It’s happening bros

It’s happening bros

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Other urls found in this thread:

finally fallout shelter 2

If the retards continue to use the F04 engine for New Orleans. It'll be a shit game.

Can't wait to see this thread posted 62 more times in the next 24 hours from attention whoring faggots

It's Wolfenstein Youngblood retards.

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>It'll be a shit game.

Needs no qualifiers.

I'm honestly more hyped for Fallout Miami, and even if its another shitty mod with bad writing at least I can enjoy the high quality armor and weapons

Please get the fuck out my city.

Wolfenstein is already up on Amazon this is something else

>take the world of fallout 76
>quickly make it full of npcs and a story set 200 years after FO76
>sell it for 60 euros

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fallout 3 remaster or some attempt at salvaging fallout 76 assets before making it f2p.

>Fallout New Orleans
>Here's the What-If 50's version of the area
>Jam the Enclave in
>Jam the Brotherhood in
>Jam new third faction in
>VOICE ACTING for MC where all your decisions are "YES"
>Insert "Where's my _____?" main quest
>Voodoo culture!

Bethesda, please please please die already. I have no faith in the next Elder Scrolls game and you're past few releases have shown that you simply want to continue to milk the Skyrim and Fallout 4 normie appeal.

Game of thrones RPG

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a shame that setting got wasted in such a shitty product I have the same opinion of the morrowind expansion for TESO which I bought stand alone for 5 bucks and still regretted my purchase.

>some attempt at salvaging fallout 76 assets before making it f2p.

Did you not see the road map?

>caring about fallout
The series is dead. New Vegas was the last game.

>Fallout New Orleans
>the city somehow isn't entirely underwater due to long failed water pumps which are the only thing stopping it from being Nigglantis
Sounds just dumb enough for them to do it anyway.

It's Starfield, but also why the fuck is it Number 1 top seller for PS4? Jesus Christ. This better get revealed tonight.

>another shithesda fallout game

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>mfw it's a colony manager game with isometric view

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>Open world rpg that's entirely under water

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>fallout 4 with boats

Just let me mod it again and we'll be good.

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>people are going to actually buy this game after the previous 2 travesties.
We deserve everything we get when retards continue to support this company.

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Fallout 4 was good but not a good rpg.

fallout 4 was a mediocre loot shooter with bad rpg mechanics.

wrong, fallout 4 is just shit
shit writing, shit gameplay, shit graphics, its just shit

They'd be retards to announce a new Fallout game so soon after 76 and its awful reception
I'm predicting a Fallout 3 and/or New Vegas remaster for current gen with improved performance and no bugs

>game relies on RPG mechanics like dialogue wheels to tell its long winded story

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its gonna be appalachia with quests huh? That would be in line with bethesdas way of thinking.

flesh out the map first then release a battle royale piece of shit before the main game?

You know they will, Bethesda doesn't give a fuck because retards will buy their shit games no matter what

Yes? Mass Effect did the same and people praise that game.

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Don't they have their hands full with Starfield and TES 6?

Nah 4 was great. Nobody but virgins and Redditors care about the silly pretending mechanics that clogs up games. The core of a good fallout game is exploration, combat and wacky world and 4 is the best in the series at this.

*if you can't imagine something more fun than exploring, killing, looting, leveling so you can explore tougher areas populated with tougher enemies for better loot and more xp.

i seriously doubt they're shitting out three fallout games this fast. either starfield or elder scrolls.


That is what every 3D fallout game is at it's core.


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>Bethesda Fallout

Let the series stay dead after 4&76 please

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RPG = Role Playing Game
Roleplaying means you can create a character to fill a certain roll of your own design. Want to be a thief? Spec your character to be a thief.
Both FO3 and to a greater extent New Vegas allowed you to do this nicely with things like perks and skills working in tandem to allow you to progress your chracter into becoming what you wanted to be.
Fallout 4 does away with that with the shitty Skyrim "perk" system where you can be literally perfect at everything as long as you level up. Want to be a thief? You can be that, but you can also be the strongest, smartest, most agile, most durable, and most lucky person alive all at the same time, while having many other perks that have nothing to do with being a thief. It eliminates the limitations that a non-thief would have, therefore destroying any essence of roleplay to be had.

