ITT: Times Yea Forums was exposed

Reminder EPIC was justified in removing user reviews

And if you want to break it down further, neither, Origin or uPlay have user reviews either.

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Review bombing by a hostile communist state to advance its geopolitical goals is different from a loosely-affiliated band of autists ree'ing about FORTNITE COMPANY BAD

The chinese should be allowed to review bomb whatever they want. Doesn't mean we can't call them out for being stupid though.

/vpol/ is full of braindead consumer zoomers who can't articulate their thoughts into well made criticism. This isn't anything new.



>hurr durr what is context

fuck off you literal subhuman pile of garbage. you're either completely retarded or deliberately misleading and either way you're worth less than the dog shit i scraped off my shoe 3 weeks ago.

Fuck off shill.

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>by a hostile communist state to advance its geopolitical goals

So Steam drones that push for Steam supremacy?

Found the mad incel.

Found the retard incapable of forming a coherent original thought.

Maybe if you spew some more inane buzzwords I'll actually get mad.

The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

do these people get paid? I wanna do this for a living

Yeah, in general, user reviews were a mistake. There's never anything good that comes from them. At best, all you end up with is the outliers because the only people invested enough to post reviews are the people who either REALLY REALLY liked something or REALLY REALLY hated it, and neither person is representative of the average experience or what YOU might like or hate.

At worst, they're just spam.

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>google headline
>literally doesn't exist anywhere that isn't reddit and reddit reposting twitter accounts.

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fuck off you corporate bottom

And in both instances in the OP, it's just two sides fighting a holy war against their perceived enemies, yet Yea Forums acts like one side is justified for "consumer rights"

It's very cringe

Why do people have such loyalty to a video game store?

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>Why do people have such loyalty to a video game store?
They don't, they just hate Epic and chinks.

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I disagree. Anyone with an IQ above agricultural products can recognize a review bombed title. And knowing how your tastes differ from the norms is usually enough to calibrate your expectations.

More importantly, the other methods are not a substitute. Pro reiview scores are an even bigger joke. Watching video is time consuming, and only gives a snapshot of what you're looking at.

>came out of the womb memeing
>before communicating via internet was more than a niche hobby
>before social media existed
>before the idea of a "meme" evolved from its actual definition to the current bastardization

Holy shit a "HALL OF DEBATE" faggot redditor has arrived

it's not loyalty it's just that most people don't want to be using more platforms than they need to be using

I love this dystopian world we live in now where we're lied to constantly in order to further corporate goals by tyrannical dictatorships.

Fucking love it.

Serves us right for wanting to play videogames I guess.

Stay mad, incel.

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>Gays can get married?
>Who cares
>It's legal to fuck animals
>They messed with gamers?
>... this... will... not... STAND


Hey guys, let's go murder some student protestors calling for a free democracy. Gunning them down and gunning anyone who tries to help them down, then crush the bodies by running over them with tanks over and over so that we can wash the gore away with hoses so noone can identify the bodies.

Man I love murdering innocent people for no good reason in the name of the party.

>Try to be a "Competitor"
>Don't even try to get a quarter of the features steam has
>Throw ching chong ding dong dollars at devs
And now we have console-tier "Exclusives", PC is no better than consoles now.

Fuck the Chinese, if Steam were their platform we wouldn't be allowed to leave reviews.

I miss the times when not everything (including video games) was about politics. Where the fuck did all those good years go?

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>And now we have console-tier "Exclusives", PC is no better than consoles now.
You're right. Going to have to buy separate PCs for Origin, Steam, Epic, Uplay, GoG, ...

Were chinks really the jews all along?


The internet didn't used to be a political weapon. Now, it is used mercilessly to spread propaganda in every way they can find. Especially by pretty-much-dictatorships like China and Russia.


>And now we have console-tier "Exclusives", PC is no better than consoles now.
Except you don't have to pay for separate PCs like you do consoles and still just pay for the game, idiot.


Why? So the dolly llama can have his fucking castle and make the peasants work his land like serfs? Fuck you, even the chinese state gave them water and electricity. The Dolly Llama can go fuck himself, nearly all of them died before maturing because they get controlled by the priests because of their power.

