It's... so easy....
It's... so easy
so is your dad
I didn't like Bloodborne but want to get this, does that make sense?
Yes. I don't care for Bloodborne and love Das1 and DaS3.
sure. setting can play a big part in enjoyment, if you enjoy medieval fantasy more than gothic stuff. there's also enough of a difference in gameplay, dark souls (1 especially) is a lot slower
Biggest differences are the slower, more deliberate combat and that you have more freedom on how to make your build. The downside to that is that certain builds like magic keeps switching between being OP and being useless in this series
No, Ds1 is bloodborne 0.25, slower gameplay, shittier environment, characters and more technical flaws
Did they ever fix the audio?
Thanks anons that's good to hear. BB felt frantic instead of strategic, I spent the whole time running and rolling. I never got good.
>talking about technical flaws from a developer that is known for releasing buggier games than Bethesda (besides F76)
Im playing DS for the first time. I'm dying a lot, but I still wouldn't call it overly hard. Enemies are in the same place when you respawn (so memorization is key), can be easily beaten if you don't go in guns ablazing, etc.
Challenging, maybe, but not the hardest game ever.
What games do you think are harder?
>most battletoads games
>the tmnt game on the nes
>deja vu
>zelda 2
Most NES games are harder. DS reminds me of NES games of moderate difficulty, come to think of it.
Lol no darksouls game has ever been anywhere near as buggy as a Bethesda game, you’re retarded.
Those NES games are only hard because of their fucked up save system.
Is the audio compression really a problem? I haven't played the other versions, not sure I'd notice.
True for everything except Deja Vu. I thought that game's save system was adequate.
Still, "shitty save systems" describes most of the games on the system
As much as I like DaS, BB is the pinnacle.
It isnt
hoenstly thought that , playing nioh for the first time and 20 hourts in and just recently beated the centipede demon after quintillions attemps i dont think i got any souls boss after 7 or 8 attempts here every fucking boss i need more than 15 to beta them the git gud should apply here souls games are toddler difficulty compared to this game
>3/4 of all my deaths are instadeaths from falling from shit, mostly from lockon flipping my camera all over the fucking place
And it has so many cheap enemy placements and "traps" (mostly trying to push you off into aforementioned instakills) that it becomes laughably obvious and pathetic, but no less infuriating when 1 out of 10 times passing though you forget about it.
actually half my deaths are suiciding naked into the dragonfire on the bridge for science and i failed.
i never beat the capra demon without firebomb cheese
don't listen to this faggot he is full of shit. you might not notice it since you have no frame of reference but it is pretty terrible
That picture is me vs my homework LOL