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Bloodborne is an exclusive, not first party.
you for not understanding what 1st party means
>Bloodborne is an exclusive, not first party.
Same difference retards
bloodborne was made by from software who is a third party company ya fucking idiot. 1st party means sony would own from software, which they dont. holy shit are you stupid
Is FromSoft owned by Sony? No? Then its not first party.
I dont get it. Is the first line up suppose to be good? They look like platformers
Bloodborne is pseudo-first party since Japan Studio co-developed it. Detroit and Until Dawn aren't by first-party studios at all.
They realised anime games were garbage and decided to support real games
Los Angeles, California.
also, insomniac and level 5 arent first party either.
>Snoy arguing about what is and isn't first part
See, we don't have this problem with Nintenbros
From games to movies
Bloodborne was a collaboration between Sony Japan's dev studio and FromSoft you retard.
For a non-meme answer, Sony don't commission Level-5 games anymore due to White Knight Chronicles 2 bombing in 2010.
its not exactly rocket science
It's exclusive to Playstation because Sony funded it. SAME FUCKING THING AS 1ST PARTY.
They realised games were garbage and decided to support movies.
OP just stop trying, you fucked up.
"First-party developers may use the name of the company itself (such as Nintendo), have a specific division name (such as Sony's Polyphony Digital) or have been an independent studio before being acquired by the console manufacturer (such as Rare or Naughty Dog)" if we're going with the wikipedia definition. And by that account, games like Until Dawn, Detroit, Bloodborne, Rachet and Clank, Daemon X Machina, etc, are not first party. They are Second or Third party
Actually, Sony's own marketing head uses the term "second party" for games that have been commissioned by a platform holder from a studio who they don't own. So that'd fit Ratchet and Clank, Spider-Man, Detroit etc.
Collaborations like Bloodborne kind of blur the lines a bit, but probably would be more second-party since Japan Studio/SSM/whoever usually are supplemental to the main dev.
You're missing the whole point of the thread
nah, you fucked up. go back and make an image thats actually right
The Last of Us
Based tard
Bloodborne, uncharted, last of us and until dawn are all better games than everything that you probably like and think is good
You clearly don't like video games so why do you post on a video game enthusiast board?
Playing games became mainstream, they had to appeal to the widest audience (Normies)
>Dark Cloud 2 and Rogue Galaxy
See >Sly Cooper
Sucker Punch moved on and Sly 4 underperformed. Though the IP's not really dead since there's a TV series due in October and Sanzaru have been dropping hints for the last two years about a "mystery project" they're working on.
>Ape Escape
Didn't sell outside of Japan.
>Ratchet and Clank
Still going.
Tbqh Rouge Galaxy was glorified trash
Sony's own games (God of War, Legend of Dragoon, Horizon) have always been bad
Kinoborne is better than all those games combined.
The audiences grew up.
fur shit fell out of favor
More like they don't give a shit about their audience.
>See, we don't have this problem with Nintenbros
Nintenkiddies will eat up whatever Nintendo shits out. Of course you don't have the same problem. Nintendo has been rehashing the same IPs.
Pretending to be "into" video games became chic, but actually playing video games is still seen as a weird hobby for virgin losers so Sony made interactive movies so women and normalfag men could be "into" video games too
but Bloodborne is legitimately one of the best games ever made
legend of dragoon was good
The PS3 happened
Gaming has come a long way.
LMFAO not even close.
how so?
sony grew up. you should try to do the same.
Haven't played it then?
Some of those aren't ps4 exclusive.
They upped their game.
hackan slash roll to win cuckshit.
1 dimensional thrown together "story"
muh sickdark
Bloodborne is good, but you must be fucking delusional (or desperate) if you think it's anything near the best.
Both Sony and Insomniac used the term first party to describe Spiderman.
It's not even the best Souls game.
>dark cloud
Heres your reply, Zoomie
It is though, by far
Then they don't know what it means.
This game happened.
God I hate so much these interactive movie bullshit and the fags who make it a thing
Die cinematic cuck
It is a collaboration between Japan Studio and From thus first party. Same as DC2.
Also new Japan Studio title incoming at the end of the year.
