this video really feels like it has someone behind the camera saying, "Hey you could add chocolate onto that too. We've got several chocolate bars for you right here."
Pizza bros where you at?
every german is in love with Dome
I thought they were called crisps and fries are called chips.
Do you not have a table?
Are you an elephant?
I don't see the mayo
the owner is a big time egotistic faggot
user, I...
iv seen redneck videos where they dunk loads of food on eachother, is a ritual of incest?
That's obviously the fish though.
Do you ban bread and beef from your diet? Pizza is just dough, cheese, and tomato sauce. Throw the shit into a cast iron pan and bam, pizza.
>cheddar on a burger
get cancer you stupid mutt
Tonkotsu broth?
spain or portubro? I was all into those dinosaur mags, I still have the dino glow in the dark model
>Not Colby jack
Sorry for your retardation, I hope you get better some day.
>durr I'm italian and my only identity is autistically screeching about the proper way to make tomato bread and tomato noodles
dumb pasta nigger
Thats a double Filet-o Fish, the one and only delicious burger at McDonalds
its not perfect for you of course, but making your own dough and sauce isnt too hard, google it. throw it in your oven at hot as fuck and sprinkle a little cornstarch on the bottom of whatever youre baking it on to stop the dough from sticking. I personally go to the italian market, pick out some meats ive never had before, throw on some red onions and sundried tomatoes.
>You will never have a qt fat German waifu named Brunthilda to hold you and call you her smoochiemuffin
Why even live
Have you never eaten a fucking salad you fat fuck?
Looks like emulsified pasta water and melted parma.
Mashed sweet potatoes.
Cook some mushrooms and add it to the pasta.
Looks like noodles. Nachos, noodles, corn, cheese and sauce sounds like a shitty combo to be honest.
Egger bock and pork rind snacks
user, I have some bad news for you....
The way he puts it in it's mouth it's like he has some kind of problem with it's nervous system.
Sushi is the only acceptable food for gaming
>tfw literally been living off of $18 a week for food for the last two months now
CHIP BUTTY But seriously what the fuck bongland? What kind of name is that?
>Anything fish from McDonalds
You poor fucking fool. Nobody buys the fish-o-filet, it sits on reheat for ages waiting for some dumb fuck to buy it. They're factually proven to be the biggest cause of food poisoning from McDs.
Only a savage would do that, you can boil them, fry them, roast them,you can litterally cook them in any possible way imaginable without killing everyone around you with your breath afterwards, plus they taste shit raw.
T. Eats something like 2 whole onions weekly
Need to recharge my energies.
Is this baked dough with some fries and cheddar thrown on it, or is there something hidden that I can't perceive?
Is it just me, or do those fries look undercooked?
is this what /ck/ is like, because I like it
>a plate of cucumber and rice
I'm not talking about the one in the webm, I meant I just wan't a japanese girlfriend.
>the one and only delicious burger at McDonalds
that's not the mcRib nigga
Eyyy la pentola mia famigglia eeyy my momma recepeee padella eyyy
for me it's the McChurger
What the fucking point of those chopsticks
It's like eating fries with knife and fork
>eating vegetables
Holy shit that little dude got dabed on.
Just ate some KFC
mexicans have the worst fucking food, period
literally vomit with cheese
niggers where a mistake
i like to make a big pot of chili and eat it over the course of a few days. i make it with
>crumbled bacon
>grass-fed beef
>tomato paste
>chopped tomatos
>black beans
>black pepper
>red pepper
>one habanero pepper
>salt or onions sauce
>worcestershire sauce
>fresh garlic
and maybe some other shit i cant remember. and usually ill have some greek yogurt on the side in lieu of sour cream
Bitch they make good ass cheddar in America too, American cheese is literally not cheese.
fuck off mr.wizz
t. 6' 300lb la creatura
oh wow
>i'll never learn
>i'll never have a girlfriend
>i'll never have children
>mommy never uses pepper in her dishes
>only a little bit of salt
Should I tell her to buy pepper, bros? Does it make a big difference in how things taste? Is it tasty?
So your hands and controller/keyboard dont smell like fucking fish
Ughhhh Ramsaybros????????
Imagine a handjob.
Yeah, if it was american it would be deep fried, covered in chocolate ganash and corn syrup.
t. thinks ice is spicy.
is this that Polish faggot from /pol/?
the best, i drink one of these everyday, sometimes 2. have been for the past 3 years.
a pile of pic related and beer of your choice
>be italian
>live with mother till 40
>still can't do his own laundry
>watches milf and mother son fetish porn
>but the sauce is good cause she simmers it for six hours
ok there pasta nigger
remove smash from evo faggot
>Eating sushi with chopsticks is literally something Americans came up with.
Sushi is literally finger food, you are supposed to eat it with your hands.
