Wake up Saturday morning

>wake up Saturday morning
>eat cereal while watching cartoons
>pop in toxicity cd
>turn on ps2 and pop in thug2
>play all morning
>mom brings tendies for lunch
>friend comes over to play 2 player
This was the life, lads

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nice. Hey OP what are your thoughts on Scars on Broadway?

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Mesmerize and Hypnotize seemed like a downgrade to me. But one day I realized if I just removed the songs I don't like and then put the remaining songs into one single album it becomes amazing!

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>Saturday mornings with Yu-Gi-Oh and pokemon back to back

I didn't have a ps2 or a TV in my room but I did have a computer with its own phone line so I'd probably be playing flash games or emulators. I had to make do with what I had.

>get home from school on Friday
>queue up SOAD on my music player
>spend the entire night playing runescape

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Horrible taste

i liked steal this album

>be dumb child
>escape horrible life situation by playing runescape and listening to music
That was 10-12 years ago and absolutely nothing has changed except I got a job

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Steal this album wasn’t bad but it was a clear departure from self titled and toxicity

I use to listen to linkin park so goddamn much, never realized how edgy that shit was but it's funny how I was attracted to it all the same. No coincidences here.

I hate soad but I-E-A-I-A-I-O gives me the good type of chills great song

First two albums were great

>pop in self-titled SOAD CD
>play Halo 2 all morning
>spend the afternoon with friends playing 8-player system-link matches
Goddamn that was a glorious time.

Literally me when I was 12.

Malakian was an obnoxious asshole that stole the spotlight in the last 2 SOAD albums, IMO.

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Hell I liked their albums up to living things, reanimation is good too.

Steal This Album was the Toxicity's b-sides

>Malakian was an obnoxious asshole that stole the spotlight in the last 2 SOAD albums, IMO.
This, and he sucks at writing songs and singing. Songs like Old school hollywood and Lonely day are fucking cringe


>hanging out in commons during highschool
>"Oh cool shirt, user, I love System of The Down! That song about MY COCK IS MUCH BIGGER THAN YOURS is so funny!"
>"Suuuch a lonely daaay!"

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>you realize there is nothing stopping you doing this now
You can still put the CD in and make tendies user. You didn't get rid of your ps2 did you?

>no Holy Mountains

>love LP, it's my favourite band
>blast that shit all day, every day
>start listening to other stuff, but always has a fond place in my heart
>eventually learn english
>notice all these people making fun of them
>"wtf are these retards talking about?"
>give their stuff another listen

Goddamn, it was probably for the best this way. Can't imagine me taking this stuff seriously and thank god that no one else understood english at the time

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>This entire thread.
I love you bros. you were my kin and I would have loved to hang out with you dudes.

To be fair a lot of it was about Chester's drug addiction and abuse he suffered as a child.
Of course most of us were edgy fucking teenagers
Minutes to Midnight has grown to be my favourite album over the years

That album was where l lost interest because "Wheres the guitars? What is this gay shit?" Boy if only l knew

Bleed It Out is absolute GOAT

I've randomly had Cigaro stuck in my head for the past 5 hours and then this thread pops up.

YERY true, is that the one with the 17 second scream? There was also another one that l liked but that was sadly it, rest was just ok/boring

WAKE UP (wake up)

I personally love the two albums, it feels like if Simon and Garfunkel went insane.

would any of you glorious fellow SOAD gamer bros happen to be in eastern TN? I need a new friend like that to connect with after my old best friend went completely hermit..

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No but if you ever decide to move the central Europe, I could come over

I live in the Boro user


You guys don't actually still like SOAD, do you...?

I loved them as a teenager but man, I can't listen to more than a couple tracks now before the nostalgia fades and I hear it for the trash that is.

>tfw one of my coworkers still listens to them and I have to put up with that shit if I'm working with her

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>not thug 1
You lost me

even Yea Forums likes SOAD

I actually like Steal This Album as my favorite. Toxicity has more high points, but STA almost sounds like one big movement from start to finish. I used to listen to it at work quite a bit since I had to drive around for a couple of hours each day.

You're allowed to like things user

Nostalgia, although I still enjoy Sugar


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RATM for me tho

I still listen to SoaD, Disturbed, Static-X, and pretty much anything else from my teenage years. I haven't bought an album from any of them after 2007 though.