Imagine being such a dicksucker zoomer thinking that the second row has better games or even games to begin with( Bloodborne is an expection , good and actually a videogame)
>but they grew up
>muh matureness
Sure if you like some of the most predictable bosses in Souls history.
I loved Dark Cloud and Ratchet but Bloodborne was better than both.
Rogue Galaxy was overrated as fuck.
easiest = best
the absolute state of snoy "gamers"
Learn the difference between 1st party and exclusive you retard
I'm so fucking sad because I loved the idea behind WKC. But that shitty MMO combat and another brick wall avatar deal soured me.
Man Last Guardian was so disappointing.
>Dark Cloud 3 never
I think it's because Level-5 doesn't own the IP, I think that's Sony and Sony doesn't really have an interest in doing a third game. It hurts.
As a rule of thumb games that have nearly 10 years of development will always be trash.
Imagine if we take Switch exclusives but remove anything that was touched by Sega, Namco, HAL, Intelligent Systems, Koei, Monolith, Square, Platinum, NDcube, Camelot, Retro, Marvelous, Good Feel, and anything else that doesn't have Nintendo in its name.
I'm curious as to how you guys found the game disappointing. I thought it was a fun adventure puzzler with a really great ending
Yep, the IP is owned by Sony, like 99% of the games they publish.
Hino has said that he'd like to do a DC3 if Sony are willing to play ball and fund it, but he said not to hold your breath.
Only the mascot games during the ps2 were objectively good. Dark Cloud 2 and Rogue Galaxy like virtually all Level Games either overstayed their welcome or had some bullshit gameplay mechanic that ruined the pacing of the entire game. Even if 4/5 of the bottom are movie games at least they don't overstay their welcome.
Also no one fucking cared about the town building shit in Dark Cloud 2 and they still had the nerve to bring it back in Ni No Kuni 2. Fuck level 5 for that shit it literally killed the Dark Cloud franchise.
Not sure if this was a "me" thing, but the companion AI was pretty terrible.
People tend to forget that a good portion of DC's point was literally "Tide everyone over until FFX hits".
Communist trannies and (((white people))) who are liberals.
But according to this its God tier? Man I never understand this place
>specifically taking screenshots of Spiderman and Kiryu walking of all characters in an attempt to group them in with the others
I tend to find the "template" comparisions stupid because theres a lot of ways to make your 3rd person action games different, even when you're still controlling a normal sized humanoid, but putting those two in there like that is just stupid to a point where I'm not even going to give you a (you)
>1st party vs exclusives
First off, you're a retard OP
Secondly? It fucking sucks that Sony shit is all grimdark, cinematic bullshit
I miss the colorful platformers
Sony turned to shit. I'm serious.
All they make anymore is either VR shit or "cinematic story experience template game".
I loathe it.
>hey our first game had potential, but we could fix all of its shortcomings with a sequel
>actually nevermind, let's do fuck-all and release it as a stand-alone expansion that includes the original
>wait PSP exists? Let's shit one out for that system too.
Shhhh user that would imply he actually cared about said platformers.
Then what was Dark Cloud 2 excuse?
there are plenty of retards who think nintendo makes pokemon, kirby, and metroid prime themselves.
user, that same list has persona 5 as a ps4 exclusive.
Nintendo own Retro so for all intents and purposes they do make it.
>See, we don't have this problem with Nintenbros
Because 3rd parties won't touch the Switch unless it's a lazy port of a 4 year old game?
Sonys lineup used to be too gamy
furries and weebs lost
Decided to give all numbered titles a go last month since I had nothing to play, I don't get what it is people like so much about them. Gameplay gets better with each entry but the story and padding also get worse. I can't imagine replaying 4 with all that many walkie talkie and climbing sections.
I would have liked it more had they bothered making it not a slideshow on Regular ps4 and Slim systems.
>enemy pops up
>framerate goes to shit
>cinematic crumbling corridor with enemies ahead
>framerate goes to single digits
>finish game
>credits show gameplay segments you have gone through with no framedrops at all
Should have bought Playstation™ 4 Pro instead bro :)
Nah, because Nintendo doesn't have to pay for third party games.