Shouldn't it be new new Orleans?

Mass effect is an RPG retard. rpgs don’t need to stand by stupid mechanics that come from board games.

i love giving them money despite everything

If it's a proper Fallout game it won't have been developed by Bethesda. They've already made it clear Starfield is their next big game.

Fallout 4 was fine.
76 is a travesty.
I don't think they will double down and make another tedium sim.

Nice reply freak, but you know companies will keep making games, getting high reviews and selling millions. The standard you hold games to means nothing and are antiquated.

>Fallout 4 was fine.


>tfw just finished that game
how did such a great story get buried under layers of furry porn

>mass effect is an rpg
It doesn't have any real choices and is just a run and gun game.

Mass Effect fans aren't "people"

>Fallout 4 was fine.

a lot of the problems FO76 has also applies to FO4

Choices don’t make an RPG

They really aren't, every fan of that series explains away so much of the fucking awful writing its astounding. Then you realize they were totally fucking braindead in the first place.

The voiced protag was a mistake but other than that I enjoyed it.
>It had shitty RPG mechanics.

OH BOY can't wait for a new Fallout EXCLUSIVE to the Bethesda Launcher alongside Doom Eternal!

This. You could remove dialog and the perk shit and it would still be a great game. People like quests, the world and shooting.

76 was made of tedium. At least 4 was enjoyable to play.

>I enjoyed it

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Pretty much yeah, if the next fallout goes back to silent protag and some deeper skill system it'll be great.

>People like quests, the world and shooting.

It didn't do any of those things very well and even normies agree with that

I know I know I am supposed to play games to see what I hate about them to fit in here.

>yfw its an isomeric fallout game

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There is not an observable metric to back that claim up.
There is a great deal to dispute it though.

I think you're just supposed to give a better reason for why a game is fine/good other than "I liked it"

At the rate of stupid decisions they are making that would not surprise me.

It did though. It had the best combat the series has seen. Typical Bethesda world that emphasises exploration with interesting things in any direction and more quests then you can shake a stick at.

The game sold very well, as did Skyrim which follows the same principles. Normies love it.

I'm eager to see how badly Todd can fuck up another Fallout.

I liked the lootin shootin and splorin.
Is that better?

Best combat in the series, typical Bethesda exploration based world, more quests you can shake a stick at.

It sold very well, as did Skyrim which follows the same principles despite what RPGfags cried about. Normies love it.

>It had the best combat the series has seen

And made everything else worse. Also, what "normies" do and don't like has no bearing on the quality of a game.

I would hope for a New Vegas Remake or Remaster, but 3 is more likely unfortunately. It could be a published game and the trailer video is just a placeholder, in which case I hope it's Prey 2. The good news is that if it IS a new Fallout game, it's very likely to be a different developer considering Bethesda Softworks has Starfield on their plate

It's a Fallout game made by the prey studio.

Based and actually redpilled. You are a free thinker in a sea of pretender “contrarian” reddit circlejerkers.

Uh, no, not at all. That's still just subjective stuff.

>unironically calling it "New Orleans" and not something imaginative like "The Big Easy" or "The Deep South"
Fucking pathetic.

so? it will be shit just like fallout 3 and 4

This better be bait, holy fuck

Are we really doing this again? Remember what happened last time?

This. Retards think its more likely because it has "New" in the name. Doesn't even make sense.

>Normies love it.
so you are outing yourself as a normie huh? reddit is that way--->

>Current year + 2
>He still believes his lies

Todd Howard has repeatedly said that he won't do remakes. Not gonna happen.

So now it did improve the combat? Cope backtrack.
Normies buy the majority of games so what you think is good is insignificant while what they do is influential.

Nobody wants to roleplay, pretend and make-believe like that you fucking retard. Go back to your board games you neckbeard virgin.