That was Given Up.

Yep that's exactly how I spent my 20's


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Replace mommy with a delivery service, and you can still do all of these though


It's not the same and you know it fucker

Underrated song

>world PVP in WoW while listening to Linkin Park

Memphis here

add my steam TN Bros

how many of you had this shirt?

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I recently to listened to SOAD for the first time in years, they hold up pretty well for the most part.

But there are other bands from my teens that are tough to listen to today. Namely Limp Biskit, Papa Roach, and Korn.

>Not talking about the superior Serj Tankian music
That wasn't SOAD tho

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eastern TN here too, Knoxville
I'm a hermit myself though

i love you.

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>That wasn't SOAD tho
It literally was

For me? It was Mesmerize/Hypnotize and Battlefield 2.

that was never SOAD, you know, common misconception

Nope. It's a song by a band called Rabbit Joint that was uploaded to Napster as an SOAD song.

Nah user, it was Joe Pleiman

for clarification, Joe Pleiman was in Rabbit Joint. Both of these anons are correct.

>not getting the joke

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I bought a used vita today, and while I was hacking it memories of making a PSP pandora battery, playing shit like crisis core and listening to SOAD came flooding back.
They weren't amazing times, but the future was hopeful. Now we're in the future, and there's no hope anymore.

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I had it on a hoodie and I had a BYOB themed t-shirt. It makes me both cringe and smile in equal measures looking back.

le mereley prtendinggg

My favorite bands when I was a teenager are still my favorite bands. Coheed and Cambria, Breaking Benjamin, Chevelle, Shinedown, and SOAD. That said, the only one really still making absolutely, objectively great music is Coheed and Cambria. Breaking Benjamin just doesn't have it anymore, their last two albums were full blown generic and boring, I couldn't name a single song off those if I tried. Shinedown sold out massively and their last two albums were basically unlistenable Imagine Dragons clones, which is an utter shame because they had so much soul back in their first three albums. And Chevelle is still alright but having seen them live a few years ago, they were surprisingly disappointing so that kind of hurt them in my eyes.

nah, I grew out of them once I hit about 16y/o; I saw them perform at Download a couple of years later, though, and despite not being into them or anything like that scene of music, it was good fun

Can't believe the classic "say a common misconception" joke went right over my head lmao whoosh lol

demo tape version of sugar is better than the album release

I dunno, I just can't stand the screamo / overly aggressive vocals anymore. It feels so edgy and childish to me. There are some artists / bands I listened to endlessly in my youth that I still enjoy today but SOAD, pop/punk and nu-metal stuff ain't making that list.


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>Game starts with a prison level

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>Still awake from Friday on Saturday morning
>played vanilla WoW all night long
>pop in Mesmerize cd
>continue playing WoW all day
>eat Taco Bell for lunch
>friend comes over to set up his rig because we're too cheap for vent server

That's called a compilation album, or cheating as we Yea Forumstants like to say

If it sounds good to you what's the problem? No ones gonna judge you

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I dunno, man. Meteora still holds up.

>SOAD's first album came out 21 years ago
oh nononononono

Yah, I wore it all the time

for me it's Suite-Pee

they're never making another album, right? :(


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>tfw if SOAD released a new album I wouldn't listen to it
didn't expect it to go this way as a kid

I'm saying why it doesn't sound good to me anymore.

I had the one with the crying statue of liberty
the kids in my class made fun of it so l never wore it again

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They are in fact.

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I was the complete oppisite. I hated Linkin Park when I was a stupid teen because I thought is was edgy and therefor bad. After actually listening to them years later I realized that it is edgy but the actual songs are really well put together and the edgefag shit just makes it even better once you stop taking it seriously. I had similar opinions of shadow the hedgehog too

you fucked up OP

you didn't say:

etc etc etc

like the fucking song that was popular, then SoaD fucking died and went away.

i don't keep up with it, but when did they 100% die out, because i fucking KNOW they aren't alive making albums in 2019.

they went on hiatus in '06, but have done some gigs with their old material here-and-there since

well then Yea Forums, fuck you
i ain't listening to a mostly good album of anything when i can make a super album of EVERYTHING good from that band

That's understandable, I have a few compilation discs for bands that I can't be bothered to collect for or are just good for singles. Still doesn't compare to an album where the tracks come together for one cohesive sound and experience

This a collab album between one of my favorite solo guitar players, Serj's studio and a few other singers.