>only one salmon sushi
unironically kill yourself
Pepper is a meme.
good luck
is that bagged sauce
>"That's the thin crust"
everytime it gets me
>potato sandwich
>always confused at why people hate McDonalds since they were great at where I am (Middle East)
>go to USA to visit my buds
>try their McDonalds
>my fucking face when
It's not even a minor difference, its a complete 730 degree difference
>Eating sushi with chopsticks is literally something Americans came up with.
shut the fuck up you retarded fucking faggot
No joke I have heard from three different people that fucking black pepper is spicy
I've had a few girl scout cookies with my coffee today, but so far that's it. I dunno what I'm gonna eat for dinner.
>inb4 reeee cookie eating fatty
I'm at like 200 calories total so far
Why the fuck does the roof of my mouth hurt sometimes after eating apples?
jesus christ, what the fuck is all of that gross shit? is this what yuropoors call food?
kill yourself
and chicken
>Not the McGangbang
These are fried potatoes not french fries, they're supposed to be cooked like this
You're a retard who can't eat properly
arent 3 whole hamburgers too much?
It was looking good until he decided to put the fries into a sandwich by themselves for whatever fucking reason. I saw him taking out the bread and expected a real sandwich
If Gordon Ramsey was coming to your house to play video games, would you feel confident in your choice of gamer fuel you provided him with? Bear in mind he will hold you fully responbible for the gamer fuel whether you bought it or made it yourself.
now THIS is prime end of night food. Followed up by a fry-up with the boys in the morning. Culinary excellence.
You are not a man
i got banned from /ck/ for posting this
I made this the other day, easy and delicious, paired it with some roasted brussel sprouts
no one orders the filet-o-fish so they have to make fresh ones since they keep none on stock.
t. worked at mcd
>i enjoy not being able to taste my food because the pepper overpowers it
How do you make the white sauce?
I'd tell you to end yourself, but those potato sandwiches will do the job for me anyway.
what is this belief among alt right retards that insists trannies don't know they're mentally fucked?
They literally have to go through months of psychiatry to even get approved, and then years more to ensure they don't kill themselves.
that's like going up to a paraplegic and saying, "you know you can't walk, right?"
but user, youll get a paunch. dadbods are gross.
It's called a chip butty, you uncultured swine.
>he weighs more than 60kg (132lbs)
What is your excuse huh, fatty?
I'd just offer him a tea or coffee and ask if he wants some biscuits with it
How the fuck are you going to touch the fish when it's on the inside and the outside is coated with nori and rice? You can only touch the fish with nigiri and even then you're supposed to hold it by the rice
Do people actually use potato peelers instead of just cutting the skin off with a knife?
Honeycrisp is king, you fucking cocksucker.
You guys are giving horrible answers. Most of the food you've shown are either too messy or cumbersome to eat while playing vidya. Jaffa cakes a crumbless and can be eaten with one hand and go great with milk.
Outta the way, plebs
based retard
There was an urban legend where this was gone from the menu due to being sued for someone's close friend dying from diarrhea due to eating the whole thing
I'll transplant you some of mine if you want
fuck you mexicans have some of the best food on the planet, so many great marinades
sub 80kg is absolutely unacceptable for a human male
I'm American
I kinda want pizza
doesnt matter what its called, its gross
you just eat less than you think you fucking retard.
Have fun literally dying.
>Honeycrisp is king
You best be pretending to be retarded.
Not only you're a stick, but also without muscle. fucking skeletal structure of a male weighs 110lb. A goddamn gust of wind would BTFO you
whats the biggest difference
I'm 6' 3"
this seems to be the case with alot of fast food chains
Americans must’ve just gave up
whats Yea Forums eatin?
id try that
They have chip butties in Australia and New Zealand, too. They get fish and chips (>100m from their homes), get white sliced bread, spread on butter, put chips on bread, fold over or have between 2 pieces as a sandwich. Must be a white Anglo-Saxon thing.
On topic though, mushy peas or creamed corn with an ice-cream scoop is pure gamer fuel. All necessary carbs / bullshit, no mess, no fuss, quick to prepare, very little cleaning to do after. You don't get grease or crumbs or shit on your hands, and they taste and smell amazing.
>132 lbs
maybe if you were a skeleton or a mtf tranny.
people like me that are fine with being born as men, we need to be at least 170. 200 isnt bad either.
You don't even need the therapy to know your head's fucked if you're a tranny. It's literally the most obvious fucking thing possible with how much it fucks your self-image and life up. The best part is it can never be cured. Speaking from experience by the way. Anyone saying they're a tranny and not mentally ill either isn't a tranny or is delusional to boot.
I'm 53kg and in my late 20s. But you're right, I want to kill myself as such
I work out every day and have a nice amount of muscle, which is heavier than fat
>eating mold
Retard, enjoy your cancer
There's these things called muscles, ever heard of them?
