Yea Forums’s mineman server is finally back up, we’ve been around since 2012...

Yea Forums’s mineman server is finally back up, we’ve been around since 2012. Play and shitpost without any rules or drama


Attached: image.jpg (1920x1058, 2.44M)

Other urls found in this thread:

The server is running Minecraft version 1.12.2-.1.13.2. If you don't feel like paying for the game, use which allows you to pick a username and play online. You must play using offline mode by right clicking the instance on the startup screen and selecting “offline mode”. If you don't trust the download, check out

The history of this server dating back to 2012:

Attached: 2015-07-02_11.07.25.png (1920x1028, 1.71M)

Attached: 2014-01-31_22.48.02.png (1920x1018, 1.24M)

Attached: 2015-07-02_11.04.24.png (1920x1028, 1.66M)

>no rules
>no drama
That's a contradiction

"no drama" isn't a rule

Attached: 2015-07-02_11.03.25.png (1920x1028, 2.19M)

I'm saying that without any rules you're going to run into drama eventually, like someone griefing


Attached: 2019-02-15_18.55.14.png (2560x1361, 1.5M)

Attached: 2015-03-15_13.10.15.png (1920x1028, 1.47M)

Attached: 2015-03-15_13.16.15.png (1920x1028, 2.28M)

Attached: 2014-01-31_23.16.56.png (1920x1018, 1.14M)

Attached: 2019-02-15_18.52.05.png (2560x1361, 2.04M)

While this is true, as long as you aren't some over-sensitive bitch, it doesn't matter, just ignore it.

Attached: _b.png (1920x1181, 2.99M)

Attached: servermemes.jpg (1573x987, 268K)

using hax is for fags

addendum - if you don't make your own skin you're a double-fag

>tfw can't use shaders because the latest version isn't recognized and i haven't played minecraft for 10 years so i don't have any older versions installed

>like someone griefing
but that's the beauty of it

Attached: 1549235381450.jpg (1424x1296, 154K)

Where's the wurm server?

Attached: 1533588877632.png (1456x819, 2.49M)

>implying rules prevent drama when they actually create drama

Attached: 2015-09-13_11.52.45.png (1920x1028, 1.32M)

i always wanted to try wurm
feels bad to have missed the great migration

I haven't played minecraft in years, but you know what, I'll give it a go.

Looks like shit


Attached: 2015-03-15_13.09.31.png (1920x1028, 1.7M)

Attached: 2012-01-13_035600.png (967x513, 941K)

Attached: 2013-09-08_11.09.03.png (1920x1018, 1.78M)

does it still have the horrible faction plugin?

I tried joining the server, which I have never joined before, may I add, and was immediately met with this. Am I stupid or did I do something wrong?

Attached: why.png (844x471, 38K)

Nope, using something better now

Use another username besides "Player"

Attached: 1402886477214.png (1920x1018, 3.34M)

>follow the hitlersun to the promised land
>diggy diggy
>surface for wood
>your home bed was missing or obstructed

Attached: he also tortured cats.png (500x500, 72K)

I did put in a different username though.