The problem with Fallout and the REAL reason why another good one will never come out is not (directly) because of Bethesda's incompetence.
It's because the game world and lore are too explored. Fallout's mystique is gone. The last of it was uncovered in New Vegas, and it was over saturated in 4.
This is mainly due to Bethesda needing the pre war and setting of the game to be the source of all the game's plot. They could never accomplish something like Fallout 1 where the setting wasn't that important for the story.
Fallout 3 HAD to be about Power struggle and American traditionalism because it's in the nation's capital
Fallout 4 HAD to be a I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE jerk off extravaganza because it's in Boston.
The game isn't inexplicable anymore, it's basically overdone. Too much was explained and revealed.
So even if a decent studio got hold of the IP, the game would be decent at best

Fallout has reached "It's dead Jim" status. Only real hope is for some better grounded, post apocalyptic atompunk themed rpg to spiritually success the franchise.

There's nothing wrong with gamebryo. Bethesda programmers are just talentless hacks that can't barely program. Look at how shit dice's engine works with when the braindead retards at bioware try to use it.

Nope. Redevelop your tastes and learn to spot quality

I don't think I said otherwise, and, again, what "normies" do or don't buy has no bearing on the quality of a game.


That's a lie, you like to roleplay, pretend and make-believe that you're anything other than a massive faggot all the time.

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The only sliverlining is that people have started to realize Bethesda ARE incompetent (albeit 3 games too late) and that New Vegas really was the last good Fallout game, and Bethesda had little to do with it.

If this Outerworlds game proves to be good, and TES 6 turns out to be trash, Bethesda will be dead.

You were the one who brought up normies by claiming they don’t think the game did shooting, exploration of quests were despite the game doing with people who don’t post on online forums

>another Fallout
pick one

I claimed no such thing.

Probably a Fallout 76 expansion, they're not milking it just yet if what they did with ESO is anything to go by.

you DID already pre-order them, right?

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>shit out a port of 3/NV to 4's engine to assure fans they still care about "classic" Fallout
I could see it.

>a Fallout 76 expansion

That seems like a really terrible idea

>bought 76 because friends got it
>best world building since Morrowind that requires the player to piece together the bigger picture on their own
>a real nice map with lots of variety of biomes and locations
>great atmosphere that gives similar lonely vibes STALKER gave
>realtime menus and VATS feels nice and doesn't break the pace of the game as much as pause menus did in 3/nv/4
>everything else sucked major ass
>shit ass follow the marker quests
>nonexistent endgame
>can't even call it a looter shooter because the loot blows ass
>no reason to return to 80% of the areas of the map
>no party content outside of a single bullet sponge "boss" that lags out the server allowing exploits normally not available

Why can't they do anything fucking right, every time they do one thing better in a new title 10 other things get worse.

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>If this Outerworlds game proves to be good, and TES 6 turns out to be trash, Bethesda will be dead
I have my doubts that the outer world's will be good. I liked NV but the outer world's looks so by the numbers. Also even if both of those things happen Bethesda will be fine

Well the first person who replied did. Not that I can fucking tell who that was, i’m Just assuming.

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Oh well.

I doubt Bethesda will be fine if TES6 somehow fucking flops, but yeah I kinda doubt that'll be their death.

>> Mfw
>> you will see Bethesda go down in your lifetime

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fallout 4 is a shittier far cry, which is quite a hard thing to do

Bad bait, but on the real, fallout 4/76 fans are a disgusting combo of neck beard and Tumblr. They're the favorite games of people who like Rock and Morty.

>A Fallout-themed Rimworld

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Holy melodrama Batman.
Whaaa muh fee fees.
When did cunts overrun this board?
Tumblr tier nonsense.

Shit, imagine the mire/lakelurks. Maybe some invasive deathclaws that have adapted to the water? Something like the lurkersharks from jak and Daxter.

>Holy ____ Batman

All the good writers gone.
Relying on gameplay to carry them this time.

Oh boy they are fucked.

im *clap* going *clap* to *clap have *clap* to *clap* give *clap* this *clap* one *clap* the *clap* big *clap* yikes *clap* from *clap* me *clap* my *clap* dude *clap*

Didn't even realize there was a board for those degenerates.

