Horror Game Devotion Being Spammed by the Chinese

>Explore a 1980s Taiwan apartment complex lost in time gradually shift into a hellish nightmare.
>Sound design applying the use of East Asian instruments and 80s Taiwanese music
>Relive the 1980s Taiwanese lifestyle through visuals and setting
>Unique Taiwanese/East Asian reference (folk culture, elements of taoism/buddhism)

I am noticing a pattern of why it could have gotten negative reviews

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Other urls found in this thread:


FUCK chinks

It's ok when americans do it.

Streisand Effect.

fuck off PRC shill

Damn, the chinks really are beat into submission by the commies. They defend their oppressors for free. Fuck chinks.

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They actually don't do it for free

>Yea Forums likes indieshit walking simulators as long as it pisses off chinks

Some do apparently. Some chinese are thankful to their overlords that they uplifted them. Of course these people are morons since it was the chinese communists that kept them in the dirt in the first place.

Any chink here? How is steam in China? Is steal China released? (does it isolate the Chinese players or can they still play with other countries?

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If you aren't starving in China, it must be pretty based

imagine a game made in Mexico or commiefornia that says Trump is a orange lump of shit with tiny hands and all americans are retards.

you guys would be butthurt 24/7 and bombing that game too

but somehow because this concerns the chinese suddenly the dev is the good guy here fo inserting political garbage where it doesnt belong.

the hypocrisy on Yea Forums is astounding sometimes

kill yourself faggot

even if you did or didn't vote for trump, we're still a democracy with free elections

insectoids on china are pure scum and defend their glorious totalitarian regime

Yeah but that'd be me and my original thought doing it - Chinese have no thoughts

we just had this threads about 30 minutes ago, why are pcbros seething so hard.

Well no, I wouldn't be butthurt because I'm not a retarded /pol/fag that gets upset if people throw a jab at political figures. Devotion itself is a fairly political game so I'm not sure what people expected.

That said, you're right that /pol/fags would get triggered if someone decided to insult their lord and savior Trump.

Wondering why jim sterling is not crying about this, this stuff look something up his alley.

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Where were you when americans were doing the same thing to Metro or do you just like sucking american dick?

Because consolefaggots are authoritarian collectivists who would rather suck [literally Hitler/Stalin/Mao]'s dick than to question authority,
PC master race, RISE UP!

That's fine and dandy but why is this stupid fucking thread being made and remade repeatedly? This really doesn't support your claim that the game wasn't made with an agenda in mind spamming this horseshit.

Also pseudochinks like you are worse than real chinks.

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shut the fuck up faggot nigger.

>imagine a game made in Mexico or commiefornia that says Trump is a orange lump of shit with tiny hands and all americans are retards.
Everyone is shitting on Trump in all pieces of media. Hell, I think shitting on Trump would get you positive reviews overall

U mad bro? Did you get salty from Xi Jinpingpong's micropenis juice?

You're all retards for falling for Burgerstan's propaganda against China.

What the fuck are you even talking you little faggot, why are you talking about penises, you obsessed with them or something you dick sucker?

Valve fags are being reminded that they're nothing compared to chinks

*hits cuban*
*blows smoke*

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Oh he mad!
Sorry sweetums, didn't mean to get your fanny flustered. Are you okay? :^)

chinks are literal insect people

china hate political agenda bad
west hate political agenda good

i'm mad? well at least i don't slurp cum like you, ya faggot dick sucker!

You haven't posted this gem?
> the game has also cursed everyone in mainland China and have told them to “die”.
> The red seal in the centre of the poster reads “Xi Jinping” on the right, and “Winnie the Pooh” on the left.
BASED Taiwanese developers. Because they're based. In Taiwan.

This much salt. This much denial. The semen must have saturated your brain to the point where you literally cannot stop talking about sucking dicks. Are you a hentai character, chinkface?


Chinks are better than you spics though no matter how much you shitpost

>No, you!
typical cum slurper response, admit it, you're obsessed with cock and now you're denying it. Sorry, to ask but are you also a discord tranny? why are you talking about anime porn, you wanna get fucked by anime or something?