You may have not heard of him, but he had a bonus song on Guitar Hero 2, so he is slightly vidya related youtube.com/watch?v=mGDw2t9bI6U

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First album is still the best, fight me

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>You may not have heard of him
What fucking world do you live in where Buckethead is obscure? He was in fucking Guns n Roses.

Why does everyone else who likes SOAD have such shit taste when it comes to any other band?

Ah nevermind then
Apparently I can't into english anymore

>Coheed and Cambria

Awful bait

I agree with the other user

you now remember the Wu Tang Clan - Shame on a Nigga cover that SOAD did

Because SOAD is shit themselves and anybody who likes SOAD has shit taste

Name your other favorites then if they're so great

my fav band is in the aeroplane over the sea

Ah. Still baiting then.

Because System of a Down is pretty unique (whether or not you like them)

Lamb of God
GG Allin

mine is Smells Like Lithium.

Dude, linkin park was for normies. True edgelords like me listened to Tool.

They're gonna make another one eventually.

lmao harsh

Depends on who you ask. John and Shavo have said they are, Serj and Daron have said they probably aren't.

>the vocalists have said no
so it's a no, then

No, pretty unlikely. Both Serj and Daron came out last year to answer this question in some interviews. Serj has no interest, he doesn't like the direction the band was heading towards (he viewed the odds of them selling out as an inevitability by doing another album, essentially continuing to spread an anti-capilalist message by selling millions of rock albums struck him as hypocritical and ironic in a bad way) and I guess he doesn't even like the style of music they were making to begin with. Daron basically admitted that everyone but Serj is on board and they can't convince him otherwise. There were also some hints of tension between the two in their back and forth comments about it so I get the feeling they don't get along well anymore either.

no and I was lucky enough to catch their massive concert in san Bernardino back in October, might be one of their last performances ever
they put on a great show too

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Well, I don't really know how popular he is so I mentioned that just in case.

I know a couple of GnRfags who have never heard about him before though. It doesn't help that a lot of them seem to dislike him.

Serious question, is rock music dead for good? Most young people (of any race) pretty much only listen to hip-hop. Even rock radio stations play more pop music than rock/alternative.

I once got called a 'System of a Downer' in school, I look back on the insult fondly

it's enjoyed into other things like modern alternative shit, what you call rock is pretty dead tho

stop just listening to charts music if you want to listen to rock, user

>and I guess he doesn't even like the style of music they were making to begin with
but his solo album was pretty much SOAD

Impossible to answer without knowing your definition of rock and dead. It's obviously not huge like it used to be, but it's still around and popular enough.

As a non English speaker I really liked the style but didn't understood a word what they sang though. I dropped Minute to Midnight, because the style was completely gone. Dropping Chairman Hahn was a complete mistake.

As a result LP and I grew apart. And frankly Chester's death didn't hit me as hard as it would have had it happened 15 years ago. I didn't even recognised him when they showed pictures as him. I always knew him as the blonde guy with glasses.

When a Led Zeppelin cover band is winning Grammys, yeah. I’m thinking it’s dead for fucking good

People may not like or understand hip hop but it mutates like a metroid into a new innovative popular style every 3 years. Example: It was trap and now it’s emo rap

No, just the edgelord post-grunge kind from the 00's like SOAD, Disturbed, Korn, Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park, etc were. More classic style "dad rock" is making a huge resurgence with the likes of Greta Van Fleet becoming huge and Bohemian Rhapsody making Queen popular again. Also, radio stations aren't a good metric. Plenty of great current rock bands will never be played because they don't bring in the money trash like 21 Pilots and Imagine Dragons do.

His first one maybe. He has five of them.

I had no idea, I only listed his first one with 'empty walls' on it; I think it came out around the time Halo 3 did

Nine Inch nails and SOAD were my child hood, I still love then
Nine Inch nails is still amazing too

check your local artists. go on bandcamp. no genre will ever be "dead".