It's hard when you have fat American sausage fingers and your hands shake from miniature strokes ever two seconds from clogged arteries.
>tfw 185cm
>been at 85-90kg for the past 7 years
>can eat pretty much any shit and still not gain or lose weight
I don't know what's happening anymore
Congratulation, you fell for the shilling.
I was on depression tablets for two years and one of the many side effects alongside aloofness and hallucinating was extreme changes in hunger, varying from person to person you either lost all appetite or became perpetually hungry and I was the latter.
Get banned from here as well
>Eating cheese
>With mold
I'll never understand you, past niggers.
You're welcome I can go deeper actually lol. Arancino is usually fried ball of rice with prosciutto cotto and mozzarella (or fumed cheese) while supplì is a fried tomato-rice (thats why its red) piramid shape with beef, mozzarella (or fumed cheese) and peas.
>no dried meats like prosciutto
>no olives
Not if he's juicing
Because I'm not a manlet, and I would be considered extremely underweight.
Tastes like fucking puke, metal, and acidic. Nothing meat-like
only the sauce is sort of the same
gain some weight user, it's not that hard
I believe in you
your moms pussy lmao
Denser, but yes.
how fucking short are you. or are you a complete skeleton. go to the gym and pick up some heavy stuff and put it down again, it's actually pretty fun.
fuck off simon
bans dont really mean anything tbqh
I'll give him the best softboiled egg on toast he has ever eaten.
>being afraid of fungi
don't listen to him it's good, except the orange flavour
That's chicken you retard.
God I hate plebs. But more moulded cheese for me I guess.
I've seen some gross shit on Yea Forums before but this is whole new level of disgusting.
Go to bed, skeleton man. I am currently 168 and pushing down from my holiday regains.
It's called something else where I live, but I wanted to tell you that you have a god tier taste user.
A majority of people I know hate those, for some reason
Daily reminder.
>He hasn't built up his immunity to salmon illaz with based superior rare chicken.
I pity you dumb mother fucker
>not liking blue cheese
holy shit please rope yourself
What do you even buy?
It's been scientifically proven that most of the "real" blue cheeses from France are carcinogenic, imagine all the offbrand ones.
holy fucking shit, suppli and margherita pizza, You have to tell me which pizzeria this was. I can't find a decent pizza joint in the entire country. That looks delicious, my old man makes suppli's as well they are amazing.
i got banned for posting this when it was uploaded
>People hating on Jaffa Cakes
Pretty sure they're a national treasure in the UK at this point. Guaranteed to be a pack in every cupboard you go in.
this user gets it, once you get a tolerance built up, there's nothing better
an adult male weighs at least 400kgs
Who the fuck cares. It tastes great.
hej user
Orange chicken
Potatoes. Just eat like ten potatoes, you're good for a day. Cheap as hell, too
Yes, they are from Germany like all the weird parodies of American food I think they are alright from time to time
Exquisite taste, user.
Niggers detected.
>orange-flavored cookies with chocolate frosting
nani? i can't imagine those flavors going together at all.
Brie is entry level cheese.
>Proper cheese
>No Gabagool or any kind of Deli Meats
Is this a snack or depraved emergency rations?
>cutting off the skin
that looks delicious my dude.
>132 pounds
You better be something cool like a swimmer or something at least, but that pic makes me think otherwise
hmm..i recognize that box
I only keep lime flavoured jaffa cakes in just to fuck with people
It does not.
It tastes like shit and is bad for you on top.
imagine being such a pretentious eurotwat that you call a piece of food boring
>be a Jap
>want sushi but they are literally for rich folk
Two Jacob Crackers with a red cow dairy cheese triangle thing squashed between them so it's like a sandwich.
>Never had any sort of spicy chicken before
>Probably never had Chinese chicken which is sometimes red
>peeling potatoes
Why would I throw away a significant portion of their nutritional value?
>Europoors be like "its too much!"
eh fuck it i take enough thc oil daily to make most people green out, not like cheese is oging to be what does me in
how about some veggies and not fucking potatoes and meat user...
I was like you, then added an extra ~500 calories to my daily diet and gained 20 lbs in less than 2 months. You're not eating enough.
If you've raised the chicken yourself with high quality feed and with a controlled environment - it's actually quite safe.
It's mass produced, factory farm chicken that needs to have the shit cooked out of it.
I lift. Actually a man who weight 60 kg is quite pathetic; a vegan friend of mine is that weight...hes a walking pale skeleton.
How is this even Yea Forums related at this point?
>not eating maggot cheese
lmao fucking peasents
I'm sure that's the case for the the unrefined palette. I mean, I didn't like most things I love now when I was a kid.
>with that PC
>fake cheese
>shitty hamburger bread
At least you have pomes
surely you'd put a packet of ready salted on the side of the plate as well? You're not an animal, are you?