I think it'll be Wolfenstein 3, the grime-y look of both the placeholder video and Wolfensteins 2 menus is a little too uncanny

what is skyrim remastered and skyrim VR then?

Not remakes :^))))

>uses the same engine for every game
>Fallout 4 and Skyrim have had endless releases and ports
Todd can go fuck himself.

Gotta say I'm a fan of your city user. Tasty food, great music, friendly people. Bet it sucks in the summer though. And Bourbon street is probably a fucking zoo on Mardi Gras.

Can't wait for Yea Forums seething when it turns out to be good just like FO4

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No, Gamebryo is a weak engine. You'll always have "cities" of ten houses as long as you keep that shit.

Yeah Yeah Yeah

There are still mysteries about the rest of the world and how they dealt and survive the war
If they want to keep it inside the us they could go with another country not as fucked by the war is invading what remain of the us, the game star with the Invaders opening your vault and for reasons attack the people inside
But what's most likely to happen is for next fallout to be in alaska so todd can just reuse every asset fron skyrim

Wasnt skyrim made instead of that?

No they are working on it currently.

As a game developer I can tell you’re a complete ignorant retard along with so many other who don’t know a thing about how game engines work. You can’t just switch engines every time you make a sequel to a game you absolute moron.

I unironically hope it has multiplayer, my wife and I have a great time playing 76. Despite its technical failure.

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They're the same game.
>what is skyrim remastered
Something that doesn't exist. It's called "skyrim special edition" and its the same game with some extra settings. Not a remaster.

Rumors are that they got back into another GOT contract

Not him but the engine has barely change since oblivion and the increasing number of bugs on each game shows it's way past time for them to make a new one

>as a game developer
no you aren't
>you can't just switch engines
sure you can, if you've got the staff and funds, and Bethesda has (or, regarding the former, HAD) both
10+ years and little to no innovation regarding engine is no excuse for a AAA developer/publisher.

Yes, but at least you can walk inside those houses, steal shit, grab and move shit, and talk or murder the owners while every other game with a big city feels static, empty and everything is just for decor.

It is more like Mount and Blade than an RPG.

>armchair game developers

sweet irony

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I liked Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, New Vegas and Fallout 4 like most people who don’t have their ass mixed where their mouth is. Fight me.

The point is to leave more to the imagination, not just make everything regionally focused.

>another port city because apparently developers just love all four of the mainstream Mafia-grown cities that dot America's landscape.
I kind of hope everyone who thinks this was a good idea to die the most painful death at this very point in time.

Yeah I love tending to settlements 90% of the time, and looty shooty the same tiny dungeons the other 10%.

I like all except 4, but I have mixed feelings on 3 and Skyrim. Fight me.


Bully was made in it. It's fine.

Wouldn't it just be starfield?

>comparing a static game with a more complex and dynamic one where you can literally grab and move every object

It has a Fallout style countdown you idiot. Try to keep up once in a while.

>comparing a 2006 game with a 2019+ game

Skyrim was unironically better than Oblivion. Fight me.


That's not fallout style, and it's not a real countdown. It's a stock video

Okay I'll bite. Why is it better? Other than graphics, which are unconsequential.
If you mention combat, you can take your shit opinion elsewhere.

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FNV > Fallout 4 >>>> Fallout 3

Morrowind > Oblivion >>>> Skyrim

Oblivion had a fundamentally broken leveling system. The worldbuilding was devoid of nuance unlike Skyrim and Morrowind. The factions were overrated, with the Thieves' Guild and Dark Brotherhood being the only passable questlines.

No one cares reddit opinion

>the city is actually entirely underwater
>you play as a native mutant resisting an invasion by the brotherhood of steel

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FNV > Fallout 3 > Fallout 4
Morrowind > Skyrim >>>>> Oblivion

That's what Skyrim was. No joke. They were approached by HBO or Martin and asked to do a GoT game. They turned them down because Skyrim was already in production and it didn't make sense to have TWO open world RPGs both running the same general premise. Mind you this in 2006-2008. When GoT was just some long running fantasy novel series that had a very small following. HBO had JUST bought the rights to start the TV series.