I kinda get what Serj is saying.
The first one's style was more towards Hardcore Punk.
could've ended up on their first album, but it got shafted and became Mr Jack in Steal This Album. Notice the difference.
Toxicity and Steal This Album were a compromise between their initial style and mainstream friendlyness. It was OK. STA being a solid B-side but it felt unfinished and I wonder how it would've turned out hadn't it been leaked.
4 and 5 are OK, but too soft for my tastes.

Debut is totally their best album
I wouldn't even call it Nu Metal, it's more of an Alt Metal with genuine experimentation

Thoughts on Linkin Park's last album?

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The most recent BB album was better than the other recent ones. Ben's the only original member at this point due to legal fiascos that kept the band in hiatus for years.

Coheed's great though, real return to form this album.

When has SOAD ever been numetal?

from album #2 onwards

This is what I was getting at here nu metal is garbage, and I don't get why nu metal fans like SOAD.

Even if, who would listen to it?
The youth back then was pretty left-wing and despite the edgyness actually very optimistic and creative (judging by the political parodies dropped on Newgrounds).
Today the youth is strongly right-wing and the old guard outgrew this style of music and also their political beliefs. It's not like they can't turn back, but life fucked them hard. Life always finds a way.

But they have zero songs with rap in them

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It's a really good pop album
LP always were best at melodies, not at rock, this album was perfect for them
Title track is heart wrenching.

Nashville over here

No, I agree.
And I think even Serj agrees.


>Lost in Hollywood

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Nu metal is also defined by
>not having guitar solos
>using guitar as a rhythm instrument
First Korn album has no rapping either, yet it gave birth to the genre

Fuck you!
RATM is great!

I would have also killed myself if I made that album.

this is white trash as fuck

Nu-metal was never really a genre. It was just a blanket term for a lot of late 90s to mid 00's bands that were heavy, but didn't quite fall into the traditional strata of metal genres.

>Today the youth is strongly right-wing
dude, what

cringey tryhard

>Nu-metal was never really a genre. It was just a blanket term for a lot of late 90s to mid 00's bands that were heavy, but didn't quite fall into the traditional strata of metal genres.

Same shit with grunge

I literally listed them in my top 5 bands here

But two had guitar solos, what the fuck are you on about?

sorry to hear that man but if it's any consolation the way you constructed this post made laugh a lot

Everyone always talks about Soad but never about Deftones
White Pony is an Alt Metal master piece

"grunge" pretty much just became a fashion trend

Horse the band
Black Daliah murder
Dillinger escape plan
Circa survive
Built to spill
The chariot
Poison the well
Every time I die
The tony rap dance extravaganza

>a fellow Coheed fan on Yea Forums

This is an uncommon sight, usually I just get shit on here for liking them for some reason. They must be a bigger pleb filter than I imagined.

I don't know about that recent BB album though. I like "The Dark of You" on it, but don't really remember the rest. It was definitely better than Dark Before Dawn though, I'll agree there.

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SOAD and RATM helped me transcend my tastes.
They opened the door for me to Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath and Motörhead,

>playing The Punisher while listening to With Teeth by Nine Inch nails

I almost agree with you. But shine down is trash and imo breaking benjamins new albums are still pretty great.

Other than that that's some gr8 taste I r8 it 8 out a 8

>Today the youth is strongly right-wing
what beautiful utopia do you live in, user?

Holy fuck this.

It was such a meaningless buzzword to describe everything from Linkin Park to Deftones or Disturbed.

same but with violent pornography

>go to a LAN party
>that kid, who replaced all the music in Warcraft costum maps with high pitched Linkin Park songs

good thread

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Linkin Park were Rap Rock with Electronic influence, no idea how nu metal got there
At their hardest they were hard rock.

If you dislike it now, you'd've totally hated it back then.

>finish school
>come home
>PS2 stolen
or alternatively
>finish school
>come home
>pop in Midnight Club 3
>grab some doritos and pepsi
*SIP* ahh *crunch* *crunch*

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I'm 28


A few chantards and proud cucks don't represent "the youth" you idiot.

Still, being high school/college age in the early Bush years, I feel like bands today don't give The Donald nearly as much shit. Though I expect that would change if he got us into an Iraq like conflict.

I don't know what peoples' deal is, I've loved Coheed for years. Bought every album on release since GAIBS IV:FFTEM.