>Brie and Whole Wheat Crackers
My nigga, I haven't had that in years.
Jokes on you, I fucking love the lime flavour. Halloween is great because there's mountains of lime ones that nobody buys.
Fuck you niggers. I'm on a strict af diet for work and y'all making me hungry. On my diet even gross shit looks good fuck you guys
this faggot needs his ass kicked
Why are you going to eat coins? Do Americans really do this?
>tfw 6'2" 230lbs
I could stand to lose 30 but whatevs, i do 45mins of cardio 3-4 times a week anyway to stay energetic
>3 burgers, bread, and fries
ill vore you for that
Stop eating garbage, incel subhuman
lol look at this faggot
just call them rice balls, fag. I'm an italian-american living in new york and you'd never catch me being the little gay boy asking for "le arancini por favore"
Wenn du schon so Mist futterst investiere dein Geld wenigstens in ordentlichen Gin und gutes Tonic. Lauch.
I eat and I also play video games
you're a fucking madman, user
>tips fedora
You're supposed to chew them.
Yeah because that's still pretty fat
I'm 170cm (5'7"), and yes I've been doing that sometimes
I just play vidya for most of my day, that's cool too.
Apple skin is gross and the texture is horrible, I always cut it off. Potato skin is good, though.
What? Wagies can't even eat what they want at home nowadays? Poor souls.
does this look good
I enjoy all cheeses but blue ones.
Instead of accepting that there's no accounting for taste I'll childishly insult those who like it.
Track you calories, calculate your basal metabolic rate, and ensure that you end up with a 500+ calorie surplus daily. You'll gain weight.
Jesus christ how anyone can eat kebab without bread on it is beyond me
the natural progression from the toast sandwich
>What a Zaget
Fixed that for you.
t. fatfuck
That's Indonesia though, they aren't black
Columbian birthday tradition demands that you get eggs thrown at you on your birthday when you least expect it (not kidding, look it up)
doner meat and chips is way cheaper than a mixed kebab typically, though
its good with rice
go to some kaitensushi, been to some of ueno ones, cheap and great
this looks good, no mushrooms or anything. I'll take two to go.
>tfw went from 56kg (123) to 67kg (147) in the past few months
Still a long way to go but at least now I finally feel like an actual human being.
That looks like shit. Bland. All presentation with zero give a fucks about the actual food.
boooooorn in he usaaaaa
You know burgers eat literal shit when just by saying you are Italian they start screeching n being salty af ahah stay mad fat fucks imagine managing to reach obesity when the tastiest cousine you can find there is a raw steak with gayonnaise like wtf you have no excuse
Not surprised Yea Forums is full of skinny dyels with low metabolism lmfao
It's literally moldy. Do you eat moldy bread? Do you let mold grow in your house? what the fuck man
here's a poutine to save this shitty thread
>video gamers calling people who eat a lot "fat"
>the same video gamers who don't fucking CLEAN AFTER THEMSELVES and get called "smelly as fuck" with super bad hygiene
top fucking kek
Pretty sure it's more of a: "you're fucking nuts why should anyone give a shit about what you say" type of thing
cant wait for summer to eat this again
God, I love Food Wishes
why would you want a literal whale for a gf?
Why do bongs love baked beans and a whole tomatoe for breakfast? Like Jesus wtf is wrong with you guys?
>t. american
What should I get for dinner tonight, Yea Forums?
I hope hell is a nice time of year for you mother fucker!
Nah son, a fucking genius is what I am. I also really like the blackcurrant flavour but they're rarer than someone who would willingly going into a Little Chef on the motorway before it closed.
Literally about to eat some while playing Rain World
you mean high metabolism
>tfw finally found a decent ramen joint near me
>tfw also have a fantastic all you can eat sushi place with top tier unagi rolls
Feels good man
>nibbling like a faggot instead of just eating the crust
triggered me the most
Why i should call them rice balls...i'm an Italian living in Italy. We dont speak progressivism here.
Apples don't have cores, btw. Just eat straight down and spit out the seeds.
Yes, I do indeed eat those. And delicious mould.
had this tonight, pretty good.
Cheese mold is edible and isn't unhealthy, you fucking retard. You can eat the mouldy rind on brie without getting sick because it's the same bacteria as penicillin. Do you think penicillin is unhealthy?
Have americans ever seen a fresh vegetable in their lives?
they are fucking sponge cakes covered in chocolate with orange goop. no garbage frosting here
You're not bulky dude, you're a fat fuck and no one is impressed.
Yea sorry, my bad.
>can be eaten with one hand and go great with milk.
Based. I had no clue it's from the UK though. I love how it can be eaten so many different ways.
The key that no ingredient has a so strong flavour that'd overwhelm the others. Besides, orange plus (dark) chocolate is fantastic combo in general.