Yea Forums isn't a monolithic entity or a hivemind you fucking mongoloid
Not the quoted but explain to me how a game that was funded entirely by Sony and partially made by SIE Japan Studio is not a first party? Because there is absolutely zero chances of this getting a proper port to any other platform that isn't owned by Sony.
>Because there is absolutely zero chances of this getting a proper port to any other platform that isn't owned by Sony.
There's no chance of W101 or Astral Chain going to non Nintendo platforms either but you would be retarded to say they're first party.
Did Nintendo made the game in collaboration with one of these studios?
>We don't have any 3rd party games because we don't pay want to pay for them!
>Enjoy Yoshi's Crafted World guys!
I'm not sure if that argument was supposed to be for or against Nintendo user.
Bloodborne is literally a better game than any of those on top.
I think Legacy does a better job with being replayable, but they all do some pretty neat things to get to to come back. They let to jump to specific combat encounters in the chapter select, and finding treasure in both 4 and Lost Legacy unlocks you some 'cheat code' type offerings, like bullet time, picking any gun you want, unlimited ammo, alternate costumes, and visual filters. I think that part is pretty neato, and works really well in lost legacy since you have the item that pings you for treasure
It's more against you than anything else by the looks of things.
Video games made by and through passion for the fans and the devs themselves, the two parties being more or less the same, all reviewed by fans in a more professional way than the random web user
pretentious shit made by people who wanted to direct movies but they suck at it, reviewed by paid journalists who hate their life that they couldn't land a proper journalist job, hate the fans and the industry itself based on these projections, all while filled with a peculiar political propaganda excused by buzzowords like "maturity, real life, diversity" and quotes like "gaming is not about fun".
Sony is so obsessed with forgettable photorealism, austerity, and cinematic experiences that they'll advertise games like The Order 1886 on the Playstation 4's box
The sad part is that their new audience falls for our every time.
overrated shit
meh at best
>last guardian
top tier at best
>almost everything in top tier deserves to be in low or shit tier, except for nioh/wipeout and shadow of the colossus with kiwami 2
shit tier, one of the worst racing games ever
>last of us/until dawn/uncharted/gt sport/gow all in low-tier
>killzone/infamous ss/order/horizon/uncharted dlc
shit tier
>persona 5/spider man
compared to everything else in the list it should be in god tier
>yakuza kiwami
top tier or med at worst
tl;dr go fuck yourself
No one says "gaming is not about fun," what you're referring to is that the director of The Last of Us Part II does not use fun to describe that game as "fun," he and the team use "engaging." Because a fight for survival in the zombie apocalypse where you have to worry about being killed by your fellow man as well, or being tortured, "fun" isn't the word that would come to most people's heads.
Wouldn't you want to advertise the game that you could probably see being a flop since it turned out to be a generic TPS, despite its steampunk-with-werewolves setting to try and get people to actually buy it?
>overrated shit
aaaand post discarded
>Because a fight for survival in the zombie apocalypse where you have to worry about being killed by your fellow man as well, or being tortured, "fun" isn't the word that would come to most people's heads.
Not for them, meanwhile you have games like resi 4 that people describe as fun all the time.
exactly my point - pretentious crap. a videogame must be fun, not a piece of crap hurr durr here's some realistic depiction of a zombie apocalipse. you want that? see a movie or read a book. there must be a balance - leave dark and reality to movies and books and leave the fun and mindless entertainment to games.
Games with bad controls aren't difficult, they are bad. Similarly an action game with good controls is better than your pseudo difficulty, you neophyte.
Bloodborne plays better than every souls game thus it is better
It exceeds the others in:
>sound design
>environments and aesthetic
>Dreams: "Sony don't commission Level-5 games anymore due to White Knight Chronicles 2 bombing in 2010"
>Reality: Level 5 said they were never working again with Sony because of their awful online support, bad marketing for the title and also they hated SCE interfering with the project
>1 good game then (ape escape)
>1 good game now (bloodborne)
Nothing happened, apparently. Pretty consistent if you ask me
>Having to pad it with garbage like Knack, Driveclub and Killzone
>Random weebshit including Gravity Rush 2 which sold so badly they had to turn the servers off
>Vapourware like Wild
>Games that will come to Switch like Persona 5
The absolute state of Snoyfags
fucking kill yourself, worm
You could have picked better examples than level-5 garbage
Moder reality is bullshit. Unstandable. Hope is under attack.