Can we all agree that nu-metal is now an underappreciated genre that got slammed hard back in the day just because people were jealous of its popularity?

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There were a lot of shit bands
Linkin Park, Korn, Deftones and Slipknot were all great though
I don't count SOAD as numetal

I love me some Korn and Disturbed so I'll agree with that.

Between the Buried and Me, Dream theater, Rush, Iron Maiden, Megadeth.

I admit megadeth is polarizing, but try and tell me the rest aren't eternal Kino picks.

Any of you niggas liked Rammstein?

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nope, it was cringe as fuck in hindsight, but was great teenage music

I mean, yeah, Shinedown is complete shit nowadays. But they didn't used to be imo. They had a very soulful sound on their first couple albums that is long gone in favor of commercialized and generic.

no it was pretty fucking bad and only a few bands made anything worth holding on to.

They're alright, but their live show was the best I've ever seen.

fuck no

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I remember a qt German exchange student at my school who translated lyrics for me and my skater friends

I was more of a Marilyn Manson and NIN guy

Unfortunately a lot of bands were marketed specifically for that.
But it was a short lived genre. Rap rock was like dead in 3 years.

It's more complicated. Back then glam became the domineering factor of metal, so metal bands like Alice in Chains stood out.
Same with Nirvana, which is technically a punk band.

I used to yeah. Funny thing is, every single German I've ever met hates them.

>Nirvana is technically a punk band
Is that why Nirvana is the only grunge band I like?

>Same with Nirvana, which is technically a punk band.
In Utero was really Noise Rock-y

Mr. Epp and the Calculations and Green River are pretty good; they're from just before Nirvana

>tfw moved to post-rock
We Lost The Sea and Gregor Samsa are god tier.

>I feel like bands today don't give The Donald nearly as much shit
Because giving Donald shit is a political issue now.

They are like Sepultura, more liked over here than their native land.

>Marilyn Manson
Why? Same with Kiss, they just dress scary but it's just edgy dad rock. And edgy is optional here.

Antichrist Superstar was a really good Industrial Rock album

lel I loved them in kindergarten and primary school
lyrics scared the fuck out of me though, so of course I kept listening

Industrial rock is hard rock but they use trash cans for drums. Fuckin gay

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You must've met poppers then.

They are pretty well liked in Germany though. Most German who don't like them are high income family kids.

Deftones used to be, but they dropped that shit after realizing how obnoxious it was.

I loved that type of music growing up, and then moved on to classic rock and such. Never got why people like the Beatles though.

>that album from that band that everyone said was past their prime but it turns out to be really good

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SOAD is like the Guns N Roses of the zoomers


Their chill music is really really nice to wind down to

The fuck dude? Their last album came out in 2005...

They're guns and roses for boomers.

Bitch I still wear that thing, had it since Middle School.

>They immediately went back to being shit in the next album
I was so hopeful.

>Guns N Roses of the zoomers
did you seriously just type that?

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>no holy mountains
>no dreaming
>no violent pornography

fuck off

you know that Kurt and Axl had a load of beef with each other, yeah? Shit was the same era

is Yea Forums making fun of us yet?

in all honesty, I wouldn't be able to blame them

lol feeling old yet?

>Choosing Lonely Day over Holy Mountains or U-Fig.


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>that band everyone pretended to like but could only name like 1 or 2 songs from them
you know i'm right

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>couldnt wait until i "grew up"
>now would give anything to go back

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Yes because I never pretended to like them, they were just bland as hell.

RATM politics are so cringe but damn did they make some banging tunes

>giving a shit about some anonymous faggots opinion on the internet

Besides, this is one of the worst boards on this site, everyone knows that

Deport the beaners and stop voting democrat.

freedom forever a banger. RATM and deftones took that shit to the next level with their vocals. hard not to love that shit.

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It's gotta be weird when a 80 year-old takes one of your most popular songs and makes it 10x better.

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Post SOAD songs that have not only aged well, but have become more relevant than when they released.

>this guy walks up to you at lunch
>"hey user, I heard you play the guitar. me and my friends are starting this little gig-- thought you might be interested in playing for us. not yet set on a name, but we're thinking 'smashing pumpkins'. you in?'
how respond?