So for Bethesda it was either make an Elder Scrolls game with guaranteed profit OR make an RPG based around this book series few people knew about and MAYBE make some money if they're lucky.

god i'd love to kill BoS nazis

>know it will be shit
>can't stop a part of you from desperately hoping "maybe they'll learn some lessons from 4 and 76 and it'll at least be as good as FO3"

Damn this last little spark of optimism in the pit of my soul.

>battle royale
This is a legit NPC. That was a debunked rumor coming from the reddit anti-Bethesda circle jerk after the game was announced. Regardless of how shit the game came out being, any one STILL calling it a battle royale (which there are a lot for some reason) is a legitimate NPC.

_ _ _ cord tran_ _ _

>Oblivion had a fundamentally broken leveling system.
I totally agree, but to be fair, its a system that wasn't massively improved upon in Skyrim. Bullet sponge enemies still persist regardless.
>worldbuilding was devoid of nuance
You honestly can't compare Morrowinds world to Skyrim. Skyrim is just as generic and lackluster as Oblivions. Oblivions only saving grace with its world was the Shivering Isles, whereas Skyrim relied on rehashing Morrowind locations and generic HP Lovecraft grimdark locals.
>factions were overrated
Straight up wrong. Only the Mages guild is poor because of its slow build up and very weak payoff. The remaining guilds far outweigh any of the equivalent Skyrim guilds, ESPECIALLY the college of Winterhold.

I do prefer the Skyrim main story over Oblivions, but only slightly.

76 is Fallout shelter 2 tho

FNV > 3 >>> 4
Oblivion > Morrowind >>> Skyrim

It's way too soon. It's either FO3 Remaster, or an expansion to 76, if it's Fallout-related at all.

I'd love that if it wasn't shit

There's no way Bethesda is making a new Fallout until Starfield and/or TESVI are out.

>"people" hating on Fallout 4 because it's the popular opinion

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>Skyrim is just as generic and lackluster as Oblivions.
So you didn't actually play the game

no 76 is good

Not too soon for a single player title set in the 76 world though.

I hate it because it's shit

>BOS Nazis
Ok retard

Yeah this is true. Would really love to see a GoT RPG. FUCK.

>plays with children's' toys
>doesn't think he's pretending

Newest Orleans

>(((people))) hating on Andromeda because it's the popular opinion

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>high tech fascists wearing black uniforms and oppressing natives in search of old world artifacts
Sounds like nazis to me.

>hating Bethesda is the popular opinion
Maybe you should leave Yea Forums once in a while.

When will they stop?

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It really was shit.

Fuck that. GoT is hot garbage. Give me a goddamn Warhammer Fantasy open-world RPG.

Name 1 (one) reason that it's bad, that isn't a reason it was bad.

>"people" pretending to like Fallout 4 because it's the popular opinion on Yea Forums

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Fallout: The Big Easy
spiritual sequel to NV
>Entire gulf to the Carribean, Texas to Florida to Cuba/Jamaican/Haitian islands, not real rigid geography just stereotypes
>Ghoul led Voodoo cultists everywhere from the island strongholds has set up cults all over
>Voodoo Obeah man cult leaders leading raiding parties and kidnapping people for rituals
>Redneck BOS chapter with lifted trucks, fan boats, everything modified like hillbilly steroid muscle car shop. First BOS chapter used as comic relief. confederate flags if the developers arent pussies.
>Manatee Civilization. good. evil. whatevers funnier or more threatening.
>Mutated alligators, snapping turtles, razorback hogs the size of cars, puma's, giant snakes and whatever else kinda animals you wanna crossbreed
>Privateer raiders on ships and oil rigs and old cruise liners
>Gambling in New Orleans as well as riverboat gambling
my favorite
>SEC (its ncaa football for those that dont know) themed gangs. kinda like caesars legion but reasons to wear sports athletic equipment. LSU becomes the Tigers, Arkansas becomes the Hogs,Bama becomes the elephants, Auburn becomes the War eagles, Florida becomes the Gators, Texas becomes the Brahmin, etc. etc. using school colors if they can
>choose to destroy or repair levee from oncoming storm
>Giant southern gothic plantation houses ruled over by duck dynasty survivalist millionaires oligarchs
>use foods to turn everything into gumbo at cook fires
>armor and weapons are wayyyyy more rustic and hill billy
>less future tech way more mad max in hill billy land
>Cajun Accents everywhere
>Swamp Things with really well designed camo and bursting out of the water and vegetation
>swamps, everglades, southern forests, to east texas along with island forts/favelas/strongholds
>privateer factions you can join and raid other factions, get your own boat
>Country/zydeco/afro-beat/Caribbean radio
>miami is bladerunner neon hellhole
tfw they listened