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I don't know user when Japan does this it's litterally ok to Yea Forums. If Catherine came out in the west it would be SJW propaganda since it has gays and and a tranny

>console-tier "Exclusives"
you are a buffoon, stop posting on Yea Forums

This isn't about the acts, it's the intent.
Fags in JP games is choice for comical and plot reasons.
Fags in the west is for propaganda and SJW reasons.

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Yeah, and we should just give those lands that Hitler wants to Hitler. There's no way that giving him everything he wants at the expense of people's lives will possibly come back to harm us in any way. Let's just let dictatorships that routinely commit heinous human rights abuses just take whatever they want. They're the master race afterall.

>Fags in JP games is choice for comical and plot reasons.
Like the ones in Catherine?

The Yakuza remakes do this too. There's an entire pro-trans plotline that ends with the MC telling them to be themselves and that they should be accepted for who they are. Yea Forums loves it though.

What a misleading headline. The actual article says nothing about “infiltration,” nor does it even insinuate that any of them have actually posted on Yea Forums.

I don't know mang, I never played Catherine, doesn't seem interesting.
And even if you could point out one exception, it's not an argument.

Fags are present in JP games from time to time, but are forced down my throat.
Fags are present in western games AND forced down my throat.

I don't like having things forced down my throat, I'm not a fag.

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Catherine forces it down your throat way more than most Western games do. It’s constantly making references to the fact that “HEY GUYS SHE USED TO BE A MAN!”

Damn, you're dumb.

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The tranny in that game is at least attractive

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If you do exclusivity deals you handicap competition, its anti-consumer and anti free market competition

Literally okay when japan does it

you'll never get bloodborne LMAO

This, but unironically.
They do vidya better, it's a fact, and if you disagree you're flat-out wrong and not worth my time.

Moving the goalposts

>And even if you could point out one exception, it's not an argument.
It's in One Piece,DBS,Digimon Cyber Sleuth,Nier: Automata,Final Fantasy IX,Final Fight,etc. But Yea Forums wants tp ignore these things because it's ok whrn Japan does it.

Because I'm right? Doesn't Yea Forums hate it when a character being gay has something to do with the plot?

The chinks were right to review bomb their game. The Thai devs were pathetic and cowardly putting hidden messages to mock other rival neighboring countries.

I GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE if there was a game that put a hidden message saying "FUCK REPUBLICANS" and "DRUMPF LOOKS LIKE A CHEETO" a fuck load of people here would be shitting on it and review bombing it.

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Yeah, I agree.

holy fuck user you are RETARDED
go back please.

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Just calling me stupid isn't am argument, just like if I was to call you a faggot. If anyone's feom reddit it's (You)

What? Not really, no. Danganropa had gay plot points, and it's dating simulator portions are loaded with gay shit.

It's far more complicated what Yea Forums will REEEE at and not.
There already ARE games that do that, both hiddenly and openly. And even if some pol smokers DID do that, there's no way they could completely disrupt the entire review system and forums. Forums that they can't even access inside china.

Off the top of my head, that secret service game comes to mind.


Also of any country that has handled LGBT characters the best, it's been Japan - they're either jokes or just okay people.

Show me 5 gay characters that are just jokes

>its anti-consumer and anti free market competition

Why do Valve drones use words they don't understand?

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>Fags are present in JP games from time to time, but are forced down my throat.
>Fags are present in western games AND forced down my throat.

Those sentences are the same, your post doesn't make sense unless you're claiming that EVERY western game has gay people in it.

These faggots give normal gays a bad name. Like, you can like dick, but not be a massive queer.

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Bet you wouldn't say it to their face nigga

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should use detention instead of devotion to make the samples similar

If he means SJWism in western games, then he's right

What triggered Winnie the Pooh this time?

(((Activision))) Do you guys not have phones? Well now you don't have jobs either.
(((EA))) Killing studios since 1982.
(((Ubisoft))) historical inclusiveness.
And now Epic, notice a pattern?

Neither are good you fucking retard

Yea Forumsalvedrones say one is good (their cringe consumer revolt) vs the evil chinamen spamming a bad looking walking sim

That it's not a common feature despite what Valve shills claim?