Vaporware thread. Post dead games

Vaporware thread. Post dead games.

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I felt more bad for the engine than for the game.

enjoy your jpgs

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Thoughts on vaporwave?

Im still mad

I forgot this existed. What are the most recent updates on this shit heap?

Michel Ancel's WiLD. Apparently they had an absolute fuckton of problems with the internal engine and had to restart development completely a couple of times.

Except it either to just be cancelled quietly or resurrected for the PS5 ala The Last Guardian. If the latter is the case, it'll probably just be using Unreal 4 or the Decima Engine.

more ships and more features that overshadow the old ones
plus the beta/alpha whatever still runs like hot garbage last i recall

Never Ever.

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Panta Rhei was a fucking mess of an engine, which is why it was scrapped in favor of RE engine.

You can see a lot of the tech that powered Deep Down in RE7, REmake2 and DMC5.

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Funny to think that Far Cry Primal was a direct response by Ubisoft to WiLD. That was what, 3 years ago now?

Capcom basically implied themselves at GDC a few years ago that the RE Engine was harvested from the corpse of Panty Raid.

Deep Down fell into development hell and is basically canned. Its failure to release was one of the factors in Yoshinori Ono getting demoted last year.

did this game get cancelled or has it just disappeared?


RE engine exists, so clearly something wasn't right with Panta Rhei.

yea this was supposed to be cool

I guess it really did look to good to be true


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This wasn't even announced a year ago though

What was this supposed to be, anyway? A horror game or a walking simulator?

Most like'y just quietly cancelled. It never even had a release date.

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This got announced a few months ago, you dumb shitposter.

(Although the developer recently made a post on Twitter confirming it's still alive)

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Apparently one of the artists who was working on it left Capcom for Naughty Dog.

>newfags dont know about japanese development hell
you're in for a fucking ride

A horror game walking simulator along the lines of Soma and Alien Isolation I imagine.

it was never a game in the first place, simply a tech demo