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>spiritual sequel to NV
Sorry that's Outer Worlds.


>trusting nu-Obsidian with anything

So a second attempt at salvaging fo4 assets?

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seething /pol/tard

Just another Obsidian failure like Tyranny or PoE. Too bad for them that they are now ‘free’ so there is no publisher to blame for their incompetence.

>fallout NO
>joke cajun partner
>entire dialogue is this

well fucking aware New Orleans is not Acadiana, but you know goddamn well nobody else cares

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>t-these games failed because they had black people and sjw agendas!!

Is Obsidian the AMD of game developers?

Those games failed because they were unfinished, as is Obsidian tradition.

They were good rpgs, sorry you get so triggered over female characters snowflake.

honestly the worst thing about Bethesda Fallouts is the fact their games have no balls to do anything morally grey
look at F1/2 and New Vegas, prostition is rampant everywhere, slavery and human smuggling are one of the wastelands greatest exports and even the big factions themselves do everything in their power to stab each other in the back
Bethesda's Fallout is one where only absolute goods are evils exist, people complained that the BOS where too genericly heroic in F3 and turned them into Power Armor Nazis for 4.
the only thing that even came close to the moral ambiguity where the Paradise Falls slavers and even that got done away with because Bethesda writers felt it went ''too far''

you used NPC twice. okay its not a battle royale, but its a joke.

The Fallout 3 Enclave aren't pure evil, and Bethesda's biggest mistake in Fallout 3 is not adding an Enclave path storyline.

fallout 4 was more soulless than fallout 3.

>Literally an isolationist group that has little contact with oustiders
> Also fascist ≠ national socialist
Also bethesda BoS doesn't matter

well. its made by literall boomers for boomers.
andi dont mean le 25y old boomer.
i mean 35y old+ oldtimers pretending to know how a good game looks like tod howard kind of boomer.

this, autumn's enclave would be a good faction but he has some autistic hatred for the lone wanderer so it doesn't happen

the Enclave in 3 where cartoonishly evil AND stupid instead

SeeThis Obsidian circlejerk went way too far on this board it’s like reading fucking Biodrones now.

F4 is genuinely one of the worst games, let alone RPGs I've ever played in my life. And I enjoyed Skyrim.

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Fallout 3's Enclave under Autumn had the most solid plan of them all. What the fuck are you talking about?

Like the Legion in New Vegas.

I suspect the Legion path in NV would've involve supplanting Vulpes and Lanius and setting the Courier up as a sort-of Augustus for the Legion, that imo would've been a lot better than what we got.

you can say alot about the Legion but atleast they didnt send 2 generic grunts and a guy in a coat for the final battle

In what way?


No. Fallout 4 is flatout garbage.
It wasn't even a RPG.

That has nothing to do with politics. I'm /pol/tard and i like and respect Chris Avellone despite him being raging leftist because he made good games and he's talented.

He, and other people who made New Vegas great, left the Obsidian long time ago.
Current obsidian is completely different company filled with retards.