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>tfw as a teen I always thought that I'd be married and with a family at my current age

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i'm surprised trent didn't off himself. that was brutal blow to his legacy. I'm sure people still think it's a cash original.

>memories of walking 40 minutes through the countryside with a friend to my girlfriends at the times house blaring that song on my nokia 6510

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Trent said cash did such an amazing job the song belongs to him now

who Ill Niño here


Actually he challenged Cash to a Quake DM for the trademark rights and Cash who had only 5 minutes of practice won 40 frags to 3.

Come on, let's go

I still like them


That's bullshit, but I believe it




not sure why I believe this
it's the most 90's things i've ever heard

>nokia 6510
rich kid, eh?

Ballgame's in the refridgerator

door is closed

lights are out

>I heard you play the guitar
no, I play video games

Pretty Hate Machine was a good album.

pretty annoying song to listen to looking back at it, best on that album is lost in Hollywood

Snake 2
Now this was a mobile game

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Literally same.

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>somehow manages to listen to the worst SOAD songs

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>spent every single bus ride home trying to beat this one older kids high score

Could never do it. Wish i could remember what the score was.

>Wake Up
>Boot up my XBOX
>Put in the disc for Halo 2
>Kick Covenant ass as Chief
>keep playing until I gotta sleep
>Repeat everyday until I beat it 100%

God I miss that life.


The theme is still such a fuckin banger.

Attached: Halo-2-Cover.jpg (1600x1200, 328K)

>Halo 2 theme
>Halo 3 screenshots during the video

>lonely day
>no holy mountains, u-fig, or dreaming

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>come back from school and spend the whole night exploring Azeroth and dying every two minutes with my level 5

>Starts listening to Rammstein but feel bad about myself because a friend made me listen to a remade version shouting "Heil Adolf Hitler" and convinced me they were nazis.

those were the days lads

I just chose that vid randomly. Fuckin christ man I didn't even notice because I wasn't paying attention to visuals.


anyways heres a badass metal cover of the Halo Theme. Not entirely sure which version its based off of. Guessing 3.

Nevermind its Combat Evolved.

had that as a shirt and a poster

>replayed Mx vs ATV because of Xbox backwards compatibility
>early 2000’s nu metal edgy soundtrack
>actually unironically enjoying it still

I don’t care, it’s ok to like shitty cringe music sometimes, nostalgia is a hell of a drug

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>learning to play Counter-Strike while listening to QotSA and skipping school to listen to even more music
I didn't play it right back then, but God I have nostalgia for my awful existence.

Except for Ska

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lol i thought i'd be homeless or dead. things could always be worse.

>be 14
>see everyone listening to radiohead and like the contrarian hipster i was i started listening to muse because i thought they were radiohead but better
>love the shit out of absolution and origin of symmetry, listened to them all the time on my commute back home from school
>years go by without me really following their music
>find out they put out some weird space opera album
>it sounds like i'm like listening to someone impersonating freddy mercury and pounding out babby's first shitpost on /pol/
>even more years go by
>they released a fucking DUBSTEP album of all things and then a synthpop one a few months ago

matt bellamy is a hack

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Self-Titled >>> Steal This Album! > Toxicity >>> Mesmerize > Hypnotize

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Madness is fucking eternal.


This thread is really strange, this monday and 3 of my buddies planned a halo 2 lan match and to listen to nu metal

You learned about confirmation bias today.

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steal this album is shit

Ska was only lined by tonedeaf people and once people learned what tone was it was garbage to everyone.

Ska of Red (Touhou) is ok tho.

Zoomer here. How is the life without fortnite and smartphones back then?

you're shit

I used to listen to Linkin Park all the time a decade and a half ago, Meteora and Hybrid theory were actually the only albums I liked from them. Playing Free Rider 2 and Age of Empires and watching shit from Newgrounds and Stickdeath and making shit stick figure animations with Pivot were defining parts of what makes me who I am. I wish I could go back to simpler times when life didn't hurt so much.

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I actually pity people who don't know what life without a smartphone is. It's like everything you did had your full attention and you never had this little rectangle of constant distraction that keeps you wired to the whole outside world joined at your hip. The human race would unironically be better off it cell phones just stayed as flip phones.

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Mesmerize and Hypnotize are the best albums tho. SOAD became even better with the release of each album.

I rarely see anyone talk shit about SOAD. Are they just universally loved?

