Why people get offended by pretty videogame girls? There’s nothing wrong with being attractive
Why people get offended by pretty videogame girls? There’s nothing wrong with being attractive
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why is this in the same art style of that new super hero girls show?
You value women based solely on their looks, which is the most incel mindset you could have.
Just jealous fat women.
What games let you knock up girls as a mechanic
name a single other thing they are good for
but they're not real women
>Why people get offended
some people don't have jobs and hobbies
Because I’m talking about videogame girls, they don’t exist you know, why should I value something other than her look?
Being thin is an unrealistic expectation of beauty. Just look at this picture long and hard
Women value men on looks and/or money, which one is worse?
Western culture is superficial as fuck, its not like men or women are different in that regard
there aren't that many games where you can play as a mechanic to begin with, let alone sleep with girls as well
Same reason people think video games cause violence. They can't separate fiction from reality.
Core Values
>There’s nothing wrong with being attractive
No, but there are moral quandaries with sexually objectifying a person or character for the purpose of selling a product.
They're not good for anything else, so why wouldn't I?
No there aren't
No there aren't. Even if you're some kind of retard who thinks finding someone attractive is immoral, video game characters aren't even real.
suck a crusty asshole bitch
If incels only wished for sex they could pay a whore. The problem is they want companionship. They are just really really alone.
>calls everyone an incel
>gets fucked
>doesn’t even dare to respond anymore
Damn tumblr user wants to cry
This is partially true
There's also phenomena such as double standards and control
If you look closely online every person who complains about hot girls in vidya, anime, etc. fetishizes LGBT people to a degree so pathological that they can't be said to have any self-awareness
Dont respond to your own comment please
This is your mind on nazism.
This guys a retard,
But to answer ops question.. some people get offended by pretty girls this is true (you can guess the kind that do) but others see pretty girls in game as a cop out for actual content. Yea Forums will disagree as usual, but a game that relys on sex appeal as the main focus is usually shit. See games like neptunia, senran, etc. but then there are games that incorporated pretty girls way before that trash that still remained relevant for solid gameplay. Most fighting games come to mind.. tomb raider. Nier automata wasn’t terrible.
What I’m mostly getting at is , the people upset mainly over sex appeal in gaming that aren’t on the extreme end. See it as a threat/substitute for actual gameplay and content in their gaming experience. Whether this is true or not is highly subjective, this is where the true argument lies. I’m sure many people would disagree with me saying neptunia is shit for example.. every other post itt will most involve shitposting between west and east games so it’s better to end it now
>If you look closely online every person who complains about hot girls in vidya, anime, etc. fetishizes LGBT people to a degree so pathological that they can't be said to have any self-awareness
I've noticed this because I have a friend who does it, he only ever plays games that have some kind of LGBT representation, then when he realizes it's just a token act he gets pissed off at the devs and never plays it again. He did it with GW2 because the tranny character never got included in any of the living story shit
Someones got their peepee hard watching those shorts
>Literal whore
It's not enough that women have their own shit, they have to have men's shit too.
whores can be pretty
>implying whores can’t be pretty
Found based retard
>but others see pretty girls in game as a cop out for actual content.
nice try, leftyfag. you just want the women to be ugly so you can stir the pot and offend the people you label "enemies". get mad and stay mad, tranny.
Envy and Greed by the feminine sex.
booby make pee pee hard, pee pee hard mean happy, grug like booby make game good, grug don't care if gameplay bad or many very small trade in game if booby berrypicker disagree grug club them
Guess the entirety of humanity were incels up to this point
Whores in countries that don't have them banned, so the only ones doing it are bottom of the barrel crackaddicts, can be gorgeous as fuck even without costing a fortune.
And then of course there are high class escorts that usually could easily go for modeling.
if it makes my dick hard it's a good game
>moral quandaries with sexually objectifying a person or character
No there are not, they are fucking not real people.
Stop confusing fiction with reality.
Based Neanderthal
Senran i can agree, but neptunia is actually a really complex game
It's a videogame. I play male characters I want to be or female characters I want to fuck. It's that simple.
And insane trannies and leftists
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus is a decent musoulike
Estival Versus was a downgrade in terms of mechanics
What’s your argument again?I don’t know about that, I tried to get into it though . It wasn’t terrible
>game cant be good because there is a sexy character in it
What world do you live in user, because all of my favorites tend to have hot girls and sometimes men if you are a faggot.