Why are chinks such butthurt bug """people"""?

Horrible shilling for your shitty game. No one is going to buy this shit

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>no u!
Said the original no u-er. Busted!
By your own arguments, you admit to slurping cum, you degenerate discord tranny! ;^)

>thinks im a spic
stay salty my non-white "friend"

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hey faggot cum slurper, weren't you the one who talked about dicks first :^)?. so you are a discord tranny.. that's a shame, did you know trannies are the most likely to off themselves?

chinks shitting on chinks.

this is based and redpilled my friend

Well, you’re not white. That’s for sure.

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the video where he just mimics everyones opinion for 30 fucking minutes and makes money for it will be up as soon as my check clears for this post my friend!

And you mentioned discord trannies first. Also I never mentioned sucking dicks. That was a "concocktion" of your mind alone. You walked right into my trap!

Yeah, because faggots on 4channel usually talks about penises, and we all know that girls don't come on here, so it's obvious that you're either a faggot or a tranny but i just decided to group them together.

Remember, if you ever release a game on Steam, block it in China.

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absolutely based

Oh boy, is it time to trigger chinks again?
Devotion was good and commie faggots can off themselves. Especially if they're micropenis subhumans.

You're right, they'll pay $17 and then request a refund after it criticizes their disaster-tier political system.

>I don't play indie trash
Already happened several times over, matter of fact is that America is very divided over Trump. Half loves him, half hates him. Half would be happy for him to be criticized, the other would be upset or ignore it. Chinks on the other hand are brainwashed nationalists that think there's nothing wrong with their country or government when it's one of the more corrupt countries out there.

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fuck china!!!!

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>The red seal in the centre of the poster reads “Xi Jinping” on the right, and “Winnie the Pooh” on the left.

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As one tends to do whilst being one xirself. So to summarize, you are a gay tranny chink who slurps cum and are about to kill yourself from being too ding-dong-dilated. All made obvious by your own logic. Have a nice weekend! XD

Woah dude stop projecting yourself onto me! it's okay to be tranny ya ugly fuck, but don't blame me when you off yourself

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赌博 六合彩 天安门 天安门 法轮功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 刘晓波动态网自由门

>Chinks on the other hand are brainwashed nationalists that think there's nothing wrong with their country or government when it's one of the more corrupt countries out there.

This coming from a yank is funny on so many levels

>it's okay to be tranny
Well well well. Seems like the cat is out of the dilated bag. Might as well show off your gaping wound and hormone prescription at this point.

>b-b-b-b-but Americans!
Hilarious too how you can tell all these posters are ESL morons from the way they type. Does Pooh squeeze so much money out of your country that you seriously can’t even afford a fucking Shift key?

When were Americans giving Metro negative reviews for criticising America in it?

Nice projection, I'm even worse than that: a fucking weeaboo.

Americans both on the left and the right agree our government has problems and as cucked as we are can least complain without being quietly disappeared.

speak english chink

I watched Aris stream it and it was mostly a silent hill PT rip off which is a good thing imo. It has this one fantastic set piece that's pretty memorable but I must say that it sort of started sucking when it tried going its own way.

Story was okay, and ending was pretty good if you paid attention to it.

>It’s a matter of utmost importance for Chinese players and the entire Chinese gaming community in general. Upon skimming through dozens of the recent reviews, we found one thing that was in common. If the concerned authority of the People’s Republic of China finds out about the discussed controversy, not just will they ban the game, but there’s a possibility they’ll ban Steam entirely.
Please let it happen, then people can stop trying to get the Chinese market.

But US doing same shit. And Russia. See Company of Heroes 2.

Yes, i'm trying to be more respectful towards you after figuring out that you're an actual tranny. I don't want you to kill yourself ya know. Deep down i think you fucks are disgusting though...

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>be CCP cuck
>buy game based on Taiwan
>get triggered when game supports Taiwan

Steam should just delete all the Chinese reviews entirely, it's not like the Chinese aren't used to being censored online to hell and back because of their leaders.



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That's probably cooked with gutter oil.

I remember Subnautica was bombed. Because of some US /pol/shit or something.