Fuck man Bethesda has good game mechanics and controls but shit dude they just fucking suck at trying to write anything that even resembles a coherent story and they don't even try to follow the fucking cannon saying it outdated and that they can take creative liberties its pisses me off so much like fallout 4s settlement, power armor, and gun customization where fucking brilliant and great additions that made the game has a lot more customizability and replayability but the story was so bat shit awful its is legitimately unfun to play through it as an RPG , they have so much potential but they just throw it down the fucking drain every time

>somehow need the jefferson memorial to spread the toxin even tough better methods are available
>total air superiority and can obliterate the BoS anytime they want but dont because plot
>follow the orders of a retarded AI
>instead of using the guys of anonimity like in F2 they parade around their presence with those retarded Eyebots

I wish there was a kirkbride/the other TES loremasters of fallout that bethesda respected

All of that tickles my fancy in all the right ways

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Legion was supposed to have a better quest line but it was cut because of development, and even then you can still kinda see caesars reasoning in things it is just that the game kinda shoves either the NCR or the independent ending down your throat with all of the companions

they somehow get Chris fucking Avallone to work for them and they put him on that Prey reboot everyone forgot

>only Eden wants to spread the toxin and even then Eden is a figurehead, the entirety of the Enclave answers to Autumn
>Vertibirds aren't bombers, also Liberty Prime
>see above
>They parade around because they want to make the Capital Wasteland into a sustainable site to rebuild their vision of America using Project Purity to keep people in line by distributing the pure water instead of hiding like bitches in an Oil Rig

The Fallout bible is the equivalent of MKs C0DA if that is what you are looking for.
Both are fanfics from ex devs that have a cult following.

If you go on the Fallout 4 page on Bethesda's website you can see there is no mention whatsoever describing the game as an RPG

right but bethesda doesn't respect the fo bible the way they mostly respect parts from c0da

>my city

Honestly you don't need more quests to fully understand Caesars reasoning just talk with him.

is this the puny competition for the outer world?

that's true but a lot of people still think he is inherently evil because of the lack of legion supporting characters, like there's not a single companion who has anything positive to say about the legion or house for that matter

Caesar is a brainlet that managed to fool himself into thinking he's a genius

Seems unlikely they would put out three Fallout games in a row, especially when they teased Starfield last year.

>wanting eww orleans for a setting
They already had point lookout AND nuka world.

you're thinking like old bethesda, not the zenimax mooks ordering them around.

Why the fuck would they make a 3rd Fallout game in a row especially after the 76 disaster? Put the series to rest for at least 5 years.

The Captial Wasteland project seemed to pop back up from no where, confirming they were past the DCMA shit but have otherwise been quiet and have stated they don't want/need 'external' help anymore.

Might be pushing it - but I'm thinking Bethesda did a Valve and bought out the Capital Wasteland AND FO4NV teams and we're going to see 'remasters' of FO3 and FNV on the FO4 engine.

It's probably just a collection of all Fallout games except 76 and NV

>remasters' of FO3 and FNV on the FO4 engine.
so the same engine

>look at me I'm so funny
You're a retard and you know it.

>fo1 and fo2 on consoles
how would it even work?

Attached: growing stronger.gif (500x281, 1014K)

Just like on PC.

I'm surprised you managed to play the game without falling asleep, it was the game that made me go from loving bethesda to hate it


>he made good games and he's talented.
Only Planescape, he fucked Fallout by making 2 stupid as fuck and NV with his OC.

The dlcs are the best part about NV

Respect is a strong word.
In Skyrim the gentleman that touched on MKs "lore" was named Heimskr.
It means "fool" or "idiot" in Icelandic.

ESO called anyone who said similar things Heimskrs.

I'll keep an eyes on it because I like the idea.

I'm too optimistic for my own good, but someone's gotta be these days.

That would be a tacit admission that 76 was a mistake. Bethesda aren't going to do that.

Was GTAOnline a 'tacit admission' that GTAV was a 'failure'?

No because that is literally the opposite situation to what we are talking about. If there had originally been no GTAV, just GTAO, and then GTAO had been a huge failure and only then had they made GTAV, THEN the comparison would work.

Skyrim is objectively the most well rounded Elder Scrolls game. The visuals are good. The combat is good (for an ES game). The story is good (again, for an ES game). So.



Skyrim>Oblivion>Morrowind (fuck you I know quite a few people who even back when the game was new hated the tabletop "miss, miss, miss, hit" combat formula and immediately soul trap glitched thier characters to 5000 Luck)


>You aren't allowed to do it the other way around because I said so.

Are you retarded?