Good game with good looking characters >>>>>>>>>>>>> Good game without good looking characters.
Fuck off, ugly birch
Which female character(s) have the best porn or best ryona?
>Why people get offended by pretty videogame girls?
No one is offended by attractive video games girls though. The only time I see people incessantly whining about a female character's design is when I go on Yea Forums and see people talking about how they don't find a video game girl pretty. You all need to stop acting like children and just learn to enjoy video games for what they are.
As opposed to the rest of society, who'll value you based on how many good feelings you have inside of you, not by your appearance.
As we all know, some people have goodness inside of them and even if they're ugly they'll get the girl they want.
I value girls by their personality then looks.
I don't think Samus is that sexy?
As is that fucking matters. When someone looks good you want to breed with them cause that means good genes, women are even more inclined to this since they want the best mate, it's hardwired into them.A man is happy with someone who wants to be around him, wants to fuck him and cook him a nice juicy steak. Women are always looking for the male that can do for ME. Can he get me a house, pay my bills, buy me stuff, raise my status, etc. Get the fuck outta here with your buzzwords and meme responses.
Or its the same loser fat feminist bitch browsing Yea Forums all the time.
Did you ever move on from that one Dragon Ball scene?
You're not the one getting (You)s galore. Bait fucking worked, y'all niggas need help.
I am unsure how to read this graph, forgive me, I am retarded.
Not at all. A man who can get laid at any time is obviously going to pick the most attractive girls he can.
Only in the case of a long-term relationship would a man care about the personality more... but still, if the same girl happens to be hot as fuck, it's a cherry on top.
Tits too big.
I don't like looking at ugly things, myself included which is why I prefer seeing very attractive things, myself included
There's everything wrong with being attractive
I think it might indicate that both Looks and Personality are pretty important.
More attractive people tend to get rated higher for their personality too.
women value women based on their looks you virgin basement dweller
>that feel when either game devs make them total sluts in skimpy clothes or make them look like goblins
why can't there be a middle ground
This bitch has disgusting teeth
Thank you Anons.
hey fella's! we complaining about women again?
Fuck you
i think its kinda boring when EVERY female character is a 10/10, in the same way that EVERY protagonist is a short, black-haired tan dude with stubble.
Make sure you leave a (You) on the second post b8 just to show how assbent you are about being called an incel!
i just want some fat chicks to play as.
>women value women based on their looks
I don't care really care if a character is ugly or hot most of the time. I don't understand either side of the fence. There isn't anything wrong with having both attractive and unattractive characters in games.
>You value women based solely on their looks
How the hell do you get from liking pretty girls to only valuing looks?
humble (You) merchant
> that girl.
> attractive.
based brainlet
short black haired dude with stubble who is bald or military shave is least offensive or something, I forgot the exact term used. There were brainstorming sessions on how to make the character as relatable to guys as possible or something and it always ended up being the same male western protagonist you see. its not 100% true but you know what I mean. Why else would the American version of Nier have the old musclar guy but the japanese version have a young man? Even their marketing team or whatever said you cant have the male protaonist be like that for americans, you gotta change it to the muscular old man
i aint good with words and have trouble putting my thoughts onto paper, but if someone else knows what i am talking about, it could help
Most people don't. They just berate men who aren't ashamed of sexual attraction because they want to feel superior to everyone else.
play as that girl who weighs 104kg in the Australian military game, who is some fat chick.
R Mika is not pretty. You could choose almost literally any other girl from an eastern game and you choose the one that's ugly
someone make a game where you play as a fat ho who bops niggas
nah i think i found something better.
yeah you can do that in saint's row 2,3, and in my personal favorite 4.
>Why people get offended by girls with their ass and tits hanging out
Fix'd that for you. And to answer your shitty question, it's because it is lazy game designing used by greedy fucks for the sole purpose of getting faggots too young and stupid to watch porn to buy their shitty games.
she's cute and she has a juicy ass
Porn's shitty too, and it too creates an unhealthy mindset as well as setting wild expectations for when you actually get around to fucking someone yourself, and it sets wild expectations for your partner, too.
women's competition is women in any form, real or not.
they pretend to friendly and pack up when there is an incompatible male but when where there isn't, they are like harpies clawing at each other.
women just love attention and potential attention, having incel and beta orbiters and there is a surplus of them.
It gets really funny when someone they deem unattractive talks to them because it affects their self esteem in a tremendous way.