Bloodborne>Dark Cloud>RogueGalaxy>Last of Us>Ape Escape>Sly>Ratchet and Clank
I'd put Detroit and Until Dawn above Last of Us but those are fun cause they're shitty
>Bloodborne plays better than every souls game thus it's better
Not with that perfomance. Also, the game lacks build variety and weapons are too split apart from each other, by the time you get the stuff you want you'll most likely be done with the game and wont feel like replaying in a while. Arcane and Bloodtingue suffer the most.
>Because a fight for survival in the zombie apocalypse where you have to worry about being killed by your fellow man as well, or being tortured
You don't know what kinds of shit people get off to, do ya?
Also I really have to add
>For the character
before the fight for survival bit.
As a player the only fucks I give about a character in the zombie apocalypse is "FUCK, I died, eh whatever, back to the checkpoint that was only 5 mins ago"(or has that time frame shrunk further). If the controls are shit then yeah, you're damn right I'll say it isn't fun, because it'll be shit but if it's just that its meant to be so serious it makes an edge lord blush, if anything I'll be making some very rude and inappropriate comments about shit happening because the story is sucking itself off. My Joel characterization made a shitty edgy game much more amusing because that story was waaaaaaay too fucking cliche and predictable to be considered good. Why would I do that? Well the game isn't trying to be fun, if it's not going to be fun then I'll make my own fun even at the expense of some faggots edgy writing. If the MC dies and its a hot chick THEN I'll care because I've now got fap material, if there isn't then I don't care. The game's either fun or it isn't. If you say you aren't trying to make fun, you've lost my interest. If I feel I've been tricked into playing it then I'll make a mockery of your game and treat it with the maturity it really deserves.
>all this shitty ps2 games excluding sly
I'd be seething too if I saw the downgrade from absolute kino PS2 games to simplistic trash on PS4
If only you actually owned gems like "Driv3r" and "Rocky" instead of just finding an image of used games on google
its odd how little games are made for kids now
Crash Spyro Ratch Jak got me into games
These days you have nothing like that apart from some shitty remakes. I think a lot of people arent getting into game that otherwise would have
PS2 had a good library, but that doesn't also excuse the amount of shovelware it had. Only the Wii and DS beats it, but nothing beats those two.
>its odd how little games are made for kids now
call of duty is made for kids
Outside the top 70, anywhere afterwards in the top 100 is debatable. But considering it remotely top 50 is blasphemy
Bloodborne is better than all of the above games except maybe Ratchet & Clank.
Spiderman fills that gap for 2018. That and budget titles like Sonic Mania. A lotta PS4 Slims with Spiderman went to kids this past christmas season
For every good exclusive the PS2 had there were about a dozen shitty driving and fighting games.
>but that doesn't also excuse the amount of shovelware it had
No one forces you to play shovelware retard.
"The PS2's library of good games is massive" is what people mean when they say it has a massive library.
Its still amusing that even when an user wanted to show a bunch of games on the Ps2, talking about how "kino" the library was, he just pulled off an image from google with a bunch of shovelware and couldn't even show his own collection
The only good games there are the Rockstar ones (available on PC) and NFS: Most Wanted.
Show your PS4 collection then user
My PS4 library is probably split around 50/50 or 35/65 physical to digital. I really haven't checked how many games I've gotten digitally vs physically.
>Shovelware garbage
>Better on PC Multiplats
>VR Meme
>Basedcore like HZD and GoW
appealing to libtard normalfags that value cinematic experiences to actual gameplay
fuck snoy and fuck movie games
I got Shadowfall for like, 5 bucks. Thats why theres leftover sticker from me trying to tear it off. I didn't get that shit at launch. For 5 dollars, yeah, pretty enjoyable
That's because there are ONLY first party games for Nintendo consoles.
Those other ones were whatever, but Detroit and Until Dawn were amazing
This game was fun. I still remember multiplayer.