28 year old boomer here. Imagine riding your bike to your friends house unannounced to see if they could come hang out. Imagine spending the entire day with your friends during the summer without your parents having a way to check up on you or interrupt. People were able to have a conversation without distractions. Life was simpler and somehow more genuine.

They've still got a pretty different sound and didn't just fall in line making generic music to ride the nu-metal wave. There's way more awful shameless bands to shit on like Creed.

I think when most people hear numetal they imagine Fred Durst and his whiny fucking faggot voice, punchable douchebag face, eternal that kid with the flame shirt. Soad did their own weird thing, pretty sure most people considered them alt metal anyway

It was great, we actually had to get together in person to play multiplayer games.
We had goldeneye, smash bros, twisted metal, etc. We shit talked each other in person and biked to the gas station for energy drinks and candy. We'd all gather around the TV at 6PM for new episodes of Dragon Ball Z, and Rurouni Kenshin, and later that night before bed toonami played Yu Yu Hakisho, Inuyasha, FLCL, and Cowboy Bebop. Even some less popular stuff like Lupin the Third and Cyborg 009.
We still had the internet, we got to go on Newgrounds and play free flash games and watch funny flash videos. Battle.NET was going strong and we'd take turns playing Tower Defence maps and Dragon Ball Z maps. Warcraft 3 was on the horizon with casual mainstream WOW nowhere to be found. We found Yea Forums when it was a new site, and the rules of the internet still applied. We played the game.

I was there when Monster was first released, we were like little crack heads on that stuff.

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Man, I still listen to all that shit.

Sorta. The modern form of rock music is indie style bands like Of Monsters and Men. Ironically, I think this is actually an improvement over the post grunge and nu metal bands that we grew up with. Even with pop music I would say Ed Sheeran is far more talented than say the Backstreet Boys because he actually plays his own instruments and writes his own music. Mainstream music is sorta better than it's ever been, but the quantity of new bands has diminished by a large margin. I remember from 2000-2004ish there were a massive influx of one hit wonders like Adema, Quarashi, Bad Ronald, 12 Stones. It felt like there was a large variety of bands out there. Now it's only a handful of newish bands like Imagine Dragons and Kings of Leon mixed in with 90's - 00's staples like Weezer, Smashing Pumpkins, etc. It doesn't feel like new bands are being pushed as hard anymore.

I had to download porn from Kazaa on the family computer in the living room on a 56k modem. If I had a fucking smartphone I would have stayed in my room all day fapping to porn. That would have literally been a dream for teenage me. Fapping to porn in the comfort and privacy of my own room. HOW THE FUCK CAN ANY OF YOU KIDS GET ANY SHIT DONE TODAY WITH ACCESS TO A 24/7 PORN DEVICE. FUCK.

By knowing how to disconnect and learn porn is not everything. I can have porn whenever I want but I jack off every two or three days since I’m not orgasm driven incel

people not just whipping their phone out to search something on google was far better for having conversations and debates; I wouldn't trade the convenience it's brought for nostalgia purposes, though

im gonna slap you through the fucking internet

Sorry cousin introduced me german thrash metal and nothing would be the same

You sound like a faggot. It's perfectly fine to critique a thing you love.

This. You couldn't just text, check twitter, discord, or whatever else kids do now. You just set a place to gather at, like an arcade, and asked for an allowance if needed. You'd just sit your ass down and watch a movie. If it wasn't keeping your attention, you would just banter with friends instead of pulling out a phone.
Only girls were known to require constant communication. If you ever see a 90s kids movie, there's that trope about an older sister always on her corded phone.

Why has Linkin Park become the defacto face of "cringy nu-metal"? Korn and Limp Bizkit were unironically a lot worse and edgy. Hybrid Theory and Meteora are actually pretty good albums still.

Horse The Band is so fuckign good


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>no She's Like Heroin
>no Old School Hollywood

>listening to Subreddit of a Downvote
oof my lil nephews

>not getting stinking rich by selling an anti-capitalist message to impressionable teens

what do you mean "was"?
I spent the whole morning with my GF playing Dynamite Cop on the Dreamcast while watching My Hero Academia.

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>he cant listen to Linkin Park still
if anything his death made it cool to listen to linkin park again