>ROM Hack
That's a fucking understatement; this guy is making retail-ready games.
Are you an ugly woman?
Yeah, but at least in porn it makes sense as to why the super religious nun is walking around with her tits hanging out while talking about the purity of man.
Why do people get offended when said girl is dressed up in a non-revealing outfit?
Why do people mass-reply to this shit like fucking insects? You only encourage it.
>all these incel (You)'s
good job calling them out
Such as?
No, YOU are assuming the only value these women have is their looks. A good looking woman can't have any additional value? What a fucking retard you are.
talk about a thinly veiled and nonsensical effort to stir the pot
women have nothing to offer other than their looks
>j-just pretending to be retarded
thanks for outing yourself and giving that other user a (You), dumb faggot. now take mine and get lost
Let me be clear:
This graph indicates a VERY STRONG correlation between 'looks' and 'personality' which we know in real life to be not that strong. This shows that people are basing their personality score on looks instead, as it is pretty hard to actually know someones personality from their fucking OKCupid profile.
>See it as a threat/substitute for actual gameplay and content in their gaming experience
Then they can just not fucking play it? I don't see why they'd feel as though their gaming experience is "threatened" by niche shit like Senran that barely sells in the first place.
>what is cosplaying
big retard, this only helps wymyn
Please I would like to have some sex.
>humble (You) merchant
I judge them on their feet
Why is she fat?
Incels like you aren't allowed sex
Incels mad that they could never look like that.
>he never seen a cosplay fight with two women wearing the same costume.
what you implied is that cartoons compete with women, lmao
there are enough dicks for the entire population, and some like you didnt even touched a pussy yet, just shows how there isnt competition from fucking cartoons
>and some like you didnt even touched a pussy yet
nice grammar and nice projection. you are the only one talking about cartoons,?
not everyone on Yea Forums is a loser like you, my dude. you sound like a female that went against the odds and is actually an incel despite being a roastie.
>wanting companionship out of a woman
Incels are retarded. Women are holes to fuck.
>It's a low effort shitpost is swarmed with replies episode
Why is this so common on Yea Forums lately?
>begging for attention
have a good day
bet youre one of those fags who worship women with costumes from your favorite game, it just shows im totally right, nobody dates a cartoon because they want it, fucking nerd
The age-old phrase "bros before hoes" still stands true, sucks that everyone will just immediately assume you're gay now though.
nice bait
Show tits or GTFO
Too bad already did
>mentioning cartoons again
yeah that one track mind is definitely a female.
how does it feel to be a female incel?
you should go, your biological clock is ticking and your flaps are drying by the second.
I thought the "courteous nice guys are the REALM men" meme would never take off, but I guess chads simply adapted and will nod their heads to women's bullshit to get that pussy.
Whenever you express what men really think about women, everyone acts shocked like you're the outlier. I honestly never saw a sexually successful male who'd prefer to spend time with women other than for fucking.
do i need to quote your original post again, dumbfuck?
seriously, if u just wanna troll, please, do with someone else, meme zoomer
haha satire
Same goes for whenever you express what women really hope for from a guy, everyone thinks you're a fucking soulless psychopath.
Mom, I told you to stop posting on 4channel!!!
fresh off the boat from ovulation station?
you are proving my point, insecure Rachel.
shouldn't you been slitting your wrists because not even a man would touch you even if he's desperate?
dude, are you fine?
you derailed the entire conversation
Ugly women should kill themselves.
ERPing with trannies doesn't count
Because there's enough fucking ugly people on the streets already, I don't want to see any more of them on my screen.
Put me in the screencap
because the guy who made the hack designed her like that.
Because American's puritain roots run deep
quit projecting
you want to know what's funny? you never see men complaining about sexualized men in videogames. you never see men complaining about power fantasy men in games. as kids we just thought they were awesome. we knew we were nerds and loved the ability to play as a badass for a while. meanwhile, women literally cannot tolerate playing as characters more attractive than them. they see virtual pixels as competition. this is one of the most hilarious biological side effects of the digital age.
Modern women only put effort into their looks, so that's all you can judge them by. They're no longer homemakers that cook and clean. Now they're just shallow and superficial creatures texting about whose going to dick them tonight
3ds fire emblem games
Dude people do that to both sexes are you fucking stupid?
Who says damn I want to mate with that ugly person.
She is only into zangief though
People woudn't continue to make posts like these if they didn't get +30 seething replies each time.