What would you have done?

What would you have done?

Attached: starcraft-source-code-cd.jpg (1200x1600, 191K)

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I would have leaked it.

destroyed it then post pics of it on the internet.

eaten the disc on stream

Cum on it

Turn it into its rightful owner so I can get some Overwatch swagger. You aren't a filthy pirate are you?

sold it to the highest bidder

Then you would have been sued into the dirt by Blizzard's lawyers.

Not told anyone I had it and release it on a bunch of random websites to get it spread out. Then return it to Blizzard after I already got it out there.

why did it even exist with such legalese labelling

leaked it for sure
imagine all the amazing things people could make
anything but being a cuck and giving it back to a company that will not do shit with it

I would've broken it to pieces right after posting about it on the internet.
Anyone that plays this shitty game deserves to be miserable

1.Quickly pay a dude that's both big into code and into starcraft to take off the identification proprietary code of the disc since it's probably got a unique number
2.Return the cd to blizzard for GBP
3.Sell the code to some dudes in the starcraft community
4. Split some of the money with the guy who helped remove the identification to make sure he doesn't snitch

You get no risks of getting caught and do good for the vidya community while getting money.

Made a ton of copies, sell the original back to blizz at an extremely high price, then leak the copies onto torrent sites.

It would have been worth it.

I would done it anonymously

tell blizzard i have it, destroy it on my live stream and then send the pieces one by one to blizz hq

>why yes of course I leak it under my real name
Are you actually retarded, I'd drop it behind 7 proxies anonymously at like 10 places at the same time.

don't attentionfag just leak it with a pseudonym

upload it to some site from a phone bought with cash under an alias using a mobile network behind 7 proxies while driving through a big city and when it was done I'd share it everywhere then throw the phone out the window so someone else would pick it up

Even if it did have a unique number there's no way they could prove it was you who leaked it and not whoever you got it from.

>You aren't a filthy pirate are you?

Break it on stream or sell it back to blizzard

so how much was this thing actually worth at least selling it to someone?

tree fiddy

Maybe, but all risks accounted for, I think it'd be better to do it. You are correct though.

>blizzard agents track down whoever picked up the phone and assassinate him
>pick up your fingerprints from the phone
>wake up with blue vans outside your house
>chris metzen breaks down your door with his 1:1 doomhammer repllica, screams lok'tar ogar, then brains you with it

Can I get a rundown on this? How did he get it to begin with?

Leak it by uploading it on the public wifi of a town that's a few hours away from me. Copyright lawyers ain't getting shit on me

This. Anything to just piss off retards.

>Implying you need to include your personal information when you upload files onto the internet

Could've posted it anonymously here and have had tons of people download and start sharing it with little information as to who the original uploader was.

sometimes i think this is just shill made by Blizzard.

>throw the phone out the window
>Not just smashing it
>Literally handing away the evidence

What are they going to take? I have zero assets to my name

Your virginity.

LMAO I'd break a fake one on stream just to leak the real one and send a copy to every Gamestop in the US and selected ToysR'Us then sell the fucking original to the Korean government

I would have made a copy, THEN return it to them

Already taken by a random hooker

Take it to a library with no security cameras, rip the disc image, upload it somewhere, post it somewhere, and then leave.

Are you incapable of answering questions like a complete autist and meme sperg?

Leak it here, then sell the original disc to a Korean company under a pseudonym and watch what happens after

This was entirely a marketing stunt and all you retards fell for it. There was never a chance the code would have leaked. Companies don't put source code on printed discs like this, that's fucking retarded. What possible purpose would it serve? You put backups on tape.

Attached: shambler.png (383x364, 139K)

They're not going to take it. They're going to give it back to you.

make 100 copies and dead drop them wherever I damn well please

Attached: 1465479247345.png (814x826, 305K)

>Tape Eye of Nowhere to disk
>Mail to Blizzard

can someone explain why this was such a big deal? i mean wasnt the game old as fuck?

I'd have tried to avoid this publicity stunt.

>Companies don't put source code on printed discs like this

Attached: Postal2 GoldMaster.jpg (158x97, 6K)

>imagine all the amazing things people could make
Nothing. It wasn't some holy grail, it is just an old dusty game.

So what was the purpose of the publicity stunt?
To show that being honest with Blizz is making you look like a fucking retard?

You've never heard of a scapegoat? Cops aren't going to be looking for someone if they already have someone.

Source code opens up a load of possibilities for making changes to the game. The reason the Doom scene got so big was because id released the source code for Doom

Not sure, but I wouldn't leak it.
Why would I put my future on the line for some anonymous nobodies?

The fact that it's old as fuck would have been the best part. Old code that hasn't been cleaned up is great to read and chances are that half the variables in the code are named after different variations of NIGGER.

so if he had leaked it the starcraft scene would become big... ? why was that bad for blizzard?


Attached: anigif_enhanced-31387-1422666060-20.gif (302x302, 948K)

Good goyim, go ahead and buy our new starcraft classic

>What possible purpose would it serve? You put backups on tape.
Why the fuck would they do that? The game isn't from the 80s. A compact disc is cheap and more reliable than tape, that's why they replaced them, retard.

>put the ISO on a memory card
>buy a used phone off craigslist or something
>put the memory card in the phone
>drive to a McDonald's or some other place with free public wifi a few towns over
>upload the ISO
>remove memory card
>toss phone in dumpster
>go home
Literally foolproof.

Nobody is going to do that.

break the disk then make a video of me cumming on the pieces

You guys do realiser that Gold Master isn't source code, right?

Gold Master is what gets submitted to become the release game. It's essentially the first edition release of the game.

> Guy sends it to Blizzard
> Gets a copy of Overwatch, 250$ in blizzard money, boxes of Overwatch and Diablo 3 junks and a trip to Blizcon to hear all about Diablo Immortal
> "Thanks Blizzard."

>A compact disc is cheap and more reliable than tape
Tape actually is more reliable though. It's even more reliable than harddrive discs.

If you're playing old games you aren't buying new ones.

you must be high, look at all the aoe mods that are still being made

This meme started 13 years ago.... where has the time gone.

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You realize the disc literally says "source code" on it, right?

Everyone would've just assumed it was a hoax then

>disc labelled Gold Master Source Code doesn't contain source code

Attached: 1527773535692.jpg (380x380, 48K)

Anything that wasnt return it to Blizzard. The end result could have been at least good shitposting but it is just some boyscout shit that pisses me off and gets us nothing

>Gold Master Source Code isn't source code

Attached: 1498607837962.jpg (326x236, 42K)

>Come into possession of something that isn't yours.
>Thinking you deserve anything just because the entity that owns it has money.
This is why aI hate you proto communist faggots, everything boils down to "If you're rich and not handing shit out for free you're evil"

Attached: 1505093141664.jpg (603x393, 43K)

This, like a good boi.

>huh, that's odd, even though Mr Not A. Nonymous ransomed it back to us for an exorbitant sum there are now copies being leaked all over the internet.
>Maybe we should ask our lawyers to have a chat with him.

Broken the disc in half and used it to slice my wrists on stream.

>Post link to file on Yea Forums
>"I ain't clicking that shit nigga"

>A compact disc is cheap and more reliable than tape, that's why they replaced them, retard.

Protip ALL mass storage is still done on tape you retard.

Given that shit like the source code for some Leisure Suit Larry game was going for around $10K a few months back, I would say this could potentially be worth at least $50K-$100K.

>Not enjoying your fresh download of entire 2GB of dolphin porn

>A compact disc is cheap and more reliable than tape, that's why they replaced them, retard.
It literally is not more reliable, and tape is still used today for backups. Consumers use discs now because it is cheaper and more convenient.

I fucking hate this meme. Whenever I try looking for dolphin porn I can't find anything good.

Because Blizzard wants to sell their remaster of SC1 (which could easily be made for free to people by modders).

>there are people who honestly think this wasn't just a publicity stunt set up by blizzard.
How fucking odd that the starcraft gold source code was just magically obtained in an ebay bundle just months away from the latest release of starcraft remastered.

Attached: 1544813280058.gif (480x270, 3.87M)

Copyright laws are literally commie bullshit


Snapped it in two on livestream.

>private property is communism
I don't save reaction images, so pretend I posted a wojak with a tiny brain or something.

Something something abandonment. Also, far more than 10 years, difficult to enforce that the item is rightfully yours after all the time. Which is, he's legally not allowed to redistribute it, but can keep it and do whatever with it.
Like, idk, an open source version of it, claim he lost possession of the item (not really) and somebody else got it, you name it.
Also, stop sucking corporate dick. What's it to you, or blizzard, what happens to it? Lost sales? Give me a fucking break.

Never expect to get anything back you've lost in your retardation, Scrooge McDuck

Will this work?

Attached: 1550881920035.jpg (442x500, 8K)

>implying having laws isn't communism

underage doesn't know what communism actually is

Define communism. Right now.

Ughh fuck yeah financial ruin vs leaking source for a game literally no one gives a shit about anymore, so worth it dude

>implying being an adult isn't communism
>implying replying seriously isn't communism

only right answer.

keep a copy of it
give the authentic disk back to blizzard and then """leak""" the copy onto the internet

>Implying this wasn't just leddit viral marketing set up by Blizzard

(You) are communism commie
go suck off stalin's bagguette you fucking dirty gook

According to Yea Forums scholars, communism is everything I don't like.

Bad choice. They will jew their way on pointing a finger at you when the leak occurs. Clever on paper, though.

>being this much of a corporate cuck

I never thought I would miss anarchist Yea Forums

Attached: 1550430239138.png (600x467, 154K)

I would have leaked it on here anonymously.

/pol/tards and lolbertarians are the biggest bootlickers in existence.

Based and redpilled. Commies seething

nigger, we ain't using 12 inch tapes for this shit, we are using moderns shit that can fit hundreds of terabytes of shit in less space than a vcr cassette.

I would’ve just kept it probably forever.

I don’t care about some niche losers who want to make a mod of a 25 year old game everyone already knows everything about, and I don’t care about blizzard.

I would’ve kept it until I died and then when someone else found it they could choose to do what they want with it.